Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 10, 1941, Page Four, Image 4

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Civil Service Jobs
Open to Students
Application Deadline Set for January 23;
Dean Onthank States Examinations Offer
Opportunities; Two Tests Are Available
Students who will have completed their junior or senior years by
July 1, 1941, now have the opportunity to try for civil service positions,
announcements received recently by the University employment bureau
reveal. Deadline for applying for the examinations is January 23.
Primarily for summer vacation work, the student aid examination
is open to juniors. Students registered in five or six-year courses may
apply to take the examination it
they have completed at leant three
fourths of the work, the announce
ment said.
The junior professional assist
ant examination is open to seniors
who will be graduated in June as
well as to college graduates.
Outhank Urges
Kail W. Onthank, dean of per
sonnel, declared the examination
to be an opportunity that juniors,
seniors, and graduates should not
disregard. He stressed the import
ance of sending in the applications
for the examinations before the
deadline of January 23. "There’s
no way of beating that date,” he
Blanks for the examinations may
be obtained at the postoffi; e down
Fields Listed
Fields included in the student
aid examination are economics,
home economics, public adminis
tration, political science, history,
sociology, and statistics. Those
applying for statistics must have
at least three semester hours of
the subject completed by July 1,
Fields included in the junior pro
fessional assistant are junior ad
ministrative technician, biologist,
business analyst, chemist, econ
omist, geologist, legal assistant,
meteorologist, physicist, writing
and editing assistant.
Requirements for the examina
tions or further information may
be gained at the employment
Canterbury Club
To Outline Program
For Winter Term
Evaluation of student activities
and plans for a winter term pro
gram will be discussed at a Can
terbury club retreat tiii.s afternoon
from 3:30 to 7:45 pan. at the home
of Mrs. Paul D. Sutley, 1841 Em
erald street.
Topics of discussion and their
leaders are:
3:30—Opening worship led by
Rev. E. S. Bartlam.
3:45 Girls' Service league, Bil
lie Wade.
4:00 Boys' Service league, .Tee
4:15 Dramatics club, Lorraine
*1:30 Crafts club, Kay Fitz
4:45- Music, Willis Johnson.
5:00 Sunday night program,
Dan Bacot.
Potluck supper will be served at
0:15, followed by an evaluation by
Mrs. Sutley at 7:30. Closing prayer
and benediction will end the re
treat at 7:45.
Campus Calendar
The Hawaiian club will meet
Saturday at I I a.m. at Taylor’s.
It is very important that sill mem
bers be there.
The civilian pilot training office
wishes to contact Don Brooke im
The local advertising staff of
the Oregon Daily Emerald will
meet today at 4 p.m. in room 19,
Friendly. All local ad staff mem
bers and prospective members are
urged to attend.
Lutheran students will hold a
panel discussion on a Christian’s
attitude on foreign affairs at their
Sunday meeting, (i p.m., Y bunga
_ %
Any tumbler interested in help
ing with half-time stunts at the
Oregon-WSC basketball game Sat
urday night are requested to meet
in the apparatus room, men's phy
sical education building, Friday
afternoon at 4 o’clock, according
to Wilber Osterloh, who is in
Social chairmen of all women’s
houses are to meet this afternoon
at 4 o'clock in the AWS rooms on
the third floor of Gerlinger hall.
Scout Chief to Meet
PE Classes Tuesday
To Discuss Program
Mr. G. H. Oberteuffer, Boy
Scout chief exective from Port
land, will meet with two of Flor
ence Alden's PE classes on Tues
day, January 14, to discuss camp
The morning’ class, “Leadership
in Group Work and Youth Organ
ization,” meets from 9 till 11 in
room 112, Gerlinger hall. The af
ternoon class “Principles of Camp
ing, Camp Organization, Camp
Leadership,” will meet from 3 till
5 in the same room.
