Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 11, 1940, Men's Edition, Page Six, Image 6

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    Camp Accepts
50 tor Training
Oregon Military
Cadets to Report
For Summer Duty
Fifty University of Oregon ad
vanced cadets have been accept
ed for training in the Ninth Corp3
area training camp at Vancouver
barracks, Washington, it vva3 an
nounced yesterday by the ROTC
Major Henry L. Barrett, in
structor of military science, has
also been ordered to the summer
camp for temporary duty by the
commanding general of the Ninth
Corps area.
The students accepted are
scheduled to leave for the bar
racks on June 10 for a month of
practical training in military sci
ence and tactics. The camp is re
quired of all advanced students
who wish to receive a reserve of
ficer’s commission upon gradua
tion .
Cadets who are going to camp
axe: Howard Alien, Lloyd Beggs,
■William Chapman, Clifford Col
lins, Cecil Crafts, Robert Curtis,
James Doern, Fred Ehlers, Don
ald Ellingson, Oberlin Evenson,
Charles Frazee, Ralph Gibsou,
Don Good, Bruce Hammond, John
Hannegati. Marvin Helon, Charles
Hoagland, Hugh Hoffman, Mau
rice Hunter, Shelton Ingle, Floyd
■ Kirkpatrick, Samuel Knight, Har
old Larson, Laurence Lew.
Also Ruben Libke, Warren Lo
max, George Mackin, Jack Metz
ger, Eugene McGee, Robert Mit
chell, Rodney Orange, Edward
O'Reilly, Ralph Peters, Ehle Re
bel.1, John Rice, Joseph Rieg, Rob
ert Rogers, Leonard Ruecker, Al
bei ( Satidner, Elstley Schick,
Stanley Staiger, Lloyd Sullivan,
Tom Taylor, Richard Thierolf,
Charles Tripp, Chester Trout,
Dean Vincent Jr., Frederick Wal
ler, Robert Watson, and Wilbur
Wilt cliff.
Oregon’if Emerald
CtrouIatiiMi: J anet Ret,?
Mai. A<1 vert is in sf: Emerson Pins
(Special Accounts: Alveru Maedec
Office: Emily Tyree
Ale Gray
Kent Stitfer
lAPOUta: Ron Alpaugh
Milton l.evy
Asst. Aiiv. M«r. : Fred May
Promotion: Joan Stinnetts
Asfit. Bui. Mgr.; Majeanne Glover
Saturday Advertising Stuff:
Steward Hayward, Day Mgr.
Elizabeth Dick
Adrienne Flurry
Gordon Childs
Men’s Edition Stuff:
Elbert Hawkins. Sports Editor
Jimmy Leonard, News Editor
Ray Foster, Chief Night Editor
Don Butzin, Wes Sullivan, Ray
Schrick. Jim Banks, Bob Mc
Gill, Johnny Kahanauui, Jim
Bronson, Tom Wright
(Sports Stuff:
George Pasero, Bob Flavelle,
Bernie Engel, Lee land Flatberg,
Tom Wright.
Copy Desk Staff:
Kent Stizer, Copy Editor; Tom
Wright, assistant; Don Butzin,
Hay Schrick. Johnny Kahananui
Night Staff:
Tom Wright, Leeland Flatberg,
Johnny Kahananui
Eugene Hardware
Everythin'? in Hardware
[Hdwv & Oak St. Ph. G70
Make thi^ your
auto headquarters
I 7 00 13th East
Canoe Fete Floats
Will Pass in Revievr
Hundreds of Junior Weekend
guests, mothers and friends of
Oregon students, will get the
thrill of their weekend visit to
night when they witness the an
nual canoe fete which starts at
8:30 on the millraee.
It will be “Springtime in Vi
enna” for all present, with ..the
University symphony orchestra
under the direction of Rex Un
derwood. furnishing the back
ground of musical theme with
Strauss waltzes. Eleven floats
will endeavor to add to the spirit
of Vienna, and three Oregon stu
dents will dramatize a story of
two Viennese lovers to the crowd
which is described as one which
‘‘touches the heart and won't let
On First Float
Riding in the first float to pass
in review will be Queen Betty II.
The Yeomen and Orides indepen
dent organizations, are builders of
this float. Princesses will be seat
ed on one of the three levels of
the sound shell which will also
contain the orchestra.
During an intermission in the
procession of floats a song writ
ten by Joan Riesch will be sung
by a Pi Beta Phi sorority and Phi
Delta Theta fraternity chorus,
winners in the interfraternity
song contest this year. Fred Fil
lers, chairman of the event, will
address the audience he helped
bring together when he makes
Judges for selecting the prize
winning floats will be Dean Theo
dore Kratt of the school of music;
Associate Professor Maude L.
Kerns, art school; Mrs. W. F. G.
Thacher; Professor L. K. Shu
maker. director of the lower di
vision advisory committee, and
Professor Waldo Schumacher, po
litical science department.
