Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 05, 1940, Image 1

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“Berkeley Square” fully lived up to advance notices at last night's opening show in Johnson hall. Five
cast members appealing above are Helene Parsons, Betty Jane Quigley, Jeanette Harbert, Betty Fiksdal,
and Jerry Lakeflsh. A second performance will be given tonight.
* ‘Berkeley Square9 Opens
On Guild Theater Boards
Solar Mysteries
Brought to Earth
Bg Dr. Nicholson
Movies Illustrate
Astronomer's Talk
On 'Sun in Action'
A roomful of University stu
dents and professors last night
saw spots before their eyes—sun
^ spots—and loved it.
Dr. Seth B. Nicholson, astrono
mer, brought sun-spots and other
solar mysteries right down into
the language of the layman last
night when he spoke on “The Sun
in Action” in Chapman assembly
Talking largely from motion pic
tures and slides—“Modern astron
omy is mostly photographic,”
— Dr. Nicholson dwelt chiefly
on gases which are associated
with sun spots, and which cause
immense clouds or “prominences”
from the surface of the sun.
Do Sun Spots Make Weather
These gaseous prominences ,
weird flame-like explosions of light
in the pictures, are formed from
hydrogen and ionized calcium, he
said. They burst forth from the
, surface of the sun and are at
I tracted back to the body of the
sun itself, probably by magnetic
Do sun spots cause storms or
weather changes? Probably not,
Dr. Nicholson believes. Individual
sun spots appear to have no ef
fect on weather, he said, but may
cause slight temperature changes.
Severe magnetic storms, caused
by sun spots, garble telegraph
messages and interrupt short wave
radio. These same magnetic storms
are responsible for the display of
the aurora borealis, or “northern
Sun spots are a kind of a storm
on the sun, Dr. Nicholson said. Al
though they may appear black,
they are in reality bright, but only
about one-fourth as bright as the
sun itself. Not more than one-half
of one per cent of the sun's surface
is ever covered with the spots, he
Telescopes Discussed
After his prepared speech, Dr.
Nicholson spoke briefly on the new
200-inch telescope which is being
ground in Pasadena. Telescopes of
the 100- and 200-inch size are used
only at night for stellar study, he
said. Their chief advantage is that
they gather additional light, and
thus make possible the study of
systems outside our own.
Asked for his title at the obser
vatory, Dr. Nicholson smiled.
“Mostly at Mount Wilson we are
astronomers.” He is in charge of
the solar division of the observa
Dr. A. E. Caswell, head of the
University physics department, in
troduced the speaker.
Dr. John T. Ganoe, who is or
leave of absence from the histor\
department, is writing a constitu
tional history of the United States
Influenza Keeps
Going Overtime
They just can’t get rid of
them. The campus infirmary is
still working on the overtime
basis with a new record for pa
tients set yesterday. A total of
29 are registered in the infirm
The boys in ward eight con
template a “cough syrup” ex
change with any girls’ group in
the place—that is if they can
get away with it.
The bursting infirmary roster
included: Katherine Jenkins,
June Chesney, Ralph Shirley,
Mary Wills, Pat Kelty, Dot E1I
ingsworth, Margaret Lesher, Les
Endicott, Stan Esselstrom, Jane
Richard, Bob Taylor, Bennett
Welsh, Herschel Patton, Noel
Mix, Chester Keller, Warren Moe,
Earnest Smith, Gale Quinn, John
Matthew, Peyton Bennett, Don
Richardson, Bernard Engel, Bill
Edlefson, Barney Rogers, Joe
Wong, Arthur Lacy, Frank Med
lin, Edgar Blumenthal, and Max
Ralliers to See
Hoop Team Off
Late Lunches Set
To Aid Attendance
At Trackside Rally
The ten-man Webfoot basketball
team, "leaving Friday noon for a
barnstorming eastern tour, will be
given a message of good luck at a
campus-wide rally tomorrow at 12
o’clock at the railroad station, ac
cording to Pat Keller, rally squad
Campus organizations are being
asked to hold a buffet lunch at
12:30 to enable their members to
attend the train farewell program.
“Dutch” Rohwer, president of the
interfraternity council, said the
houses would cooperate in the mat
ter of the late lunch hour.
Band to Be There
Arrangements are being made
for the University band, under the
direction of John Stehn, to be at
the station to aid in giving Hob
bie’s boys “bon voyage.”
