Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 05, 1940, Page Two, Image 2

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    Oregon if Emerald
The Oregnn Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays
Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University o
Oregon. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $5.00 per year. Entered as secondclas,
matter at the postoftice, Eugene, Oregon. _____
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE
INC., College publishers* representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago— Bostoi
— Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland and Seattle. __
LYLE M. NELSON, Editor JAMES W. FROST, Business Manage]
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Hal Olncy, Helen Angcll __ _
Editorial Board: Roy Vernstrom, Pat Erickson, Helen Angcll, Harold Olncy, Ken
Stitzcr, Jimmie Leonard, and Professor George* Turnbull, advisor. _
Jimmie Leonard, Managing Editor
Kent Stitzcr, News Editor
Fred May, Advertising Manager
Bob Rogers, National Advertising Manager
Tat Erickson, Women’s
Ted Kenyon, Photo Editor
Bob riavclle, Co-Sports
Ken Christianson, Co-Sports
Ur'r'tK niiwa oinrr
Wes SulJivan, Ass’t News
Hetty Jane Higgs, Ass’t News
Ray ScHiitk, Ass’t Managing
Tom Wright, Ass’t Managing
Corrine Wigncs, Executive
Johnnie Kahananni, feature
‘ ‘ Historians tell us that since the dawn of the printing press
era every advance in human liberty that has been obtained
in the world has been obtained as a result of the courage of
editors ip advocating the rights of the individual as against
the exercise of power by absolute monarchs or those who
restrain individual liberty. Likewise they tell us that every
loss of liberty during the same period of time has been pre
ceded or accompanied by a subjugation of the press.”—Elisha
Hanson, General Counsel, American Newspaper Publishers’
Association. This is National Newspaper week.
'America5 in Unison
CIX hundred persons stood with upraised right hand and
repeated slowly and in unison, “I ■ • • do solemnly swear
. . . that 1 will support and defend the Constitution . . . against
all enemies . . . hear true faith . . . allegiance . . . without
mental reservation . . . discharge the duties of the oilice . . .
I am about to enter ... so help me God.”
It was over. The assembly had been simple—a verse of
“America,” two or three short talks of explanation, the mass
oath. Ip the hand of each person was a copy of the oath to
be signed. Laughing, chatting, the assemblage filed out.
More than dOO NYA students had just become federal em
The assembly Thursday afternoon of NYA students and
supervisors was 1 Ik* first of its kind ever to be held on the
Oregon campus. Under the provisions of the appropriation
bill passed last spring, NYA students now are listed as federal
employees. As such, they arc required to take the oath of
allegiance before being permitted to go to work.
This apparent Regimentation may rankle in the minds of
some. Others there are who will declare heatedly that dis
cipline and vigilance are the. only way open for America if
she is to remain . . . America.
No one at the meeting protested; no one cheered. The stu
dents were merely doing as directed, much the same as if
they were performing an assigned task.
They now work for the government.—K.S.
Are There Too Many of Us?
rT\HL youth of America are on the upswing—in numbers,
that is.
According to a 111 10 volume there are now about two ami
a half million young people between the. ages of 10 and -l
in the United States. And statisticians calculate that this
figure will rise until around 1 !)44.
These figures are interesting in view of the fact that, the
joh-hohling population of the country is predominantly above
that age level. And each year since the beginning of the
depression nearly two million young men and women have
reached the age at which they expected to find their places
in the world.
A good proportion of this youthful population, unable to
find work at all, have; become content to drift. They have no
purpose in living. That is unless the mere filling of one's
stomach, and that at irregular intervals, is counted as suffi
cient purpose. Seeking food and shelter, thousands of people
are moving from one part of the country to another con
* * *
^jOLLLGU students, for the most part, have enough to eat.
Usually families are standing behind them, ready to offer
protection. A college student’s main problem is concerned
with After College. After college lie is adult.
According to universal human nature, man wants a place
in the world, lie has a fierce determination to go on living.
And the college student, like the youth who is forced lo
wander aimlessly across the country, wants a niche in life
and the right to he an individual.
Someone has said the youth is lazy. That statement was
probably not intended as applicable to youth’s job hunting
endeavors. It cannot he true there. The young people of the
colleges are vitally alive; they ask only a chance to prove
themselves, and space in which to live. Is there room?—l’.U.
The Queens Have Hurty Feet
IN the language of the dean of womeu's ealenjdar it’s called
“open house.’’ in Webfoot-boru eolloqui^lisiu this house-to
house dancing marathon is just a plain “Bunion Derby.” To
Oregon women, it's been a synonym for ma.vt.vdom . . . with
those of the lair sex at the mercy of the intricate dance steps
of a University male population drafted from California to
But this year the girls pulled a bloodless revolution, lvesult:
there’s still the tradition, without the bunions.
