THE GHOST AND! By J. SPOOK (Today the Emerald welcomes its newest columnist. Fearing the fate of last year’s Jack Bryant, who got a free haircut at the hands of some of his more ardent read ers, the new columnist prefers to remain anonymous, writing under the name, J. Spook. He will write when the spirit moves him.—Ed.) This is the week, so G. tells us, when more people go unpledged than pledged ... the week when Greek letter rivalry becomes less pronounced and "the boys" start trusting each other a trifle more (and here six words are censored) . . . yea, and this is the week when bayers, b seltzers (and little bro. Alka) will find a ready market. Accomplice Ghost’s travels this summer brought the ghoulish guy into but meager information about ducks and duckettes, so he ex plains to us. pat taylor and sally mltchell, co writers of once over lightly will never print this, speaks the au thoritative G . . . miss m., toast of the athletic department, is no longer displaying the s.a.e badge belonging to bernard me cudden . . . says they reached an understand ing . . .; pat, ex-raleigh girl, still wears dale peterson’s sigma nu brand, but G. understands the glorified hardware traveled be tween clatskanie and oak grove (sec your local rand-msnally map) so often, balfour almost got it. . . . word has it, too, that Caro lyn holmes was the goober tycoon of lake tahoe the summer . . . there seems to be many a fair haired boy missing from the cam pus this fall; government scholar ship Is the answer. . . . wen brooks, emerald man, is back on the cam pus, deserting the pen for polities. . . . a longview (wash.) pi phi is staying home this year: easier to attend phi delt functions at Wash ington state and those at oregon, also, when they fall on alternating weekends. ... it finally happened, G. gloats, frank emmons, now with the Philadelphia eagles, parked his kap. sig pin on kappa mary thuch er. . . . john cavanntigh, a.s.u.o. exec, spent most of the summer in yuba city working and, yes, play ing . . . more later. the Giddup poll queried oregon coeds from beach resort to b resort during the summer, and when meeting the pretty lassies minus their men's hardware found the following to be the most frequent answer: “why no, I left his pin home, heh, heh—afraid I’d lose it in the sand.” . . . jim hickey has been making a stir in the anne brown league— remember anne and the colored photograph of her in a grass skirt; the pix appeared in a portland pa per on the front page of the farm section with a hawaiian pineapple . . . wee willie norene, pride of the news bureau, better known as blushing boy, jumped the traces for nan lewis this week. . . . have ears. . . . but not like yours. watch the romance of newcomer pat longfellow and bill bradshaw— it’s a carry-over from vacation. the latest theme song for the trees (there, there, and there) seems to be: beat me, daddy, eight to the bar. . . . and so friend G drank a can of alpine milk, yo deled, and disappeared, shouting: remember, boys, even the walls have ears. . . . but not like yours. Better Than a Letter! Send the hoiks the EMERALD They’ll Enjoy it Subscribe Now Oregon7# Emerald $1.25 per term $3.00 per >cur I II Oregon Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as sec ond-class matter at the post office, Eugene, Oregon. Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC., College publishers' representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Boston—Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland and Seattle. LYLE M. NELSON, Editor JAMES W. FROST, Business Manager ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Harold Olney, Helen Angell. Editorial Board: Roy Vcrnstrom, l’at Erickson, Helen Angell, Harold Olney, Kent Stitzcr, Jimmie Leonard, and Professor George Turnbull, advisor. Jimmie Leonard, Managing Editor Kent Stitzer, News Editor Fred May, Advertising Manager Bob Rogers, National Advertising Manager Pat Erickson, Women’s Editor 7>d Kenyon, Photo Editor Bob Flavelle, Co-Sports Editor UPPER NEWS STAFF Ken Christianson, Go-Sports Editor Wes Sullivan, Ass’t. News Editor Betty Jane Biggs, Ass’t. News Editor Ray Schrick, Ass't. Managing Editor Tom Wright, Ass’t. Managing Editor Corrine Wignes, Executive Secretary Who’ll Buy A Rain Check on Tomorrow? ALTHOUGH most, humans between 18 and V 22 are in a fluctuating state of mind, open to new ideas and revolutionary changes in their Hi >;as, it is conservative to say that the college student, of 1940 is sitting on a dynamo. Even the most learned student of interna tional affairs is only guessing—or maybe hop ing—when he prophesies what the next year, the next month, or even the next week may bring. For the whole occasion is unprece dented. For the first time in many years, President Erb devoted much of his welcome address to new freshmen Wednesday night to a descrip tion of the military standing of the University of Oregon student as defined by the Burkc Wadsworth conscription hill. There were 1300 freshmen gathered in the music building to hear the president’s first official talk. # * # 'J^llEBE lies the hope for the whole situa tion, in the fact that there is expected an enrollment at least equal to that, of last year s “biggest in history’’ mark. That there are 1300 high school graduates coining to this in stitut On atone, with faith enough in the future to plan for a career in the years ahead. War or no war, conscription or no con scription, Americans still have a peculiarly fascinating way of living today as if tomor row were certain and secure. In the last an alysis, perhaps peace is a state of mind even before it is a physical situation. For years college editors have been coun selling first year students with the idea that “the next four years are to be the most im portant years of your lives . . . because they are the years in which your life is molded.” And here it is September, 1940. There’s a bumper crop of freshmen on hand, who are willing to take a chance. Realization that they are entering on an important phase of their mental growth has prompted as large a group as ever of young Webfoots to take advantage of a University education. * # * JT is a situation such as this that brings out in silhouette the really important things of life. When the world is in a state of flux and the future unknown, it is good to know that one is building within himself a set of ideas and ideals, and a cultural background that will help him to see conditions from an in telligent viewpoint and to make his personal decisions as a member of a democracy more wisely. It has often been said that the greatest value of a university education is that it is something that cannot be taken away by external conditions. Today that seems even more valuable. Strong opinions and theories on government and the governed must be entrenched in American minds is that nation will remain a nation “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” I The college student of today will be the .statesman of tomorrow.—11.A. New Fee Setup and the Athletic Card 'J^HK new compulsory educational activ ities fee, voted last spring by the state board of higher education, has caused con siderable confusion in the minds of old stu dents as well as newcomers and perhaps should be clarified at Ibis time. The old optional fee of the past was $15 for a full year. This included everything, admis . sion to athletic contests, concerts, the right to vote, and the right to participate in ASUO activities. This fee could be paid each term if desired at the rate of $7 for fall term, $5 for winter term, and $5 for spring term. The proceeds from the $15 fee went into two divisions of the ASUO at the ratio of 40 per cent to educational activities, including concerts, publications, etc., and tit) per cent to the athletic department. This meant that out of the $15 the athletic department re ceived $9 and the remaining $li went for activities. # # * rJ~'IIK rule passed by the state board changes all this. It made the $(> a year for educa tional activities compulsory. In other words every student registering in the I’niversitv must pay, along with his other fees, a total of $(> a year, at the rate of $2 a term, for educational activities. The remaining $9 for athletics continues to be on an optional basis with only a few changes in the setup. Principle change is in tlie method of pur chasing the card. Whereas the old combina tion aetivities-athletic ticket could he pur chased one a one term basis, at the rate al ready given in this editorial, the new ticket sells only for the entire year or that part remaining. Students desiring to purchase an athletic ticket at the beginning of fall term pay the full $9 which includes admisson to all athletic events of the year. No other ticket is available. Those entering winter term purchase a ticket for $6 which covers the rest of the year. # # * rJpilK if!) ticket bought in the fall can, how ever, be paid for in installments at the rate of $9 down, $11 on October 10 and $0 at the beginning of winter term. A if 1 deduction is gained on the Oregana by paying the entire amount in a lump sum at the first of the year. The new athletic ticket has a $211.85 value in athletic events throughout the year, accord ing to ASl'O officials. This includes admission to five football games, II basketball tilts, two conference track meets, 1:1 baseball contests, and three swimming meets. In addition the athletic department has arranged for a $1.10 reduction to the Oregon-Oregon State football game in Corvallis and a ten cent reduction on all football programs. It shouldn't be hard for athletic card sales men to vend that kind of a ticket. No Sales Talk Needed Here 'JpHE 191011 Oregana salt’s campaign will l)r underway by (lie timo most students road Ibis morning's Kmcrald. With the zero hour sot for S o’olook today. Oregano sales men "ill be busy all during registration, try ing to place a copy of Oregon's all-American yearbook in the hands of every student. The Oregana sales crew, headed by Busi ness Manager Dick Williams, expect this year's sales again to be high. Their expecta tions are based on a sound consideration of the facts. First, of course, is previous sales experience. Second, is the high rating which the Oregana has won in national competition the past four or five years. Third, is tlvc in creasing desire of most students to take home some permanent souvenir of their college days. The Oregana i.