Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 10, 1940, Page Six, Image 6

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    All Plots Joined
In Anderson's
Flag,'High Tor'
Comedy, Legends
Combined in Next
UO Theater Show
Maxwell Anderson has com
bined all plots which are never
failing “box office” to the Amer
ican in his play, "High Tor," to
be presented May 22, 23, and 24,
as the concluding production of
the University theater's season,
A boisterous mixture of hu
mor romance, is combined with
American legends mixed together
with scarcely a hint of a tear is
a thumbnail sketch of this com
edy which mixes modern times
with the quaint century of Hen
drik Hudson.
Listed in. the cast are: Indian,
Adrian Martin; Van Dorn, Fred
Waller; Judith, Charlene Jackson:
Biggs, Henry Korn; Skimmer
horn, Ethan Newman; Lise, Rose
Ant; Gibson; Asher, James Par
sons; Pieter, Bob Hecker; sailors,
Jerry L a k e f i s h and Ludd
Schmidt; Deitt, Frank Calhoun;
Dope, Gerald Bowerly; Elkus,
Charles Boiee; Buddy. Don But
zin; Patsy, Parker McNeil; Sen
ior, Major H. L. Barrett; Budge,
Jack McCliment.
tmmm.m.mm, . "i . .. [ n i. ... ' t
Sandwich Spread
Raisin Bread
Potato Chips
Meat Spreads
Fresh Fruits
All the most delicious
and satisfying1 foods for
[.denies, at the right
prices arc found .just off
the campus at—■
694 13th E.
Pli. 146S
V •vr*r ▼ V'nr -r; ▼ ->r vir ■r"<r ▼ 'rm'+~r *• *■ ▼"^"V
Infirmary Has
Competition In
Junior Weekend
One of the strangest cases of
mass recuperation known medical
science is now taking place at the
University infirmary. Tuesday
evening 20 patients spent the
night within infirmary walls,
Wednesday night saw only 14
tucked in, and last night only 8
remained to keep the doctors
Amazed physicians have sub
jected the cases to close scrutin
ization and are still bewildered.
They have a slight suspicion,
however, that the remarkable
cure is being affected by a psy
chological germ known as “Jun
ioris Weekenditis,”
Those who still remain uncured
are Elaine Grey, Patricia How
ard. Bob Skelley. Terry Mullin,
Max Frye, Richard Hanen, Jack
Daniels, and Bob McAuliffe.
-“Springtime in Vienna”
Defendant Tichy
(Continued from page one)
ley with contributory negligence.
Attorneys Austin Dunn, Dar
nell Miller, and Robert Goodwin
alleged in their case that Tichy
had been negligent in not giving
the proper right of way.
• Jury members for the case over
which Professor Orlando J. Hol
lis presided were Dan Martin,
Jim Mountain, Madalyn Hen
ninger, Lila Furchner, Frances
Singleton, Winfield Gredvig, Pat
Lynch, Barbara Todd, Hills Da-,
vidson, Frank Price. Charlotte
Collins, and Bill Chapman.
Developing . ..
F i 1 m s developed a n d
printed, 25c a roll. 5x7
enlargement free.
Eugene Photo
S77 Willamette
- I ■■ J '■ff'l ■ J. . -IM-y . Li——-f
•Sixth and Chavnelton Phone -OvS
at LOWEST Prices
We CaH- for and Deliver
Phone 740
Mothers to Trade
Radio Greetings
With DSC Moms
KOAC to Broadcast
Banquet Programs
Saturday Evening
Speakers for the University of
Oregon Mothers’ Day banquet
will exchange greetings with a
similar banquet held on the Ore
gon State College campus by
means of radio broadcasts from
both places over station KOAC.
The Oregon banquet will com
mence Saturday evening at 5:30,
and rs to be held in the John
Straub memorial building. How
ever, both affairs are to be on
the air only from 7 to 8. The few
remaining tickets are on sale in
the housing secretary’s office on
the first floor of Johnson hall.
