Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 04, 1940, Image 1

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Via Socrates
Union's Future
Patty Berg
Duck Tracks
Sale of ASUO Athletic
Cards Ends Successful
Campaign After 10 Days
As Sale Closes, Chairman Joe Gurley
Says 2112 Tickets Sold, Highest Average
For Fall Term; 11 Houses 100 Per Cent
Today marks the end of a 10-day drive to distribute ASUO athletic
cards and, according to Joe Gurley, drive chairman, the campaign
to date has been “exceedingly successful.” **
“Oregon is proud of her athletic accomplishments, her record is
enviable, and loyal students demonstrated their favor of a continued
athletic program of equal success when they purchased 2112 cards,”
Ralliers Bid
'Bon Voyage'
> To Gridmen
Station Crowded
With Enthusiastic
Webfoot Followers
Carloads and jalopy loads of stu
dents answered the call of “rally,
rally, rally” and joined the noon
time serpentine yesterday which
climaxed in a general round up of
Webfoot fans at the railway sta
tion to bid the 1940 football squad
“bon voyage” and good luck when
they meet Stanford Saturday.
Imported on a truck to the down
town meeting point, the University
band under the direction of John
Stehn were on hand to serenade
the pigskin-packer team as they
left for their first conference
Greer Leads
Assistant yell leader Bob Greer,
supported by Pat Keller and his
rally committee, ha|d ((charge of
the down-town program which was
a sequel to 1J>e 11 o’clock assem
bly held on the campus in Gerlin
Coach Tex Oliver repeated at
the station what he had said from
the Gerlinger stage that his team
was in top form, both physically
and spiritually.
Mentor Praises
Oregon's football mentor also
praised the student body for their
enthusiasm and said “there is one
championship that a school can
always earn—not on the gridiron
-—but in sportsmanship.” Coach
^ Oliver thanked the assembly for
the support it had given the team
in the past and asked that they
]continue to qlooperate with the
team by “being behind them when
the going was tough.”
“Fight Oregon”
Norman Corey, instructor of mu
sic, introduced to the freshmen the
new pep song, “Fight Oregon,” and
then led the students in the singing
of it. Yell Leader Greer handled
the cheering end of the assembly.
The Alpha Tau Omega quintet
of Carl Little, Jack Boone, Fred
Farrier, Doug Hay, and Ed Storli
sang “I/rink to Me Only with
Thine Eyes” and the “Pledge
ASUO Prtxy Tige Payne acted
as master of ceremonies.
Two New Instructors
i Named to Faculty
Of Oregon Art School
Arthur Riehl, formerly with the
Federal Housing commission, and'
Edward K. True, graduate of the
Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology, have been added, this year,
to the faculty of the University of
Oregon art school.
Mr. Riehl, new instructor in ar
chitectural design, is a former
graduate of the University. He re
ceived his master’s degree at the
Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology and was awarded the Ion
Lewis scholarship, enabling him to
study housing conditions in Eur
ope, principally in the Scandina
vian countries.
Mr. Edward K. True, the new
instructor in construction and
graphics, is a former resident of
Concord, Massachusetts. He gradu
i ated from the Massachusetts In
stitute of Technology in 1039,
where he specialized in engineer
Gurley emphasized.
Although the total sales to date
is slightly under last year's fall
term aggregate, of the approxi
mately 2300 student tickets issued
last year, only 568 were for the
full year. The present athletic card
system disposes the tickets for the
full year. Such a plan, accordiirg to
Gurley, insures the best all-year
average sales in University his
Two more living organizations
hit the 100 per cent mark yester
day, Alpha Tau Omega, captained
by Pete Lamb, and Beta Theta Pi,
headed by Lou Torgeson. This
brings the total of 100 per cent
houses to 11.
Salesmen to Report
Several houses have not checked
in their sales progress and have
caused a delay in the issuance of
prizes to the houses and sales
men. The two organizations to re
port a “full house” Thursday will
receive a money order valued at
$10 for records while the nine
houses hitting the perfect mark
last week will receive a like money
order for $15.
