Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 27, 1940, Page Eight, Image 8

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Erb Welcomes
1,000 Freshmen
For Solidarity jrj.
First Year Ranks
Following an annual University
of Oregon custom, more than 1000
freshmen received on official note
of welcome from Dr. Donald M.
Erb, president of the University,
last, night in the music audito
Ka>1 W Onthank, dean of per
sonnel adm,r"’atr’ation. introduced
Dr. Urh to the students, after giv
ing his own pei'sonal welcome to
the newest arrivals on the campus
Erb Addresses
Dr. Erb. stating thnt the meet
ing was held primarily to get ne.
mwinted. gave the students facts,
both of the sehool and also of the
fresbman class.
He also exnlaipod noints of the
Durke-Wadsworf h bill th°t bn>re <T1
do with conscription, and info-met
fhe vroun that he had roeeived of
ficial word from Washington hoi.
terdav, stating that Senior HOTC
wiil count as regular army service.
Pavpe Greets
After Dr. Erb's wolocmo. Dean
Onth-rdc presented “Tio-er” Payne,
president of the ARTTO. w’m in
vited the freshman eHqg to at
tend the first ASTTO mooting
n-h-.rsday afternoon in Gerlinger
Actual experience in advertis
ing promotion, circulation, and
office work is being offered bv
the business department of the
Oregon Daily Emerald.
Anv students interested are
urged to attend the Emerald
business meet ins' Monday after
noon at 4 o’clock in room 105,
Journalism building. .Tim Frost,
business manaprer. vdi present
the upper boc'ppss stiff .in.| ex
plain Emerald organization.
Douglas Hyde, first president of
Eire (Ireland), was once interim
professor of modern languages at
Hutgers university in New Jersey.
Young Democrats
Organize at Oregon
Hale Thompson, president of the
Lane county Young Democrats
club, announced last night the or
ganization of a Young Democrats
club at the University.
Considerable interest is being
shown in such an organization,
Thompson said, and a number of
Oregon students have already
signed up as members of the new
club. The first meeting of the group
will be next Thursday evening on
! the third floor of Gerlinger. Offi
cers will be elected and organiza
tion plans, formulated.
Luoma Outlines
Activity Setup
Hcrrger Successor
Takes Over Duties
As 'Coordina+or'
^ himgcnt intoUiecot. rtoM
tl'dnn.tlnn in educational activ
ities. hrousrht about bv present
in'” information to all student's of
all education0! activities, is the
goal act for Ilia office hv Asajat
ant Educational Activities Mnn
oc-er newly appointed George
j.vomo. nnnointpd on a t"r»,i
hcaia bv the prlucationnl ae|iv!ivq
bmrd will serve as assist"”* to
Man"co” Georap Hoot and win bo
in "b"ree of coordinating the va r
ious functions such as Oregano,
Emerald, ASUO and class af
His office in McArthur ron*-f
Luoma intends to make a. com
bination collectin'” noint. .and news
bureau for all educatoinal activ
ities. By making- his comn’et j
files available to students be be
lieves a PTeater continuous inter
est i” the activities program can
J)o nro
liiioma succeeded l ea Harper
who occupied the post last year.
The new assistant was business
manager of the Emerald last year
end is president, of Alpha Delta
Sigma, advertising honorary.”
Reserve Corps
To Open Regular
Drill Tuesday
There will be marching feet but
no rolling drums or lusty cheers
for University of Oregon's ROTC
enrollees as thev report for first
drill session of the fall term Tues
r’nv mornintr.
“We expert, about 1200 to be in
t"ain’n°r bv the Utter part, of next
week.” stated Colonel R. M. Lvon,
i-red of Oregon’s mil'tary science
department. Uniforms will be
rherked out to students immedi
,'itrlx prtor registration has been
norv.r^ir.to'i pnd fees have been
paid ” he said.
The local corps is a bran"h of
the United States Reserve Officers
"YRinintr corns and was established
to nreonre voimer m°n to fulfill re
sponsible no"’t*ons in case of na
tier'"! emergenrv.
C'0Tr'P''int1p<T OP his Stsff. GoloPOl
r ,.,on enthusiastic over his two
epw assistants. Captain \V Ulwood
pon,| pivi Captain Hoprv W. Hall,
who w*ll stop into th" positions
,.r,roto,i hv Major Morris and Ma
jor Parrott.
T*oth Hs'l and po^d graduated
with the class of 1078 end were
o,r,.'tnr -v,prnhe”S of Scabbard end
pior’e. University military honor
Co-nniotipo' the l'st of instruct
ors ip military science are Rer
p-eont H. T. Agrule. Peraeant Hnr
vev Plythe, and Major J. W.
The setup for fall term classes
end drills will be the same as that
used la°t. spring term This con
sisted of a one-hour lecture period
on Tuesday and a two-hour drill
period on Thursday afternoon.
