Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 14, 1940, Image 1

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    Sports Page:
Oregon Wins
Duck Tracks
Edit Page:
Music Poll
8 Ball
FBI Agent
To Address
UO Assembly
Peiper Scheduled
For Thursday
Talk at Gerlinger
Activities and methods of
America’s Federal Bureau of In
vestigation in dealing with es
pionage in the United States will
"be brought before the University
student body Thursday morning
when N. J. L. Peiper, special FBI
agent, addresses an 11 o’clock as
sembly in Gerlinger hall.
The announcement was made
yesterday by Karl W. Onthank,
dean of personnel, who will direct
plans for the weekly program.
Dean Onthank stated that Mr.
Pieper will talk on “Crime vs.
The speaker has appeared on
the Oregon campus several times
in past years and in ‘1939 ad
dressed the Oregon Press Confer
ence. He has also cooperated with
the University law school on le
gal affairs.
At the present time Mr. Pieper
is in charge of the San Francisco
field division of the FBI. He has
previously been agent in charge
of the Buffalo, New York, office
and for over a year and a half
was administrative assistant to
J. Edgar Hoover, G-man head.
Oregana Interviews
To Be Wednesday
Interviews for prospective
1940-41 Oregana staff members
will be conducted at the Oregana
office at McArthur court from 3
to 6 o'clock Wednesday afternoon
and from 7 to 10:30 Wednesday
night, it was announced yester
day by Wilbur Bishop, editor.
Bishop announces that all posi
tions, from assistant editor down,
are open. They will not be filled
at this time, but applications will
be considered.
Pictures of the Junior Weekend
committee will be taken for the
Oregana at 4 p.m. Thursday.
Camera, work on all spring sports
and activities to date has been
Bureau Receives
Appreciation Note
Appreciation was received yes
terday by William O. Hall, acting
director of the campus bureau cf
municipal research, from Charles
S. Hyneman, associate .editor of
the Louisiana Municipal Review,
for his permission to print a re
view' on an Oregon bureau report.
The portion reviewed was tak
en from the University bureau’s
bulletin 33, printed in August,
1939, and concerned regulation of
food handlers.
Oreganas Waiting
At McArthur Court
All students who have not yet
obtained their Oreganas from the
office in McArthur court may do
so by calling at Dick Williams’
office between 9 and 12, and 1
and 5 today. , j
Tug-of-War Puts
Glen Williams
In Infirmary Bed
Glen Williams, freshman class
treasurer, may have been on the
winning side in the annual frosh
soph tug-of-war, but that didn’t
lessen the physical and mental
discomfort that went with his
plight as he lay in the infirmary
Saturday morning with 10 stitch
es in his leg as a result of the en
He was still in the infirmary
last night, therefore missing the
rest of the Junior Weekend ac
“All for the honor of the fresh
man class,” was his only com
ment. /
Others who were in the infirm
ary today were Earl Shackelford,
Marjorie Montgomery, Frances
Sowell, Patricia Howard, Bob
Skelley, Douglas Walwyn, Terry
Mullin, John Taylor, and Charles
Two Recitals
Set Next Week
Woodwind, Violin,
Piano on Music
Schedule Soon
Two recitals, both free to the
public, are on the musical menu
in the University of Oregon mu
sic auditorium this week, it is an
nounced by Dean Theodore Kratt.
Tuesday night at 8 o’clock
Thelma Schnitzer will be featured
in her senior piano recital. A stu
dent of George Hopkins, the
young pianist will play the first
movement from Rubenstein’s
“Concerto in D Minor” and the
complete “Sonata in A Flat, Opus
26 ” as well as several lighter se
As an added attraction on the
Tuesday concert, a woodwind
quartet will offer “Fugue from
the Quartet” by Goepfart, and
“The Whirlwind” by Pirani.
Members of the quartet are Mar
gery Williams, bassoon; Charlotte
Plummer, clarinet; Don Scott,
flute, and Ralph McKenzie, oboe.
On Wednesday evening at 8,
(Please turn to page six)
'High Tor' to Sum Up
UO Theater's Year
As English profs end the year
by comparing romantic literature
with that of the modem period,
as Dean Theodore Kratt intro
duces the contemporary com
posers into his last few classes
and compares them to the roman
tic writers, so does the University
theater sum up its year’s activi
ties by presenting "High Tor,’’ a
combination of the two ages, to
its audience.
Maxwell Anderson, the author
of the romantic comedy, which
will be given May 22, 23, and 24,
in his writings has combined the
romanticism with the contem
porary works with such success
as to collect the Pulitzer prize
one year and the Drama Critics
Circle’s award for two years.
Starting out his career as a
ijflaywright, Anderson produced
romanticism dramas, "Elizabeth
the Queen,’’ and “Mary of Scot
land.’’ The influence of the con
temporary began to show with
the presentation of "Night over
Taos’’ and "Wingless Victory.”
The fantasy in the next Uni
versity theater play production
enabled the former newspaper
reporter to mix the qualities of
the two ages in this tale of land
speculators and a plucky lad who
refused to submit to the mercen
ary values of the industrial civili
Maxwell Anderson has been the
only stage author of the modern
day who has been able to use suc
cessfully blank verse as a dra
matic medium, but he well un
derstands the place of prose, and
in "High Tor,” the combination
of the two arts is predominant.
