Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 10, 1940, Page Two, Image 2

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    Oregon m Emerald
Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the University of Oregon, published dally during the college year except
, Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods. Subscription rates: *1.26 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as
Sunday*-—M—,-—„ - „ ,
iecond-class matter at the poetoffice, Eugene, Ore.
420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Bostoh—LdS Angela—San Eranclsco—Portlafia and S^Ktle.
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC:, college
publishers’ representative.
Lyle Nelson, Managing Editor
Jim Frost, Advertising Manager
Helen Angel], News Editor
George Pasero, Co-sports Editor
Elbert Hawkins, Co-sports Editor
Betty Jane Thompson, Chief Night Editor
Jimmie Leonard, Assistant Managing Editor
Ha] Olney, Assistant Managing Editor
Ralph Woodall, Cartoonist
Margo Finnegan, Women’s Editor
Ken Christianson, Assistant Sports Edito*
Jean Crites, Tuesday Mgr.
Fred May, Wednesday Mgr.
Majeanne Glover, Thursday Mgr.
Betty Mae Lind, Jay Stott, Friday Mgrs.
“Stew” Hayward, Saturday Manager
Mary Ellen Smith, Nat. Adv. Mgr,
Lynn Johnson, Merchandising Mgr.
Rhea Anderson, Special Acct’s. Mgr.
Doug Parker, Classified Dept. Mgr.
Kathleen Brady, Promotion
Ted Kenyon, Photography
Bill Ralston. Layouts
The Juniors and Junior Weekend
EEKS of planning along lines dictated
by years of tradition will end at noon
today when the curtain rolls up on the Uni
versity’s greatest show—Junior Weekend. To
alums back on the campus after years of ab
sence, it is replete with memories of the “good
old days”; to visitors’here for the first time,
it is an itiside glimpse of University life; and
to students, it is a chance to show outsiders
their University.
Today the University is celebrating the
fiftieth annual junior class fete and the thirty
second annual Junior Weekend. Beginning in
1800 when the juniors took a day off for a
class celebration, Junior Weekend was offi
cially made an all-University function in 1908.
INURING the first eighteen years the cele
bration was mainly a junior vs. sopho
more affair climaxing when the juniors at
tempted to nail their class flag to a pole in
front of Villard hall and the sophomores tried
to get it down. In 1906 President Campbell
satv where the plan was leading and suggested
that the two classes direct their efforts in a
more constructive vein. Not until two years
later was the affair finally named Junior
Weekend and the celebration as the Univer
sity knows it today finally inaugurated.
Visiting alums and mothers will find that
a great deal has changed since the first Junior
Weekend. They will find the sophomore-fresh
man tug-of-war replacing the old flag raising
stunt, they will find many additional events
to take their time and they will find a student
body of over 3500 participating.
rJ''IIE addition of the campus luncheon,
canoe fete, junior prom, and numerous
Other events heaped a great deal more work
upon the shoulders of the Juniors. Throughout
the years they have, with the aid of the ad
ministration, successfully met these added
In some ways it might be r,aid that the
eelebration goes under a misnomer, for the
three-day- event as we now know it is really
an all-University function with the entire stu
dent body participating. In other ways, and as
a fitting tribute to those who plan and direct
the entire affair it can rightfully be called
‘ ‘ Junior Weekend. ’ ’—L. N.
United They Stand..The U of O Faculty
rjpiIE faculty of the University of Oregon is
comparatively a satisfied group, treated
pretty much the way it wants to be treated
and encouraged from above in its work.
Under Dr. Donald Erb, president of the
University, the faculty has developed an ad
mirable esprit de corps, which last week mani
fested itself in a rather gracious gesture
highly commendatory to at least, six faculty
In many a university it is unfortunately
too often true that the president becomes so
busy with administrative affairs that he tends
to think in terms of regents, taxpayers, and
long-range perspectives, losing contact, with
his faculty as he looks to the horizon.
At the University of Oregon there is a
rather unique group among the faculty de
signed against just this possibility. It is
known as the advisory council. Dr. Erb is
chairman and there are six other members. It
is the duty of this council to advise the presi
dent on all matters of administrative policy
and public relations, and it has many other
varied and important duties sufficient to make
it the most important faculty group.
* #
J^AST Aveek the faculty senate voted as to
the membership of the faculty advisory
council for next year. No nominations were
permitted, but every senate member voted
six names on his ballot. When the votes were
counted it was found that the six who had
held office this year were reelected, a fine
tribute to the kind of service they had ren
As long as the faculty feels that, way
among itself the University is not doing so
The prize for the best remark of the week
should go to some Emerald sports reporter
who, upon hearing the hrtest war news from
Europe last night, remarked that someone
ought to step in and take Germany while she
was out helping herself to other countries.
Hot off
The Wire
By lUdgely Cummings
Hell broke loose last night—it
was dawn in western Europe—
when Hitler’s nazi hordes struck
lightning blows by land and air
against Holland, Belgium, and
Luxembourg. The smashing blows
came without warning and were
preceded only an hour earlier by a
catgorical denial from official
German cources that any attack
was contemplat ed.
The feared nazi air force,
Heinkels and bombers, descended
upon dozens of cities, bombing
airdromes, landing parachute
German troops crossed the
Maas river into Holland in rubber
• boats.: • f : • . « » 5 • . a < <• t »
Word of the Holland invasion
came directly from Amsterdam.
