Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 10, 1941, Page Three, Image 3

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    Webfoots Open Title Quest Against WSC Tonight
By KEN CHRISTIANSON, Co-Editor of Sports
Just how tough is this Washington State team? It is difficult
to say until the Cougars have had a chance to claw the Ducks
to shreds tonight as they did so well against the Oregon State
Beavers in the first half Wednesday. But chances are that the
Cougars will fold at some period in the game as they did against
the Beavers.
The consensus of watchers at both the Oregon State
Washington State games was that Coach Jack Friel's boys
should have won both—especially the last. For the Cougars
were going blithely on their way, potting shots from all
angles, holding the Beavers to 10 points, and preparing a
brand of Beaver broth—all of this in the first half. Then in
the second half, Clayton Shaw started getting a bit of Cou
gar fur. The Washington Staters, who had been wafted
along gently and getting their baskets, suddenly hit a cold
streak. It was just like they had been floating on the
Japanese current and then struck out for the arctic circle
in cold waters.
If there weren't tilings like personal fouls, the Cougars would
have gotten along much better. But it hurt the Washington
State cause no end when Paul “Bunyan” Lindemann and Dale
Gentry went out by that method. Gentry is the boy of whom
the comment lias been made, ‘‘ His chest is so thick, it looks as if
lie were running sideways.” Lindemann is called “Paul Bun
yan” because of his size—all li feet 7 inches and 225 pounds
of him.
I he Rest ot the Cougars—
But the team lias three other guys on it who are rated as
g'ood or better than these two. Hay Sundquist, scored 25 points
in the two nights—should he keep that up, it's a new record.
Kirk Gebert has improved over last year at guard, and Vern
Butts helps put the scoring punch in the team. Hobby Ilobson
rated Sundquist and Butts as,the two best of the team.
No doubt the loss of little Bud Olson hurt the team when
it came to holding together to stave off a scoring threat of
the opponent. Olsen may have had a marvelous faculty for
talking himself into technical fouls and out of teammate
friends, but regardless of that, his teammates played ball for
him. It seems also that lack of condition has something to
do with the Washington State losses. The entire team was a
very worn out bunch of players following the series, and the
running type of game which Hobby built won't help the
stamina of the Cougars in the least.
Washington State’s prcseason record includes nine wins in
ten games. The only loss was one to Eastern Washington Col
lege of Education which is better known as Cheney normal.
Cheney won .'17 to 50, hut the “Cougars waxed Cheney in tin;
second game. Doe Henry tells me that Cheney has one of the
best teams in the northwest, and probably the best in the Pa louse
high country. Cougar victims include Montana, Whitman,
Cheney, Gonzaga, and Willamette.
First for the Frosh
Come what may—Atherton, few players, or bad weather—
John Warren always comes up with a fast, colorful basketball
team, the basis for Hobson’s titlists and contenders. Warren
shows his material this afternoon in the Igloo against Lebanon
high school. The OSC rooks hade already taken the measure
of the Lebanon players, 4o to 20, as well as Hood River.
John fully expects to floor a team although he woidd
prefer that some of his turnout had “remained in the coun
try or some other place.’’ Year after year John praises his
team with extravagant terms like, “rotten, awful, and
terrible.’’ Each time that ope asks him if a player is pretty
good, John always I’etaliates with, “Is he?” Yeah, he's
always interested in finding out anything new about one
of his “stars.” But when John becomes effusive in praise
of one of his players, “he should have stayed in the coun
try” rather than his stock answer, “don’t know,” it’s a
cinch that he'll have a presentable team.
It may be that John’s starting lineup will he Bob Sheridan,
Rog Dick, Lloyd Jackson, Bill Gissberg. and Bob Newland.
Warren could shove a combination on the floor which would
look intranational, if he pul Jim Yitti at guard. Yilti is from
Darien, Connecticut.
