WAA Begins Fall Schedule; Volleyball Up Practies, Playoffs Start Immediately 'Checks' Explained Launching the program of the Women’s Athletic association for the new year, coeds in every living I Organizatoin this week will begin , club meetings and intramural con- j tests listed on the 1040 schedule. Volleyball schedules for fall term are almost complete, according to WAA President Joanne Reisch, and girls will begin immediately to practice and play ball as the preliminary part of a check sys tem which leads to WAA member ship. Cheeks Explained A girl who receives the check given for participation in any one sport is entitled to membership in the organization. Girls who do not make their organization’s intra fnural team, or who prefers not to participate in the sport, may earn her check by officiating at Intramural contests or by serving «n WAA committees, Miss Reisch said. The WAA program for the new year includes the following team games: volleyball, basketball, base ball, and swimming. Individual players are offered a chance at cups in tennis or golf. Badminton, rifle, hockey, and fencing clubs are also supported by the organiza tion. Girls advanced in a single field may become members of Amphib ian, swimming honorary, or Master Dance honorary if they pass tne initiation requirement test. Bennett college for negro wo men, Greensboro, N.C., received gifts totaling $*145,000 in the last year. Haircut, 35c VARSITY BARBER SHOP Cor. 1 Kli & Alder ZEISS IKON 35 mm. Candid Camara Nearly new ease and equipt. Will Sell Cheap Phone Jason Lee at 45 COLLEGE UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SHORTHAND — TYPEWRITING COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSES Edward L. Ryan, B.S., LL.B., Mgr. 8C0 Willamette, Eugene Phone 2701-M AHHHHi! Joan Klondell and Dirk Powell who are playing in “I Want a Di vorce” at the McDonald theater. Model Constitution Presented to Frosh The model constitution, drawn up by Phil Lowry, last year senior class president, passed with amend ments by the executive committee last term, will presented to the freshman class at their first meet ing Wednesday evening at 7:30, John Cavanagh, vice-president of the student body announced last night. It was decided spring term by the officers of the various classes when the model constitution was read to them that no action would be taken until this year. This same constitution will be presented to the sophomores and upperclassmen at a later date. The document reads as follows: Preamble We, the students of the Class of 19 , to the end that educational development and social well-being of the Class of 19 , of the Univer sity of Oregon be maintained and perpetuated and in order to es tablish greater uniformity of pur pose and administration of class activities do ordain and establish this Constitution. ARTICLE I Name The name of the association of students under this constitution shall be the Class of 19 of the University of Oregon. ARTICLE II Membership All registered students in the Class of 19... who possess mem bership cards of the Class of 19 of the University of Oregon shall be members. ARTICLE III Officers and Dufies Section 1. The officers of the Class of 19 of the University of Oregon shall foe the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Section 2. Officers of the Class of 19 of the University of Oregon shall as sume their duties at the beginning of the school year following elec tions. Section 3. Vacancies Clause 1. The order of succes sion to the office of President shall be the Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Clause 2. Ail vacancies except in the case of the office of Presi dent shall be filed by an appoint ment to be made by the incumbent OREGON COEDS Are Invited to Attend the WOMEN’S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ‘WELCOME TEA’ Honoring Freshman Women and our New Adviser, Joseph Persieano Thursday, Oct. I 0, at 4 p.m. In the Alumni llall of Gerlinger See the Fashion Parade of: MASTER DANCING BASEBALL VOLLEYBALL HOCKEY AMPHIBIANS FENCING TENNIS ARCHERY BADMINTON BASKETBALL BOWLING GOLF RIDING RIFLERY MEDO-LAND CREAMERY 675 Charnelton Phone 393 Campus Calendar Theta Sigma Phi will meet at Rally Allen’s home on Thursday at 7 o’clock. The Civil Pilot instruction office is very anxious to get in touch with the following people. It is requisted that they get in touch with J. C. Stovall, geology in structor, sometime this morning or call at 314 Fenton this afternoon regarding their applications. The people are: Robert Rankin, Dean Rankin, Malvin Mariner, Myrt Wil son, Javk Vandervert, Ben Steele, Jules Napier, Robert Nagel, Persh ing Holman, and Dick Jeffcott. Westminster house is the place where any student wishing to pay 25 cents may get a homecooked meal this noon. Mrs. J. D. Bryant, director, asks those planning to at tend