The object of Mr. Obertsuffer’s
visit is to acquaint those majors
in physical education who are in
terested professionally in service,
recreation, and youth organization
with the philosophy, organization,
and program of the Scout move
ment and the function of organized
camping in these programs.
Any others interested in the
general field of group work wtio
would care to attend one or botli of
these meetings may get in touch
with Miss Alden at local 2f>2.
You need glasses if your oves smart nr
your head aches when reading, (let the
most out of a good book with dear, heal
thy vision. Have your eyes cheeked by us
and fitted with smart looking distinctive
glasses—then read in comfort!
Phone 880
14 W. 8th St.
Baxter and Crane
To Talk at Assembly
Dr. Bruce R. Baxter, former
president ol' Willamette university
and now bishop of the Portland
area of Methodist ehurehes will Vie
a. featured speaker at a Methodist
student assembly scheduled for
this Saturday and Sunday. Univer
sity of Oregon Wesley foundation
is sponsoring and organizing the
assembly, all meetings of which
will be held in the Methodist
church at Twelfth and Willamette.
The program opens at 5:30 p.m.
Saturday with a banquet for all
students. Dr. Gertrude Boyd Crane,
professor of psychology and phil
osophy at Pacific university will
talk on “An Adequate Christ.” In
keeping with the theme of the eve
ning, a group of foreign students
lias been invited. Of these, Made
line Chin wall sing. Fred Erick
son will act as toastmaster.
Sunday program events are:
9:30 a.m. Dr. Crane will lecture
on “Christ of the Gospels” in Wes
ley chapel.
11:00 a.m. At a morning service
especially for students, Bishop
Baxter will preach on "The Stu
dent’s Christ.”
5:30-7:00 p.m. After this period
of recreation and refreshments,
Dr. Baxter will make his final talk
on the topic, "Christ and Our
In the interests of students wish
ing to attend the basketball game,
the Saturday banquet program
will be ended at 7:30 p.m.
Although this assembly is espe
cially for Methodist students, any
one is welcome to attend any or
all of the meetings.
Tonight Wesley foundation will
hold open house at 8 o'clock to
accommodate students not attend
ing the basketball game.
Starting Team
(Continued from par/e three)
Faster Break
Oregon's lust break offense, de
signed (o push the hall into enemy
territory before tin* latter can
string out an effective defense, is
current history. And it works, if
players are in top condition. We
like to recall the Willamette fra
cas, when the Webfoots “dissipat
ed” the Bearcats in the first period
then ran faster and faster in the
second to turn what seemed headed
for a tight, thrilling encounter
into a virtual rout.
WSC, according to news-hound
Buck Buchwaeh, throws most of
their “eggs” into a big one, 225
pound*6-feet-7-inch Paul Lindc
man. Th,e mammoth Cougar, a
fighting fool, roams around the
backboard pulling off rebounds.
Practically single-handed, he muz
zled Oregon State’s Mandic in that
zone . . . until the former hobbled
off the floor with four personal
If worse comes to terrible, Ore
! gon looters will breathe a prayer
for Hank "The Galloping Needle"
Anderson, hoping that screwy
shot of Hawlceye’s will find the
lump every time.
1 Cougar Forward Vern Butts, a
“set-shot artist,” is due for some
heavy duty work. Same goes for
Captain Bay Sundquist of WSC, a
guard, who bagged 25 points in
two nights against OSC. Kirk Gil
bert, guard, and Dale Gentry, for
ward, complete (lie starting lineup
for the invading squad.
Captain Vic Townsend, guard;
Porky Andrews, guard; Warren
i Taylor, forward; and Red Mc
Neeley, forward, along with An
derson, comprise Hobson's start
ers. However, before the game is
loo far spent, Paul Jackson, Don
Kirseh, "Big" Bill Botcher, Archie |
; Marshik, and Quentin Sidesinger [
I will be mixing- it up in there.
