TODAY'S EDITS: Newspaper Week Wage-Hour Law So be it... SPORTS PAGE: Frosh Football Hoop Squad Flavelle Ducks VOLUME XLII 7.600 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1940 NUMBER 7 Student Union Fund Granted (50 Dividend Frosh Committee Continues to Work As Soph Group Fifty dollars nearer to reality, the campus student union building moved yesterday when Glenn Wil liams, head of last year’s freshman committee, turned over that amount to John Cavanagh, student union chairman. The money represented dividends received on Co-op receipts donated by students to the student union movement in a campaign spon sored last spring by the frosh com mittee. Fro*h Promote Still carrying the burden of pro motion of the student union, last year's frosh committee now as sumes the position of the sopho more student union committee. Glenn Williams, chairman of last year’s frosh group, will serve as assistant chairman of the entire student union movement, the gen eral chairman announced. Also maintained on the central commit tee will be Eleanor Sederstrom and Barbara Pierce. New Group Picked on proved ability a new frosh student union committee will be named the first of winter term. Leadership in both activities and scholarship will be given consid eration in selecting the group at that time. Expressing satisfaction at the work done by the active frosh group last year, student union leaders emphasized the fact that only outstanding first year stu dents would be named to the com mittee. In this way, it is hoped, they said, to transform the stu dent union building from a mere plan to a very real student activ ity center. Concert Ticket Sales Proceed Season tickets for the 1940-41 Greater Artist Series went on sale yesterday at the ASUO ticket of fice in McArthur court, the educa tional activities office announced last night. The reserved seat tickets will sell for $4, $5 and $6 and will in clude admission to the perform ances or artists including Paul Robeson, Gladys Swarthout, and Alec Templeton. November 7 will mark the pro gram given by Paul Robeson, world famous negro baritone who ap peared before the students four years ago. He will be followed by Cornelia Otis Skinner, actress, who will present her monologues on No vember 15. Other artists included in the series at later dates will be the Don Cossack chorus, January 14; Alec Templeton, April 15, and Gladys Swarthout, February 11. Reserve Officer Takes Air Post Thomas W. Fishburn, Oregon graduate, left the campus Wed ' nesday for Riverside, California, where he will take a position as administration officer with the army air corps. Fishburn has been a second lieu tenant in the infantry reserve since his graduation last June. While attending the University, he was a member of Sigma Delta Psi arid a student in the CAA course given here. YW to Entertain There will be a fireside tea in the YW bungalow this afternoon at 4, according to Jean Crites, YW president. The tea is open to all girls who wish to attend. Lois Nordling is general chairman of the affair. On 'Bunion Derby' I do not mind dancing f From here to the pampas, But I wish that the tri-Delts Were nearer the campus. J. W. S. Open House Proves Hard On Feet, Thrill For Campus Hearts By CONNIE AVERILL 'Twas the night before open house and all through the sororities and fraternities the boys and girls were in training—resting their feet, deciding upon their most com fortable shoes, and planning elab orate excuses for "sitting this one out.” For it cannot be denied that open house, better known as the "bun ion” derby, while an excellent means for the eds of the campus to meet the coeds it is a BIT wearing on feet. Strong men quail and big “bruisers” blanche at the memory of the weary trek from house to house, yet they couldn't be paid to miss the event. Keeps ’Em Coming There’s something about all those cute little freshman girls that keeps the lads going to the last house. And there's something about all those unknown men com ing in every 20 minutes that ap peals to every girl’s romantic na ture. Who knows, the man of her dreams may be in the next group, and it wouldn’t do to miss him. Of course until he comes she must forget the punishment of her brand new spike-heeled pumps and overlook the awkwardness of danc ing with a boy who barely comes to her shoulder. And then, too, that smooth-dancing senior must re member that that cute little trick from Podunk isn’t to blame if the only step she learned in her home town is more closely related to the Virginia reel. He must remember that when he first joined the stu dent body girls weren’t exactly palpitating to dance with him. Grant vs. California It’s really amazing, though, to see