Between 4 and 5 o’clock this
afternoon will be the last time for
student salesmen to turn in sales
and leftover cards. Salesmen are
urged to report to the ASUO ticket
office in McArthur court and com
plete this business.
CAA Class Open
For Applications
Entrance Easier;
Next Class Saved
For Upperclassmen
Students who would like to be
placed in the next civil aeronautics
training class can fill out applica
tions any afternoon in 314 Fenton,
J. C. Stovall, assistant director of
the CAA announced.
“Although only sophomores and
upperclassmen will be considered
for the next class, freshmen can
register if they would like to have
their application on file for future
classes,” Mr. Stovall stated.
He suggested that people con
sidering applying first see if they
fill the eight basic requirements
which are, briefly:
1. Applicant must have status of
citizen in the United States.
2. The applicant must be at least
19 years old and not over 26.
3. Applicant must not hold any
other pilots license.
4. Undergraduates must be fully
matriculated in the University and
have completed at least one full
year of college.
5. If the applicant is not enrolled
in the University at the present
time he must have a junior cer
tificate or its equivalent.
6. He must pass pliysical re
quirements of the CAA. (The ex
amination is not given till the stu
dent is enrolled in a class.)
7. If applicant is under 21 he
must have the written consent of
his parent or guardian.
8. Must never have been dis
qualified in a previous CAA air
training course.
According to Mr. Stovall the
height limit for men has been
raised to 6 feet 4 inches, the mini
mum height and weight for girls
has been lowered to 5 feet 2 inch
es and 100 pounds.
Language Teacher
Will Visit Portland
Anibal Vargas, new Spanish
i professor, has gone to Portland for
the first meeting of the foreign
language extension classes, the Ro
mance language department an
nounced yesterday.
Dustin' Off the Wax
Photo by Ted Kenyon, Emerald staff photographer
Smiling now, these lassies will “sing another tune” after tomorrow night’s bunion derby; Oregon men,
who in previous years have averaged 15 miles on open house forays, will stop in for a dance. The
girls are, left to right: Polly Ewan, Phyllis Bryan, Jacque Jo Finney, Dorothy Burger, and Vivian
Oregana Photos
Begin Tuesday
Week's Schedule
Released; Editor
Urges Cooperation
Starting at least a month sooner
than last year, Kennell-Ellis stu
dios Tuesday will commence tak
ing pictures of all living organi
zations for the 1941 Oregana, ac
cording to Dick Williams, business
When the job is completed, a
ten weeks’ task, more than 1900
students will have had pictures
taken, Williams said.
Week Schedule
Beta Theta Pi will lead off Tues
day, followed by Alpha Chi Ome
ga Wednesday. Alpha Tau Ome
go is scheduled for Thursday. Be
cause of the Washington-Oregon
football game in Portland Satur
day, no pictures have been sched
uled for either Friday or Satur
Cost Is 35 Cents
Kennell-Ellis studios are situat
ed at 961 Willamette on the second
floor. A charge of 35 cents instead
of 50 cents as previously an
nounced, will be made for each
initial picture and an additional
10 cents for each succeeding pic
Wilbur Bishop, editor, urges that
living organizations make arrange
ments to have all members pres
ent on the day scheduled. This will
avoid interruptions and delay.
Kwamas To Sponsor
'Mum' Sale Today
Members of Kwama, sophomore
service honorary, will take orders
for “mums” at the men’s living or
ganizations this noon. The flowers
to be delivered October 12 before
the Oregon-Washington game in
The price of the “mums” will be
50 cents, 75 cents, and $1.00.
Booths will also be opened at the
Side and at the library to sell the
flowers, according to Marge Dib
ble, president of Kwama and chair
man of the sale.
Politics Jr.
If you find that students
Mention Roosevelt in their chats
Rest assured, dear reader
They’re younger Democrats.
If your campus playmates
Are purely Willkie fans,
Rest assured, dear reader
They’re young Republicans.