Donui Matman Open
(Continued from page three)
Sigma Nu, default; K. Miyake,
| Gamma hall, over K. Ballard, SAB,
1:20; C. Childs, SAE, over J.
i Young, DU, 4:37; H. Girdlestone,
Kappa Sig, over S. Hailing, SABI,
2:00; B. Sholmaker, Phi Sig, over
D, Bolding, Kappa Sig, 3:3f>; D.
Olosson, ATO, over L. Rodgers,
SABI, 4:38; J. Gleason, Chi Psi,
| over K. Roden, SABI, 4:33; R. Gur
ney, ATO, over I.. McDonald, Chi
Psi, 1:43.
R. Igl, Beta, over R. Crawford,
SAE, :50; C. Haener, Theta Chi,
over R. B'ullerton, Sigma Chi, de
fault; M. Hayes, SAE, over VV.
Moey, Beta, default; B\ Beaver,
Sigma Chi, over D, Rathbun, Beta,
3:40; D. Vennier, Cannard, over O. I
Young, ATO, 2:00; R, Potts, Theta j
j Chi, over H. Trenton, Chi Psi, :35;
J. Risley, B'iji; over E. Parvey, Chi
Psi, 2:10; W. Cathay, B'iji, over J.
Mead, Sigma Nu, default.
Edward L. Ryan, B.S., LL.B., Mgr
860 Willamette, Eugene
Phone 2761-M
Dabblers in Doodling
Beaten by Japanese
UO Moms Will Meet
With State President
Today in Gerlinger
About 25 members of the state
board of the University of Oregon
Mothers’ clubs will meet with Mrs.
Herbert M. Clark, state president,
today in Gerlinger hall at one of
the regular meetings.
The group will be guest of Mrs.
Genevieve Turnipseed at a 12 o'
clock luncheon in Hendricks hall.
Mrs. Donald M. Erb and Mrs.
Frederick M. Hunter will be spe
cial guests of the state board.
A meeting will be held after the
luncheon in Gerlinger hall. Mrs.
John Jay Rogers, state vice-presi
dent is in charge of the arrange
Local women attending the
meeting will be Mrs. Howard Tay
lor, Mrs. A. E. Casweil, and Mrs.
Virgil Parker, president of the
local Mothers' club.
Miss Alden Attends
State Recreational
Committee Meeting
Miss Florence Alden, head of the
women’s PE department, leaves
today for Salem to attend a meet
ing of the state committee on
This subcommittee, asked for by
the City School Superintendents’
association and appointed by the
state superintendent of public in
struction, is part of a larger com
mittee on health, physical educa
tion, and recreation for the state
of Oregon.
The purpose of the recreation
committee is to “determine the
functions of recreation as it re
lates to the school within the com
munity setting.” In connection
with this purpose the committee
is expected to set up policies and
recommendations for the fullest
possible functioning of recreation
The contacts made by Miss Al
den in the field of recreation,
group work, and youth organiza
tion on her sabbatical leave last
spring term is offering valuable
light on the problem before the
Charlotte Collins has resigned
as president of Hendricks hall, ac
cording to information from the
dean of women’s office. Winnie
Green, former vice-president, au
tomatically stepped into the posi
Do you want to improve your
doodling? Then take a course in
According to Stanley Johnson,
one of six members of Dr. H. .T.
Noble’s first year Japanese class,
you can easily confuse the doodle
experts by making the Japanese
“hen scratches” in telephone
booths or on restaurant table
Evidently the course is a pipe,
because Chiyie Arai, Japanese
student, is reported to have taken
it so that she could "see how it
would feel to get an A.”
"I always did like foreign lan
guages,” James Moe, Chinese stu
dent, declared. “It’s the closest I
can come to studying Chinese here
and who knows—?”
"Star” pupil of the class, Frank
Hitchcock, an Hawaiian student,
is so confused that he doesn’t
know what lie's taking, fellow
classmates say. They admit that
they may get up nerve enough
some day to tell him that he is
taking a class in Japanese.
