Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 10, 1941, Page Two, Image 2

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    The Oregon Dailv Emerald', published daily dining the college year except Sundays,
Mondays, holidays, and hnal examination periods bv the Associated Students, l/nivcrsity
of Oregon. Subscription rates: $i.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as second
“ class matter at the postoftice, Eugene, Oregon.
Represented lor national advertising by XA'l ION’AL ADVER I ISINO SER\ ICE,
INC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago— Jios
ton -Eos Angeles-- San Francisco—Portland and Seattle.
JAMES VV. FROST, Business Manager
AaoUtI.Alc. i'.UUUKs: iiai yvmcy, xieien /mikcu
- Jimmie Leonard, Managing Editor
Kent St.tzcr, News Editor
Fred May, Advertising Manager
Boh Rogers, National Advertising Mgr.
Editorial Board: Roy Vernstrom, Pat Erickson, Helen Angell, Harold Olney, Kent
Stitzer, Jimmie Leonard, and Professor George Turnbull, adviser.
Editorial and Business Offices located on ground floor of Journalism building. PI. nes
3300 Extension; 3H2 Editor; 3o3 News Office; 359 Sports Office; and 354 Business
Pat Erickson, Women's
Ted Kcuyon, Photo Editor
Boh Ealvclle, Co-Sports
Ken Christianson, Co Sports
Wes Sullivan, Ass’t News
Betty Jane Biggs, Ass’t
News Editor
Ray Schrick, Ass’t Manag
ing Editor
Tom Wright. Ass’t Manag
ing Editor
Corrinc Wigne*, Executive
Johnnie Kahananni, Feature
rtivercia Aiacacr, v,iassineu auvcnismu
Ron Alpau^h, Layout Production Man
linicrson Page, Pr> tuition Director
Janet Farnhain, Office Manager
Politics and Student Affairs
"Y^IIKN polities begins to threaten student government,
as it now seems to be doing in most of the classes and in
the ASUO, it is time that something is done. If this '‘some
thing” is not done it is obvious that student government
will suffer in the form of more sweeping faculty control of
student affairs.
Any move in that direction will come not so much because
members of a faculty desire to take away the authority from
the students, but because they have lost faith in the ability
of students to handle their own affairs. Some of those ad
vocating more faculty supervision will do so quite unconscious
of the effects on student government.
Most recent example of this trend is the suggestion at a
recent board meeting that all organizations be required to
"turn their bookkeeping over to the University business office.
This would mean that all student organizations, including
honoraries, would have their expenditures and incomes
handled and supervised by the administration.
# # *
suggestion was made in good faith. It- had instant sup
port from several members of 1 ho faculty. It probably
will receive more supporters as it spreads. The primary pur
pose of the suggestion was to bring about some method of
uniform and systematic bookkeeping on the part of all stu
dent groups. Even this small a delegation of power, however,
might lead to other steps.
If carried far enough, the gravitation of power from stu
dent to faculty might end in the abolition of student govern
ment—abolition not of the offices and organizations, but of
’ the responsibilities and the things which make it worth while.
There would still be the leaders with the same titles, but,
they would find their courses of action limited and well-cut
■ out ahead of time. They would be led by restrictions, regula
tions, and other rules handed down from above.
A student organization puzzling over the possibility of
"breaking even on a dance, a tired committeeman attempting
to find a new way to get publicity for an event, four or five
..students planning a pep assembly, a banquet celebrating a
* successful Junior weekend—these are things that make stu
• dent government worthwhile.
They can survive only if they are protected from the forces
. of political unscrupulousness.
'19 to '41—The Press Conference
^'"JATHERED at the journalism “shack” today is probably
as impressive an array of “big” names in Oregon jour
nalism as the University has welcomed to the campus since a
visionary group of twenty-live or so newsmen goth together in
April, 1919, just twenty-three press conferences ago, and
started the whole thing.
The year upon which this conference looks back is wholly
unsurpassed in the twenty-two that have gone before. A
savage Prussian military machine has quashed the major
part of a continent ; Americans have in a few short months
undergone a complete reversal in opinion on their role in
the war; an American president has for the first time been
elected to a third term, laterally, it has been a year for the
# # #
t^^lTII such a year behind them, newspapermen come to
Eugene perhaps only a little less confused than the
public which they work to enlighten. Their meeting might
well be called, its Hill Tugman says, a conference of discon
tent—a meeting of protest. It is certain that there is plenty
of cause for such a gathering. Much water and blood have
gone under the bridge in a year.