'Twogie' Quits Post
The resignation of Forrest Twogood of Idaho came as a com
plete surprise to most sport fans in the Northwest. “Twogie,”
as iie was affectionately known by sportswriters and coaches,
gave notice. He is one of the best liked coaches in the Northern
division and always produces colorful ball clubs. Being both
basketball and baseball coach, “Twogie” will be missed by
fans. Many is the time fans have taken their eyes from a has-1
ketball game just to watch “Twogie” rant and rave at the
roofs, players, and fans in general.
No reason is given for his resignation other than a possibility
of active duty with the army or another salaried job in defense.
Twogood who was a former major league pitcher and victim of
“bursitis” (a condition where the sack in the armpit bursts and
no lubrication of the joint is possible) lias made use of his
pitching knowledge and turned out good pitchers at Idaho. Two
or three of them are in organized baseball at the present time.
Willamette Park
This ad is worth 25c
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Ea~ Dickson’s 12-piece
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diet that substitutes powdered
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Get Your -
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Starting Team
Intact as Ducks
Set Igloo Match
Conference Opener
Planned for 8:00;
Cougars Ready
Dawn of another season.
And tonight all Oregon jams the
Igloo to watch Howard Hobson’s
Webfoots start galloping in the
general direction of Oregon State’s
northern division basketball title,
when they open hostilities against
a Washington State five licked
twice in its curtain raiser scries
by the Corvallis Beavers.
Cougars Ready
“Our boys are in good physical
condition,” commented Cougar
Coach Jack Friel, as his players
were recuperating from their rath
er unsuccessful tangles with Ore
gon State Tuesday and Wednesday
night. “We haven’t seen Oregon
play, but reports indicate they
have quite a ball club.”
Already Duck mentor Hobson
has averred that this season will
see in action the “best lOonan
squad” lie’s ever had, and it’s no
deep, dark secret that the. calm,
undemonstrative Webfoot chief is
aiming both barrels at Oregon
State’s northern division cage title.
Do-or-Die for WSC
A Washington State fumble
against Oregon tonight and tomor
row will be disastrous for them,
for in all probability, it'll shove
them aside as a major contender
for hoop kings in this neck of the
forest. Such will relegate WSC to
activities consisting mainly of
harassing other quintets in there
grabbing for the big prize.
A double win for Oregon will
elevate the Ducks on a plane with
Ducklings Ready for Hoop Opener Today
In his sixth year as W'ebfoot
hoop coach, Howard “Hobby”
Hobson sends his "Tall Firs”
against the Washington State
Cougars in the Igloo tonight.
Anyone interested in helping
with half-time stunts at the UO
W'SC game Saturday night, meet
in the apparatus room of the I’K
building at 4, Friday, for workout.
Wilbur Oslerloh is in charge.
OSC and give the Webfoots tre
mendous impetus toward realiza
tion of any championship aspirant.
Against Oregon State, the Cou
gars employed a tight man-for
man defense, and an offense that
crept down the floor from the, toss
in but gained momentum under the
hoop. In both games these tactics
worked marvels ... in the first
(Please turn to page jour)
Paul “Stonewall” Jackson, diminutive Webfoot guard, who will sec
action as Oregon faces the Washington State Cougars in their first
conference test tonight in McArthur court. Jackson's drive make him
a team sparkplug. He is one of the small men of the Duck squad, being
only 5 feet 7 inches.
Hoop ‘Barrymore9
Is Crowd Pleaser
When the tensity of the game
(lies down and Hobby goes blue and
th<- Ducks .just aren’t on their us
ual par, it gets to be a pretty un
pleasant clambake for the male
side of the court. But ’taint so for
the. girls. They get forty thrilling
minutes—admiring Paul Jackson's
‘Isn't he s-s-simply d-ducky!"
th^y say—and not only 13 this
f ive-foot-seven inch basketball
"Barrymore'' a perfect fill-in for
the role of God's Gift to Women
Much more. I Jo's the team’s fan
ciest dribbler and a crack solo art
ist. Jackson scored 140 points at
guard position midway through
ihr PHO season and v.aa nampd on
the ail-confcrencc second team
On<= of the very instinct life-size
— = - - J- *- .» ->
court under the Hotsca reign, he
makes up for the lack of height1
with speed and amazingly accur
ate ball-hawking. And what's
more, he has good shooting range
to make it threc-Ucep, too.
