Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 27, 1940, Page Two, Image 2

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    regdn w> Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays,
Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of
Oregon. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as second-class
matter at the postofhce, Eugene, Oregon.
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE,
INC., College publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Boston
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JAMES W. FROST, Business Manager
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Rally Goes to California
* Y"EAR after year despite the protests of a good share of the
* students the rally committee lias dropped its official
■ function as a pep raising department and has become another
money making organization. Members of the committee have
done this chiefly for one reason—to make enough over their
’ budget to send themselves to some game.
Officially the function of the group is to organize rallies,
' promote school spirit, give halftime stunts, etc. For these
1 purposes $170 is set aside in the budget of the athletic board.
’ Out of this $170 the rally committee is required to raise $140—
no more.
» This $140, various executive committees have suggested,
. should he raised at one rally dance after which time mem
hers of the rally squad should forget about the financial end.
“ They have never done so. They have continued to promote,
' sell, etc. in order to go over their budget far enough to get
■■ a trip out of the surplus. They have done this at the expense
- of more worthwhile activities which they might be carry
* ing on.
' * # #
* rJpFIIS year the rally committee, although better in many
“ ways than those of other years, succumbed to the fatal
; lust for travel. They made their budget at the Oregon-Wash
‘ ington rally dance in Portland, yet they continued to make
money. They continued to make money although they had
been told at the first of the year that the committee’s place
■ was here on the campus, not off at some California game.
* Members of the rally committee didn’t listen. They went
* ahead with their plans. When it came time for the Orcgon
- California game they had something like $89.17—around $40
actually reported to the executive committee — over their
’ budget. They prettied up their case, tied it in pink ribbons,
* and presented it. to the ASCUO executive committee.
* Now that they had the surplus would the executive coni
- mittec—;the same group which had definitely said no trip at
- the first of the year—let them go to California on this sur
'• plus? After a surprisingly short debate the ASIJO rulers
I voted 4 to 2 in favor of the trip.
I They voted yes knowing the past experience of executive
' committees in sending a rally squad on such a trip. They
* voted yes ignoring their own declaration at the first of 1 lie
■ year.
. * * *
- J^OW, after the game and trip is over come reverberations
- from students who went to the game. Members of the
rally committee did nothing except sit and watch the game,
these students claim. 'They might as well be seated beside a
- radio. It is the same complaint that has been heard for sev
I era I years.
1 While nothing constructive or worthwhile can he gained by
moaning over dead issues- - things which have already been
" done—it is necessary and worthwhile to point out the errors
■ so that future rulers of the ASUO will not make the same
- mistakes.
- Members of the rally committee are at fault for their failure
- to make any showing at the game and for continuing their
2 course of making money when they had been told not to, but
l back of it all the ASFO executive committee is at fault for
* ever allowing such a condition to come about.
Pre-Christmas Blues
1 li;il we are all replete with tlit* tabled bounty of
’ Thanksgiving Day. and the first violent pangs of iudiges
1 ion have begun in wear off somewhat, we should be able
to buz/, oil to work like Disney s dwarfs, with a song on our
• lips and nothing but joy inside.
And most of ns will probably do that—for a day or two,
. at least.
. be burning overtime. Term papers due tomorrow, or next
. with a calendar. We will notice that this week's classes end
l on November 2H. We may observe, somewhat cheerfully, that
’ there are several jolly house dances etcetera scheduled for
• that weekend.
" But our eye will be pulled on by the little black marks on
• the calendar. We will see that the next week's classes end on
• December (>. that there are no jolly house dances scheduled
• lor that weekend because the next week is reserved for stud' •
’ ing. It is during that next week that we must demonstrate the
• knowledge we've picked up this term. Yes, THIS TERM—
• it’s practically gone.
From now until Christina, the midnight oil will probably
• be burning overtime Ter mpapers due tomorrow, or next
• week, or tin next week will have to be pounded out. Text
■ books will have to be read
And on top ot all that connw Christmas. We must remember
■ good old Joe. He gave us a carton of cigarettes last year.
• And what on earth can we buy for Mom .’
Look twice before you leap into tins week.—P E.
Time to think a matter over to many people means time to
think up enough excuses to justify 111 their cvn 11111:1! t'-,'
stand they already Lnove tk.-v \rjil take.
They Have a Choice
t^ENIOIi ball or variety show? It’s going to be a hard choice
for this year’s graduating class to decide Thursday night
when they meet in Viilard hall. For either way they’re going
to meet protests . . . from students who think Oregon has all
too few formal dances, or from those who think a good variety
show from studet talent is the earmark of a lively student
The senior ball is traditional ... it has always vied with the
military ball for the social spotlight of winter term, and
collegians look forward to it with expectation. It’s always
been fun . . . and coeds like it because it’s always formal and
about the first opportunity to wear new dresses picked up at
after-the-holidays sales.
