Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1940, SPECIAL EDITION, Page Two, Image 2

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    The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, and final examination
periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as sec
ond-class matter at the post office, Eugene, Oregon.
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC., College publishers’ representative,
420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago -Boston Los Angeles San Francisco- Portland and Seattle.
LYLE M. NELSON, Editor JAMES W. FROST, Business Manager
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Harold Olncy, Helen Angcll.
Jimmie Leonard, Managing Editor
Kent Stitzer, News Editor
Fred May, Advertising Manager
Bob Rogers, National Advertising Manager
Editorial Board: Roy Vcrnstrom, Pat Erickson, Helen Angcll, Harold Olney, Kent btitzer, Jimmie .Leonard, and 1 rolcssor
George Turnbull, advisor.
Pat Erickson, Women’s Editor
Ted Kenyon, Photo Editor
Bob Flavclle, Co-Sports Editor
Ken Christianson, Co-Sports Editor
Wes Sullivan, Ass’t. News Editor
Betty Jane Biggs, Ass’t. News Editor
Kay Schrick, Ass’t. Managing Editor
Tom Wright, Ass’t. Managing Editor
Corrine Wignes, Executive Secretary
Four Days vs. Four Years
ANNOUNCEMENT in this morning’s Em
erald of tlm pledge lists for fraternities
and sororities does not contain the name of
every person who went through rush week—■
some got left out of the bidding.
This is nothing new, nothing unexpected, as
far as rush weeks at the University go. Per
haps it is small consolation for those who arc
not wearing a pledge button or ribbon to
know that the chief reason they were left out
is because there simply wasn’t room in Greek
houses for all. Housing facilities and (lie quota
system have made it, impossible for all to
attain their desire to wear a house’s emblem.
As for the finality of tlm decisions which
were made,The Emerald has long maintained
that opportunity—the chance to do something
on the campus—is not synonymous with a
pledge button. We believe, as many Emerald
editors have believed, that failure to pledge
is not calamitous or filial. In the final analysis
the University itself is the main attraction and
its opportunities are not limited to those with
a Greek emblem.
The list of non-affilia^ed men and women
who have carved a career for themselves with
out being pushed by a house is very long.
A glance at the list of men and women voted
as the most outstanding by the senior honorary
societies, Friars and Mortar Board, will reveal
a high percentage of independents.
The rushing setup is, at best, a poor
criterion by which to judge a person’s cap
abilities. The four days of highly artificial
living that mark the period called rush week
seem very insignificant as compared with the
four years, yet to come, of actual work which
most freshmen will put in at the University.
The sun has not set—it’s just rising.—L. N.
Added Value Plus an Early Start
JOE Gurley, drive chairman, has not waited
for registration to begin his campaign to
put an athletic card in the hands of every
student. The campaign began yesterday and
will continue throughout registration.
The main reason for the early start is the
San Diego Marine football game here Friday
night. Only about one-lialf of the students
will register Friday and the other half Satur
day. 'Without some opportunity to purchase a
card before Friday night, many students will
miss the game or pay regular admission prices.
As for the value of 1 lie card, Mr. Gurley
believes lie really lias something lo offer. A
check of the events reveals that the nine
dollar card has a total value of in foot
ball, basketball, baseball, and other athletic
events. This is the highest value ever offered
in an athletic card here, Mr. Gurley says.
With a lower price, more attractions, and
an early start it looks as if the athletic card
sale campaign is going places this year.
A couple of years ago we started
out to do the impossible to write
a clean dirt column. Well, you
know how impossible it is to do
the impossible but anyhow and
just the same; we’ll continue to
give things the onceover - lightly.
We had copious gobs of dafugal
ty gleaning info fo’ this column
every fraternity man and every
sorority girl said, “We got the
best—the cream—nuggets—gems
—jools—prizes, each and every
one.” Now what can you do with
such flagrant lack of cooperation?