‘Lizzy’ and ’Hans’
Lillian Davis and Jim Davidson
will take the parts of ‘'Lizzy” and
“Hans,” mythical lovers, in a
script written for the occasion,
bringing out the Viennese spirit
of Strauss' time. Announcer for
the fete will be Dolph Janes.
The order in which the floats
will appear, with their music
theme: Phi Sigma Kappa-Delta
Delta Delta, “Artist's Life”; Zeta
hall-Alpha Omicron Pi, “Voices
of Spring"; Sherry Ross hall
Alpha Chi Omega. “Roses from
the South”; the cooperative
houses. "Gross Wien”; Phi Kappa
Psi-Chi Omega, “Wine, Women
and Song"; Sigma Alpha Mu-Sig
ma Kappa. “A Thousand and One
Nights, Part One"; Phi Delta
Theta-Alpha Xi Delta, “A Thou
sand and One Nights, Part Two";
Delta Upsilon-Kappa Kappa Gam
ma, “Vienna Blood”; Delta Tau
Delta-Alpha Phi, “ E m p o r o r
Waltz”; Beta Theta Pi-Gamma
Phi Beta, "Beautiful Blue Dan
To Sing Numbers
The choruses irom Beta Theta
Pi and Gamma Phi Beta will sing
their number. “Blue Danube.” as
the annual float event comes to
an end. Assisting vitally in the
formation of ideas used in these
floats was Pat Erickson, who also
was awarded for presenting the
theme used by the junior Class iu
their annual weekend of celebra
A few general admission tick
ets for this event are still avail
able at the educational activities
office in McArthur court for 5©
and 75 cents.
-“Springtime in \'ienna“
Crown Placed
(Continued from page one)
eon. and was spiced up a bit by
frequent duckings of lads who
craved feminine conversaltioh or
Today's Program
for Mothers at Johnson hall.
9 a.m.—Fresh paint the “O.”
9:45 a.m. to noon—Annual busi
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.—Registration
ness meeting of Oregon Mothers
10 a.m. — Soph-Frosh tug-o’
at Guild Theater.
12:30 p.m.—Lunch at living or
2 p.m.—Campus tour.
2:30 p.m.—Frosh-Rook baseball
game at Howe field.
3 to 5 p.m.—Terrace dance.
4 to 5 p.m.—Sunlight Serenade
at outside theater, music building.
5:30 p.m. — Mothers’ Day ban
quet at John Straub Memorial
8:30 p.m.—Canoe fete.
W. Fiscus will lead the Bible
study group’s meeting in the
YWCA bungalow next Monday
night. The meeting starts at 7
o’clock and will center around
the topic "Christ: the Way, the
Truth, and the Life.”
-“Springtime in Vienna”
Branton to Speak
Dr. J. R. Branton, head of the
University of Oregon department
of religion, will deliver the bac
calaureate address to graduating
seniors at Oakridge high school
in services at Oakridge tomor
Topic of the sermon will be "In
quest for the Meaning of Life.”
-“Springtime in Vienna"
who wore either white shoes or
The uniform of Major H. L.
Barrett, of the University ROTC,
was a handicap to him, because
husky Order of the “O” men gave
him a taste of the ducking pool.
Other prey of the husky chastis
ers were outlaw women who
forced conversation from unwill
ing males.
Payne Says Word
Master of Ceremonies Les Har
ger introduced Tiger Payne, stu
dent body president-elect, who ad
dressed a brief word of welcome
to visiting mothers. Les Anderson
and Bob Calkins, freshmen and
sophomore presidents, bet a hair
cut on the outcome of the annual
tug-of-war this morning.
Les Ready sang two baritone
solos—“Without a Song” and “A
Chip of the Old Block.” The
Kwama trio, composed of Eliza
beth Steed. Pat Shea, and Jean
Burt, sang a Hawaiian medley
and “Liebestraum.” The Maurie
Binford musical quintet enter
tained the throng during the
Hot Off the Press
(Continued from page two)
when the hotel in which they had
entrenched themselves was put
to the torch.
* * 4:
Meanwhile the aging Mussolini
is sitting poker-faced and quiet,
and no one is sure whether he's
holding a straight flush or a pair
of deuces.
But another gambler in this
international game for high
stakes is also silent, but that
may be because he has discard
ed the wrong card. We refer to
Stalin, who just kicked his war
minister, Voroshilov downstairs
a few' days ago. Perhaps this is
the prelude to another purge.
Nice people, these dictators.
--\>prmgtime in * tentui —
This Week’s
Church News
Mothers will be honored by col
lege young people in their relig
ious services tomorrow.
Westminster house members
are inviting their mothers to hear
Madam Rose McGrew, voice
teacher at the University, talk to
them tomorrow morning at 9:45.
She will also sing for the group.
Relta Lea Powell, worship chair
man, has scheduled Phil Beards
ley to sing also. Dorothy Davis
will accompany.