Low on l'"ouls
Jackson made the least number
of personal fouls in the league last
year and perhaps that’s some kind
of a. record by itself. He got his
biggest thrill, he says, when the
Ducks played Long Island univer
sity before 18,00b eastern fans las*
month. It was a great game, it is
understood, at least white Jack-j
bon was in.
Jackaou played high school has-;
! ketball at Oakland (Calif > Tech,
playing forward and scoring an
high a.; 25 points in one game He |
majors m bus mess administration
and to complete the list of minor
statistical data, he resides m Eu
g'-iZz ■■ ?*r Hz*. 10” ss:i--. gai
. pats three lumps in his ceffee.
Lebanon Quintet
Invading Team
'Little Firs' Make
Debut at 3:30 in
McArthur Court
The freshman basketeers will
get (heir firsl taste of competition
this afternoon when Coach John
Warren sends his charges against
the Lebanon high school team.
The game is slated for McArthur
court and the officials will toss
the hall into play at 3:30.
The frosh took things easy in
Thursday’s practice and contented
themselves with foul shots and
warming up.
Lineup Unnamed
The starting lineup for the game j
is not yet set. Lloyd Jackson,
towering six footer is slated to j
start at the center position. Jack
son has shown well in practice,
and especially with his work under
the backboard. Starter at right
forward will be Bob Sheridan. A
six footer witli plenty of speed,
Sheridan looms as a scoring threat.
Bob Ncwland will bo the probable
starter at one guard spot. He is
hard pressed by Walt Kresse.
The figlit for the olher forward
position is wide open with Bob
Wren, Itoger Dick, Warren Christ
ensen, and George Sertic all bid
ding for the starting post.
Bill Ginsberg beads the list for
the starting spot at the other
guard position.
First for Frosh
The game will be the first test
for the “little tall firs” and will
also serve somewhat as a measur
ing stick for the comparative
merits, of Ducklings and the Hooks.
In their Tuesday’s game with the
Rooks, Lebanon was trampled un
der by a 43 to 20 score.
W A A Notice
All people interested in taking
the written examination for the
National Volleyball Officials’
rating, please study the 1940
rules and report at 5 p.m. in
room 121, Gerlinger, on Friday,
January 17. Those people who
have taken the earlier exam must
also take this one, even though
they were successfid on the first.
for the best
Cor. 13th and Alder
“Doc” Ireland, Prop.
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You will enjoy
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Sea h oods
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Winter Wonderland Dance !
SCKL1CK S Barber Siwy
(V5 T 15«> t*
John Warren, Duckling coach,
leads his team into their first bas
ketball game today against the
Lebanon preppers.
Boxing Tournament Slated
For All-Campus Mittmen;
Corley, Riley to Referee
A two-day all-campus boxing tournament will take place next Wed
nesday and Thursday in the boxing room of the physical cd plant.
\nyone who has not made his letter in boxing is eligible to com
pete, providing he is in good physical condition.
Tournament Monday
Tournament managers have set
the registration deadline as 5:30
Monday. According to official
sources entries can be made either
by living organizations or inde
Vspirants will be notified of the
date set for their individual weigh
in ceremony at the time of regis
tration. Kill rants should also
i designate what weight division
they will fight in.
The purpose of this tournament
I is two-fold to provide student re
Donut Matman Open
Meet With 47 Wins
Forty-seven results were counted tip in the first day of the intra
mural wrestling in the 115 and 155-pound classes Thursday. Many
uins were recorded by default when opponents failed to show.