John Disk, all-American forward
last year, and other members of
the Duck national basketball cham
pionship squad of ’38, will address
the students at the rally and the
ten men on the traveling team will
be introduced to the crowd by
Coach Hobby Hobson.
YVebfoots Open Series
The Webfoot hoopsters will open
I the Madison Square garden series
by meeting the Long Island univer
sity on their 18-day trip.
Other universities the squad will
battle against both on their way
I east and on the return trip include:
j Oklahoma, Canisius, Temple, Du
, quesne, Baltimore, and Bradley
I Betty Jane Quigley
As Helen Pettigrew
Draws Plaudits
Eighteenth century London came
to life last night. All the richness,
and elegance of that period was
presented by the Guild Theater
players in their production of
“Berkeley Square,” at Johnson hall.
A full house saw the opening which
was sponsored by Bundles for Brit
ain which will receive a portion of
the proceeds.
Miss Quigley ‘Deserves Praise’
Without exception, Betty Jane
Quigley deserves unlimited praise
for her matchless performance. As
Helen Pettigrew, involved in a love
affair that required a deep under
standing, she proved herself a real
actress. The audience seemed to
share my opinion, and it is my be
lief that her excellent work will be
rewarded with more important
parts in the future.
In the leading role, Peter Stand
ish, Parker McNeil fell short of
being outstanding. His interpreta
tion of a very difficult part was
only adequate. He seemed to lack
[ maturity, and deep understanding
required by the part. The mystery
surrounding him was inconsistent,
an dhis emotional scenes fell short
of the strength projected by Miss
Quigley. He does; however, possess
a pleasing stage presence, and his
ease and naturalness tend to bal
ance his other shortcomings.
Burtenshaw Outstanding
Outstanding"'^ supporting parts
are: Ed Burtenshaw as Tom Petti
grew succeeds in making himself
thoroughly hateful as a scoundrel
who masquerades under the title of
a gentleman; Helene Parsons as
Kate Pettigrew who turns in a
smooth performance of a girl who
valiantly tries to cope with some
thing she does not understand;
Jerry Lakefish as Mr. Throstle,
who provokes many a laugh for his
interpretation of the excessively
well-mannered artist.
Pat Taylor was amusing as Mrs.
Barwick, the cockney housekeeper
to Peter Standish. Gene Edwards
was agreeable as the ambassador.
Donald E. Hargis, instructor in
speech, made the most of his por
trayal of the Duke of Cumberland,
an obese and drunken German
prince. Ray Dickson was awkward
as Major Clinton, and seemed en
tirely out of place on a stage. Betty
Fiksdal as Lady Anne Pettigrew,
proved herself a fine, talented
character actress. Jean Harper was
outstanding in his small part oi
Lord Stanley, in which he created
an impressive character.
Direction Expert
The direction was expertly
handled by Mrs. Ottilie Seybolt
who also deserves extra credit for
her marvelous choice of costumes
in varied colors that blend ex
Horace W. Robinson also de
serves special mention for the set
that he designed. It is perfect ir
every detail, including the stifl
Queen Anne furniture which was
built for the show, and the wall
draperies, and lighting which die
much to lend authenticity.
Sophomores Delay Annual Dance;
Epidemic Forces Change In Plans
Seek to State
Official Stand
Four Spokesmen
To Contact Officers
For Approval
Four members of the Indepen
dent league were authorized last
night to meet with officers of the
classes in an effort to state offi
cially the position of the indepen
dent students. John Cavanagh, Bob
Calkins, T. Glenn Williams and
Nick Kovtynovich were given pow
er to discuss with the officers the
stand which the independents take
on the issue of class cards.
Seek Cooperation
The independent league meeting
last night in Gerlinger hall con
solidated representatives from all
independent living organizations
on the campus. The decision made
by the representatives to definite
ly state the policy of the organiza
tion, is an effort to gain cooper
ation between the Greeks and in
dependents, Cavanagh said.
"It is our hope that the class
officers will be willing to listen to
our propositions since the group
we represent composes a good ma
jority of students on the campus,”
stated T. Glenn Williams, commit
tee member.
Nelson Explains
Lyle Nelson, Emerald editor,
talked to the independent group
on the stand that the Emerald has
taken in the past and will take in
the future in regard to class cards.