to phone for reservations by 9 a.m. The Order of the "O” will meet at the SAE house Wednesday noon. All old members are urged to at tend. Delta Phi Alpha, German honor ary, will meet at 7 o’clock in the German seminar room to elect new members. Sigma Delta f!hl will meet Wed nesday at 4:30 in room 104 Jour nalism. There will he a meeting of Will kie-McNary representatives this evening at 7:30 in the College Side. Christian Science organization at the University of Oregon will meet at 7:30 tonight on the third floor of Gerlinger hall. The educational activities depart ment is organizing their staff for activity work on all ASUO activi ties. Regular staff positions are open for interested students. Stu dents wishing to participate should see George Luoma in activities de partment office in McArthur court. officers of the Class of 19 of the University of Oregon. Section 4. Duties Clause 1.—The President shall b£ the presiding officer of the class, shall schedule class meetings, shall appoint such committees as are deemed necessary to the best inter ests of the class and shall at the beginning of each year meet with the director of Educational Activ ities of the A.S.U.O. and plan the class activities for the year. Clause 2.—The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the Pres ident in his absence or inability tc act. Clause 3.—The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings ot each class meeting and shall file j j r s For Everything in Sports 1059 Wlllumette Ph. 3220 HENDERSHOTT’S Physical Education • Sporting Goods Phono 1 f» 1 770 Willamette EI’tlENE IlltANCH U. S. NATIONAL BANK 8th and Willamette Phone 10 f Hroadwav and Willamette Phone 1170! MILLER/ Eugene's Newest Department Store 840 Willamette Phone 1090 the same in the office of the Edu cational Activities Department of the Associated Students at the close of the school year. Clause 4.—The Treasurer of the class shall be in charge of and re sponsible for the class finances as provided in Article VII of this Con stitution. ARTICLE IV Privileges and Eligibility Section 1. All regularly enrolled students in the Class of 19 of the Univer sity of Oregon shall be entitled to any and all privileges of the Class. Section 2. Any member of the Class of 19 of the U. of O. who is in good standing in the University as de termined by the scholarship com mittee of the U. of O. shall be eli gible to hold an elective office or an appointment necessary for the best interests of the Class of 19 of the U. of O. if he can identify himself as a member of the Class of 19 as provided in Article II of this Constitution. All appointees and candidates for a class office must, however, hold membership in the class of 19 and the A.S.U.O. prior to his appointment or nom ination. ARTICLE V Nominations and Elections Section 1. Nominations Clause 1.—Nominations shall be made at a nominating assembly called by the President of the Class except for the incoming Freshman class in which case the A.S.U.O. 1st Vice President shall call and conduct the meeting, at least seven days before the Class election as provided in Clause 1, Section 2, of this Article. Certification of eligi bility and declaration of intention to run must be submitted to the President of the Class, or in the case of the incoming Freshman Class, to the 1st Vice President of the A.S.U.O. at or before the nom inating assembly. Clause 2.—Nominations may be made in the form of a petition signed by twenty-five (25) mem bers of the Class and submitted tc the President of the Class, or the A.S.U.O. 1st Vice President in case of the incoming Freshman class, not later than five o’clock of the day following the nominat ing assembly. Clause 3.—Notice of aforemen tioned nominating assembly shall be given in two issues of the Ore gon Emerald. The first notice shall appear one week prior to the date of the assembly and the second to appear in the issue on the morning of the day of the assembly. Section 2. Elections Clause 1.—Elections shall be held on the Same day as A.S.TT.O. elec tions. Clause 2. The 1st Vice-President of the A.S.U.O. Executive Commit tee shall supervise the elections and shall be known as the Director of Elections. He shall be assisted by an election board of the Class of 15 comprised of the Vice-Presi dent of the Class, the Class Ad viser, and one representative of Ihe A.S.U.O. Executive Commit tee. This election board shall have immediate charge of the class elec tions and the counting of the bal lots. Clause 3.—The polls shall be open from nine o’clock a.m. until three o’clock p.m. Clause 4.—The Director of Elec tions shall specify the exact loca tion of the electionsj Clause 5.—Each person who ful fills the requirements of member ship set forth in Article II of this Constitution shall be entitled to one ballot. Clause 6.