how well those of the famous Grant-style for example, get along with the California dancers who evidently are used to dancing in a scant square foot of room. Then when 11:45 comes many of the girls and boys are startled by the realization that the remaining 30 minutes aren’t half long enough to handle the three dates made in the course of the evening for a “coke” afterward. If any freshman thinks “open house” is Saturday night and Sat urday night only she will certainly learn differently for days and even weeks afterward a completely un known voice accompanied by an equally unfamiliar name is apt to telephone for a date. Then it is that brains are racked and sorority sis ters consulted as to whether Throckmorton Smith is that abso lutely divine tall, blond creature who danced so marvelously or if he could possibly have been that horrible one who didn’t believe in dancing and spent the entire time explaining disastrous depth into which the United States will sink I if Roosevelt should happen to be reelected. NYA Students Take Oath Today Dr. Erb Will Head Group at 4 o'Clock In Music Building In accordance With a recent fed eral law all students having NYA positions and their supervisors will meet today at 4 p.m. in the music auditorium to pledge allegiance to the flag. As students will not be listed on the federal payroll until the oath is taken, it is imperative that they attend the assembly, NYA officials emphasized. President Donald M. Erb will preside. Ivan G. Munro, state NYA administrator, will lead a discus sion of the mutual responsibilities and privileges of National Youth administration workers. Judge G. F. Skipworth will ad minister the oath. Group Surveys Campus Wages Minimum Salary Advanced for All Student Workers “The investigation of campus wages has gotten well under way with a survey of employers now being taken,” Bob Calkins, gen eral chairman of the checkup re ported Wednesday. The first method of procedure In the investigation will be a general survey of all the restaurants and living organizations employing stu dents of the university. The name of the employer, the number of students employed, the minimum wage paid the employees and whether or not the employer charges for breakage will consti tute the, questions asked by the investigators. The chairman stated that all re ports will be in by Monday, Octo ber 7, and that the committee will then contact all employers and at tempt to raise the minimum wage to 35 cents per hour. Calkins is quite sure that all the firms in Eugene will cooperate in this drive and that it wll be ulti mately successful. "An investigation of this type has long been needed on the cam pus, and I believe that in the end a 35c minimum wage will be more satisfactory to employers and em ployees alike.” CAA Flying Course Classes Still Open Oregon ducks who want to fly will still have a chance this term, provided they have put in an ap plication, according to J. C. Sto vall, assistant CAA director. “The class is not entirely filled yet,” Mr. Stovall announced, "and all students who have applied for the training should watch the Em erald for notice to come check with the office in Fenton concerning the course.” Replaces Spencer Mr. Stovall is in active charge of the Civil Aeronautics Authority this year, in place of Carlton E. Spencer, law professor and direc tor, who is temporarily stationed with the National Guard in Salem. Assistant Director Stovall also announced that, “Any students, in cluding freshmen, who wish to ap ply for future training courses can fill out applications in 314 Fenton any afternoon from 1 to 5.” Taught in Deady The ground courses, which are good for six hours of upper division credit^ are taught at 7 p.m. in Deady hall every Tuesday, Wed nesday, and Thursday evening. Mr. Stovall cautioned that although ground courses can be audited there will be no credit given unless the students also do work in the air. In summary Mr. Stovall said that the present training period would end January 15 and that students who successfully complet ed the three courses totaling 72 hours of ground instruction, actual flying lessons, and other require ments, would be given a private flyer’s license. Cost Listed The total cost of the course is $25 which includes $6 for the physical examination, $10 for the University course fee, and $9 which covers insurance cost. Mr. Stovall requests that the fol lowing persons get in touch with him at Fenton hall by tomorrow afternoon, for conference concern ing the course: Lloyd Tansing, Jack Bryant, Bill Chapman, Don Johnson, Harold Knutson, William Larson, Albert Maurice Linn, [ James Russell, and Verlin Wolfe. Gurley Says Athletic Drive Hits New Hiyh