Cablegram Assumes
Safety of Daughter
Dr. George Rebec, professor
emeritus of philosophy, received a
cablegram from Istanbul, Turkey,
yesterday assuring him of the
safety of his daughter, Betty, and
her husband, Mr. Robert Vannice.
Both are graduates of Oregon.
Mr. Vannice received his master’s
degree in architecture from Massa
chusetts Institute of Technology
and has been doing research on
the Byzantine era.
Westminster Five
Meets NCC Tonight
Basketball teams of Westmin
ster house and the First Christian
church will clash tonight at 8 on
the floor of Northwest Christian
college gymnasium. Because of
this game and the Oregon-Wash
ington State conflict, Westminster
open house will begin after game
lime, continuing until'11:30 p.m.
Dorm to Give Dance
Hendricks hall will entertain
with a radio dance after the bas
ketball game tonight, similar to
one given a year ago.
Everyone is invited and cam
pus clothes will be in order, ac
cording to Lillian Zidell, chair
8 :00 a. m.
9:1 ,i a. m.
9:43 a. in.
! 12 :ilfl noon
12:15 p. rn.
1 :30 p. tn.
Croup Breakfasts.
Registration, School of Journalism, X. niversity of Oregon. I
General Session. Room 105. School of journalism, \V. Verne Me- i
Kinney, co-publisher Hillsboro Argus, President Oregon Press
Conference, presiding.
Appointment of Oregon Press Conference Committees, Mr. Mc
Appointment of Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association Com
mittees. Giles I,. French, President. Publisher Sherman County
"'l esting Trends in Public Opinion" Richard P>. Dudman of Palo
Alto. Calif., associate in The Front Door Ballot Box.
"f.atest Developments in the l.aw of tiie Press”—Professor Charles
M. Hulten. University of Oregon.
"Modernizing the Makeup”—Darrel lull is. News F.ditor Hillsboro
Argus, for weekly papers; Peter l.aurs. News F.ditor Oregon City
Enterprise, for small city dailies.
General Discussion.
Adjournment for Luncheon.
No-Host Luncheon. The Anchorage. Charles M. Hulten. Toast
master. “The Workings of the Selective Service System”—Lieut.
Col. Elmer V. Wooton. State Director.
General Session. Room 105, School of Journalism.
Mr. McKinney, presiding.
"Editorial Writing as of 1941”—Dean Eric W. Allen, School of
Journalism. '
Discussion Panel. General Snbiect "The Press and Public Opinion :
What Does the Public Want? What Should the Newspaper Give?”
Frank Jenkins, publisher, editor, and manager Klamath News and
Herald, chairman. Members—Giles I.. French, publisher^ Sherman
Gottnty Journal: Pn’mer Hoyt. Tuthlisher The Oregonian; Sheldon F.
Sackett. publisher Coos tt-'v Times: Donald J. Sterling, managing
editor Oregon Tournal; William M. Tugman, managing editor, Ku
gene Register-Guard.
5:30 p. m. Annual Bannuet (No-Host), Hotel Osburn (purchase tickets at
clerk's desk. Osburn lobby).
Dean Eric W. Allen. Toastmaster.
Complimentary Request Appearance of Eugene Gleemen, John
Stark Evans. Director.
“The Administrative Features of the Fair Labor Standards Act"—
Dean Wavue E. Morse. School of Law. University of Oregon, Ar
bitrator of Pacific Coast Waterfront Disputes.
8 :00 p. m. Basketball. W.S.C. vs. U. of O.. McArthur Court.
(Conference members guests of Associated Students, University
of Oregon.)
Gerlinger Hostess
Returns From Trip
Back from a week of traveling-,
Mrs. Edith Siefert, hostess of Ger
linger hall, Wednesday described
the landscape of "sunny” Califor
nia as streaming with rain.
Mrs. Siefert accompanied her
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Robert P.