Highlight of the banquet will
be the address by Dean Theodore
Pratt of the University music
school on the subject of “Music
and Youth.’’ Other entertain
ment events on the program are
vocal numbers by students, Vir
ginia Tooze and Robert Carmi
chael. The visitors will also have
the pleasure of hearing numbers
by Delta Gamma sorority and
sing contest, the Delta Gamma
Phi Delta Theta fraternity,
Also to be announced at the
banquet will be the winner of the
attendance contest between the
respective classes as to who has
the most Mothers registered for
the weekend festivities. Mrs. C.
C. Wintermute of Portland, pres
ident of the Oregon Mothers, will
act as toastmistress.
-“'Springtime in Vienna"
Sullivan Elected
New Captain for
Military Honorary
Four new officers w’ere elected
yesterday to lead the Oregon di
vision of the national military
honorary in the spring elections
of the Scabbard and Blade.
Lloyd Sullivan was selected as
qaptain, Jack Hannegan as first
lieutenant, Maurice Hunter as
secretary, and George Mackin as
Final arrangements were com
pleted at the meeting for the
Scabbard and Blade to act as the
queen’s escort at the campus
luncheon today. Joseph Rieg will
be in charge of the royal color
Shumaker to Leave
For Chicago Meeting
L. K. Shumaker, director of the
lower division advisory commit
tee, will be at the University of
Chicago for a course of ten weeks
tliis summer.
During the first half of the
course Mr. Shumaker will be do
ing research work in the field of
reading with Dr. Guy T. Buswell,
and for the second half, will be
teaching a course in the humani
ties division of the University.
-“Springtime in Vienna”
The University of Chicago has
offered full tuition scholarships
to Rhodes scholars forced from
England by the current war.
Grunts, Groans
To Awaken Late
Beauty Nappers
Be not afraid if you are awak
ened by the issuance of peculiar
grunts and groans from the mill
race tomorrow morning, for they
will only announce the old, old
orgy of freshman vs. sophomore
in the tug-o’-war.
Following the custom of for
mer years, the annual event will
take place at ye old millrace near
Villard hall. Ten o’clock has been
scheduled as the time, and two
squads, frosh and sophomore,
composed of 18 members will in
troduce the free-for-all that al
ways follows the sophomore
dunking, as a photographer for
Life magazine has field day.
An earlier feature of the morn
ing will be the trek of freshman
boys to Skinner’s butte for the
painting of the “O.” They will
meet at Villard hall at 8:30, and
will be under the supervision of
Erling Jacobsen of the Order of
the “O.”
Hanging around the scene of
the “festivities,” in case someone
goes down and fails to come up,
will be Ralph Lafferty with a
group of Order of the “O” life
“Springtime in Vienna"■
If you're considering
new furniture for your
laughter’s or son’s house
—for the latest in furni
ture styles at moderate
Furniture Co.
Miner Bldg.
Established 1912
Lyle Nelson Named
New SDX President
Winding up the old year by
lining up for the new, Sigma Del
ta Ghi Wednesday elected Lyle
Nelson, next year’s Emerald edi
tor, as president of the organiza
tion. Jimmie Leonard, head of
the SDX dance committee this
year, was chosen vice-president.
Elected secretary was Kent Stit
zer, and the treasurer’s post was
voted to Bill Norene.
Future program of the organ
ization was discussed and plans
for the annual banquet were laid,
Outgoing officers of the group
are George Pasero, president;
Larry Quinlan, secretary; and
Bill Grant, treasurer.
Announcement was al30 made
that the Oregon chapter had tied
for fourth place with South Da
kota State in a chapter efficiency
contest. Each received 7S2/3
points of a possible 100.
-“Springtime in Vienna"
Hey MOM!
—Here’s a Pie
just like You make
for 30c
I Ask John or Jane
I where they go when
they want those deli
cious pies like YOU
make at home. Thev’il
[ tell you DAVE’S PIE
SHOP every time.
Luscious, deep red
cherries under a light
f la key crust, or those
delicate sweet feozen
berries are yours for
the asking at DAVE’S.
Come in tonight.
| Ice Cream and Salads
Open till 1 a.m.
L jU30 E. lltii Ph. 3434
Welcome Mothers
“Special Meals for
Special People”
O Good Service
9 Party Accommodations
125 lltli E.
You can see the
Junior Weekend
wtih pictures
Don’t Forget KODAK
i Ue ideal graduation, gift for either a boy or girl.
“Oregon’s Largest”
7th and Willamette Phone 535 -