Headquarters of the Internation
al LsUor office have been tem
porarily transferred from Geneva,
Switzerland, to McGill university,
Now girls’ dormitories are being'
omened this month hv the TJniver
sitv oc Missouri at Columbia.
starring in
Paramount $ picture
“rangers OF FORTUNE
For a Top Performance
in smoking pleasure -
Alcfee your next pack
11 over the country, more smokers
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Chesterfield the Smoker's Cigarette.
Smokers like yourself know they cun
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Turkish and Domestic tobaccos for the best things
of smoking. Chesterfield smokers get the benefits of
every modern improvement in cigarette making.
Copyright 19U). LioefcTT & Muh- To«ACC* C*.
Here as seen in the new film "TOBACCO
LAND, U.S. A." is Chesterfield's electric
detector. Twenty mechanical fingers ex
amine each cigarette in a pack and if
there is the slightest imperfection a light
flashes and the entire pack is automati
cally ejected
Symphony, Band Call
For More Musicians
All new students interested in
; ioining the University bands or
svmnhonv orchestra should not
hesitate in applying during reeis
trstion todav and tomorrow at Me
■ Arthur court. This point was
stressed bv John Stehn, director of
the University bands, and Rex Un
derwood. orchestra conductor, in
announcing preparations of the
music department for the coming
Three bands are maintained bv
the University: the military hand,
the concert band, nnd the see0nd
band. Those interested need have
no fear of not getting >n as the»-e
is no limit to the second band which
is maintained for all first, veer
members. The band for football
mimes is selected bv trv-out from
the memher“hin of the above three
groups about one week before each
No Band Tryouts
No tryouts are necessary to reg
ister for band—anv student who
has had anv experience or study on
any instrument may ioin. Piavers
of some experience but who have
not nlaved for a year or two are
urged to register as the band re
hearsals are planned to develop fa
cility, as well as to rehearse mu
sic. Professor Stehn will be present,
at McArthur court to talk to any
one interested.
Sessions Private
Registration and trv-outs are
necessary for orchestra aspirants
but all try-outs will be held pri
vately in Professor Underwood's
studios in the music buildin" next
Monday and Tuesday from 5 to 6
Those who wish to drop the
course will be nb'e to do so without
paying the customary withdrawal
Sigurd Nilssen
To Teach Here
When Sigurd Nilssen. bass bari
tone of the Metropolitan Opera
company, joined the school of mu
sic faculty, it meant his return to
his native state.
A native son of Oregon, Nilsson
studied in Paris before his debut
with the Monte Carlo opera com
nanv, and his later performances
in Germany, Austria, and the
British Isles.
Tall and commanding in ap
pearance, the Norwegian singer
was named by the New York
Evening Journal as “an artist
who represents all that Is best
and finest in musical life, in this
country. His sincerity and con
scientiousness, his intelligence,
temperament, and imagination
have united to make him a most
exceptional concert artist.”
The new professor of voioe will
first be introduced to University
students when he sings at the
Webfoot picnic August 20 at
.Tantzen Beach He will take up
’'os teaching duties here in Sep
Born in La Grande, Nilssen
makes one of his few returns to
the west coast this year to teach,
for since his debut in 1922 for
the Monte Carlo opera company
he has spent most of his time in
the east.
Hartwio, Kraft on
Activities Board
When the new ASUO educa
tional activities board meets for
the first time this fill to take un
its duties as the directorate of
sfudent activities, Dean of Music
Theodore Kratt and Professor
Lawren Hartwig of the law de
partment will “sit in” for the
first time as members.
Dean Kratt, one year veteran
as dean of the University school
of music, was selected bv Presi
dent Donald M. Erb for member
shin on the student-fneultv com
mittee because “he has had a
world of experience in the man
' agement of concerts, knows per
sonally many artists, and will be
a great help to the committee in
selecting: cultural attractions for
Professor Hartwig; replaces Or
lando J. Hollis, board member
since its inception more than a
decade aeo. Hollis, also a member
of the law school facility, was
forced to resign when his ad'’ed
duties Oregon's pth'ptic repre
sentative in the Pacific Coast
conference were accented. He will
remain a member of the athletic
board in connection with his post
as athletic representative.
The welcom° sign is out to old
and new students alike at Eu
gene’s Flower Home. A cordial
welcome to all new students
and a “Glad you’re back to
the old.
Eugene^s flower Home
Corner 1 .'ith and Patterson
Phone 65-i
New Freshmen
Inject Old Pep
F vtra-Cun*’ cul ar
At Student Rally
Freshmen showed that they al
ready knew how to put the “old
nen” behind the Oregon fight songs
at the ASUO rally Thursday eve
ning in the music auditorium.
Under the presiding gavel of
Student Bodv Prexv "T i g e r”
Pavne, the. assembly was held also
to acouaint the new freshmen with
the activity program of the Uni
George Luoma. assistant man
seer of educational activities, act
as m'’t,ter of ceremonies and
introduced csmons figures in
njinro-e of various organizations.
