Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1940, Page Five, Image 5

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    Ducks Subdue Vandals Again, 16-8
Four Home Runs
Feature Slugfest
Virg Haynes Pitches 6-Hit Ball to Earn
Second Conference Victory; Berry
Leads Batters With Five Hits
Co-Sports Editor, Oregon Daily Emerald
Oregon’s usually mild-mannered batters were anything but mild
at Howe field yesterday as they shelled the offerings of Merle Stod
dard, veteran Vandal twirler, to virtually every corner of the diamond
and posted a 16 to 8 win over Idaho—their second straight.
Buck Berry, husky shortstop, Catcher Cece Walden, and Outfielder
Bill (Kiki) Carney all powered home runs to pace the Webfoots in
their furious, 19-hit blitzkrieg attack which started in the first inning
and didn t let up until black
haired Virgil Haynes, Oregon's
winning pitcher, retired the last
Vandal batter.
Haynes, Sacramento j a y s e e
transfer from Medford, went the
route for Oregon to gain his sec
ond triumph of the current nor
thern division season. He allowed
only six hits and struck out nine.
What’s more, only three of Ida
ho’s eight runs were earned.
Berry Hits Five
Individual batting honors for
the day easily went to Berry,
Coach Howard Hobson’s recruit
from the football ranks. The
chunky shortstop had a tough
time of it in the field, committing
four errors of Oregon’s eight, but
more than made up for this at
the plate with five hits in five
times up. Besides his home run,
he smacked a double and three
line singles and batted in six
Northern Division Standings
OSC . 4 0 1.000
Washington . 3 0 1.000
Oregon . 3 3 .500
WSC . 1 4 .200
Idaho . 0 4 .000
At Eugene—Oregon 16, Idaho
8; at Seattle — Washington and
Washington State rained out.
Every man in the Webfoot line
up but Pitcher Haynes hit safely.
Dick Whitman collected two dou
bles and a single in five times
with the willow; Bill Carney hit
a home run and two singles; and
Tommy Cox poled a long triple.
Jack Shimshak, Herbie Hamer,
and Whiz White all lined out two
safe blows.
Idaho Scores
Coach Forrest Twogood’s Van
dals started the scoring in the
opening half of the first inning
when Haynes walked Left-fielder
Ray Roundy and Catcher Whitey
Price followed with a long home
run to left field—the ball disap
pearing over the left field “preci
The third Idaho run of the first
frame came as a direct result of
successive errors by Berry and
Jack Shimshak, second baseman,
and Ramey's grounder to Pitcher
Not a bit disheartened by the
Vandal splurge, the Ducks came
l ight back with four runs of their
own in the second half of the
initial inning. Tommy Cox drew
life on a base on balls to start the
parade. “Pepper” moved to sec
ond on Shimshak’s single and
then scored on Berry’s smash to
cente rfield.
Walden Hits Homer
This set the stage for Cece
Walden’s home run to left field.
Shimshak was poised on third and
Berry on first, eager to set their
spikes in motion, when Walden
stepped up, swinging his big bat.
Both merely trotted home, how
ever, for Walden nearly batted
the ball out of sight.
(Please turn to pa>jc seven)
Idaho R
Roundy, If .3
Price, c .5
Atkinson, 2 .5
Spicuzza, m .5
Ramey, 3 .5
Smith, s .5
Caccia, r.3
Hilton, 1 .3
Stoddard, p .4
^Harris .1
Total .39
Oregon B
Cox, 3 .4
Shimshak, 2 .4
Whitman, m ....5
Carney, If.5
Berry, s .5
Walden, c .5
White, r .5
Hamer, 1 .5
Haynes, p .5
1 0 4 0 0
2 12 0 0
3 13 3 0
112 0 0
110 2 0
0 10 2 0
0 110 1
0 0 11 1 0
0 0 15 0
0 0 0 0 0
8 6 24 13 1
2 110 2
3 2 0 1 1
3 3 3 0 0
3 3 4 0 0
3 5 0 5 4
2 19 0 0
0 2 10 0
0 2 8 0 1
0 0 110
Total .43 10 19 27 7 8
*Batted for Roundy in 9th.
Idaho .303 000 002— 8
Oregon .440 301 13*—16
Runs responsible for, Stoddard
15, Haynes 3. Struck out, Stod
dard 2, Haynes 9. Bases on balls
2, Haynes 3. Stolen base, Atkin
son. Home run, Price, Walden,
Berry, Carney. 2 base hit, Whit
man 2, Berry, White. Runs batted
in Price 2, Berry 6, Walden 4,
Whitman, Shimshak, White, Car
ney, Hilton, Spicuzza, Ramey,
Hamer 2. Double play, Stoddard
to Hilton to Atkinson. Umpire,
Spec Burke. Time, 2:05.
Small Squad
Goes to WSC
Coach Bill Hayward plans to
depend on a 14-man track team
when his squad meets the strong
Washington State cinder-churn
ers at Pullman next Saturday af
Definite selection of the trav
eling squad' will be made this af
ternoon at the close of their fi
nal workout on Hayward field.
The team will leave the campus
sometime tomorrow.
Oregon’s sole chance of winning
the meet will depend upon the
number of first places they are
able to garner, being obviously
weak in manpower and potential
second and third place winners.