Discussing things political
May be lots of fun,
But how many of these talkers
Are over twenty-one?
—J. W. S.
Want to Vote?
Two Days Left
For Registration
With all the Willkie-FDR battles
raging on the campus at this time
many student voters should be
rushing to register before Satur
day night's- closing time at the
court house so they will be able to
help correct the nation’s woes No
vember 5.
Don’t neglect your country in
such confusing and difficult times
—register and vote.
Concert Series
Tickets On Sale
Cossacks to Make
Third Appearance
On UO Campus
More than 200 season tickets for
the Greater Artist series have been
sold in the first two days of the
sales drive, according to Mary
Graham, secretary of the educa
tional activities board. Miss Gra
ham stated that this record was
"considerably better” than that of
last year at this early date.
Reserved seat season tickets
may be purchased at the educa
tional activities office in McArthur
court for $4, $5 ad $6, depending
upon the location of the seats.
These tickets admit the holder to
all five of the performances.
The series will open November 7
when Paul Robeson, negro bari
tone, appears. Others to appear are
Cornelia Otis Skinner, November
15; Serge Jaroff and his Don Cos
sacks, January 14; Gladys Swarth
out, February 11; and Alec Tem
pleton, April 15.
High point in the series, accord
ing to Miss Graham, will be the ap
pearance of the Cossacks, who, sne
said, will play at the University
for the third time, because of
popular student demand.
Three Scholarships
Given New Students
Three students from Eugene will
attend the University of Oregon
this year on scholarships obtained
from the Youth’s League of Eu
gene and Springfield.
The two leagues have combined
their funds in order to extend
scholarships to the boys. They are
George Warner, Fred Warner, and
Brown Holmes. The scholarships
will furnish both books and tuition.
Meetings of the Eugene league are
at the Woodman hall on Thursdays
and guest night is the last Tues
day of each month. The Spring
field league meets on Wednesdays
and has guest night on the second
Wednesday of the month. All
young people from the ages of 18
to 25 are invited to attend,
Newsman Lauds
Honest Press
Crookham Tells
Students of Need
For Truthfulness
Newspapers as “living, breath
ing, organisms” that will not only
Stand up for a right but. even fight
for it against personal loss must
point the way for writers today,
Arthur Crookham, city editor of
the Oregon Journal, declared at a
Newspaper week assembly in
Chapman hall last night.
Mr. Crookham addressed a group
of University journalism students
in a talk which upheld the
strength hidden in the statement
“freedom of the press” and sug
gested possible qualities that build
toward a newspaper writer.
“The quotation from the Bible,
‘You shall know the truth, and the
truth shall make you free,' should
be on the masthead of every news
paper,” the Portland journalist
stated. “It is impossible for people
in a democracy to govern if they
do not know the truth.
v 11v .~ ui i man i
“Germans paid a high price for
loss of freedom of the press. The
dictators do not comprehend that
lying is not only wrong but does
not pay. Relations of men must
depend on truth and no effort is
too great to defend its agencies.”
Ideas that “the customer is al
ways right” received a rap from
Mr. Crookham. He emphasized that
papers should stick to their ideals
even if it means a temporary loss
of readers and advertising.
Neatness, Accuracy Stressed
“Biggest bill of indictment
against reporters,” he revealed, “is
the failure of so many writers to
recognize the importance of little
things. Neatness and accuracy are
also important.”
College Training Discussed
“Students must not get the idea
that a college diploma will put
them ahead — at least not right
away,” he continued. “Reporters
have to prove their worth.”
Mr. Crookham said that journal
ists should write their stories to
follow the same pattern as an en
gineer who is going to construct a
building. He also emphasized that
the days of the "boozing” reporter
are something from the past that
no longer exist on large dailies.
Eric W. Allen, dean of the school
of journalism, introduced the
speaker and gave an explanation
of Newspaper week. The talk was
Mr. Crookham’s second on the
campus. He appeared here in the
spring of 1939.