Oregon’s first attempt two years ago at producing a good
student talent variety show was an amazing success; last
year's effort received even wider acclaim. But both of those
ventures were free dances provided to AHUO ticket holders
as a bonus. This yar, however, there is no ASUO ticket, and no
reason for a free performance at the expense of the student
body. Some other agency will have to accept the responsibility
of a student talent variety show and dance if the custom is to
have its third successful year.
* # #
rJ"'IIIS morning’s news story in the Emerald declares that
seniors will have to decide between sponsoring their
“senior ball and variety show.” But if the seniors are really
anxious to keep intact their traditional ball, and at the same
time want to be definitely progressive and provide a new
edition of 1941 Varieties, they could promote both.
It has been suggested that they have a formal dance with
all the usual decorations and a good orchestra . . . and at
intermission an hour student talent show could be presented
to guests seated around the edge of the floor. The show itself
wouldn’t be very expensive . . . except in good hard work.
True, there would be difficulties, if a really large crowd
came, there just wouldn't be room for the “cabaret effect” of
tables around the floor . . . but some could sit in the balcony.
Maybe the idea wouldn’t sell . . . but it’s worthwhile con
sidering when the class of ’41 sets out to name a class project
Thursday night. Because either of the projects contemplated
are popular ones—and both should make the senior venture
twice as good.—II.A.
Parade of Opinion
i - -
“Russia,” comments the Daily Kansan at the University
of Kansas, “appears to be stimulating a half-asleep bear, able
to stick out a heavy paw when the time arrives.”
When Soviet Premier-Foreign Commissar Molotov recently
made the first trip of his life oulside Russia to confer with
Adolf Hitler at Berlin, new attention was focused on the
peculiar status of the Soviet Union in the European cauldron.
Recent axis activity in the Balkans has brought forth lengthy
speculation in the nation’s collegiate press.
“There could be no question,” says the University of
Minnesota Daily, “but that the newest axis moves were a
direct threat to its military position, yet Russia gave no indi
cation that it would proceed any further than its mild rebuke
to Germany for failure; to give adequate notice of the occupa
tion (of Rumania).
“It, is extremely unlikely that the Soviet Union will risk a
war with Germany at tin' present time; it is not politic to do
so. The stalemate with Britain still leaves Germany the oppor
tunity to ereat an eastern front, and the Red army is not yet
sufficiently developed and reorganized to easily defeat
reiehswehr. ”
The Cornell Daily Sun feels that “in the Balkan powderkeg
the two most powerful forces on the continent have now
reached positions where their interests are irreparably in con
stant conflict. A situation is developing wherein one of the
conquerors will either have to retreat or fight.
“To those of us who have so long been in the dark concern
ing the nature of the alliance between Hitler and Stalin, this
last conflict merely serves to increase the general confusion.
But who among us would not be willing to stay in the dark
in this respect as long as the conflict which is brewing prom
ises, however slightly, to give light to the world which is
sinking ever deeper info darkness-”
Russia, sandwiched between the two most active axis mem
bers, “ is in a crucial position both as an ally or as an enemy,”
declares (he I’niversitv of Michigan Daily. “Already the
Soviet has made several agreements with Germany and lias
shared in the partition of Poland. But the tensity created
between the two nations by the occupation of Rumania has not
been lessened by a reiteration of Russo-German co-operation.
“ The Soviet lias always shared a mutual hostility with Italy
and has repeatedly opposed Italian expansion in the Balkans.
Russia's relations with dapau have been historically bellig
erent. That the Soviet cannot be ignored in the reconstruction
of Europe and Asia is undeniable. Either Russia must co
operate or her vast quantities of food, raw materials and land
must be divided among the potential rulers of tlie continent.
“Thus,” concludes the Daily, “another paradox is formed
in Europe's chaotic political free-for-all. The biggest bully of
all is neither admitted officially into the gang nor openly
marked for liquidation. Unless a secret agreement is made
between the four spoilsmen of the eastern hemisphere, one of
the two alternatives will break into action soon.”
In the Editor's Mail
November IS, 1010
Deal' Editor:
Oregon sent a football team
to Berkeley, and they played
football: Oregon's yell leader
went to Berkeley, and he led
the yells: Oregon sent a rally
squad to Berkeley, and they
didn't do a thing. Never once
did they rise to their feet and
face the Oregon rooters.
