Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 09, 1940, Page Six, Image 6

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    The Women’s Page
Page Sis
Thursday, May 9, 1940
W omen
From ail appearances the “pow
ers above” are smiling on the U.
of Oregon and its junior class this
week, and planning to do their
share to make Junior Weekend
enjoyable. It is apparent now, that
the sun will shine. Nothing we
could imagine, at thi3 point,
would be more dismal than at
tending a campus luncheon to
morrow noon dressed in raincoats,
rubbers, rain hats (even our old
favorite), and winding our way
through the lines to receive a
soggy ham sandwich, moist cook
ies, and dripping salad.
Then to stand under the trees
and watch the queen be crowned
beneath the shelter of an umbrel
la, and the princesses standing
around in hip boots—well, it just
doesn’t add rip. Even Jupiter
couldn't imagine such a sight, so
the sun will continue to shine.
(we hope!)
Eesides, it’s “Springtime in Vi
enna,” and although Oregon has
been known to enjoy many a
spring rain, who’s ever heard of
a ‘ Viennese mist.”
Pinafores Promoted
Pinafores have really taken
the campus by storm. Coed com
ments on the dresses vary. Some
say they realize the style is not
too flattering to the figure, but
that they’re fun to wear anyway;
while others remark they’re be
ing shown in all the well-known
fashion magazines: and still oth
ers look on them with comment
censored. It is a fnn-idea though,
and it's doing the trick to pro
mote the Weekend.
Swan Song
We look toward next week’s
Woman’s Page with sad tears iu
our eyes. It's the last page of the
year- and also our last job. For
Women Only will prepare a “swan
song" for the occasion and then
' duck out to give a new staff an
opportunity' to show its worth be
fore next tali.
Bring your Mother
in to select her
own gift.
^ ¥
Suggested Gifts
* Figurines
* Framed Pictures
* Flower Bowls
* Perfume Bottles
* Non Spill Powder
* Handkerchiefs
* Costume Jewelry
* Books
¥ ‘V
122 E. Broadway
UO? No! ---Vienna
For a Weekend
Junior Weekend, highlight of the social season is here with activi
ties for everyone every hour from Friday through Sunday.
Friday all students of the University, faculty and weekend guests
will attend the annual all-campus luncheon in front of Friendly hall.
Janet Goresky is chairman of the event.
In the afternoon members of the YWCA, AWS and the Eugene
Mothers club will entertain vis
iting' Mothers at an informal tea
iu Gerlinger.
Viennese Prom
Friday night the Igloo will take
on the most festive Viennese air
in years when Bob Mitchell's or
chestra plays for the annual Jun
ior Prom.
The Master dance group also
present their program Friday
Saturday’s full schedule begins
at 3 o’clock with the terrace
dance to be held in front of the
library until 5 o'clock.
At 4 o'clock the band will pre
sent its concert in the sunken
gardens in back of the music
building. Refreshments will be
served during the Sunlight Sere
The annual Mother’s Day ban
quet will be held again this year
in John Straub dining room.
Canoe Fete Tops
The millrace will be glamour
ous with lights and colorful floats
at 9 o'clock as the Canoe Fete
begins its promenade before
thousands of spectators.
Weekend festivities will con
clude Sunday when all living or
ganizations honor Mothers at
special 1 o’clock dinners.
Mary Kay Riordan, two-year
Emerald society news reporter
and advertising staff member,
will start work as Thursday
manager of the Emerald next
week, George Luoma, Emerald
business manager, announced
Mother's Day Gifts
Give something to wear and
she 11 say you’re a thought
ful child . . .
A box of lovely Xo Mend
hose spells bliss to every wo
man ... a dainty purse kit
has beep designed for mo
ther's own day—.She’ll love
it! ‘‘Personal Lengths.’’ Pair
$1.1 o. 3 pairs $3.30. Purse kit
free with 3 pairs.
■ Why not (.-boost'
a dressmaker
bag; to mateh
M o t h o r’s en
semble ? Kxqais
ite suedes in col
ors or unusual
b1 ae k patent
and call’. . . also
white . . navy . .
brown . . Priced
-Sl.bS and
Gloves . . .
are always wel
:• o m e ! Dainty
slip-ons in doe
skin, in white,
c o r a 1. b 1 u e,
•rold. Fabrics in
white and col
ors. $1.00 pair.
Perfect s y m b o 1 of
Mother’s Day. Hand
le e r c h i e f s of the
month as seen in
Vog u e. oOe each,
llaiulkies as seen in
(ilatnour. 2oe.
•Jewelr\—mother will cherish
a gift of jewelry—a glamour
pin -necklace—bracelet — or
string of pearls — at $1.00.
Take advantage of our closing-out sale to
stock up on those extras you have always
* Revlon Polish
* Contoure Makeup
* Complexion Aids
Phone 1860 1258 Kincaid
Eugene’s Newest Dept. Store
Phone 1090 810 Willamette
Style No. 985
For mothers who seek com
fort plus smartness ... 3
thread ... in proportioned
pair 1.00
3 pairs 2.85
Style No. 500
For young mothers who like
to gad about ... a fragile
looking 2 thread - all silk -
Tempered Twist.
Pair 1.00
3 pairs 2.85
Style No. 400
For mothers who are proud
of their trim legs and feet
... 3 thread Tempered
Twist ... all silk.
Pair 85c
3 pairs 2.45