So to Press t onfereuee President McKinney. ON PA Presi
dent French, newsmen, publishers, .journalists, the Emerald
and the University extend a cordial hand, a sincere “Wel
come home” to Oregon.
Life Is a Tale
“QI R 111'.' is a fair that is living told . . .
Perhaps it is a masterpiece in the making. Or maybe
it will more closely resemble a tabloid exhibition
One ft eh a disturbing responsibility to walk warily through
the days of 1041. Our soust with increasing clarity that exist
enee is a drama, a show, a eoneetilmcnt behind masks. He
becomes vlf.conscious when he realize, that he is an actor
and an actual character in tin thing:
The very young land many others chop up the tale or
life and resolve to live it in section: "'When 1 grow up, I'll
be a fireman.' anticipates a miraculous turning point in the
story, perhaps the beginning of part two, where, suddenly,
the little one is adult, md an entirely new person.
College students seem to expert a similar metamorphosis.
Their recipe is. student phi diploma equals one completely
changed human being, llow nice.
“^~^lvR life is a tale that is being told . It is being told
right now, today. The things one tlunks or utters all
-become par: ox that l;x mg story, one that cannot bo post
poned to the future for writing. It is being told and recorded
this instant.
One must walk warily through the days of 1941. Now, as
much and more than ever, the world is very much with us.
Recognition *of the fact is unavoidable. Adjustment to it is
Is this story, then, to be a masterpiece or a cheap exhibi
tion? Is it all “sound and fury, signifying nothing?” O'' is it
consciously developed, subject to plan and organization?
“Our life is a tale that is being told ...” The quotation
itself infers that the teller of the tale is alert and aware.
As he develops, so does his story.—P.E.
In the*Editor's Mail
An Open Letter to
Tiger Payne,
Marge McLean,
Harry Bergtholdt,
Betty Buchanan.
Dear Fellow-members of the
Executive Committee:
Thi3 letter might well be en
titled “Politics and the Appoint
ment of Dad’s Day Chairman.”
Suspicious soul that I am, I be
lieve that in voting for and ap
pointing Stan Staiger chairman
of Dad’s Day your primary con
sideration was a political ono,
and that in this respect you ig
nored your obligation to pro
mote and maintain sound stu
dent government. In an effort
to substantiate this accusation,
I shall review, not for your
benefit, but for that of any poor
unfortunate who may be suf
ficiently idle or sufficiently mis
guided to read this epistle, the
background of the appointment.
On Sunday, January 5, the ex
ecutive committee met to make
the appointment of a Dad’s Day
chairman. Of the few applica
tions turned in, only two were
deemed worthy of serious con
sideration, those of George
Macking and “Buck Buchwach.
I stated then that I considered
both men equally well qualified
for the position, but that in
view of the fact that Mackin
had already participated in nu
merous activities of this type,
Euchwach should be given this
opportunity, since I felt that
any wholesome activity pro
gram should include as great
a number of students as possi
All members present who
knew Buchwach -Payne, Berg
tholdt, Nelson, and I—agreed
that Buchwach was a very com
petent man. Four members,
Payne, Bergtholdt, McLean, and
Buchanan (via telephone, since
she was unable to attend the
meeting) declared that Mackin
was at least slightly more com
petent and should receive the
appointment, with Buchwach
being appointed promotion
chairman. Nelson and I dissent
ed but were not in the least dis
gruntled, since wo thought
Mackin highly competent.
Mackin, since he had, un
known, at the time, to the ex
ecutive committee, received ap
pointment as Senior ball chair
man, resigned as Dad's Day
At a meeting Tuesday, Jan
uary 7, the executive committee
again took action on the ap
pointment of a Dad’s Day
chairman. I was obliged to leave
early, but first stated that I
considered Buchwach the logi
cal choice. Over Nelson's dis
senting vote, you appointed
Why was a man who was not
considered sufficiently qualified
to even receive mention at the
first meeting appointed chair
man at the second?
Why was a man who was not
sufficiently interested in the po
sition to submit a petition ap
pointed chairman ?