Representatives To Meet at Igloo For Conference “From the opening of the athletic card drive up till 5 p.m. Wednes day 2028 year cards had been sold to students of the University of Oregon this year, compared with 2230 of last fall term,” Joe Gurley, chairman of the drive, announced last night. Gurley made an appeal for all the campus salesmen and living organization representatives to meet at McArthur court in the ASUO ticket office at 4:30 p.m. Thursday to receive additional de tails and to report on the card sales. At that time the winners in the salesmanship contest will be announced to the representatives. More Expected “At 5:00 today nine living or ganizations had reached the 100 per cent mark and from all indica tions several more will do so to morrow.” The drive will officially close at 5 p.m. Friday but tickets may be obtained by students registering late and newcomers at the ASUO ticket office in McArthur court. Prizes Given All living organizations to go 100 per cent by Friday will receive a $10 money order prize with which they can buy records. The organi zations going first will, according to Gurley, receive additional prizes. Those leading the drive are; Bil lie Christiansen in charge of soror ities, Lou Torgeson, who is han dling the men’s living organiza tions, and Ken Erickson, who is leading the independents. G. T. Smith to Play 'Touch Wood' Role Gerald T. Smith will play one of the leading roles in the University Players forthcoming production, "Touch Wood.” A University of Oregon graduate, he has played Harry Van in the campus produc tion of "Idiot’s Delight,” Mat in "Anna Christie,” and numerous parts in the Portland Civic theater. "Touch Wood” is an English comedy. It is set in a Scotch re sort hotel where the characters are guests. To give scene shifters a vacation, and the audience a chance to stretch cramped legs, one of the scenes will be played in the John son hall theater while the other scenes will take place in the lounge of Gerlinger hall. A complete casting, except for one part, includes a veteran group —G. T. Smith, Helene Parsons, Mary Staton, Gerda Brown, Flo rence Shumaker, Wilfred Road man, Trudy Harland, Adrian Mar tin, Roberta Quigley, Jimmy Toner, and George Turnbull. The performance will be Octo ber 18, 19, and possibly 23. Due to limited seating capacity, the audi ence will be re ’ricted to 100 per sons for each *how. All seats Yill be reserved. Spanish Forum Set Dr. L. O. Wright, Spanish pro fessor will lead a discussion on pronunciations of Spanish at the Eugene Fortnightly club. Solidar ity of the Americas is the topic for the organization this year. Campus Calendar CAA Assistant Director J. C. Stovall requests that the follow ing persons get in touch with him at 314 Fenton hall by tomorrow ; afternoon for conference concern ing pilots training: Lloyd Tansing, Jack Bryant, Bill Chapman, Don Johnson, Harold Knutson, William Larson, Albert Linn, James Rus sell, and Verlin Wolfe. The University of Oregon Young Democrats will hold their organiza tion meeting on the third floor of Gerlinger hall at 7:30 this evening. All students and faculty members i who are interested are urged to j attend. Male Lead Pictured above is Gerald T. Smith, who will fill one of the loading roles in “Touch Wood,” drama department play, when it is presented here this month. Journal Editor To Speak Today Writers Will Hear Arthur Crookham At 7:30 Assembly In observance of National News paper week, Arthur Crookham, city editor of the Oregon Journal, wjll speak as guest in a journalism assembly at 7:30 tonight in 207 Chapman. The meeting, it is announced to day, will be open to the public. Because the meeting is to be held I*.. Chapman, seating accbmmoda tions will be sufficient for a good sized audience. Immediately preceding the assembly, Mr. and Mrs. Crookham will be guests at a banquet spon sored jointly by Theta Sigma Phi, women's national journalism hon orary, and Sigma Delta Chi, pro fessional journalistic fraternity. The banquet will be held at the Del Rey at 5:4^ Before accepting his present po sition on the Journal, Crookham was for eight years city editor of the old Portland Telegram. He >s well known in state journalism circles. Library Offers Inspection Tours To New Students New students will have an op portunity to become acquainted with the library through the tours of inspection which are to be con ducted this week, it was announced yesterday. These tours last about 45 min utes and take place on Thursday, October 3, at 10 a.rn. and 4 p.m., and Saturday, October 5, at 10 a.m. Those interested may sign up at the information desk. Schenk Will Attend Advertising Meeting Harry Schenk, assistant profes sor of