: Oregon WEmehald The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC., College publishers* representative, 420 Madison Avc., New York—Chicago—Boston —Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland and Seattle. LYLE M. NELSON. Editor JAMES W. FROST. Business Manager ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Hal Olncy, Helen Angell Editorial Board: Roy Vernstrom, Pat Erickson, Helen Angell, Harold Olney, Kent Stitrcr, Jimmie Leonard, and Professor George Turnbull, advisor. Jimmie Leonard, Managing Editor Kent Stitzer, News Editor Fred May, Advertising Manager Bob Rogers, National Advertising Manager UPPER BUSINESS STAFF Alvera Maeder, Classified Advertising Man* Hill YVallan, Circulation Manager ager Emerson Page, Promotion Director Ron Alpaugh, Layout Production Manager Janet Farnham, Office Manager UPPER NEWS STAFF rat r,ricKson, womens Editor Ted Kenyon, Photo Editor Boh Flavelle, Co-Sports ' Editor Ken Christianson, Co-Sports Editor wcs minivan, ^\ss i r»«ws Editor Betty Jane Biggs, Ass’t News Editor Ray Schrick, Ass’t Managing Editor lom w rigni, i\ss i iuanagmg Editor Corrinc Wigncs, Executive Secretary Johnnie Kahananni, feature Editor "Unless wariness be used, as good almost kill a man as kill a good book.”—John Milton. Voting on the Right to Vote ' J^OT to be outdone by national showmen, University of Oregon politieians had their own little .show Wednesday when the frosli met to adopt a constitution and to arrange for elections. The result was a cross between a Shakespearian comedy and a session of the New Jersey state legislature. If anyone made sense out of the meeting and if any real business was done it wasn’t apparent later. ASUO Viec-Presi dent John Cavanagh, chairman of the meeting, did what could be expected to keep order, but could not prevent the name calling, misdirected remarks, and horseplay which went on. Main point of contention around which most of the argu ment centered was thc'right lo vote in class elections. Some, claimed that it should be thrown open to all members of the freshman class; others wished it restricted to class card holders as has formerly been the case. The battle was fought, from all appearances, along pre viously arranged and well-drawn political lines with little or no consideration being given to the respective merits of the two sides. The question was new, but it was argued, fought, and finally passed, along long-standing bloc lines. ' ^JpiIE decision to give all members of the chis.s of ’44 the right to vote was a step towards eliminating some of the unsavorincss of polities on the campus. For year it has been generally known that class cards have been purchased in lots, paid for by houses, and used merely as a means of political strength. Members of houses were given money, 1 old to buy class ~ cards and vote for the bloc’s candidate. They simply became janissaries of some house politician. The people who proposed to throw open elections to all » members of the class certainly do not believe that it would • entirely abolish the old bloc voting system. They argued that ■ it is a means of eliminating some of (lie bad features of the I setup, it would be more difficult to elect a bloc ticket with * everyone getting the right to vote. * The idea did not originate with the freshmen. Political ; idealists here have been preaching it for a number of years. * Last year the AKIM) executive committee took up the idea • and gave all students llic right to vote under the new fee • setup. The action was termed the most far-reaching passed by an executive committee in the last five years. J^"OW the frosli arc faced with the same question. True, they have passed the amendment, giving the vote to all, but the battle is not yet won. The question undoubtedly will be up again before the meeting tomorrow night and probably will be settled one way or another then. All trends in political thought on the campus seem to be towards extending the voting privilege and thus obtaining a better political setup. The Emerald does not pretend to be neutral on the question. A succession of Emerald editors has argued the case of universal ASUO suffrage. This year’s editorial board, too, believes in extending the voting privilege to all. In any case the freshmen have an important decision to make, a decision which should not, cannot, be made on purely political grounds without reflecting on the class. They can vote to stay by the old political method, or they can extend the suffrage to all first year men and women and by so doing reserve a place for themselves in the ASUO history book. How Are Your Half Dollars? “J-JOVV arc your half dollars? Realh rare, late half dollars offered here at very ordinary prices.” — “Hobbies” magazine. On u disenchanting day, a chance advertisement such as the one above might very well release springs of hope in a troubled mind. “How are your ball' dollars?” asks “Hobbies,” and you arc not obliged to answer. Von do not have to tell “Hobbies” if your half dollar supply is low, just now. Play with the idea. Consider gathering about yourself an interesting assortment of coins. “Hobbies” woidd approve your flights of fancy, however impractical they seem to dis interested lricnds. “The HOUB^ of coin collecting will be better for you than a tonic,” “Hobbies” urges. • # # gl'T then, “Hobbies'' is all for using your free moments in collecting odd things and, on the whole, is rather biased as to the cultural advantages of imitating the pack rat. “A woman deep in the country has a group of chddreu's motto mugs . . . which she uses for serving old fashioned sweet apple cider when guests drop in . . .” “Hobbies” declares, aud they have also ferreted out the fact that “Robert Ripley’s favorite hobby is the collecting of steins aud he probably has one of the best collections of this kiud in the world.” The query about half dollars, we said at the outset, might very well release springs of hope in a troubled miud. Is it not cheering to reflect that amidst the general turmoil of ths timet, there are 1 tt people v,ho van concentrate energy ou so idyllic a pastime as collecting tilings?