Associated Womeu Student heads last, year came to the first
council meeting after open house full of new ideas, for all
of those campus queens who direct the destinies of AWS
winced from the pains of an quintal epidemic of “hurty feet.”
They laid the foundation for a war in favor of informal
dress—and bided their time.
* *i
^JLLMINAT10N of the low growls of coeds, which have
been gaining momentum each year, eauie yesterday morn
ing, when an Emerald banner announced the, heads of houses
groups had ordained “Coeds Will Don Saddles lcn Saturday s
Derb ‘ * '
Maybe jUot a little of the glamour vail be loat—of high
heels clicking on polished floors, of new lall dress worn ior
the first time. But at the same time, those coed smiles will be
brighter, and definitely more sincere in their friendliness at
whomever comes their way.
AVomen first thank Emmeline Paukhurst for bringing wo
men’s rights to England. Then came Susan B. Anthony, who
brought suffrage to her sex on the American continent. Today
they are revered by women everywhere.
Small though the scope may be, few groups could bo more
heartfelt in their appreciation of an emancipator than 15Q0
University girls. And no greater field for mercy is there tliav
that of a woman’s foot. Let heads of houses take a bow.—II.A.
What Other Editors Think
Awakened Collegiates
In the east, according to a visitor from Boston, the competition
for jobs among high school and college graduates is producing a
new studiousness in the ranks of youngsters still in the classrooms.
They realize that these days are not altogether palmy, that getting
a job is not just a matter of asking for it—but also that the task
is not hopeless. There are jobs for at least some of the applicants,
and they are equipping to go after them on a basis of qualification.
They are buckling down to their books quite seriously, convinced of
the value of study while in school.
It is a spirit that elders will admire, for not a few of them have
wished, since the day of their senior sneak, that they had done more
actual reading in Literature III, more studying at the library and
less fooling the professor. One of the amazing things about the
educational process in America is the ease with which a diploma
can be obtained—and by what a variety of students. The ultimate
job always has been a better measure of education than the diploma.
It has a way of clarifying the extent of one’s learning, and eastern
students now realize this, according to our informant.
There is no indication that the new scholastic spirit has eliminated
all the frills of education. Sad to relate, that terpsichorean terror
known as the "jitterbug” is not yet extinct on the extra-curricular
scene. Time will deal justly with him, perhaps. Meanwhile we may
feel rather satisfied that the Boston cisior reports scholastic pro
gress of substantial caiiber.—The Oregonian.
Nation’s Arming; Students
Not Permitted to Forget
By Associated Collegiate Press
The nation’s college students are not being permitted to forget
that the United States is straining every effort toward strengthening
the national defense.
Men within he draft ages of 21 through 35 who are now registered
in college have been automatically deferred from compulsory mili
tary training, at least until July of next year, although they will
be required to register Oct. 16 with all other men of those ages.
Urged to Continue Education
At the same time men and women of college age have been urged
by President Roosevelt to continue their college educations.
Nevertheless, the nation’s collegians are being made to realize
they are an important link in preparedness plans.
Typical of defense messages to students at scores of colleges was
that presented by Dean Virginia C. Gildersleevc of Barnard college.
New York. It is more important, said she, for students to continue
their college educations until needed than to participate actively in
helping their country.
Shortage of Trained and Educated Citizens
Dean Gildersleevc explained that should the stream of students
stop, the country would find itself short of trained and educated
•'Women are especially needed," she continued, "because now their
brothers arc going to be occupied in sterner aspects of national
Dr. Remsen B. Ogilby, president of Trinity college, Hartford,
Conn., announced he wants all students at his school to obtain motor
vehicle operators’ licenses so as to be prepared, in event they arc
called for military service, to drive army automobiles or tanks.
Dr. Ogilby, a former chaplain in the army, also called attention
to courses in army sanitation, radio communication and similar
engineering subjects as well as ground school and flying courses.
University of California students were warned by President Robert
Gordon Sproul that they will be suspended from college if they
actively oppose the defense program.
"For those who prefer to fiddle while Rome burns or to accelerate
the pace of destruction by building private bonfires of their own,
1 shall have little sympathy,” he said. Indeed, I may find it necessary
to ask some of them to defer their enjoyment of an education at the
state’s expense until the life and prosperity of the state have been
made secure by their more patriotic fellows.”
