Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1940, Page Two, Image 2

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| _________________________________________________________________________________________ ^
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the University of Oregon, published daily during the college year except
Sundays, Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered M
lecond-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Ore.
420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Boston—Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland and Seattle.
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC., college publishers’ representative,
Lyle Nelson, Managing Editor
Jim Frost, Advertising Manager
Helen Angel], News Editor
George Pasero, Co-sports Editor
Elbert Hawkins, Co-sports Editor
Betty Jane Thompson, Chief Night Editor
Jimmie Leonard, Assistant Managing Editor
Hal Olney, Assistant Managing Editor
Ralph Woodall, Cartoonist
Marge Finnegan, Women's Editor
Ken Christianson, Assistant Sports Editor
Jean Crites, Tuesday Mgr.
Fred May, Wednesday Mgr.
Majeanne Glover, Thursday Mgr.
Betty Mae Lind, Jay Scott, Friday Mgrs.
Bob Rogers, Saturday Mgr.
Mary Ellen Smith, Nat. Adv. Mgr.
Lynn Johnson, Merchandising Mgr.
Rhea Anderson, Special Acct’s. Mgr.
Doug Parker, Classified Dept. Mgr.
Kathleen Brady. Promotion
Ted Kenyon, Photography
Bill Ralston, Layouts
Best for ths Best—The Emerald Makes Good
JgY far the happiest indication gained from
the Emerald reader interest survey of
last week is that the Emerald is read far more
thoroughly than is the ordinary newspaper.
Compared with the results of other sur
veys elsewhere, Emerald figures immediately
establish their superiority. Emerald reader
percentages surpass others by all the way
from a third to twice that much. More Em
erald readers had read more of the paper, in
cluding advertising, than national experience
gave any right to expect.
It was shown as expected that readers have
definite habits in reading the Emerald. The
“Eight-Ball” column, batted out the highest
total of all, 81 per cent. The almost universal
acceptance of this column, creation of one J.
Bryant, who is independent as a hog on ice,
would seem to establish the rather dubious
point that there is popular demand for the
scurrilous in journalism.
# =* #
IMPORTS page figures showed that the spe
cial appeal of sports finds a special group
of readers, not a majority. The survey report
declares that sports pages apparently show
reader interest only for those interested to
some degree in sports. In comparison with
other sports pages the Emerald’s sports de
partment was just as superior in reader inter
est as the rest of the paper.
Even editorials, which nationally attract
only one out of every four readers, found
three out of every eight Emerald readers.
All in all, the Emerald came off very
favorably in comparison to what might have
been expected from national) figures. Not
only are more Emerald readers reading the
Emerald, but they are reading more of it. Any
newspaper which finds itself this close to its
readers cannot be doing such a bad job, al
though of course no job was ever done which
could not be bettered.
Especially gratifying to their originators
was the reception afforded the new nameplate
and the five-column format, which seems to
have won acceptance on their own merit, by
an easy two-to-one score.
* * #
j^ESULTS of the survey are both informa
tive and heartening, coming as they do
so close to the announcement that the Em
erald had made it three years in a row in All
American ranks. A newspaper could be All
American technically, could be a newspaper
man’s newspaper, but if it did not reach its
readers its job would be only half done.
Surveys are accomplishing wonders these
days, and newspapers are the first to feel
their effect. The Emerald is a ease in point,
for these are the first quantitative, direct sta
tistics about Emerald readers in some years.
Conclusions drawn from this particular sur
vey, which was conducted by tested, reliable
methods, will affect the Emerald no little both
this year and next, to the benefit of reader
and newspaper.
In view of both the Emerald’s recently
won All-American status and the unusually
high percentages found by the survey, it
would seem a logical conclusion that the Em
erald is a high-grade newspaper for high
grade readers.
No Monkey Business
Shaw’s Really Back
Now that Artie (the music
business stinks) Shaw is back in
the fold, the RCA Record com
pany is showering the fair
haired boy with enough public
ity to make a musician out of a
monkey. (Or visa versa). Public
ity agents are flooding the coun
try with pertinent information on
the “new, the more versatile, the
more brilliant Shaw.” Artie’s two
new recordings, “Frenesi" and
“Adios, Mariquita Linda” are be
ing featured in all music stores
in a special display along with a
handsome picture of the maestro.
Everything looks like smooth
sailing for Mr. Shaw except for
one little problem all the east
ern night clubs have agreed that
they can't have any 31 musicians
hanging around the bandstand
and cluttering up the dance floor.
With this mob there wouldn't be
room enough left for the cash
customers, or for that matter —
enough cash customers to pay
for hiring Shaw and his circus.
So You Want to Be
A Radio Star
From t h e CBS Collegiate
fiehind the g BALL
Night Life
Was over to the country club
the other night. Back in one of
those dark passages is a place
where you can leave things for a
good while . . . Good deal.'. The
guy that took the drinking fau
cets from the library terrace can
put them back now. . . . Ted Sar
pola, from Astoria (40 miles down
the river from Clatskanie) has his
notebook full of well drawn
sketches of all kinds of boats . . .
And don’t forget our dowii
river pals that want us to let
them hold the Hayward relays
every other year. Sure, 'n' if they
want McArthur court and the
law school they can have them
too. . . . The grass-movers are
at it again.
Seen Together
Art Lowther and Betty Gustan
son . . . Max Knight and Ernie
Detlefson are still the IT DOES
LAST example. . . . Seen apart,
Gloria Wadsworth and Lloyd
Manning . . . wonder ?
Oh, yes, and the story about
Harriet Minturn going steady
with two fellows is news. Roses
followed by orchids followed by
flowers is the menu for today.