journalism and secretary of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers association will leave Eugene Thursday to attend a meeting of the Advertising Managers’ asso ciation of the ONPA. He will return to the campus and leave Monday for Chicago to attend meetings of the Newspaper Managers’ association and Nation al Editorial association. Schenk will be accompanied on the trip by Giles L. French, presi lent of the Oregon Newspaper Pub lishers association and Verne Mc Kinney, president of the Oregon Press conference and a director of NEA. They will be gone approxi mately two weeks. Chess Enthusiasts Plan Organization All students interested in chess are urged to communicate with Dean Dwyer at 447-J who is at tempting to form a chess club on the campus. Tentative plans include placing chess tables in the YMCA. Students to Start UO Squad on Indian Hunt i Lunch Hour Moved Up for Station Rally Caravan Will Trek Downtown to Cheer Team to Palo Alto Lunch signals will sound a half hour earlier today as Oregon root ers prepare a mass send-off for the Palo Alto-bound grid team at noon, rally committeemen stress. Terminating at 11:25, a rally assembly in Gerlinger will start the ball rolling for the down-town trek of the campus immediately after lunch. All available cars are All living organizations will have 11:30 luncheon today, heads of houses and interfratern ity council ruled, in order that students may attend the station rally. to be at the College Side to form a caravan of cheering, horn-blow ing students down Thirteenth street and Willamette to the sta tion, with the rally committee and the University band along to keep enthusiasm at a fever pitch. The D ticks face the Stanford In dians Saturday in the first game away of the season and Tex Oli ver's 1940 edition of the Lemon and Greek will get an appropriate student demonstration, rallymen believe. With one win to their credit, the Ducks will combat a new Stanford style of play under a new coach, a team rated high by coast football experts. Bob Greer will pinch-hit today for Yell Chief Woody Slater, al ready south on pre-game arrange ments for Oregon. Graduate Student Enrollment to Close Registration for graduate stu dents carrying more than six hours of work closes noon Saturday, Oc tober 5. Those with lighter loads may continue to sign up without penalty during the following week also, the registrar's office an nounced last night. A fine of $1 per day, up to a maximum of $5, will be charged for late registration. Before registering for the last three hours of thesis work, ordin arily a nine-hour course, students this year must present their first draft to their adviser. This regu lation is expected to prevent last minute rushing of advisers and in sure careful work on the student’s part, according to C. L. Constance, assistant registrar. Loss of Wallet May Force Boy To Quit School This Is the story of a boy who may have to quit school. Tuesday, on a trip downtown, he lost his wallet. In it was $23 —every cent he had left after paying tuition and fees. He tends furnace for his room, but no money for food will be forthcoming until his first NYA check lute this month. Thus it is that loss of the money will al most certainly necessitate quit ting school. The Emerald prints this ap peal in the hope that the finder may be able to identify the lost wallet. The boy is Vincent Yar dum, a first-year student. Any news of the wallet may be tele phoned to the housing secretary, Johnson hall, or to the Emerald.' Of course, no questions will be asked. Emerald Names Reporting Staff Positions Given 28 Students Following Tuesday Meeting Out of the five score students who crammed roorh 105 in. the journalism building Tuesday eve ning for the fall term Emerald staff meeting, only 28 of them could be used on the regular re porting beats, Kent Stitzer, news editor, announced last night. Most of the reporters who re ceived appointments under the new set-up of Editor Lyle Nelson, have had previous Emerald experience, with freshman workers being ap pointed to night staff or copy desk. Appointments Posted Appointments of the latter two departments on the campus daily will be posted on the bulletin board in the news room today, Managing Editor Jimmie Leonard stated. Newcomers whose names do not appear on the following list of re porters are urged to see Assistant News Editors Wes Sullivan or Betty Jane Biggs for a personal interview. Reporters Named Regular Emerald reporters will be: Don Butzin, Mildred Wilson, Barbara Lamb, Corinne Wignes, Johnny Kahananui, Ray Schrick, Ep Hoyt, Russ Hudson, Lee Flat berg, Byron Mayo, Howard Ban kus, Bob Hiatt, Mimi O'Donnell, Charles Polar, Hunter Van Sicklen, Maxine