Music Profits from
Surge of Patriotism
The sudden rise of patriotism
is great for America's future
but it is also great for many
American businesses including
the music business. There is a
great demand for patriotic
songs and they seem to be ap
pearing in a very prolific man
Latest addition to the wave
of patriotic ditties to follow on
the heels of “Ballad for Ameri
cans,” “God Bless America,”
and “I Am an American” is
“We’re All Americans, All True
Blue.” What the difference is
between ordinary American and
a “true blue” one isn’t pointed
out. But the song sounds like a
good idea anyway.
And speak of patriotic song
successes, Gray Gordon's re
cording of "I Am an American”
is being used regularly in 364
RKO theaters,, 150 Loew’s the
aters, 86 Translux theaters, and
350 independent theaters
throughout the nation. This
makes a new high in motion
picture houses to be using the
same record every day.
With the record being played
approximately 4 times a day in
each theater, “I Am an Ameri
can" will be heard by around
five million movie-goers daily.
At least the movie houses are
going to be patriotic whether
the cinema fans like it or not.
He’s Got the Wrong Sponsor
Mr. Tommy Dorsey is quite
embarrassed these days. . . .
“I’ll Never Smile Again” which
Tommy popularized is going
great guns all right, but it’s
kind of confusing to be playing
on a commercial radio show at
the same time. . . . Especially
when the show is sponsored by
Maestro-arranger Larry Clin
ton came close to receiving an
army court martial recently
when he was doing a little aer
ial solo work. Mr. C. was prac
ticing figure eights in his new
plane over Fire Island when an
army pursuit plane just about
scared him out of his aerial
boots by diving under him twice.
The army pilot finally flew
along Larry’s plane and made
some unintelligible signal. (At
least it was unintelligible to a
band leader.) Returning to his
home field a few minutes later,
Mr. Clinton found the airport
personnel in an uproar at
tempting to find out who was
the suicidal maniac who had
flown over the Fire Island area
set aside for army anti-aircraft
target practice!
In order to take politics out of
activities, the ASUO executive
committee this year has called
for applications for Homecom
ing chairmen. All applications
should be turned in to members
of the executive committee by
Monday night.
Dear Editor:
From ’36 to '38, while study
ing at Oregon, I worked with
the American Students' union
in its efforts to arouse student
interest in discussions of war
and peace; and to encourage
participation In the “National
Peace Strike" held at colleges
throughout the nation.
For the most part, our efforts
were futile. Our friends were all
too interested in sports, enter
tainment and the millracc taud
occasionally even in studies) to
bother about forming definite
opinions regarding an unpleas
ant subject. And when the
“Peace Strike” was held, the
s t a 1 w art and broad-minded
KOTO lads managed to tear
down the public broadcasting
system we had put up. But even
the militaristic hot-heads must
think seriously about the matter
now and realize that Pacifism
is not a synonym for Commun
The dictates of humanity do
not permit too close scrutiny of
the record of a suffering peo
ple; and our sympathies arc
naturally with the allies -or
what is left of them. And per
haps the situation is different
now from that of 10X6. But may
i suggest that if we enter this
war. too, to save democracy,
then v.fctizudy, tc pursue 4
logical course, we uiu»t in the
future fight all the Italics which
invade Ethiopia and Albania; all
the Russias which invade Fin
land; all the Japans which in
vade China. And eventually,
India will fight for her free
dom from England just as wo
once did. Will we then, to be
consistent, make war on Eng
land ? Or reverse our policy and
assist her in subjugating a re
volting member of her empire?
We cannot impose by force
our ideals and principles upon
all the nations of the world. Our
moral obligation is to do all we
can for the cause of freedom;
but not to try to set ourselves
up as Policement of World
("Shyster Sam,” as England
called us until a year ago. would
then be "Elatfoot Sam”). We
must be grateful for the free
dom we fought for, and be pre
pared to defend it against any
invasion. But let's remember
that the "little group of willful
men," slandered and ostracized
in 1916. were later revered for
their clear-mindedness and in
The Roosevelt administration
(whom 1 have heartily support
ed, and still believe the best for
internal policy) obviously is
leadiug us toward war. AmJ so
iar the people have not uudo
their opinion definitely known
to the a da! mist ration It is ab
surd to mumble that*"its no
use; they're going to semi us
to war again." There is no
"they" in America; this is still
a democracy, and it is up to
the people and no one else to
decide whether America shall
again cross an ocean to die on
battlefields three thousand miles
We want to help Great Brit
ain, of coursef even though the
entire empire is not yet fight
ing to protect itself; neither
Indian nor Ireland, for example,
is yet in this). But never again
under any circumstances except
actual military invasion of Am
erica, must we send our youth
to die in the wars of foreign
nations. Especially is this true
at this time, when we have not
yet recovered from the effects
of our last intervention.