He explained the results of the re
cent poll conducted by the paper
to ascertain the methods used by
other colleges and universities on
the coast in the use or replace
ment of class card voting privi
leges. Nelson emphasized that the
paper advocates universal suf
frage, as do the majority of other
colleges and universities on the
Allan Hart to Speak
At Law Assembly
Members of the law school stu
dent body will hear Mr. Allan Hart,
general counsel for the Bonneville
administration, in an assembly Fri
day, December 6. The lecture is
the third in a series sponsored by
the law school honorary, Phi Delta
Mr. Hart will discuss the oppor
tunities for young lawyers in the
field of government service and
the numerous problems which
arise in this field. In past years
the Bonneville administration has
employed several University of
Oregon law school graduates.
Following the lecture, the speak
er will be the guest of Phi Delta
Phi members at a luncheon in the
Side. Law school students are
urged to attend the assembly at
11, in room 307, Fenton hall.
Seniors to Decide
Variety Show Issue
The senior class has been debat
ing the issue of a dance or a vari
ety show for almost two weeks
now, and it will be definitely de
cided at the meeting of the variety
show committee with the student
affairs committee tomorrow night.
Dick Williams, Sue Peil, Jim
Pickett, Grace Irvin, Bob Keen,
senior class president, and Tiger
Payne, student body president, will
meet with the committee.
Foo to Flu
I’d like to know
Why this is true.
Professors never
j Get the flu.
Photo by Jimmie Leonard
Auctioneer Woody Slater prepares to drop the gavel on the sale of a notebook, while rehearsing for
the AWS auction that takes place in front of the Side this afternoon, beginning at 4 o’clock. Unclaimed
articles turned in at the University depot will hit the. block. The three girls shown helping Woody in the
picture are, from left: Mary Ellen Smith, auction chairman, Ann Gardner, and Fontelle Mitchell. Cliff
Sexsmith, another auctioneer, is not in the picture.
Air Corps Wants
Healthy Youths
Exams Thorough
But Not Impossible,
Major Declares
“We’re just looking for normal,
healthy young men,” declared Ma
jor Malcom J. Buchanan, of the
army air corps and president of the
traveling, flying cadet examining
board, which is in the Eugene arm
ory interviewing students interest
ed in training as army flying ca
dets. Today is the last day the
examining board will be in Eugene.
Physical examinations and inter
views are given from 9 to 6 but
applicants are requested to come
before 4 in the afternoon since the
physical test will take two hours.
Test Thorough
“We want the boys to know that
while the test is very thorough it
is not impossible to pass,” the ma
jor stated. All persons going
through the examination will
know immediateely after if they
are eligible for recommenedation
to the chief of the air corps, who
makes the final acceptance.
With no restrictions on the
number of qualified men that may
be sent from this Region, Major
Buchanan requests that all boys
sincerely interested in the flying
field, take advantage of this op
portunity for 30 weeks intensive
air training.
Special Advantages
As special advantages of the
course the major revealed that not
only are the graduates commis
sioned as second lieutenants in the
air corps reserve but they can be
placed on extended active duty
with a tactical unit or sent to the
instructors school for training as
instructors in the army flying
: schools. The graduates are also
given frequent chances to com
pete in examinations for regular
army commissions.
Applicants are asked to bring
with them to the armory at least
one of the following birth certifi
cate, three letters of recommenda
| tion and a transcript of college
credits signed by the registrar.
Lost-Found Articles
Set for A uction Block
Rally ’round, ladies and gentle- j
men, to the front of the College
Side at 4 o’clock this afternoon for
Auctioneers Woody Slater and Cliff
Sexsmith will chant their wares at
the AWS traditional fall term auc
tion block.
Bidding promises to be lively
with everything from three rain
jackets to compacts and cigarette
cases in the running. Bargain-hunt
ers will compete for a ring, locket,
reversible hood, kidskin gloves,
umbrellas, and combs. Other ar
ticles confiscated from the Univer
sity depot’s lost and found depart
ment include a leather jacket, a
raincoat, scarfs, hats, purses,
knives, notebooks, pens, pencils,
books, sweaters, mittens, and
glasses and cases.
Kwamas, sophomore women's
service honorary, will remind stu
dents of the auction mart during
the lunch hour today at fraternity
and sorority houses.