Best chances of victory lie in the
field events. Boyd Brown, in the
javelin throw, Rod Hansen in the
pole vault, and Ehle Reber in the
broadjump, will be heavy pre
meet favorites.
Kirm Storli will renew his feud
with Bill Dale, Cougar’s great
half-miler, and will enter a slight
underdog in the betting as a re
sult of two defeats administered
to the Duck captain by Dale in
the Pacific coast and northern
division championships last sea
Off to Good Start
Frankie Hawkins, playing his second year as third baseman for
the Portland Beavers, seems to have reformed from his “bad boy”
antics of former years.
Seven Webfoots Bat
Over .300 Average
Buck Berry, chunky gridiron, sparkplug, steps out of the football
ranks and into a baseball-colored spotlight to lead the Oregon list of
batters with a .600 batting average. Close on the heels of the stocky
Californian is Billy Calvert who hands the little ball a beating to the
tune of .538.
In the game against Idaho yesterday Berry proved that turning
out for baseball in the last week of practice was no handicap, and he
demonstrated his point by slamming out five hits in five times at
bat, one home run, one double, and three singles. Last .Thursday's
game with Washington State turned out to be anything but the circus
that was advertised, at least for Billy Calver, who pulled a leg muscle
and has been out of the competition since then.
Carney Hits Homer
Jack Shimshak holds undisputed third place with .348, leaving Bill
Carney and Arba Ager to battle it out for fourth and fifth with .333
each. Carney wears the halo for the time being for his home run in
yesterday’s game while Ager looked on from the sidelines with an
injured knee. Dick “Bird Dog” Whitman and Bill “Whizzer” White,
another rival twosome, hold batting averages of .308, and complete
the list of Oregon boys who are hitting over .300. Whitman mildly
distinguished himself with two doubles and a single for five times at
bat, while White was content with two singles to show for his five
trips to the plate.
Batting averages:
G B H 2B 3B
Berry . 4 15 9 2 1
Calvert . 5 13 7 1 0
Shimshak . 6 23 8 1 0
Carney . 6 24 8 0 0
Ager . 3 3 10 0
Whitman . 6 26 8 2 2
White . 5 13 4 2 0
Linn . 3 7 2 0 1
Cox . 6 23 5 0 1
Hamer. 6 20 4 0 0
Walden . 6 26 4 0 0
Haynes . 2 7 10 0
Austin . 5 7 0 0 0
Igoe . 4 2 0 0 0
Rieder . 2 2 0 0 0
B. Walker . 2 1 0 0 0
Jasper . 3 0 0 0 0
173 61 8 5
RBI Pet. O A E Pet.
6 .600 2 17 10 .655
3 .538 6 4 3 .769
4 .348 15 13 2 .993
2 .333 12 1 0 1.000
1 .333 0 4 1 .800
5 .308 17 2 0 1.000
1 .308 2 0 1 .667
2 .286 0 6 0 1.000
1 .217 5 11 4 .800
3 .200 51 1 3 .945
6 .154 45 2 2 .959
0 .143 1 1 0 1.000
0 .000 3 0 0 1.000
0 .000 0 2 3 .400
0 .000 0 1 0 1.000
0 .000 0 0 0 .000
0 000 0 0 0 .000
34 .282 159 64 29 .885
ATOs, Finns,
DUs, Win Donut
Borcher Notches
Victory No. 3.
Beating Alpha, 7-5
Those intramural softball
games are getting closer and
closer, as ATO defeated Sigma
Nil, 5 to 3, DU eked out a win
over Alpha Hall, 7 to 5, and the
Fighting Finns took an overtime
decision from the Sluggers, 3 to
2, yesterday.
Sigma Nu boosted their lead
to 3-0 in the fifth frame when
Avery Qoniger’s single scored
John Raffetto, but the ATO gang
then went to work and scored
five runs in the last two innings
to tuck the game away.
Sigma Nu’s pitcher, Dan Eng
land, got a little too wild in the
sixth frame, as the alert ATO
gang scored three runs on one
hit, that a single by Jack Boone.
I^oone stole second, third and
home to start the ball rolling,
Len Isberg, and Doug Hay
walked, then Eldon Wyman hit
one, and two ATO runs crossed
the plate.
Borcher Wins Again
It was Big Bill Borcher
against little Ollie Stendal in the
DU-Alpha conflict, and Borcher
worried a lot before he came
home with a 7 to 5 victory.
The first DU man to face
Pitcher Stendal obligingly
cracked a home run, but the hall
men came back fighting and the
score was tied up 4-all at the end
of the third inning. However, the
DUs obtained the pecessary tal
Borcher struck out 13, not
comparable to his no-hit per
formance last .week, but good
(Please turn to page seven)
Men's PE Majors
To See UO Movies
Fizzeds, men’s PE club, will
feature moving pictures of the
Long Island-Oregon basketball
game and the Fordham-Oregon
football game at their meeting
this evening at 7:30 in room 101
of the PE building.
A committee of two girls rep
resenting the girl PE majors will
meet with the men to discuss
plans for a mixed picnic to be
held jointly by the two organi
zations. Election of officers will
also be held at this meeting.
A1 Sander, retiring president,
requests that all PE majors and
minors be on hand.
Car Washing
11th and Hilvard