—P.L. A Defense of a Free Press JN a recent edition of the Oregon State Barometer was re printed an editorial from the Washington State Evergreen. Now we, as self-professed journalists, are not particularly thin-skinned when it comes to taking a ribbing about our profession. As a matter of fact we have become rather accustomed to hearing wisecracks about “$15 a week men.” But when one of our own group, so to speak, hands out the same kind of a line in a flood of bitter invective we just can’t resist the temptation to strike back. Anyway here's what the Evergreen has to say: This is National Newspaper week, and every journal in this United States is reverently chanting about what hot stuff it is. The platitudes are being thrown so fast they are howling in misery. The American press has been sadly mistaken before, but now it is being sadly silly. Because this is National Newspaper week, devoted to freedom of the press, impartiality of reporting—and Wendell Willkie. This is the week devoted to telling America how great is the American press, what a bulwark it is against all the “isms"— except Republicanism. Because this is the week the American press pats itself on the back and gets tearfully maudlin over the thought of how its protects the Bill of Rights and makes every citizen a brother to the Lord—or something. And this is the press that forgot the LaFollette Civil Liberties committee to play full blast the insipid Mr. Dies. This is the press that — and we chuckle at the thought — made a slight mistake about a cornflower in 1936. This is the reactionary press of Hearst, of Howard, of Cowles. This is the corporate press, the press of the million-dollar plant, of a board of di rectors, of hereditary ownership—and of $15 a week reporters. “Maybe” says a weak voice from the rear of the room, “maybe this American press isn’t representative of the American peo ple.” Brother, whoever you are, you’re right. We think that meek little thought should be shouted from the rooftops ot America from Maine to Spokane, Washington. Because what is the use of a free press if that press twists facts—yes, even facts—to suit its political bias, when it becomes no more than a propaganda disseminator for the Republican National com mittee?—Washington State Evergreen. J^OW, Mr. Editor, that you liave finished we’ll have our say. In 1 ho first place, mingled with all your shouting and spouting you have made three definite accusations (1) the American press is reactionary and is controlled by the wealthy interest, (11) that the newspapers underpay their help, (11) that the American press is not representative of the American people and twists facts at the command of the Republican National committee. While there is, unfortunately, some germ of truth in your charges, Mr. Editor, it is safe to say that for the most part you have taken isolated circumstances in order to accuse the whole American press. Newspaper editors are a good deal like any other class of people, some good, some bad. The fact that some editors do not come up to your standards, Mr. Editor, does not condemn the whole profession. You accuse the press of being reactionary. Probably you have never seen, as we have, a newspaper start a fight for the rights of the people only to find when things got hot that those who had been so vociferous in urging the paper into the fray were now strangely silent. Is it any wonder then that the press is cautious,? Rather, we believe, it is a wonder so many papers still continue to take up the people’s fight. * # # Y^U, Mr. editor, say that (lie newspapers underpay their help. In that ease, why is it that you are spending several years in college in order to go into newspaper work? For that matter if journalism is sueli a “rotten” profession, why consider going into it at all ? Wc believe that journalism offers just as many opportunities as any other profession for the man or woman who lius what it takes. Tou say that the American press is not representative of the American people and twists facts, it is a well known and unquestionable fact that many editors will print what they believe their readers will want to read. That is just good business. Most editors select their material with an eye on the circulation list. In regard to twisting facts—well, Mr. Editor, if you can prove that any newspaper is doing that you d better take it to the courts. We still have libel laws in this country. It is undoubtedly true that most of the newspapers in this country are Republican as tar as their editorial policy is concerned. For reasons previously stated the press has found that the safest policy is the cautious and conservative one. But, and we consider this the most glowing of all tributes to the American press, every newspaper in the country has carried iront-page, top-head stories whenever Roosevelt has spoken and the stories have been free from slant or editorial comment.—1J.O. Many Portlanders who saw the Oregon rally Friday night had reason to stop and wonder how some of the vehicles, proud houses call cars, ever got that far. II the ROIC isn t busy Wednesday night it might be a good idea to hire them to keep the upperclassmen out of the freshman class meeting. Campus Calendar The social calendar for this fall .crm will be closed at 5 o'clock luesday afternoon. All social 'vents must be registered before hat time. Order of llie "O” will meet Wcd lesday noon at the Sigma Nu louse. All new members must ut :cud. The Bunga]