Miller, Harry Rhorer, Bob Whitely, Jim Thayer, Elsie Brown ell, Phil Sinnott, Ann Reynolds, Bernie Engel, Bob Frazier, Lois Hulser, and Glenn Hasselrooth. Student Loans Nearly Double 1939 Figure By BERNARD ENGEL Approximately 500 University of Oregon students have already borrowed $13,307.50 of the $15,000 emergency student loan fund, ac cording to the University business office. Translated, this means that the same number of borrowers as last fall has drawn nearly twice as much in cash. According to J. Or ville Lindstrom, University busi ness manager, the increase in in dividual loans can be attributed to the unit payment plan now in ef fect with regard to tuition fees. Payment by thirds has been al lowed during the past few years. Loans Limited Individuals may tap the emer gency fund to the extent of their required fees, not including non : residence, music, or other special payments. Only one loan can be j drawn at a time and it must be | repaid before the student may reg ister for another term’s work. By order of the state board of higher education, the fund mu3t bear the brunt of all direct costs occasioned by its maintenance. Therefore, a service charge of 25 cents is assessed for all loans up to $10, and 50 cents for all loans over this amount. Students who do not pay their notes at the end of the first month will be required to pay an additioal service charge of 25 cents a month for the ensuing five months and 6 per cent inter est on the unpaid balance thereaf ter until paid. Committee Listed The fund is administered by a committee consisting of Virgil D. Earl, dean of men; Karl W. On thank, dean of personnel, and Lindstrom. Assisting the commit tee as secretary is Miss Rowena Elgin. Men students desiring loan® should report directly to Dean Earl; women must first obtain the approval of the dean of women. Oregon Fans Plan Sendoff For Gridsters Gerlinger Hall to Be Scene of 11 o'Clock Rally for Olivermen Tex Oliver and his crew of pig skin toters will be cheered on to California and their encounter with Stanford beginning at 11 o'clock this morning with a campus-wide rally held in Gerlinger hall. Under the chairmanship of Pat Cloud and assisted by Jane Hoch uli and Les Anderson, Lemon and Green fans will take part in a short but varied program urging the Webfoots to collect the In dians’ scalps. Speaker Oliver Coach Oliver will make his de but of this football season as speaker and will tell the student body the hopes he has for the team on the Palo Alto reservation. "Fight Oregon,” one of the two new fight songs introduced spring term, will be handed out on mim eographer sheets to the assembly by Skull and Dagger, sophomore men’s honorary, and Norman Corey, instructor in music, will lead the singing. The University band under the baton of John Stehn will accompany them. “Emcee’ Payne Tiger Payne, ASUO prexy, as master of ceremonies will intro duce Bob Greer, assistant yell leader. At the Gerlinger rally he will handle the megaphone because of the absence of Woody Slater, who is already in California mak ing arrangements for the Saturday game. Just before the 11:30 dismissal so that students may have an early lunch and continue the rally down town, the Alpha Tau Omega quar tet will present two numbers. 'See de Boidee?' Web foots to Face Camera Tuesday Cosmetic dispensers and plas tic surgeons should not be overly amazed should1 a sudden spurt in business occurs prior to next Tuesday, for on that day Oregon students will begin having their pictures taken for the Oregana. No matter what they have above their adam’s apple and be tween their ears, each and every Webfoot will prop himself up in a chair at Kennell-Ellis studios, squirm around a bit, cock his head at a fitting angle—glam orous, rakish, aristocratic, et cetera—and screw up his face in his particular version of a smile, while the photographer up front mutters, “Hold it . . . see da boidee . . We have been informed that the “operation’’ is painless ex cept that maybe some people will tear their nails or scratch a finger or two when they plunge their hands into purses or pock ets and emerge with the four bits they’ll have to st\ell out for the privilege of being mugged. YWCA Heads Extend Welcome to Coeds At Opening Assembly A general welcome from the en tire governing body of the YWCA was extended girls who attended the first assembly yesterday after noon in the YW bungalow at 4. Mrs. E. E. DeCou, general secre tary of the Y, was the main speak er, ad she discussed various phases of the Y work and what it offered girls. Jean Crites, president, per sonally greeted the girls and intro duced cabinet members who ex plained the work connected with their positions.