Let's be fully prepared to de
fend ourselves against invasion.
But we must use our common
sense to resist the Senators Pep
per who urge us on once more
toward European death.
The college-age youth will be
the first to go, if we go. There
fore it is up to them to state
their opinions more loudly than
the sadly articulate and voluble
Yours very truly.
JOHN VALLEAU, (ex- 40)
F-S. 1 <uu no communist.
iajUft nor even an OsC syai*
International Side Show
For the first time since .Tune
18, when they met in Munich
to discuss France's appeal for
an armistice, Europe's No. 1
and No. 2 men got together at
Brenner Pass yesterday. That
Hitler and Mussolini held a
three-hour council of war is
generally agreed, but just what
they talked about is shrouded
in mystery.
Adolf and Benito, two bad lit
tle boys who are making good in
a big way, got together at
Brenner Pass once before, in
March last, and their confab is
generally credited as the pre
liminary start of the Nazi blitz
krieg on the unprepared low
countries and Italy’s entrance
into the war.
The German press, according
to UP, is unanimous in agree
ing that the meeting heralds
“cataclysmic” results for Eng
land, while the unofficial word
from Rome is to the effect that
it bodes a smashing winter
assault upon the British Isle,
simultaneous with an Italian
drive across Egypt to Alex
andria and the Suez canal.
The object, of course, would
be to end the war before spring
and thwart possible United
States intervention on Britain’s
Speaking of that angle, a pro
minent Mormon yesterday in
Salt Lake City told the 111th
conference of his church that
the U. S. has already commit
ted several hostile acts and “we
are in fact now at war.’’
J. Reuben Clark Jr.t an offi
cial in the Church of Latter Day
Saints and a former U. S. am
bassador to Mexico, warned 9.
000 Mormons “not to be misled
as to the nature of our acts, if
and when Britain’s enemy
strikes back at us.”
“In such an event, “Clark con
tinued, "should we be told that
Britain’s enemy commits
against us an act of aggressive,
inexcusable warfare, we should
know this will not be a fact, for
under the rules and principles of
war, we have already In effect
declared war against Germany."
They are pretty strong words
and we are not one that favors
excusing Germany in advance
for hostile acts, but there is
some justification for Clark’s
point of view when one con
siders that the U. S. is practic
ally a munitions plant for the
British Empire.
The time is ripe for those of
us who believe we have more to
gain from peace than war to
come out strongly for real neu
trality. Pretty soon such senti
ments will be regarded as “fifth
Incidentally, Willkie got off a
good one last night in Philadel
phia. He meant it to plug pre
paredness but we can use it for
our own anti-militaristic senti
ments. “America wouldn’t be a
land of the free if it weren’t the
home of the brave.”
so be it..
by bill fendall
somewhere within mailing
distance of the campus lives a
mother who typifies your moth
er, and mine . . . her contribu
tion which reached the colm
round-aboutly and without her
knowledge has not been re
touched, changed or added to—
only part of it was left out. . . .
this mother, the colm found
out, works at her job while the
sun' swings from horizon to hor
izon—aa does your mother, and
mine . . . mothers busy with the
day s tasks, whatever they may
be—from hand labor to social
registering—but you can bet
that day is punctuated by the
thought of when hers left for
school . . . “yes, going to the
university now,” she would say
across the back fence or over
a bridge table—but could she
tell others what you have been
doing? . . . SHE has written—
have YOU? . . .
I Ocf t'Aii fnrirnf
livai juu
sentimental, crazy for a colm
such as this you say . . . per
haps so, but read a part of that
letter and you may get senti
mental too . . . and those who
haven't, may also get “crazy"
enough to remember the most
important assignment they have
while in school—that of writing
home . . .
“Robert, dear:
We were so glad to get your
letter yesterday, and that you
have found such a nice room.
I guess you can get along by
yourself all right. It is hard for
Daddy and Mother to get over
the idea that we must constant
ly be looking out for you, and
that you arc really grown up,
an! can look out for yourself
pretty well. Just the same I
felt much better about having
you leave last Sat. morning
when Daddy took you to the
I sat on the arm of the big
chair in the living room until I
saw your bus go along on the
street below. It was about that
time that Daddy got back. Of
course I hated to see you go
but at the same time, I did so
enjoy knowing that at last you
were doing that which you have
dreamed of for years.