Booth, and her two sons, Dicky
and Bobby, to the home of Mrs.
Booth's parents in Banning.
They took the coast trip down.
Mrs. Siefert returned by way of
the California valleys where she
was particularly impressed with
the sheets of muddy water which
fell steadily.
During her absence Mrs. Edna
Prescott and Mary Booth carried
on her work in Gerlinger hall.
Vincent Addresses
Portland Art Class
Andrew Vincent, professor of
drawing and painting in the Uni
versity art school, lectured to a
large group of the Portland art
class in that city Wednesday.
Besides lecturing on mural paint
ing, Professor Vincent gave a dem
onstration of this type of work
in the studios at the. Portland art
The Portland art class which he
attended is the oldest art group in
I that city and according to Dean
O. F. Stafford, of the University
art school, the group is one of the
most prominent classes in the
'Y' Rel5crious Leader
Issues Invitations
Rev. Williston Wirt is inviting
several freshmen to his home Sun
day afternoon as a part of the
YMCA’s campaign to get students
“in the know” with both faculty
and community leaders in youth
religious work, Paul Sutley, “Y”
director, announces.
Dan Eacot, who is in charge of
this work of the YMCA, will be
able to secure invitations for fresh
men wishing to meet this member
of the YMCA advisory board. Sut
ley will be willing to talk with
students interested in this get
acquainted project at the “Y” I
Lunch, lea to Honor
Pro-America Head
A luncheon at the Eugene hotel
and a tea at Gerlinger hall at 4:30
this afternoon have been arranged
in honor of Mrs. A. C. Mattei, na
tional chairman of the Pro-Amer
ican organization.
She will arrive in Eugene this
morning on the Cascade to visit
the Lane county chapter which is
considered outstanding, Dean Ha
zel P. Schwering stated.
Resen’ations for the 50-cent
luncheon which will begin at 12:30
must be made by all those who
plan to attend, as delegates from
other chapters in Oregon are also
coming. Arrangements are being
made for Mrs. Mattei to attend the
basketball game Friday night.
Initiates Announced
Seven students will be initiated
into Phi Delta Phi. international
law honorary, in early February
according to Wendell Wyatt, pres
ident. George Luonia, Cecil Wright,
Brock Miller, Robert Payne, Philip
Lowry. Thomas Stacer, and .Tames
Buell are the new pledges.
Aiter the Game
Is Over . . .
drop in to Robinson's
—Malts, Shakes
—Soft Drinks
Ph. 2974 590 E. 13th
v iirs iimricauHi wiim* m
swaying motion— /
Batteries charged. A’
CLAY S% f 1
IJromekoij $■ \
llth at Hilyard — On the Campus
the average of the 4 other largesBiUng
cigarette^t^^edi-j-less thananyof thelfct^. according
to mdependent>4cle«t5hc tests ef the smoke Itself
WHEN all is said and done, the thing in smoking is the
smoke! Your taste tells you that the smoke of slower-burn
ing Camels gives you extra mildness, extra coolness, extra flavor.
Now Science tells you another important—and welcome—
fact about Camel’s slower burning.
I.ess nicotine—/// the smoke! 2 8% less nicotine than the average
of the other brands tested—/';/ the smoke! Less than any of them
—in the smoke! And it’s the smoke that reaches you.
Mark up another advantage for slow burning —and for you!
Try Camels...the slower-burning cigarette...the cigarette
with more mildness, more coolness, more flavor, and less
nicotine in the smoke! And more smoking, too—as explained
below package, right.
“SMOKING OUT" THE FACTS about nicotine. Experts,
chemists analyze the smoke of *> of the largest-selling
brands ... find that the smoke of slower-burning Camels
contains less nicotine than any of the other brands tested.
By burning 25% slower
than the average of the 4 other
largest-selling brands tested—
slower than any of them—Camels
also give you a smoking plus equal,
on the average, to