-. a pictorial presentation, in lasting form, of thiugs which probably best represent the University of Oregon to most students. Its value grows greater as it gets older. In years to come each page avill prob ably recall some person, some incident, or some event which happened during college. # # 'T'llK Oregana lias consistently rated “lops" among college yearbooks throughout the nation. To the editors and managers and to Kducational Activities Director lleorge Hoot, "ho has had a great deal to do with guiding the destiny of the publication, should go the credit for this achievelnent. A great deal of hard work—much more than appears on the surface—goes into the making of this yearbook which has so con sistently won national acclaim.The ID40-11 book is already planned and is gradually gravitating from layouts and drawings in the offices of the editor and manager into a ftrst elass publication. bditor AN ilbur Bishop promises another dis tinctive book. Business Manager Dick Wil liams promises a whirlwind circulation cam paign. V* t promise to buy one. A Preview of Coming Attractions rJ'TIEATER goers all over the nation have come to expect the previews of coming attractions which are invariably shown in American theaters with every motion picture. But the preview is a new advertising device to football fans—at least those of the Oregon variety. Last Friday night several thousand Oregon fans got their first glimpse of the 1940 Ore gon football team as Tex Oliver put his boys through their paces. It was the first of the “football schools” which Oliver promised the Oregon student body when he took over the head football coach's duties here about three years ago. Probably the short glimpse which the fans received of the football team dicln’t give most of them much of an idea about how far the Oregon team is likely to go this year. Possibly it was not intended that it should. But it is very likely that many of the Oregon fans did learn something about the tricks anti techniques employed by college football players. And the fans did get an opportunity to see the boys who will be carrying Oregon colors during the coming season. If the “football school’’ accomplished these things, which is hardly to be questioned, it probably accomplished most, if not all. that is was intended to accomplish. At any rate, it was a good show for the fans and undoubtedly stimulated interest in the Oregon team. Tonight, just a week later, the Oregon fans will see their team put on its mettle when the Bucks square off on Hayward field against the Marine team from San Diego. The BAND BOX By BILL MOXLEY Beat Me Daddy “. . . And when he jams they holler, ‘Oh, BEAT ME DADDY (EIGHT TO THE BAR)’.” So goes the newest and most unusual jazz recording to be waxed in many a moon. Everybody has heard about it and nearly every record col lector has it by now. Will Bradley takes two sides of eight-to-the-bar boogie woogie to tell about Peck Kelley, greatest piano player of them all. “Beat Me Daddy" is the first re cording of Boogie Woogie to take the public’s fancy although jimmy Yancey originated Boogie Woogie piano many years ago. Yancey taught many of the modern expo nents of Boogie Woogie including such piano pounders as Pete John son, Albert Ammons, and Meade Lux Lewis. Yancey’s appearance on “We the People” two weeks ago' climaxed Boogie Woogie’s long climb from negro honky tonks to nation-wide popularity. “I’ll Never Smile Again” Smiles On Ruth Lowe, the author of "I’ll Never Smile Again,” is wearing a big grin from ear to ear these days. For the fifth straight week her song has topped all popularity records. The story behind the song helped to start it out, but once on its way “Smile” soared way up in the blue. Ruth Lowe's husband did die and Ruth Lowe was heart bro ken but now she is rich and famous and smiles all the time. The tune has been pushed so hard in juke boxes and over the radio that all the college kids are sick and tired of the thing, but it’s catching on with the older genera Look . . . Here Is The 'JUDY GARLAND 'BROWSER* flTBHHHir SWEATER (jfiestgneJ hy /TIN ideal Sweater that » /"/ will make you look bet ter. Styled for wear without care almost anywhere — in class, on the campus, at play, at rest. Always looks spick and chic . . . Featured in Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Mademoi selle—and in smart "college" shops. Priced about . .. Please write for name of nearest shop and for free Style Booklet "C." * • MGM Stai — Now Appearing |p "STRIKE UP THE BAND" OLYMPIC 1372 BROADWAY, NIW YORK CITY Campus Calendar Oregana staff members will meet on the second floor of McArthur court Monday night at 8 o'clock, Wilbur Bishop, Oregana editor, an nounced last night. At that time approximately 40 staff positions will be announced. Delta Gamma will hold a cam pus-wide open house after the foot ball game this evening. The Ma rines will be guests of honor and the student body is invited to meet them. There will also be a radio dance and refreshments. tion and should be good for a few more weeks of record breaking en thusiasm. Campus Music Prospects High It looks like some darn good campus music this year. Art Hot man is adding two more pieces to his swell outfit and is all set for an all winter