Why was the appointment re
fused Buchwach at the second
meeting when his qualifications
were well enough considered to
make him second choice at the
first meeting?
I believe Staiger was appoint
ed and Buchwach not appointed
because Buchwach is an inde
In my office I am no more
obligated to an independent
than I am to a Greek. But I do
not believe that sound student
government is possible without
the participation and interest
of all students. By discriminat
ing against an independent, you
have helped to stifle the inter
est and prevent the participa
tion of independents in student
government and activities. No
independent, incidentally, has
received a student appointment
of any consequence this year.
I have no quarrel with Stan
Staiger; I respect his capabili
ties but I do not feel that he is
nearly ay well qualified for this
particular position as Buchwach
is. My quarrel is with you for
abusing the power and respon
sibility of your offices by play
ing politics in making this ap
Until next executive commit
tee meeting when I will make
this statement in less literary
but more forceful terms, I re
Your combative colleague,
John Cavanagh.
so be it..
I— ——————
over at the AOPi house they'll swear to this on a stack of
Bibles as high as a member's nose. . . .
a freshman answered the phone recently and was asked
if so-and-so, one of the AOPi houseboys lived there . . . the
caller thought that perhaps the houseboy had a room in the
basement which is common
enough on many campuses . . .
puzzled, the freshman coed an
swered “who?” . . . the name
was repeated on the other end
of the wire and then, “does he
sleep there?" was added. . . .
the pledge explained hack
with, “I stay on second and he
doesn't sleep there . . . hut I
don't know what goes on up on
third". . . .
* * *
lit up like a searchlight late
one night last week, live
(iKhGKS, each with a different
letter eonilunution pinned over
his fifth rib, zig-zagged home,
after a sudsy bull session in a
downtown parlor.
stiffer than an army ser
geant's hack, the ti\e decided a
sorority they were passing need
ed serenading ... it was sere
muted. . .
the coeds got n big Kick out
of listening to the fermented
music and speculated among
themselves 11s to the Identity of
their entertainment. . .
the next day a member ot the
sorority reminded of the inci
dent by a song her coke-mate
was humming to himself, told
the humming one of the pre
vious night's entertainment and
sat wondering just who the
singers could have been. . .
the boy looked up with a jerk
and stopped humming the tune
that had reminded her of that
serenade . . . for the song he
had been humming was the one
he had sung with tour others
under n sorority house window
the uight betore. . .
library workers are often the
most flagrant violators of the
library's own “Quiet Rule” . . .
the other p.m. some of them
were standing just back of the
desk in the reading room loud
ly clashing words about some
one's vacation ... a bull ses
sion in other words . . .
several annoyed students at
tempting to study kept looking
up with critical stares . . . final
ly one student bellowed out as
loud as he could—“QUIET!!!"
4- 4* 4
love is desprit, love is sad
love is futile, love is bad
love's a sorrow, love's a curse
but not to be in love is worse.
campus quips . . . ROY
WYATT as a 'lame duck' . . .
the SIG EPS caused a crisis at
WRIGHT'S breakfast the other
morning when they descended
upon him to demand a retrac
tion “ r else''—TOMMY classi
fied the SPEE boys with the
one word “rabble"—tsk, tsk,
TOMMY, not rabble—perhaps
an indoor street riot —but not
' ibble . . the OREGON STATE
BAROMETER'S new sports ed
itor. BILL VESSEY, embalmed
his first rolm with (he name
already in use on the STAN
FORD DAILY'S sport page
the EUGENE NEWS has one
of the early claims on the same
heading . . . dean of the school
Another Nickel hop has re
imbursed the scholarship fund,
and all will be quiet for a cou
ple of days, until the WAA deal
Saturday night—and that fight
ing basketballer, Bill Borcher,
DU, will probably escort his
newly planted steady, Mercedes
Beck . . . Jim Green, Phi Delt
transfer from OAC, and Alpha
Flee Babs Reed have severed
all diplomatic and domestic re
lations—maybe Nancy Lee is
still in the picture—and after
all these years.
Lois Welborn came tripping
back to school with a Sig Ep
pin belonging to a Randolph
field cadet, Hugh Hoffman . . .