“Students who have lost some
thing during the last week need
not worry,” declared Mary Ellen
Smith, chairman of the auction, “as
these articles will be kept two
weeks at the depot to allow their
owners to claim them.”
Ann Gardner is assisting Miss
Smith with the sale.
Co-op Gets More
'Pigger's Guides'
The University Co-op has re
ceived a fresh supply of 50 stu
dent directories which will be put
on sale today. As a seasonal use
it has been suggested the “Pig
ger's Guide” may be use in find
ing the home address of campus
friends when sending Christmas
cards. The directories sell for 25
Oregana Pictures
Seven living organizations are
1 scheduled to have their make-up
pictures for the Oregana taken at
: Kennell-Ellis studio today. The or
■ ganizations are: Delta Delta Delta,
Beta Theta Pi, Alpha Chi Omega,
| Alpha Tau Omega, Chi Omega,
Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Sigma.
Mortar Board
To Honor Three
Trio of Soph Girls
To Receive Plaque
At AWS Assembly
The Mortar Board plaque will be
polished and brought out again to
day, to be presented at the AWS
assembly to the three sophomore
girls who received the highest
grade point averages in their fresh
man year. The plaque has been pre
sented for four years, to the scho
lastically high freshmen and last
year went to four sophomores in
stead of three as two of the girls
Guest speaker at the assembly,
which will begin at 4 p.m. in Ger
linger, will be Mrs. Wendell Van
Loan, assistant director of the Eu
gene Vocational school who will
speak on “Careers for Women.”
Mrs. Van Loan has been con
nected with the vocational school
since it began two years ago, and
according to Betty Buchanan,
president of AWS, her speech
should prove helpful to all college
women who are planning to have
The Alpha Chi Omega trio will
School Orchestra
Schedules Concert
A special concert by the Univer
sity orchestra, directed by Rex
Underwood, will be presented in
the music building, December 12,
it was announced yesterday. All
University students will be admit
ted to the concert upon presenta
tion of their educational activities
This concert is one of the special
attractions, sponsored by the edu
cational activities board, this year.
There will be no reserved seats for
faculty members and townspeo
ple and there will be a small ad
‘ mission charge.
Flu Germs
Plans for Contest
Unchanged; Title
Aspirants Same
Heads of the sophomore class
met today and acting upon the
recommendation of the University
administration and the health ser
vice decided to postpone the Sopho
more Informal formerly scheduled
for Saturday night until winter
Doctors for Postponement
This does not constitute a re
versal of attitude by infirmary of
ficials. The medical staff has felt
all week that postponing the dance
would be the best thing. The state
ment attributed to an infirmary
official in yesterday’s Emerald was
a wrong interpretation of what he
Candidates Stay Same
The list of candidates entered in
the contest for choosing the typical
Betty Coed and Joe College will
not be revised, Pat Cloud and Len
Ballif, co-chairmen stated, unless
the sophomores selected do not re
turn to school winter term.
The theme of the dance will re
main the same with the original
chairman still in charge of their
committees, the informal heads de
New arrangements will be made
for a band to play for the post
poned dance, Cloud and Ballif said.
Skilled Workers
To Ust Trades
Students Trained
In Defense Crafts
May Sign for Jobs
: An opportunity to register their
names and pase experience in any
(skilled trade vital to defense in
jdustries is still being offered Uni
versity of Oregon students.
This registration is part of a
survey being taken to determine
the number of persons who might
be made available to industry for
the national defense program.
Lists Available
When a labor shortage arises in
any section of the defense pro
gram, these lists will be consulted,
and jobs will be offered those per
sons qualified and available.
Anyone wishing to fill out forms
telling their past experience
should call at the payroll window
of the business office in Johnson
There is no age limit for this
registration. The only information
required on these forms are the
applicant's name, address, social
security number, telephone, and
number of years experience in any
According to J. O. Lindstrom,
University business manager, stu
dents who are interested in filling
out these forms, which might, at
some future date, result in a job,
should do so right away.
This complete survey is entirely
voluntary on the applicant’s part,
and it In no way forces him to ac
cept a position in industry.
Students to Go on Air
Tomorrow evening at 7:30
o’clock KOAC radio listeners will
hear “The History of Printing.”
the fifth of a series of radio pre
sentations concerning the Smith
sonian institute.
Don E. Hargis, instructor in
speech, will direct the production
which is cast by University speech
students. Script of the series or
iginated in NBC studios in New
York City.