Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 10, 1940, Page Three, Image 3

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    Few Canoe Feta
Tickets Left
Committee Insures
Against Rain But
Stays Optimistic
All reserved seat tickets and
half of the general admission
tickets for tomorrow night’s can
oe fete have been sold, Ed Walk
er, ticket agent, announced last
Junior Weekend heads, with
trouser knees gone from praying
for good weather, shouted “lies”
to forecasts of rain yesterday
morning, but took a new grip
after some reports indicated “fair
weather” last night. “The fete is
insured for $1000,” Chairman
Lloyd Sullivan said, “but heaven
help us if we collect.”
Canoe Fete Chairman Fred
Ehlers reported good progress in
float construction, but indicated
that work on some would need
speeding up. Pat Erickson, theme
finder, said that announcers for
the water pageant—Lillian Davis,
Dolph Janes, and Jim Davidson—
were drilled constantly all day
yesterday by W. B. Nash, instruc
tor in drama.
-“Springtime in Vienna”
(Continued from page one)
Kwama, sophomore men and wo
men’s service societies, will greet
visiting moms.
Husky Order of the “O” men,
3 Days Only
Oil Change ... 5
qts. of Cycol
Lubrication . . . .
23 pt. Firestone
Safety Check
Car Wash, Regu
lar price $3.25
Only $1.99
1 940 Portable
Radio with A.C.
$34.95 value
Only $21.95
lltli and Pearl Ph. 407 ,
They Didn't Do This in Vienna!
Artist Ralph Woodall’s conception of a scene familiar to Junior
Weekend crowds—the Order of the O dunking an offender in the pool
pear Deady hail.
under the direction of President '
Jim Rathbun, will chase down any
and all offenders of traditional
campus luncheon “etiquette.” The
consistency of the misdeeds will
not be known until luncheon time,
the athletes declared.
-“Springtime in Vienna"
Igloo to Have
(Continued from page one)
will hang- flashing multi-color
medallion drapes, an innovation
in Igloo decorating, Rossman de
clared. Bright-colored satin flags
will surround the floor.
The orchestra will be seated be
low a giant mural of the “Blue"
Danube river. In the rear will be
a reproduction of an Austrian
village, situated at the base of
Tyrolean Alps, with lights shin
ing from the homes’ windows.
Around the edge of gold and sil
ver-trimmed bandstand will be
lighted balustrades. Patrons and
patronesses will be seated in the
south end of the court, and coeds
need not fear, snagging their
stockings, Rossman said, because
over a score of new davenports
will be distributed around the
-“Springtime in Vienna”
Tea for Mothers
A Mothers’ Tea will be held at
the Methodist church, Eleventh
and Willamette streets, Sunday
afternoon, from 3 to 5 o'clock*
Students are urged to drop in
for a short time during the af
ternoon and bring their mothers.
-“Springtime in Vienna"
Welcome to ‘Vienna,’
The campus is yours, this weekend, Moth
i ers, transformed into “Springtime in Vi
enna,” for your pleasure and entertain
ment !
Greetings and Congratulations ....
, to Queen Betty and her court. . . with our
sincere wishes for a marvelous weekend!
Newman’s Fish Markets
Phone 2309 39 East Broadway
'Sailors' Brave
(Continued from page one)
pus millrace but was saved from
a watery grave by the “hercu
lean” effort of several nearby
“sailors” who managed to hold
her partly above the water line.
A hole in one of the air drums
supporting the float was blamed
for the accident. Members of the
two houses concerned worked
hastily last night to repair the
damage in time for the Saturday
-"Springtime in Vienna’’
U UU ■ 41'4-WJ I.U
to a Great University
194 E. 11th Pli. 2910
Lyric Soprano Sings
For Local Audience
Eugene society turned out in
spring formals and tuxedos
Thursday night in the music au
ditorium on the University of
Oregon campus for the Phi Mu
Epsilon concert presenting Mme.
Gertrud Bender-Rosenstock and
found her to be an artist of beau
ty and charm, as well as a lyric
soprano of near faultless tech
The brunette Mme. Bender
sang Mozart, Schumann, John
Ireland, La Forge, Puccini. She
sang a recitative and two arias
from Italian opera, lieder from
Germany, concert songs of Eng
land and America. And every in
tent listener who heard, no doubt,
realized that it was America’s
gain, Germany’s loss when Ger
trude Bender left naziland for
The selections from the Mozart
and Puccini operas were the most
outstanding. In “Guinse al Fin
del Momento” from “The Mar
riage of Figaro,” a beautiful re
straint and feeling for tone shad
ing was expressed. Here, and in
the performance on “One Fine
Day” from “Madame Butterfly,”
the understanding accompani
ment of Pianist Jane Thacher
contributed to the successful at
tainment and sustenance df a
hopeful mood.
Members of the Nu chapter of
the honor society for upperclass
women in music offered four oth
er numbers on the well balanced
program. Catharine Miller, or
ganist, opened the recital with
Valentini’s charming “Minuet
Antique,”' which held' up to its
name. Somber romanticism was
evidenced in the mellow playing
of a cello quartet, consisting of
Madge Conaway Chilcote, Mary
Booth, Jane Hall, and Lora Tesh
ner Ware, professor of cello.
Arensky’s Allegro Moderato
from “Trio in D Minor” was given
in the best chamber fashion by
Mollie Hardin, violinist and pres
ident of the honorary; Marjorie
Scobert, pianist, and Mrs. Chil
cote. Another high light of the
evening was Charlotte Plummer's
clarinet solo, Weber’s “Concer
tino,” which she executed in scin
tillating style. Although the
same number was played enter
tainingly Sunday afternoon with
the University of Oregon concert
band, the second hearing gave
the impression that here indeed
was “Concertino” in its definitive
-“Springtime in Vienna”——
Oregana Pictures
Will Be Sold Today
Pictures used in the 1940 Ore
gana will be sold in front of Fen
ton hall all day today by Bill
Knight and Les Iiurger, it was
announced Thursday. They will
be priced from 5 to 25 cents.
-“Springtime in Vienna"
Trinity college has a history
conducted by a blind instructor.
Welcome Moms!
To Oregon
and to the
Visit the Oregon Coeds’
Footwear Headquarters
“Owned and Managed by Oregon Alumni’’
828 WILLAMETTE. Phone 3428.
Upholstering . . .
A. re-upholstered chair will
, do wonders to make the
rooms in your house look
like new! We specialize in
complete renovation, new
t stuffings, restyling and re
pairing, and custom tail
Venetian Blinds
and Draperies...
Modernize your house
with Venetian blinds —
you’d be surprised at tlie
extra brightness they give
to a room. New curtains
a,nd dxaperies, top, will
m&lse an otherwise di#b
rooni ha.ye extra life.
New Rugs ...
Many patterns, in the fin
est of materials are of
fered in opr selection of
the newest rugs on the
market! Floor coverings
are taking on new import
ance these days, and you’ll
want to have the best you
can get.
77 Bast Broadway Phone 286