stay at The Holland. Art will probably be available for a good many campus dances, too. His ten men sounded plenty smooth at last Tuesday’s Pledge Dance. There are many plans afoot for small six and eight-piece combos to be whipped up for house and dorm dances. Mayhap a new super band will spring up from the ranks of the yet young and tender fresh men. At any rate it looks like a musical year. And by the way . . . Orchids to the Educational Activ ities Committee for signing up a couple of swell artists for the year’s program. ALEC TEMPLE TON and PAUL ROBESON should pack the dear old Igloo to over flowing. In order to obtain work through the employment service students should fill out the registration ma terial available at the YMCA of fice. . ... • .. This COLLEGIATE World (By. Associated Collegiate Press) A fairly comprehensive picture of the average sorority girl on the Washington University campus at St. Louis is contained in a survey in Student Life, campus publica tion. Some of the conclusions fol low: "She comes in assorted heights, dressed and shaped according to latest fashion. Her well-curled hair is becoming, and she will seldom cover it with a hat; but just let a suspicion of rain appear and she wads it up under a bandana and looks like someone who should be slaving in Russian wheat fields. "In spite of her 12-hour study average weekly she keeps her grades well above the campus level, makes more B's than C's, and in spires all kinds of tales^of apple polishing by the less successful male. “She thinks about men almost as much as they like to think she does, but her thoughts are not al ways to their credit. Rather often she has more dates than she wants, because that’s the only way she can be sure to have the ones she really does want. “She may look frivolous, but there’s a fifty-fifty chance she has held down a paying job at some time or other. She may even be the one girl in a hundred who's work ing her way through college with a full-time job. She's more apt to be the one sorority girl in 10 who earns her spending money by working about seven hours a week. “In general, she’s a happy girl, fairly well satisfied with her share of life.’’ International Show Side A lot of blood has watered the soil of widespread battlefields since this column made its final appear ance last spring, and many a mo ther’s son has gasped out his last »|-eatji for “la Patrie" or ‘'der Vaterland" or “jolly old England." World War II dragged on all summer while lucky students in thi3 country worked and played and, some of us, worried about conscription. That issue was set tled the other week, but those of us who pay $39 this Friday or Sat urday won't have to worry until July 1, 1941—unless this country goes to war! Meanwhile the war has spread to West Africa, Indo-China, and Egypt. Great Britain's prestige suffered another serious blow at Dakar Wednesday when the gov ernment announced t hat British forces were being withdrawn from that West African port after three days of unsuccessful fighting. It is likely that Britain will pass the buck to the “free French.” Probably the refugee General Charles De Gaulle will be the scape-goat. Dispatches indicate that he miscalculated the weakness of the Vichy government and the strength of his own following in" the French territory. Coming so soon after the British withdrawal from Somaliland in the face of a strong Italian offensive, it is likely that waverers in other French colonial possessions will be more likely to stick with the Vichy government, which is under Pe tain's dictatorship but probably strongly influenced by the German foreign office. One thing at least the British are learning from this war. That is the technique of withdrawing. One only has to recite a list of place names to prove the point: Namsos, X'Jarvik, Dunkerque, Ber bera, Dakar. The French themselves are suf fering reversals in French Indo china. A few hours after a treaty was signed giving the Japanese certain military rights in Indo china the Japanese South China army marched across the border. Probably another case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. The Japanese army is always getting ahead of Tokyo. Anyway, the French are retreat ing slowly, having lost Langson, a border town. And Vichy and Tokyo are negotiating while their troops are killing one another. Peace—it’s wonderful! "-.1 Greets Coeds Old and New With the newest styles from mannish e a m p u s clothes to strictly feminine formal gowns. Kauiman M Bros, is looking forward * to renewing old friend ships and making new ones. JUMPERS The convenient way to make many dresses out of one by varying your blouses. Especially smart are our styles in gay plaid. SKIRTS and SWEATERS which of course you mix and match with regular ity. New pleats and gored styles in skirts and ador able new vest styles in sweaters. BLOUSES The sportswear shop at Kaufman Bros, is head quarters for beautifully made blouses f r o m the most tailored to the dres siest styles. MODEL AS SKETCHED Left: Man-tailored shirt with full plaid skirt. Eight: New fitted jumper with plaid blouse. Below Jauutv tarn with gay fea ther. AS STYLES FIT VOUR COLLEGE TASTES. PRICES SUIT YOUR COLLEGE BUDGET EUGENE'S F A S II i 0 N CENTER