These were- Lvle Nelson, editor
of the Fmerald: Jim Frost, Fmer
ald business manager: Wilbur Bis'n
ci), Oregana editor: Dick Williams.
Orec-nna business manlier: Bettv
o.^Usnin. a WS president; Jean
Grites, YWCA president; Joanne
Biesrh. WAA president: Wavne
Kellv, YMCA president: Joe Gurlv.
a.quo athletic card drive chair
man: and Len Clark, symposium
Showing the freshmen how tal
ent. is fostered on the camnus, Dick
Clark gave a parody on President
Chief Yell Leader Woody S'ater
and .Assistant Boh Orem led the
frosh in a few veils while Norman
Corev, assistant nrofessor of voice
led in sine'*"* “Mightv Oregon” as
a climax to the evenin'*.
The ra.Uv semad, Kwama, ana
Skull and Dagger, sonhomore men
a.nd women honors vies, ushered
and Dassed out conies of school
songs to the assembly.
Laboratoru. Classes
Spaces Enlarged
^ vano'ements are nearins: com
pletion for new class and labora
tory snare for architecture, sneech.
Enp-lish. math, sociology, and eco
nomics elasses.
Drafting rooms and studios are
included in the new architecture
huildin" win°- The snee°h depart
ment has added new Fugene stu
dies for Kr>AC on the lower floor
ee the University extension build
TVew on the ton ftoo'* or rweemp
noil o"o a statistical 'aboratory to
he nspd h,T math, sociology, and
economics cioosjp^ and a seminar
room foj* e0ejoj science.
\ rpoimp room for the Fnglish
department has been iostel’ed on
the third floor of Friendly hall.
12:15 Permission
Granted Daters
Routine Schedules
Start Sunday for
All Organizations
Regular weekend permission—
12:15—has been granted for to
night and tomorrow night, it was
announced through the office of
the dean of women today. Regular
hours for all living organizations
start Sunday night. As Dreviouslv.
the hours during the week are to be
10:30, Friday and Saturday 12:30.
and Sunday 10:30.
In addition, the students are re
minded that the two weekends be
fore examinations are to be closed
and the regular hours enforced
Oirls mav have two dates examina
tion weekend. The weekend previ
ous, girls mav have one date on
Saturday evening until 12:15. There
ran be no entertaining during the
two weeks before examinations.
It was also announced that late
permission will be given onlv for
t^e four all-campus dances, ^rosu
Olee, Sonhomore Informal. Junior
'°rom, and the Senior Ball, when
"iris mav stav out until 12:30. Ad
ditional permissions mav be grant
ed through the office of the dean
of women.
NYA Jobs Assist
More Than 250
Between 250 and 400 University
students will be aided by NYA jobs
this vear, according to Karl W.
Onthank. dean of personnel ad
ministration. Twice as many appli
cations have been considered, he
“NYA is not a grant in terms
of a. rift, but a. iob which is paid
for.” Mr. Onthank said. “The stu
dent must carrv three-fourths of
a. -full load, and be an American
citizen. He must also be within
the age limit of 16 to 25.”
Vortv thousand dollars has been
granted t’’8 University under the
National Youth administration this
■"ear, the Dean said, and although
this is slightly below last year’s
aonropriation, the students will
still average about twelve dollars
a montn, the maximum being fif
teen dollars.
Applicants are nearly all above
average students. Mr. Onthank
said, and they must maintain a
high grade point and show promise
as students in order to keep their
D«an Kratt *« Direct
Choral Union
Dean Theodo-e Kratt, head of
the school of music, is again offer
ing ail new and present students
who are interested in just plain
sinking the opportunity to join the
choral union. Starting; its third
year after last year’s membership
nnnroximatelv 40 students Dean
Kratt exoects an active interest in
the chorus.
The dean stressed the fact that
the choms is for everyone and
those wishing- to take part may
register during the regular regis
tration today and tomorrow in Mc
Arthur court. Meetings of the
group are Tuesdays and Thursdays
at 3.
Symposium Teams
To Handle Debating
Men's and women’s symposium
teams, speaking on subjects of
timely general interest, will handle
the debating duties for the Uni
versity this year, according to W.
A. Dahlberg, assistant professor
of speech.
Operating on the same principle
as last year, the debating teams
will continue the program started
when they addressed 110 audiences
including service clubs, high school ^
assemblies, granges, women’s clubs,
fraternal societies, church organi
zations, and college groups.
The two-fold purpose of these
symposiums are to provide young
men and women at the University
with an opportunity to appear be
fore realistic audiences where they
can experience an actual life situ
ation, and to offer to the people
and taxpayers of the state an op
portunity to share in the informa
tion that the students have uncov
ered in their investigation and re
search of timely subjects.
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