Looks like Marie Gabel, the
blonde Sigma Kappa, has de
cided to settle down—with
Frank Albright’s DU pin—and
incidentally, Milodene Goss is
far from a goon, if you read
the infirmary column.
Noticed during the five-cent
struggle: the cutest Kappa of
them all, Alma Paksis, occupied
taking tickets — whattarook!
And speaking of Kappas, Jim
Houck, Theta Chi, will plant his
pin on Nancy Dutton as soon as
Nancy fulfills the KKG pin
taking requirement, which con
sists of making her grades . . .
Helene Wilmot is certainly a
wonderful dancer . . .
Tridelt Jean Johnson seemed
to be having a wonderful time
with that tall blonde . . . over
heard during the course of the
evening—At the Pi Phi house,
“If one more person was in this
room, none of us could budge
an inch!”—at the DG house,
"Cummon Amy—you can’t af
ford to miss another flying
class—it’s five after seven
now!”—at the Phi house. “Even
the rugs seem to ooz with Be
tas around here.”
The genial Sigma Nu, Doc
Henry, has thrown over the
Oregon girls for a WSC Alpha
Chi—she comes here for his
house dance, he goes there for
Jack Lansing's fraternity
brothers say that he planted
his pin on some blonde Theta—
the Thetas don't seem to know
anything about it—why don't
they get together and we'll
print what really happened
some day—if anyone ever finds
out .. . Bill Friewald is a sur
prising gent. Ho returned to
the Kappa Sig house last night
after disappearing from his par
ents in Portland during Christ
mas vacation—guess he just
didn't want to wait around for
his grades.
Newest heap on the campus
is the Phis recent addition—a
smooth green and yellow job
of about 1930 vintage.
Harry Bergtholdt’s pictures
seem to be in demand by a cer
tain Alpha Chi—who purloined
one a couple of weeks ago —
then she got it re-stolen from
her— of course I wouldn't men
tion her name—but her initials
are Lorraine Lewis.
Seen in the libe already this
term is Bill Fendall's protege
from the Gamma Fi house, Pat
ty Sutton who amazed every
one and pulled down a 2.0 last
term wouldn’t Fendall be
squelched if they pledged her to
Phi Bete in a few years (quite
a few—say, about 25).
of business, VICTOR P. MOR
RIS, paused in his class lecture
ramblings the other day while,
discussing MARX's co-arranger
of the COMMUNISM theory,
ENGELS -VIC was struck by
the similarity of sound between
the last names of ENGELS and
points a. finger at mythical
SWASTIKA banners on the
halls of the UNIVERSITY OF
OREGON . . . can't ever tell—y*
know how some people will
change their names a little
when they come to AMERICA
from these old COMMUNISTIC
countries . . . you watch your
show on a downtown screen—
I'll watch mine on the PLAY
GROUND dance floor ... so
be it. . . .
Two Big Features!
“Diamond Frontier”
with Victor McLaglen
— plus —
“Fargo Kid'*
International Side Show
The Pilgrims is an Anglo
American organization whose
purpose is to promote good will
between the United States and
the British Em
pire. Yesterday
in London the
Pilgrims gave a
luncheon in hon
or of Lord Hal
ifax, the newly
appointed am
bassador to the
U.S. who leaves
for this country
next week to
take tne place or tne late n,orci
Halifax was honored, but it
was “Winnie” Churchill who
stole the show with another one
of his brilliant orations in
which he said that British hopes
of victory are pinned on Amer
grated the British prime min
ister: “We stand, all of us, upon
the watchtowers of history, and
have offered to us the glorious
opportunity of making the su
preme sacrifices and exertions
needed by a cause which it may
not be irreverent to call sub
Calls It Oratory
That, my worthies, is oratory.
A little flowery perhaps, but it
has everything ... a metaphor:
watchtowers of history . . .
and all the shiny words which
inspire men to action: glorious
opportunity . . . supreme sac
rifice . . . sublime. It reminds
one of what Bobbie Burns said,
about how he didn’t care who
made the laws as long as he
could make a nation’s songs
. . . and write the speeches, he
might have added.