Tickets for
Girl-Date Hop
Now on Sale
Mortar Board Ball
Set for Saturday
At McArthur Court
A dignified formal setting, with
McArthur court transformed into
a gold and black ballroom, will
set the stage Saturday night for
the annual girl-date Mortar Board
ball, President Jeanette Hafner
said last night.
Tickets for the affair go on
sale today in all women’s living
organizations at $1 for each cou
ple. As is the age-old custom of
Mortar board balls, coeds will in
vite boys, call for them, furnish
cigarettes, etc., for the evening,
and buy the tickets.
Flowers for the tux lapels of
coeds’ dates will go on sale by
AWS members this week, as an
added feature of the “it’s the girl
who pays” program.
Miss Hafner said last night that
most women’s living organiza
tions have planned preference
dinners preceding the dance. Art
Holman’s orchestra will play.
Holman’s band was recently ac
corded the title “most popular
campus band” in a special survey
by Band Box columnist Bill Mox
ley. The orchestra received 74
per cent of the votes cast in the
favorite classification for local
Shinn Chosen Head
Of New Art School
Advisory Council
Jess Shinn, sophomore art stu
dent from the painting depart
ment, was last week chosen to
head the newly organized advis
ory council of the art school.
Assistant manager wall be
Jerry Tripp, also a sophomore.
The council has seven other mem
bers, each a representative of one
department of the school.
Freshmen will edit the Oregon
Daily Emerald, Saturday, May 18.
Business Manager
(Photo by Kennell-Ellis)
Jim Frost, newly - appointed
Emerald business manager for
the 1940-41 school year, who will
appoint the business staff heads
for next year at the Emerald ban
quet May 22.
Emerald Slates
Annual Banquet
Staff Selections
To Be Mqde by
New Heads May 22
Loyal staff members of the
Oregon Daily Emerald will lay
aside journalistic cares for an
evening, Wednesday, May 22,
when the various staffs will meet
for their annual Emerald banquet.
George Luoma announced the
date of the banquet last night
and said it would probably be held
at McCrady’s cafe.
Appointments to staff positions
for the coming school year will
be made at the banquet by Lyle
Nelson, 1940-41 editor of the Em
erald, and Jim Frost, 1940-41
business manager.
The annual banquet will be the
anti-climax to a year of publi
cation for the staff members in
that one more edition of the Em
erald will come out the Friday
after the banquet. The publication
year will be climaxed by the Em
erald picnic May 26.
'Listener's Room'
Received by Libe
A book of poetry by Mabel
Holmes Parson, professor of Eng
lish at the Portland center, en
titled “Listener's Room” has
been received by the University
The book was published by
Einford and Mort, Portland, and
will be placed in the University
of Oregon collection in the grad
uate reading room.
News. 1, 6, 7, 8
Sports . 4, 5
Edits . 2
8-Ball . 2
Sideshow .3
Exchanges . 3
Band Box Survey . 3
Campus Calendar.3
Massachusetts State college
holds an annual Research day.
Mothers Set
Record Here
Junior Weekend
Big Success, Say
Committee Heads
With another “unrained upon'"
Junior Weekend a matter of hid-*
tory, committee heads got to-*
gether to compare notes yester-*
day and discovered that the an-*
nual occasion had attracted more
mothers and' guests than, ever
More than S00 mothers regia-*
tered at Johnson hall, according?
to Karl W. Onthank, dean of per-*
sonnel. Considering the numbert
that didn’t register, it. would bo
a safe estimate to say that io(H»
mothers came to Junior Week-*
end, he stated.
Many Turned Away
AH reserved seat tickets for
the canoe fete, the climaxing
feature of the weekend of festiv
ity, were sold weeks ago. The*
general admission tickets to bo
sold at the canoe fete went like,
hot cakes, and hundreds of dis
appointed patrons were turned
Alpha Phi sorority and Delta
Tau Delta walked away with top
honors in the float competition,,
as their “Emperor’s Waltz” num*
ber was judged the best of the lot.^
Second place was given to the
“Vienna Blood” entry of Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority and Del
ta Upsilon fraternity.
Prom Huge Success
The Junior Prom was a big suc
cess, both, financially and social
ly, members of the dance com
mittee declared, within the neigh
borhood of 800 couples attending.
To Queen Betty Buchanan and
her court of Princesses Laura1
Jean Maurice, Janet Foster, El
eanor Collier, and Suzanne Cun
ningham fell the honor of ruling
over Oregon's greatest Junior1
Weekend. General Chairman!
Lloyd Sullivan and John Cavan
agh, promotion chairman, voiced
their appreciation and thanks to
all those who helped with the nu
merous duties of the weekend,,
and expressed hopes that futuro
weekends would be even mor©
And again the sophomores 3or;t
out in the tug of war.
Kappas Awarded
Chi Omega GPA Cup]
At Junior Prom
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority
was this year’s winner of the Chi
Omega scholarship cup which if*
given every year by that organ!*
Karl W. Onthank, dean of per
sonnel administration, presented
the award at the Junior Prom last*
The Frosh Speak
The upperclassmen tell us
We can buy our moleskins now.
We appreciate the honor.
’Tis swell, we will allow.
We'd like to buy our moleskins
But we can't. The deal’s no go,
Cause after Junior Weekend—*
Well, we just ain’t got the dough*