Sorority Pledges
Jo Ann Planteen from Sacramen
to, California, and Shirley Lindley
from Empire, California, pledged
j Alpha Chi Omega recently, ac
| cording to the dean of women’s of
| fice.
Coeds to Don Saddles
For Saturday’s Derby
Revision Set
For Activities
Luoma Announces
Three New Posts
Added to Program
Complete reorganization of the
educational activities program to
include the posts of production
manager, publicity manager, and
office manager was announced yes
terday by George Luoma, assistant
educational activities director.
Purpose of the change is to ac
quaint more students with campus
extracurricular activities and to
further emphasize the role played
by educational activities on the
Publicity Scheduled
The publicity department will
handle the circulation of promo
tion stories for the extracurricular
departments. A head will be ap
pointed later for each department.
The departments to be covered by
publicity are Emerald, Oregana,
AWS, WAA, Greater Artists series,
activity administration, forensics,
The production department will
endeavor to emphasize the outside
activities t.o members of the stu
dent body in the hopes of inciting
more student interests. The de
partments to be covered by the
production manager are the Emer
ald, Oregana, student directory,
forensics, major campus events,
organizations and honoraries,
AWS, WAA, student administra
tion, drama, band and orchestra,
and the Greater Artists series.
Files Planned
The office manager will take
•care of the correspondence and
files for the new program.
The only appointment made so
far is the selection of Roy Metzler
to fill the publicity manager's
Luoma will be in his office in
McArthur court next Tuesday to
interview applicants for the man
ager posts and the department
Registrar Expects
Student Increase
An enrollment increase of 2 per
cent was predicted last night by
Clifford L. Constance, assistant
registrar, as he announced that
registration figures up to Wednes
day night totaled 3473.
“In view of the draft and gen
eral uncertain conditions, even
holding our own was very gratify
ing,” Mr. Constance stated.
Basing his figures on the pre
dicted 2 per cent increase, he esti->
mated that this year’s total should
be some 3700. A total enrollment
of 3,615 was reached last fall.'
Exact figures will not be avail
able until graduate students finish
registering next week, but Mr.
Constance said that the proportion
of men to women would probably
remain the same as the former
average of three men to two girls.
Undergraduates must be regis
tered by October 15. Graduate stu
dents may register until October 7.
Late registration fees are assessed
at the rate of $1 a day until a
maximum of $5 is reached.
Tickets Going Fast
For Portland Game
Tickets for the Oregon-Wash
ington game in Portland October
12 are selling fast, according to
Mr. E. R. Walker, ASUO ticket
manager. All remaining seats are
in the horseshoe, he said.
He emphasized the fact that the
Oregon-Washington game is popu
lar, and that it will be Portland's
only major league game this year.
Football' Politics
Greet Workers
at NY A Meeting
Add one more to the “it couldn’t
have happened anywhere else’’
After greeting with dead silence
the appearance of University Pres
ident Erb, Dean of Personnel On
thank, and NYA Educational Di
rector Anderson, students attend
ing the NYA assembly yesterday
applauded with enthusiasm Miss
Harriet Thomson, professor of phy
sical education, and Roy Vcrn
* * *
It was surprising to see the
number of freshman footbail team
members when President Erb dis
missed members of the Duckling
squad for workout. Amazing also
was to find the number of feminine
members Coach Warren had.
* * *
Now that they’re working for
the government, NYA students are
wondering if they come under the
Hatch bill, which forbids federal
employees from engaging in politi
cal activity.
Responsibility for answering the
question, put by President Erb,
passed from Dean Onthank to Mr.
Anderson, who said that candi
dates’ buttons could be worn “off
the job."
NYA Workers
Take Pledge •
Over 350 Students
Salute U. S. Flag
At Official Meeting
A national oath of allegiance to
the United States of America yes
terday marked official installation
of approximately 350 campus NYA
workers into jobs for the 1940-41
school year. The oath, given in the
music auditorium, was led by John
Anderson, education supervisor of
the NYA.