The trip and pregame rally
on the money of the ASUO
must have tired them out or
maybe they were saving up
their energy for a post game
None of the rest of the root
ers who went to the game on
their own expense got in on any
rally of any kind. The only time
the rooters got a view of any
one on the squad was when
some one called to one of them
by name to come up and chat
about old times.
We believe that a sponsored
squad should fulfill its duties.
Hereafter, maybe the ASUO
could sponsor rooters, for we
did yell our hearts out for a
darn good football team, at
least it would make as much
sense as sending an inefficient
rally squad
The rally squad representing
Even Tin Pan Alley is voic
ing the question which is on the
lips of every girl with a mar
riage proposal in the offing.
Eandleader Vaughn Monroe is
pushing a new tune with the
title “Is It Love or Is It Con
scription?” . . . Somehow this
is a horrible thought to have
pushed into the minds of sweet
and innocent young lovers all
over the country. With the war
situation the way it is today,
one can never be absolutely
sure. . . .
Addicts of the hotter types of
negro swing will be happy to
hear that a certain Mr. Floyd
Kay and his eighteen-piece or
chestra will be raising the roof
at Willamette park on Friday
and Saturday of December 14
and 15.
Floyd Ray isn’t as famous as
some of his contemporaries,
but he is well on the way to
ward becoming a really big
*name band. He is booked by the
Marshall agency which special
izes in famous negro bands. He
is considered to be nearly on a
par with such outfits as Ella
Fitzgerald, Ernie Fields, and
Jimmy Lunceford.
Good old Duke Ellington is
making a comeback in popu
larity and gaining in public es
teem. Ellington is putting out
re-orderings under both Victor
and Columbia labels these days
and gives forth with many a
good arrangement for both
Hodges on soprano sax and
Webster on tenor take turns in
putting out some of the most
beautiful solo wax work that
can be heard in any of the mod
ern bands. . . . Incidentally, El
lington became the first popu
lar band to play a college jazz
concert, having signed to per
form at Colgate university on
December 12.
Uncle Glenn Miller is sup
posed to be taking a new lease
on life since his last session at
the Bluebird recording studios.
According to the Miller public
ity machine his latest waxing
is supposed to equal “Moonlight
Serenade,” “Tuxedo Junction,”
and "Sunrise Serenade,” all put
together. It’s a two-sided six
minute swing orchestration of
“The Anvil Song,” famous op
eratic aria.
Tony Pastor comes out with
one of the few decent recordings
he has ever made in “Ready,
Get Set, Jump.” This tune has
a very unusual sax and rhythm
background combined with
wierd chord breaks.
Line or
About a year ago one of the
many magazine sections feat
ured in most Sunday papers
carried an interesting account
of Sacha Guitry's views on life,
love, art, and women. Rather
remarkable inasmuch as M.
Guitry summed these subjects
up in what would amount to
about six columns of newsprint.
Guitry. B. F. C. (before France
capitulated t, was one of the
busiest men in the theatrical
business in France. Writer of
about one hundred plays, he
produced and acted in many of
them himself. He is sometimes
known as the “John Barrymore"
of France. The knowledge he
has but recently taken his
fourth wife may help explain
the title.
Some of Guitry's epigrams
and comments on women,
though caustic, are worth rc
our school didn't function in
any way at the game. There
was no rally. Why did the squad
go to Berkeley ?
Not once did any member of
the squad go over, during the
game, to the California rooting
section and let them knew we
were represented. They seemed
ashamed of the Oregon student
body who sent them.
Next time the gravy train
rolls by let the rooters on and
leave the rally squad at home,
seated comfortably by the ra
dio. It won't take quite as much
energy cn their part
Students m attendance.
International Side Show
Most significant news on the
international scene since the
Emerald staff knocked off for
the holidays is the changed tone
of dispatches emanating from
Saturday the British ambas
sador, Lord Lothian, dismount
ea irom a cnp
per in New
York and told
“Great Britain
is rapidly near
ing the end of
her financial re
sources.” Brit
ish holdings of
cash and securi
ties is nearly
an guuc, wuc amuaooauui
and the implication is that Un
cle Shylock will have to come
through in the emergency and
give the embattled British the
tools of war on credit.
There is a law on the U.S.
books which forbids extending
credits and loans to any na
tion in default of its world war
debts to the United States.
That would leave Britain out in
peating. For one thing, he be
lieves that "women think too
much; do not reflect enough."
A woman, Guitry says, can be
adorable while two women can
be terrible. Why? Because he
has the feeling that two women
can only agree with each other
at the expense of a third. (How
about it, girls?)