While Halifax was gravely
replying to Churchill’s speech,
Roosevelt in Washington was
holding an extraordinary con
ference with cabinet, congres
sional, and defense chiefs on a
Oregon H Emerald
Copy Desk Staff:
Wes Sullivan, copy editor
Elsie Brownell, assistant
Barbara Schmieding
Herb Penny
Veva Peterson
Charles Woodruff
Ruth Jordan
Joanne Nichols
Friday Advertising Staff:
Jean Adams, manager
Betty Bisbee
Jean Eckley
Helen Moore
Jeanne Routt
Bob Nagel
Night Staff:
Ray Schrick, night editor
Betty Jane Biggs
Barbara Jean Vincent
Jeanette Eddy
Herb Penny
O. A. Stevens, North Dakota
Agricultural College botanist,
each year identifies from 300
to 600 plant species for farmers.
Shrubs and lawns on the cam
pus of San Diego state college
get 15,000 gallons of water
Pure, Unadulterated Love!
‘Love Thy Neighbor’
with Mary Martin and
— plus —
with Virginia Gilmoer
Action and Romance!
program to give yet more aid
to the embattled British.
Won’t Talk
When it was over Senator
Barkley told reporters that all
hands had agreed on a bill
which will be introduced at noon
today in congress, but was non
committal on the bill’s contents.
Speculation is that it contains
a direct grant of power to the
war and navy departments to
handle the loan-lease plan,
which will turn over “billions of
dollars” worth of war supplies
to Britain.
The stock market continued
to rise. Of 824 issues traded,
450 closed higher and only 155
were lower, the rest unchanged.
In spite of Roosevelt’s 17 bil
lion dollar budget and the pros
pect of increased taxes to pay
for it, the speculators were op
timistic, although they paid
particular attention to stocks
which will be affected least by
the excess profits tax.
Eye for Eye
The war in Europe and Afri
ca waged on with nothing start
ling happening. The British
bombed Naples in Italy and
German bases in the North Sea
and the Nazis reciprocated with
bombs in "virtually every sec
tion” of England.
The Greeks reported fresh
successes in the Albanian
snows, and Tobruk in Libya,
Africa, was under sieze and
Harry Hopkins arrived in
London as the President’s mes
senger boy on a secret mission,
and in New York a 39-year-old
former senator named Ernest
W. Gibson was picked to take
William Allen White’s place as
head of the Committee to De
fend America by Aiding the Al
I sure wish Rush Holt were
still in the senate. Then I could
look forward to getting the low
down, if any, on Mr. Gibson
out of the Congressional Rec
ord in a few weeks. But the
West Virginia boy wonder
wasn’t re-elected. Selah.
Manufacturer to You
Campus style slip-over
$5.00 values for
Numeral - Sweaters
Room 46
Sherry Ross Hall
All Sides
Forty-two men at Louisiana
State university lost a six
weeks growth of well-tarred,
greased and painted beard
when they were recently in-1
itiated into the Geological and
Mining society of that school.
They were informed of their
acceptance and ordered to aban
don their razors six weeks ago.
The initiates were decorated
early in the morning and given
rocks, weighing from 15 to 20
pounds, with which they pro
ceeded to carry out the balance
of the scheduled ceremony.
Featured in the proceedings
was a pebble race in which the
winner received the least num
ber of hacks from organization
members, a mud fight, to fur
ther conceal their identity and
a barrel push down the main
street of University, Louisiana.
—The Daily Reveille.
Interviewed in the Crimson
network studio of Harvard Uni
versity, Ann Corio, queen of
strip-tease artists and Har
vard’s “sweetheart,” revealed
that she divided her audiences
into three classes: Men, gen
tlemen and others. She was
quite definite in stating that
Harvardians belonged in the
“gentlemen” category. People
from Yale are “others,” she
said. Upon leaving the studio
Miss Corio left the following
remark in the studio comment
book: “This has been a thrilling
and happy experience for me—
I’ve been to Harvard.”
—The Harvard Crimson.
Dres s e s
A large group
of feminine
styles that are
just the thing
for those im
portant winter
social events.
at $10.0
. . . All you can read
lor $ 1.00 per term
Kenneth Roberts’ new “Oliver Wiswell,”
a stirring story of the other side of the
American Revolution—or perhaps you’ll
M-aut to read Ernest Hemingway's latest,.
“For Whom the Bell Tolls.” . . .
Think of it 1 The latest novels at your
very hand 1 . . .
Drop in today and . . .
University ^CO»OP?