—A plurality of votes cast will elect a candidate. Clause 7. -The Australian ballot shall be used in the elections. Clause 8.—There shall be no vot ing by proxy. Clause 9. — No electioneering shall be held within the radius of the polls established by the Direc tor of Elections. Clause 10.—No class cards may be purchased after ten days fol lowing registration for each term Clause 11.—Final results of the balloting shall be posted upon com pletion of the counting. Clause 12.—The ballots cast ir the elections shall be turned over to the Dean of Men of the U. of O and shall be held for a period ol two weeks during which a recount may be called for by a petition pre sented to the Class president con taining the names of tVKenty-fivt (25) members of the Class. ARTICLE VI Procedure Section 1. Meetings Clause 1.—Meetings shall be railed by the President of the Class or upon presentation to the Presi dent of a petition signed by twen ty-five (25) members of the Class Clause 2.—Notice of all meet ings other than those named in Ar ticle V, Section 1, Clause 3, of the Constitution, shall be given by an announcement in the Oregon Emer ald one day prior to said meeting. Clause 3.—A quorum shall con sist of one-fifth (1/5) of the mem bers of the Class. Clause 4.—Gregg’s Parliamen tary Procedure shall govern the procedure of meetings and shall apply to any parliamentary ques tion which is not covered by this Constitution or by any by-laws which may be established under it. Clause 5.—The Class President shall designate the exact time and location of class meetings. Section 2. All appointments shall be made as they arise by the President of the Class. ARTICLE VTT Finance Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Class Treasurer to act as Finance Chair man of all class activities; to keep the Class informed at all times of the financial condition of the or ganization; to see that permanent records of all financial transac tions are kept and to carry out all other duties pertaining to his of fice. Section 2. A financial statement of the Class of 19 shall be published in the Oregon Emerald at the begin ning of each term. Section 3. All purchases made in the name of the Class must be requisitioned through the Treasurer and the Ed ucational Activities Office and said requisitions must be signed by the Treasurer. Section 4. A fee of one dollar ($1.00) shall be collected from each member ol the class which shall entitle him Dollar for Dollar The OREGANA Can’t Be Beat Order Your Copy of the 1941 OREGANA Today From Your House Agent or Place Your Order at the Oregana Office, McArthur Court • Ask About Our Easy Payment Plan to membership in the Class for a full year. A charge of fifty-cents (50c) shall be made for Class mem bership for any single term. ARTICLE VIII Interpretation The Judiciary Committee of the A.S.U.O. shall have supreme and 1 final authority in any matter of in terpretation arising under this con stitution or by-laws. A RTICLE TX Adoption Section 1. This Constitution shall be adopt ed upon a majority vote of Class i members present. Section 2. Adoption of this Constitution shall immediately make null and void any previous Constitution, by-laws, or procedure with the ex ception of Section 3 of this article, Section 3. Thi3 Constitution or any part ot it shall not become effective before the end of the school year 1939-40. q ARTICLE X Amendment Section 1. Amendments to this Constitution or any by-laws which may be es tablished under it may Ire proposed at any regular or special meeting of the Class of 19 provided said amendment is submitted to the Class President in the form of a petition signed by twenty-five <25) of the members of the Class. Section 2. Section 2. Said amendment and by-laws shall be adopted to this Constitu tion upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2 3i of the members present and the approval of the Executive Committee of the A.S.U.O. Nina Fedorva Author of Atlantic Monthly’s .$10,000 prize novel . . . “The Family” / f" LS Will be guest of honor tonight at an informal reception given by the University Co-op store. University students, faculty, and friends are cordially invited to meet this distinguished Eugene writer. 7:30 — 9:30 tonight at Umiuersitifl * CO "OF^ CHAPMAN HALL DO YOU SMOKE THE CIGARETTE THAT SATISFIES Definitely Milder, Cooler-Smoking decidedly Better-Tasting, Chesterfield is one up on ’em all Smokers say that Chesterfield is the one completely satisfying ciga rette. Everybody who tries ’em likes ’em. Chesterfield’s right combination of Amer ' ican and Turkish tobaccos is the best that money can buy. Do you smoke the cigarette that Satisfies BETTER MADE FOR BETTER SMOKING Every Chesterfield must conform to the one right standard of size and shape for a cooler, better-tasting, definitely milder smoke. *A» i»»n in lh» o«w film "fOBACCOLAND, U. S. A.";