Guitry points out the fact
that men are apt to criticize
women for their • many little
subtleties (i.e., lies). Concludes,
however, that “. . . even if wo
men are mythomaniacs, have we
the right to reproach them ?
No, indeed, for the guilty ones
are really the men. Whatever
may be a man’s physical dis
grace, whatever his age, he al
ways wants to hear some wo
man say ‘I love you.’ And, since
we ask her to lie on this major
point, ought we to be surprised
that she lies about other things
as well ?”
WOMEN, Guitry replies in the
words of Moliere;
All the world knows their im
It is extravagance and indiscre
Their spirit is wicked and their
soul fragile!
There is nothing weaker or
more imbecilic.
Nothing more unfaithful and in
spite of all,
One does everything for these
Sfc # $
Moliere speaks of the some
times adorable creatures as
“animals." Insolent, perhaps . ..
but who am I to criticize?
the cold. According to Senator
Rush D. Holt of West Virginia,
an ardent isolationist, the U.S.
now has approximately 14 bil
lion dollars owed from the last
war. Great Britain was one of
the largest debtors, or defaul
ters, whichever way you want
to put it.
He Sent Up a Balloon
Well, these ambassadors don't
just talk through their hats.
Lord Lothian's remarks were
apparently a trial balloon, the
first step toward building up
public sentiment to repeal the
Johnson act which bans credit
to debtors. Reaction was imme
diate. Senator Hiram W. John
son, who authored the act and
was recently re-elected by all
the parties in California, prom
ised a last-ditch fight to keep
the ban in operation.
Senator Gerald P. Nye of
North Dakota, another isola
tionist leader, apparently doubt
ed the ambassador's words for
he introduced a resolution call
ing for a senatorial inquiry into
Britain’s financial resources in
this country.
They Have Some Credit Due
According to the United
Press, government sources have
said that British credits in the
U.S. amount to eight billion
dollars in cash, gold, securities,
real estate, and other invest
ments. According to a national
defense commission spokesman,
British war orders amount to
about two and a half billion
dollars. That looks like a three
to one coverage, but maybe the
big boys in London don’t want
to sell out American Tel and
Tel stock to buy something of
such fleeting value as bombs.
Following Lothian comes a
speech by Ronald H. Cross, min
ister of shipping, admitting that
British shipbuilding is not able
to keep up with losses caused
by German submarines. “We
are therefore anxious to get
more ships built overseas,” he
said, “and we are looking pri
marily to the shipyards of the
United States, since by them
selves the resources of the em
pire are not enough.”
It’s Up to America
Some time ago there was a
book in circulation (we forget
who wrote it) with the title:
“England expects every Ameri
can to do his duty.”
A significant dispatch got by
the censors yesterday. Written
by Drew Middleton, AP writer
in London, it told how Britain
was unable to take the initia
tive away from Germany and
was looking increasingly to the
United States “as a potential
savior in these darkest hours
Middleton made the surpris
ing statement that there are
Bet Wore Fun Out
Sports, Work, Social We
Chew Delicious
_. .-srirl women - ,,
Worl college men ’^{'^Tllavor ..«»
X&™***'GUM is i"eipc,,s've'
Oregon WEmemld
Wednesday Advertising Staff:
Bob Marland, Manager
Elizabeth Dick
Marilyn Campbell
Charlotte Knox
Jean Routt
Bob Farrow
Bill Loud
Bob Nagel
Jim Roberts
Jim Thayer
Chuck Woodfield
Copy Desk Staff:
Tommy Wright, city editor
Joanne Nichols
Marge Curtis
Bill Hilton
Bob Frazier
Ted Goodwin
Shirley Patton
Charles Woodruff
Adele Say
Helen Johnson
Night Staff:
Ted Goodwin, night editor
Bill Hilton, assistant
Don Lemons
Marjorie Major
Neal Regin
Barbara Plaisted
Lee Samuelson
Chan Clarkson
tens of thousands' of unem
ployed men in England and that
unemployment is even increas
ing. He criticized "complacency,
distortion, and reluctance to ad
mit the truth’’ in the British
censorship and said the way the
censors work is "reminiscent of
the conduct of French censor
ship before the fall of France.”
Americans can expect to have
the pressure put on them this
winter, preparatory to fire
works in the spring. First it was
just munitions (modifying the
neutrality act is a step to
peace, said Roosevelt); now it
is money; soon it will be men.
Peace, it’s wonderful.
Marquette university has estab
lished a new naval ROTC.
House Coats
A wonderful gifl that
“she” will appreciate
and one she will never
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