Peggy Mills says we'll be in the
war within a year and that she
wants to go fight. . . . Me ? . . .
I'm going back to Clatskanie.
Spring time is track time. A
visit to the Hayward oval any
time in the afternoon will reveal
hundreds of fellows running
around the quarter mile cinder
Oregon is going to have a pret
ty good team this year, but has
no sensational stars. This boy
Brown is pretty good in the jave
lin but isn't worth a dam in the
660’s. Another of the pretty good
boys is Jim Buck. He works hard
trying to make Coach Bill think
he is working. These guys, Bob
Mitchell and Kirman Storli both
run a long ways and Storli trains.
That's all.
Broadcast service comes some
very interesting information for
anybody who is contemplating ra
dio work for a career. The per
sonnel offices of the Columbia
studios receive an average of 85
letters a day from college men
and women who are looking for
radio jobs. These letters contain
applications for jobs ranging
from engineer to script writer,
from idea man to program pro
ducer, from news analyst to
sound effects man.
For those who are interested
in becoming announcers, which
is a very high paying profession,
Columbia lays down four rigid
qualifications: a college educa
tion or its equivalent; experience
with at least two local stations;
a voice and air personality dis
tinguished without affectation;
and an accent that cannot be
identified with any particular
section of the country.
The local station is the place
to get started. If you can sell
Schmidt’s Corner Grocery to the
home-town public you'll be well
on your way toward selling a na
tional advertiser to the whole na
tion. . . . It’s very interesting
work—if you can get started.
Jealousy rears its ugly head
. . the juniors are worrying
about a name band for their
weekend—somebody to compete
with the frosh's Uncle Benny G.
Wally Rossman, dance head, says
that at the present time Carl Ra
vazza looks like the best bet.
Wally reminds us that tonight
(Wednesday) is the appointed
time for the fraternity and soror
itv song finals. The place is the
McDonald theater. Those compet
ing are: Delta Gamma, Phi Phi,
and Gamma Phi sororities. The
frats are ATO, Phi Delt, and Sig
ma Chi. Seventy-five silver pel
lets to each of the two winners.
Caper Cutters
Absolutely the last
word in play clothes
are the perky new West
I Coast one and two piece
dresses and suits at
Hadley’s. A very best
seller is the little bare
I mid-riff set of a tiny
flared skirt and bra in
dull satin woven with
lastex. Other outstanding suits
are the spotless white seersuck
er tennis dress complete so that
nothing need be worn under it,
and the gay Inca prints in lined
bathing suits. Price, $7.98.
Step Into Style
To go with your new spring
formal you must think of even
ing slippers. At Burch’s you will
find gold and silver mesh just
the latest in spring evening
shoes. The high heel sandal is
flattering to the foot as well as
the most comfortable to dance
in. Also be sure to see the many
colored satins in the latest
modes. Price, $6.95.
Come Sew
Of interest to
coeds who have a
knack for sewing,
is the news of the great assort
ment of yard goods at the
Broadway which will make love
ly cotton formals. play clothes,
or sport dresses. You'll find ev
ery color and design in plaids
and stripes for seersucker,
broadcloth, gingham Swiss, dot
ted Swiss, crepe organdy, and
Peter Pan prints in a range of
prices. And while you are there
get your accessories in zippers,
buttons, belts, and others to
Your Cue to Correct
Make-up harmony is in style
all year round so here is an at
tractive offer you’ll want. At
Tiffany-Davis is the new Color
Cue by Dorothy Gray which con
tains a regular $1 full size lip
stick, the new formula nail pol
ish regularly 30c, and the Ela
tion face powder, $1 size, plus a
package of lipstick tissues. All
these are harmonized and of
fered for $1 a set.
-Cord and Gingham
! Styles
Grand for warm spring wea
| ther are the smart little ging
! ham frocks attracting much at
| tention at Kaufman’s. Especially
j outstanding is a bright red
checked gingham which is set
off with white piping around
; collar, sleeves, and the great
round circles which are the
pockets. Pearl buttons give a
double breasted effect to this
tailored dress with a flouncing
skirt. Price, $7.95. Other cool
cotton frocks are from $1.98 to
Russell’s are fea
turing Ken Classics;
in chambray, ging
ham, and silk sport dresses.
These frocks in this spring’s
favorites of stripes, ginghams,
and polka dots are man-tailored
throughout, with much atten
tion given to such details as:
stitched-down pleats, tucked
tops, action hacks and many
other custom details found us
ually only in much higher priced
dresses. Prices, $5.95 and $7.95.
* * *
One of the most
popular styles of all
play clothes this
year is the clever suspender
short set of mercerized gabar
dine at Abouresk’s. A high fit
ted waistband and front zipper
add a smart note to this attrac
tive style. Also to match it is a
zipper front jacket. See them in
white, navy, or copen.
* * *
Smooth as Silk
Creating quite a sensation af
ter its mention in Life is the
Playtex Living Girdle made of
smooth liquid latex. A perfect
girdle for sports wear—so made
that you can even wear it under
a bathing suit. It is in one piece
with an all way stretch that
gives with every motion of your
body. Colors are blue, white, and
tea rose, and sizes are extra
small, small, medium, and large.
Price. $2.00.
* * *
You’ll Certainly Be Cut In On
A most unusual and striking dress is the Scis
sors dress to be found at Beard's. It is in com
mander red with a whitfe print of scissors, pins,
and hanks of yarn. Very attractive are the middy
collar, the bound buttons, and the blue patent
leather belt. But the most outstanding accessory
is the separate navy wool fitted jacket. While
it carries out the scissors motif with its novel
scissor fasteners, it can be worn with other
dresses and even with formals. Price, 522.50.