This is the first year such a
pledge has been required of Nation
al Youth Administration workers,
and it is compulsory for all stu
dents who wish their names placed
on government payrolls this fall.
cooperation [Stressed
“These are trying times,” Mr.
Anderson declared in an introduc
tory speech which preceded the
oath. "Allegiance and loyalty take
on greater meaning. We must have
a close relation between adminis
trators of such a program as NYA
and student workers.
“Americans do not want relief,”
he continued, “but rather a chance
to work. The government makes
an investment through NYA and
gives college men and women the
opportunity to fully earn their way
through school.”
Student’s Need Important
Karl W. Onthank, dean of per
sonnel, also addressed the group of
workers and work supervisors who
were present. He emphasized the
fact that NYA is based on need of
the student and that appointments
are allotted with special view to
possible educational value for the
man or woman employed.
Other speakers included Miss
Harriet Thomson, from the physi
cal education school, and Roy
Vernstrom, head of a campus NYA
Purposes Explained
Purpose of the meeting, in addi
tion to taking the oath, was to ex
plain purposes and educational val
ues of the University work set-up.
Dr. Donald M. Erb, Oregon pres
ident, introduced the speakers.
Art Museum Opens
On New Schedule
The art museum library will be
open from 2 until 5 p.m. on week
days and closed on Saturday and
Sunday, it was announced today.
In response to student inquiries,
the librarian stated that the en
trance to the art library is on the
east side of the building facing
Susan Campbell ball.
Frills Taboo
At 1940 Hop
Girls Agree
28 Men's Groups
Name Open House
On Weekend Slate
High heels and fancy frills are
absolutely taboo for the head of
houses’ sponsored open house Sat
urday evening, Bette Morfitt, cam
pus social chairman, decided after
a petition from coeds, begging for
mercy and relief from a dressed
up party that will last from 7:00
to 11:40.
“This change will be for the bet
ter, Barbara Pierce, head of hous
Grides, town and independent
girls’ organization, will hold their
“open house” in the AWS room of
Gerlinger hull at 7 p.m.
es’ prexy, stated, we feel sure,
since the “bunion derby" is sup
posed to be an opportunity for Ore
gon men and women to become ac
quainted informally.”
Stops Cut Short
Because there are 28 men’s or
ganizations on the campus to 21
women’s houses to visit, heads of
houses have been forced to limit
the time at each house to 10 min
utes instead of the previously an
nounced 20-minute length.
Line of march of the men Will be
released in tomorrow morning's
Emerald, Miss Pierce stated.
Yeomen and the law school have
also reported thdir intention of
taking part in the evening's activ
ities and have been accordingly
given their place on the visiting
The male Webfoots are urged
by Miss Pierce to respect the light
blinking signal which will signify
the end of the ten-minute period in
each house. Strict obedience to this
rule will avoid a pile-up, Miss
Pierce added.
ROTC Head Asks
Officer Increase
Lyon Sees Need
For Larger Quota
Of Advanced Men
Owing to the demand by many
qualified applicants to take the
ROTC advanced course, the ROTC
department has requested the war
department at Washington to au
thorize an increase in its quota of
advanced students, Colonel R. M.
Lyons, head of the department, has
announced. The present quota of
100 has proved inadequate, he
stated, pointing out that over 40
qualified men are now on the wait
ing list for the advanced course.
A sharp decrease was noticed
this year, Colonel Lyons said, in
the number of men applying for
exemption from the required basic
military course. Though a num
ber of exemptions have already
been granted for such reasons as
outside work, physical disability or
over-age, only one student has re
quested exemption on the grounds
of being a conscientious objector.
Profs Paint Murals
For U. S. Government
Three faculty members of the
University of Oregon art school,
David John McCosh, Lance Wood
Hart, and Andrew McDuffie Vin
cent, were commissioner by the
federal government to paint mural
panels for certain departments of
the United States this last sum
Andrew McDuffie Vincent, pro
fessor of drawing and painting, did
a mural panel in the new Toppen
ish, Washington post office ap
proximately five by twelve feet in