Always the Weather
The weather continues to be
perfect, and how things arc
growing. I have raked all the
lawn except back of the garage
to get off the little pebbles and
rubbish so that it can be mowed.
Daddy stayed at home this af
ternoon and is going to work
around the place. He burned
that big pile of prunings last
night. It will do him good to be
out in the sunshine.
Guess I'd better go down and
see what I can do to help him.
Too nice to stay in the house
anyway. I hope everything will
work out fine for you this term.
Let us know how you get on.
Your loving
MOTHER" . . .
tips eolaj only bs
it . • •
Oregon*# Emerald
Saturday Advertisig Staff:
Dick McClintic, Sat. Day Mgr.
Anne Brunton
Norman Angell
Bob Marland
Bruce Taylor
Night Staff:
Lee Flatberg, night editor
Ted Goodwin
Ruth Jordan
Betty Jane Poindexter
Mary Wolf
Brian Thompson
Donald Ross
Copy Deck Staff:
Ray Schrick, city editor
Jean Eckley
Joanne Nichols
Donald Ross
Edith Onthank
Charles Woodruff
Lynn Johnson
Dorothea Cathcarl
Mimi O’Donnell
Mary .Wolf
Display Celebrates
Newspaper Week
Newspaper week was officially
celebrated by the University of
Oregon library this year with a
display of several copies of the Em
erald in the main office.
Surrounding the Emeralds were
the pictures of the various mem
bers of the business and news staff
of the paper.
Many larger pictures were in
cluded in this display showing how
the members of each staff carry
on the duties of their position in
getting out the Emerald every
«■■■ t —■—■
Wayne Morris and
Rosemary Lane
“Ladies Must Live”
— plus —
The Three Musketeers in
“Rocky Mountain
Last night the boss was kid
naped so today I write what
I please. . . . That’s the advant
age of being a ghost, if you
don’t like the way people are
treating you just maneuver
your ectoplasm and fade. . . .
That’s also the reason Spook
can’t write this one, he couldn't
make his ectoplasm behave at
the right time and the Tri-Delts
got him. . . . The last time I saw
him he was being turned over a
slow fire by Jean Morrison.
This daytime haunting is al
right for an amateur but a
ghost of my talents really does
his best work at night . . . you
meet more people that way. . . .
Last night I met Bill Fendall’s
dearest enemy, Pat Sutton. . . .
I was quite fortunate; by the
use of a little quick footwork I
got away without being knifed
by one of her now famous verb
al barrages. ... In my haste to
escape Sutton I scurried into the
barn just behind Bob Flavelle’s
cottage. . . . The light was rath
er bad but by squinting I could
make out Jean Spearow and
Tom Terry over in one corner
feeding Jean’s duck. . . . Next
stop was the Alpha Chi house
where Milodene Goss told me
that she went to the Hello deal
with Len Bailiff but that Len
took her home at 10:30 because
he had a CAA physical exam to
take the next morning. . . .
Milodene bid Len a fond fare
well, stopped in front of the
mirror for the pause that re
dresses, and was off again with
another Theta Chi who was
more sure of his physical con
dition. . . . Hearing that from
Milodene shocked me so that I
may have uttered a low moan,
anyway I frightened one of
their pledges, so the A. Chis
threw me out . . . feeling very
hurt I composed by ectoplasm
and made my weary way across
the campus . . .
Just as I reached the front of
the AOPi house I ran into Bill
Rogers, dashing DU. . . . Rogers
was in a very sad state of mind,
he had just been given el brusho
by Jeanette Harbert (the AO
with the yaller chev. and eyes)
. . . Looks as if Jeanette was
going to be true to the ATO pin
she wears . . . for the first time
since she got it. . . . Being not
at all pleased with the AO hos
pitality I thumbed a ride back
to the Chi O house. .. According
to the Chi gals the real reason
that Phi Delt Spud Adams left
school was not to take up flying
but to take out his K. Falls Chi
Out for a bit of va walk before
my bedtime. 1 ran into romanc
ers Bill Rapson and Betty
Tliorndyke. ... I then climbed
the butte for a glimpse of the
stars . . . and then quietly rolled
down the hill . . . and away.
Grant Wood, celebrated artist,
has been granted a year's leave
from the art department of the
University of Iowa to devote full
time to painting.
it*- IMM1AI.II
Two Great Shows!
— also —
“I Want a Divorce”
with Joan Blondell and
Dick Powell
Dorothy Lamour and
Bob Preston in
— also —
Margot Stevenson and
James Stephenson in
‘Calling Philo Vance’
Don't Miss These
Two Great Stars!
“Lucky Partners”