The fastest time for pinning an opponent was made by R. Potts,
Theta Chi, over II. Trenton, Chi Psl, in 85 seconds. Next best time
was a win counted up by Charles Church, Phi Delta Theta, over F.
Baker, Sigma Chi, in 36 seconds.
145-Pound Class
H. Duden, Beta, over B. Dryden,
Sherry Ross, 4:50; J. Battles,
Delta, over J. Wicks, Theta Chi,
2:26; C. Church, Phi Delt, over F.
Baker, Sigma Chi, 36 seconds; S.
Sklllicorn, Sigma Nu, won by de
fault over J, Fitzgibbon, Kappa
Sig; R. Ruse, Sigma Chi, over M.
Hand, SAE, 1:05; J. Craig, Beta,
over W. Peterson, SAE, 1:19; D.
Shannon, Kirkwood, over D. Mor
oiie, Sigma Chi, 2:11; I'. Riley,
Phi Delt, over R. Farron, SAE,'
1:15; J. SLinebaugh, Fiji, over R.
V a li d e n e y n d e, A TO, 6:28; l >.
Bariek, ATO, over E. Zilinisky,
SAM, :17; W. Maynard, Sigma
Chi, won by default over R. Will.
L. Salinardo, Sherry Ross, over
R. Barde by default; C, Bee, Zeta,
over C. Sargeant, Yeomen, 2:00;
J. Desassiso, Zeta, over K. Gaines,
Kappa Sigma, 5:30; H. Hildebran,
Sigma Chi, by default of C. Nelson,
Beta. Bob McClellan, Canard, over
E. Burtenshaw, SABI, :47; W. Os
terleh, independent, over Bill Mox
ley, Sigma Chi, 1:09; R. McClintic
over L. Lansh by default; E. Shiclc,
Phi Sig, over R. Walk, SPE, 2:02;
B. Cougill, Phi Sig, over R. Perlu
man, SAM, 5:00; W. Treece, Phi
Delt, over J. Kanten, SAM, 1:21;
E. Cheek over C. Pavers, ATO,
i :3 <; B. Driver default win over
F. Karlson, Fiji; J. Docrn, DU,
over C. Mulley, Sigma Nu, 1:08.
l55~pound Class
Appleton, independent, over G.
Kramer, Kappa Sig, default; L.
Ball if, Theta Chi, won by default
over A. Gray; J. Ryel, SABI, over
W. Doney, Kappa Sig, default; D.
Scroggin, SABI, over D. Seeley,
(Please turn to page four)
creation and to uncover new ma
terial for the varsity.
Corley to Referee
Varsity Coach Vaughn Corley
and Pete Riley will referee the
matches. Judges will be chosen
from last year's lettermen.
Mat Talent
Lack Noted
There’s a little fat boy over in
Europe (name of Benito Musso
lini) who, from everything we
hear, could use a few reinforce
ments. Chubby Benito could use a
few more soldiers, but he doesn't
need them hulf as bad as Head
Coach Tex Oliver, and Assistant
IJoyd Koehler need reinforcements
in their little game of war on the
No Small Men
The problem of molding a top
flight group of grapplers from a
squad that doesn’t have anyone in
the low weights is what is bother
ing the heads of the Webfoots’
wrestling department.
Koehler revealed yesterday that
there is a crying need for little
men in the Oregon bone-bendmg
business—and that prospects for
gaining new recruits aren’t espe
cially good. Koehler also said that
he is refereeing the intramural
wrestling matches and will have a
weather eye peeled for men gifted
with special talent in the two-man
tug o’ war.
Pessimism Reigns
Although pessimisim flows free
ly in the Duck wrestling shop,
there is still a little hope that a
few men will be uncovered who
arc as willing to struggle for their
alma mater, as they are for dear
old Tappa Nu Keg.
Don’t Keep THEM
in the Dark
UheednM Emehald
“Bolter 1 halt a Letter’
Special Kate
$I.Jj per term
Remainder of Year