BUT from where we sit, it looks
like this is going to be a good
year—yes yes, a good year. And as
Charlie Baton, who is an evil old
man, puts it: college is peachy. And
some of the gems who have come
to the U to go to peachy college
are peachy Mary Lawson, new
DG; Millie Kdwards, who is a dilly;
Emma Vcrdurmen, Bi tty Kcimers,
Chi O cutie; Betty Hunt, Pi I’hi;
Janet Mary Straubel, Theta; Patty
Pearson, another Chi O; Yvonne
Torglcr, Alpha O; Irene Francis
and Dorothy Havens, KKGs; Mar
garet Childs, ADri; Mary Shaw,
Gamma I’hi; Mary Ellen Itunge,
Tri Delt; and Betty Kathhun, an
other Theta; Pat Longfellow, Alpha
Phi; puff-puff and puff-puff Bar
bara Kundell, Alpha Gam. Whe-ew!
Like to make us feel like veritable
old hags. Verily, veritable old hags.
To Say Nothing of Bud Steele,
Phicfelt dream; Bill Farrell, Fiji;
Brad Kckland, Sigma Nu new man;
Bill Hoyt, Delt; Very! Alexander,
Theta Chi track man; and Bert
(iianclli, Sigma Chi. And—Kay
Farmer, Beta-ah! It's things like
these, in our opinion, that make
college peachiest. Oui? (That's
HEARSAY; That there is a The
ta transfer from the Southern
Branch that’s nice. That’s nice.
And there's Shirley Jacobs, Kap
| pa transfer from Southern Moth
Is This Necessary?
YES! You will need a
I ypewriter
Buy or rent in your college town where
you can get immediate service. This is
important. You can buy a new type
writer from us on rental terms — $<J
down, $d a mouth—our own typewriter
service. VYe handle all makes—new unit
31) E. Ulli St. riiimc 113
odist. And then there’s Betty Amn,
buck from OSC and bringing a sis
ter with. Name of Nanry. N'-est-ce
pas? (That’s not much of any
PIN POINTS: Betsy Panton has
transplanted Hank Miller’s Sigma
Chi pin, while Corky Preisker, in
the same league, has Ned Mans
field’s Chi Psi sweetheart pin. Jean
Burt, Gamma Phi, now has Doc
Spears’ ATO pin, while Jean Paul
ing no longer has Bed McNeely’s
Beta pin. AncI if we said that Doris
Gething now had Jack Casey’s Fiji
pin, could we say we-told-you-so ?
One of the cutest additions to
this year’s crop is Helen Howard’s
golden spaniel, Tane, which Dick
Horne will keep at the Kappa Sig
house, and Stan Staiger's yellow
convertible, which Stan will prob
ably keep in a garage, and Jean
Spearow’s leedle duck, and heaven
knows WHERE she’ll keep IT.
Well, all you new little pledges,
eat, drink, and make merry, for
tomorrow you scrub floors. Ain’t
college peachy?
Or is it?
Oregon If Emerald
Business Staff This Issue:
Jean Crites
Adrienne Flurry
Ep Hoyt
Jeanne Routt
Bill Wallan
Fred Welty
Copy Desk Staff:
Ray Schrick, City Editor
Kent Stitzer
Howard Bankus
Tom Wright
Betty Jane Biggs
Peggy Routt
Bob Frazier
Earl Holmer
Wes Sullivan
Bob Hiatt
Stan Weber
Frances Oliver
Betty Barr
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FRESHMEN! Here’s One Rule
Not In The Book
OU may have to wear a freshman cap, hut
X there's no rule against wearing Arrow
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The superb Arrow collar, the Mitoga cut, the
anchored buttons, and the permanent lit (San
forized-Shrunk, fabric shrinkage less than
1 /{). All these extra values plus authentic
styling are yours for the small sum of $2.
Buy a stack of (Jordon oxfords as a starter
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