Clifford L. Day, United Press
correspondent, sent the flash
about 9 p.m., Pacific time.
The American ambassador to
Belgium gave first word to the
United States state department of
the bombing of Brussels and the
invasion of the tiny duchy
President Roosevelt acted
promptly to freeze foreign credits
which the invaded countries hold
in the United States.
* * *
Italy’s hour of destiny may be
at hand, but II Duce didn’t say a
word about it in his speech yes
terday in Venice. He merely asked
his fascisti to be patient with his
silence and distributed a few
The Italian press had plenty to
say however, including advancing
some very interesting reasons
why Britain was interested in
spreading Aha war to.tba Mediter-;
ranean. One was to involve
France in a life and death war
with Italy to keep her from back
ing out of the fight with Ger
many. Another was to involve
Turkey, so the allies could use
their million and a half troops
and be sure of control of the
* * *
Fighting continues around Nar
vik in the north of Norway, al
though dispatches are scanty,
while in England, Uncle Neville
Chamberlain is reported on the
verge of resignation because the
laborites have refused to coop
erate in reorganizing his war
* * *
Death came to Web Miller, vet
eran foreign correspondent, in
London Tuesday. Official report
is that he walked out the wrong
door of a train and was killed by
an express going in the opposite
, , ,Gorman c .propagandists , were!
quick to seize upon his death as
fiehind the g BALL
Today’s the day! Things start
a poppin’ With the beginning of
the campus luncheon at noon.
Fellows “officially” quit talk
ing to the girls at the luncheon
and begin again after the queen
is crowned. The catch here is that
the “ban” is only for an hour or
so, and no one can expect the
Order of the “O” to get warmed
up during this period.
They’ll probably be ducking the
fellows all day, just for practice.
If the Duckee doesn’t like it he
can What can he do?
And, of course tonight’s the
prom. A squad started decorating
the court yesterday and plans on
windin’ things up this afternoon.
With Wally Rossman and Dale
Janet Mallicoat supervising the
installation of the false ceiling,
things looked pretty hopeless yes
'terday. They weren’t just sure
Sialsberg 'Hints'
Fees Delinquent
By Three Today
Final installments on non-resi
dent arid registration fees are due
today at windows three and four
on the second floor of Johnson
hall, by 3 p.m., C. K. Stalsberg,
cashier, announced* yesterday.
Fines of 35 cents per day will
be charged for all those w?ho don’t
pay their installments by this af
ternoon, and after six days stu
dents will be suspended. Rein
statements will be granted only
if $1.50 in fines, plus $2 rein
statement fee is paid.
an excuse to charge the British
intelligence service with his mur
der. DNB dispatches say “this
neutral observer stood in the way
of England’s plans to extend the
war.” This, on the face of it, is
ridiculous, for anyone who has
been reading Miller’s dispatches
for the last few months knows
that the man, an excellent writer,
was definitely pro-ally. During
the disastrous, for the British,
final days of the Norwegian cam
paign, Miller’s stories would
start: “After inflicting heavy
losses on the enemy, English
troops fell back today to stronger
-“Springtime in Vienna”
but what it would be a good idea
to dance on the ceiling ... it
would be much less work. (We
put it up when they weren’t look
ing) .
With the imported scenery and
drapes, even McArthur’s own
grandmother wouldn’t recognize
the place. The band’s good too.
Lest We Forget
Another weekend note of im
portance is the campus luncheon
food. The sandwiches you eat to
day are made by over 90 Oregon
coeds. Also saves somebody about
If you see some of Oregon’s
sports fans going around laugh
ing up their sleeves, you can
laugh with them. Oregon has a
very, very super frosh baseball
team. Playing their ineligibles
and eligibles against Oregon's
varsity the frosh have won some
thing like 4 out of 5 games from
their big brothers.
They are so good that sports
editor G. S. Pasero wants to enter
them in the Northern division
pennant race. Today and tomor
row our frosh play the Rooks.
Poor Rooks.
' The same day that Jean Mahal
cik was made coed of the week
Fred Farrior hung his ATO pin
on her . . . Jim three star Hen
nessy celebrated his first week of
going steady with Jane McCurdy
Wednesday. . . . Coed of the week
FINNEGAN . . . she has every
thing. . . . Betty Barr and Luella
Miller went on a picnic Wednes
day nite. . . . QUESTION OF
THE WEEK: Does Porky An
drews have his pin planted ?
the week is the fence that Milo
dene Goss and Chuck Putnam are
on . . . She has his pin in her
room, but doesn’t know if she
wants to wear it. . . . Cliff Sex
smith had his house dance date
down from Alaska. . . . Mike Kel
ly, SAE, took Betty McNiece to
his house dance and danced one
dance. . . . Buck Berry’s girl back
home, “Stoney” Stonebreaker, is
a football player and softball
player. Buck has the pictures in
his room.
-“Springtime in Vienna”
to the 50th Junior Weekend!
This year, for the 50th time, the campus is being
transformed into a make-believe world for you by
your sons and daughters. ... We welcome you to the
50th annual Junior Weekend with the same good
will with which we have served the University dur
ing the past 28 years.