The regular Westminster tea
will be at 6 p.m. J. T. Ganoe will
speak at the 6:30 meeting on
“Tolerance in Relation to Student
Problems.” Mr. Ganoe is an asso
ciate professor of history on the
campus. Anne Dean leads the
worship service.
Congregation church young
people will honor their mothers
and other guests of Junior Week
end at 6:15. Lester Ready is
scheduled to sing a baritone solo
both at this meeting and at the
11 a.m. church service. Rev. Wil
liston Wirt will deliver the ser
mon in the morning service and
will discuss the topic, “Making
Goodness Attractive.”
Henry Schroeder leads the Bap
tist church University students at
9:45 a.m. This group also meets
at 6:30 tomorrow evening. “Mo
ther’s Light in the Window” wiil
be the Rev. H. A. Hermes’ topic
for the 11 a.m. sermon service.
He speaks again at 7:30 tomor
row' evening on “ ‘Sardis,’ ‘Phila
delphia,’ and ‘Laodicea’.”
Mrs. Henry Trout, former
browsing room librarian at the
University will entertain and in
form Episcopal church students
at 6:30 p.m. with a talk on the
technique of stories and a demon
stration of story reading.
The young, people of this group
have planned for next week, a
Friday night dance, and a retreat
for next Sunday up the McKenzie
river. Pat Salisbury is chairman
of the dance event.
Adrienne Flurry opens the
Wesley club meeting at 7 p.m.
tomorrow' with a worship service.
Dr. B. Earle Parker will lead the
discussion to follow, first speak
ing on “My Idea of God.”
Mothers wdll be honored at a
Wesley club and Epworth league
tea at the Methodist church.
Starting promptly at 3 o’clock,
the event will last two hours, with
Eleanor Scott as chief hostess
and chairman for the occasion.
Catholic students on the cam
pus w'iil attend 9:30 mass at St.
Mary’s church tomorrow' morn
ing instead of at Gerlinger hall.
This change is made because of
special Mothers’ Day and Junior
Weekend observance which in
cludes a breakfast to be held at
the Del Rey cafe immediately
after mass.
Major H. L. Barrett, assistant
instructor of military science at
the University of Oregon will ad
dress Newman club members and
their mothers and guests at the
breakfast, says John Schiemer,
president of the group.
Pledges Chosen
(Continued from Page one)
Friars “tapped” John Cavanagh,
Kenneth Erickson, Lyle Nelson,
Gleeson Payne, and Wendell
Wyatt. Jack Shimshak, who was
also chosen, was at the University
of Idaho with the baseball squad.
Carrying a skeleton, happily
smoking a cigarette in his im
modest eposure, Asklepiads chose
Herbert Larsen, Phillips Meyers,
Delmar Molenkamp, James Rod
da. Edwin Palmrose, Walter
Aehterman, Allen King, Clinton
McGill, William Endicott, Uarold
Schluter, and Robert Range.
Mothers Hear
Concert Today
Coed Hostesses to
Greet Visitors at
Sunlight Serenade
Greeted by 11 coed hostesses,
Oregon mothers will step into the
flower-surrounded amphitheater
behind the music school at 4
o’clock today to hear “Sunlight
Serenade.’’ **
The Oregon concert band, un
der the baton of John Stehn. will
present a one-hour program of
popular semi-classics, said Doris
Ann Neely and Stan Staiger, co
chairman. At party tables the
pinafore-clad girls will serve the
guests with punch.
Signs have been placed around
the campus, directing the guests
to the scene of the afternoon mu
sicale, the chairman said.
Following are the seven num
bers the band will play:
Blue Danube .Strauss
Mardi Gras . Grofe
Concertino . Weber
Charlotte Plummer, clarinet
Pavanne .Morton Gould
Andante and Allegro.Ropartz
Robert Carlson, cornet
Day in Venice Suite.Nevin
Russian Sailors Dance.Gliere
Serving as hostesses will be
Helen Culp, Virginia Tooze, Bar
bara Williams, Margaret Girvin,
Dorothy Wheeler, Jeanne Fil
cher, Catherine Crane, June Ol
son, Joyce Bechtell, Mary Eliza
beth Swearingen, and Mary Rose
-“Springtime in Vienna”
The University of Chicago stu
dents may rjow rent reproductions
of fine pictures to decorate their
in; iioiiAi.il
Compelling1 Power!
Tyrone Power and
Dorothy Lamour in
“Johnny Apollo”
— plus —
Jane Withers and
Gene Autry in
“Shooting High”
Two Top Thrills!
“Dark Command”
with Claire Trevor
and John Wayne
— plus —
“King of the
with John Payne
Another First-Run Picture!
“Too Many
For Mickey Rooney Fans!
“Judge Hardy”
with Mickey Rooney
and Lewis Stone
— plus —
“Hidden Gold”
with Bill Boyd