*600 VOLUME XLI UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1940 NUMBER 98 Not Trick Photography Either A group of students inspect the latest in traffic signs—one built for Reversia. This sign remained for several weeks along Hilyard street, but was finally replaced last week. The students in the picture, from left to right, are: Walter Miller, Lilyann Veatch, and Sherman Wetmore. Retail Merchants Meet on Campus Annual Conclave Features Talks By Many Visitors More than one hundred retail merchants were on the Univer sity of Oregon campus yesterday to attend the fourth annual con ference of the Oregon Retail Dis tributors institute. The morning sessions of the one-day conference were taken up with registration, election of officers, and a number of ad dresses. Afternoon sessions were occupied in discussions of morn ing address topics. Richard G. Montgomery, president of the in stitute. presided at both morning and afternoon sessions. The primary purpose of the re tailers conference is for the va rious merchants to air problems which confront them in their business and hear an open dis cussion of them by panel speak ers and authorities on their par ticular problem, according to Dr. N. H. Cornish, professor of bus iness administration at the Uni versity and secretary of the in stitute. The conference concluded last night with a banquet at St. Mary's Episcopal church. (Addition al details on page 3) Westminster to Give Luncheon Today Westminster house's Tuesday noon luncheon will start at 12 o’clock sharp today. Reserva tions should be made early. Discussion will take place dur ing the meal. The food is home cooked by Westminster mothers and costs 25 cents a meal. Lights Burn Late As Students Get Late War News “Lights out” rules went by the boards last night in many soror ity and fraternity houses as stu dents sat by their radios, listen ing to the latest news of Ger many’s invasion of Denmark and Norway’s subsequent declaration of war on Germany. Direct reports from the capi tals of Europe kept CBS and NBC stations on the air almost all night while many listeners with short wave radios were tun ing directly to foreign stationss for the latest news. University of Oregon students are true Webfoots. Despite tor rents of spring rain, students have been seen canoeing on the mill-race this year. Harry Barnes To TalkToday At Assembly World Problems Will Be Discussed By Noted Authority By KAY SCHRICK World problems and questions of international politics will again come to the fore this morning when Harry E. Barnes, noted newspaper columnist and author ity on world politics, addresses a special student body assembly in Gerlinger hall on “The Crisis in World History.” Karl W. Onthank, dean of per sonnel, announced yesterday that the program will take the place of the usual Thursday assembly and that Tuesday 11 o'clock classes will meet Thursday morn ing. In past years Mr. Barnes has lectured in many cities of Eur ope, including Berlin and Munich. A collection, “World Politics,” recently brought all his speech material up to date. (Additional details on page 6) 'Idiot's Delight' Has Two Original Songs Two original songs will make their debut Friday night at the University theater’s premier of “Idiot’s Delight.” The music and the lyrics were composed by Wil ford Rodman, author of the tunes in last year’s hit “With Fear and Trembling.” Trudy Harland, playing the role of Shirley, one of the six Euro pean travelling chorus girls, will introduce the number, “The Lady Says She Is a Russian.” A dance routine accompanies the second song, which entitled "Cornfed Katie.” Gerry Smith will appear as Harry Van with three of his troupe of “Lei Blondes”—Donr.a Row, Pat Taylor, and Trudy Har Jand. Miss Harland will also vo calize this number. “Idiot’s Delight” will be under the direction of Horace W. Robin son, assistant professor of drama, who also produced “With Fear and Trembling.” (Addition ul details on pcti/c 3) Win Scholarship George Luoma, business mana ger of the Emerald, has been awarded the $100 \V. F. G. Thacher scholarship presented annually to the outstanding jun ior in advertising and general business ability. Luoma Awarded $100 Scholarship Emerald Ad Chief Honored at Meet Of ADS George Luoma, Emerald busi ness manager, was awarded the $100 W. F. G. Thacher scholar ship, given each year to the out standing junior in advertising and general business ability, at a meeting of the Oregon chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma held in Port land Saturday. At the same meeting Wally Rossmann was presented the Bob Byington cup for being the Uni versity student most helpful to Alpha Delta Sigma during the past year, and plans were form ulated for next year's national convention. The scholarship received by Luoma is awarded annually and is financed by Foster and Kleiser, the Oregon Journal, and the Ore gonian. Jose Iturbi Fascinates UO Crowd By GLENN HASSELROOTH Jose Iturbi. that vigorous little Valencian who for the past decade has been proving to Americans that the Spanish can be versatile pianists as well as fighters, was the lone attraction on the second and final day of the University’s “first spring music festival.” Playing at the final ASUO con cert of the year last night in Mc Arthur court, he demonstrated his capability of putting on a “one-man show” and making it a good one. The audience was only a mid dle-sized one—compared to Sun day night’s crowd—but the di minutive Spanish pianist came to the platform first to play Han del's air with variations, “The Harmonica Blacksmith,” a hush ofiexpectancy fell upon his listen ers. His pudgy fingers seemed slightly reticent as they tried to get the “feel” of the keyboard. Crowd Enthusiastic Mozart’s “Sonata in B Flat Ma jor, K. 333’ was Mr. Iturbi's sec ond number in the classical group. In interpreting this 150-year-old work he exhibited no hesitancy, and in spite of the audience’s lack of familiarity with it, they re sponded with enthusiasm to Mr, Iturbi’s performance. Stern as a professor giving a final while he was playing, Mr. Iturbi smiled broadly when he graciously accepted the audi ence’s applause. Although some of his arm movements between rotes resemble1 the Australian crawl more than anything else, there is little of the “artiste's’’ affectation in his manner. The pianist really came into his own when he played Beethoven's “Sonata in F Minor,’’ better known as the “Appassionata.’’ The first movement, and the al legro ma non troppo—in which he “pounds back the destinies"— were especially noteworthy for in telligent comprehension of the composer’s meaning. The final group was made up of selections from the romantics: an intermezzo and a rhapsody from Brahms, and several color ful and impressionistic bits from Robert Russell Benet, Ravel, and Albeniz. The encores were all splendid, but the audience was disappointed at not hearing the Gershwin “Rhapsody in Blue" which the press notices had prom ised. Queen Ballot Scheduled at Noon Today Royal Court for Junior Weekend To Be Announced By JIMMIE LEONARD “At noon today the campus will know the names of the coeds who were selected last Friday to serve in the royal court of Junior Weekend,” Lloyd Sullivan, chair man of the 1940 weekend, said last night. Today from noon until 4 o’clock students will flock to the polls in the YWCA Bungalow to cant"' their votes for the girl they think should be queen of the Jun ior Weekend domain on May 10, 11, and 12, according to Bill Ehr man, prime minister of the week end. A joint faculty-student com mittee picked five girls from 19 contestants Friday afternoon, who, they believed, would quali - fy for the positions. The names of the lucky quintet have been kept secret in order to make sure that secret in order to make sure that the girl who is elected queen will be chosen for her popularity arid appearance. Weekend Chairman Sullivan said. ASUO card holders will be en titled to one vote, while holders of junior class cards will receive an additional vote. The election begins at noon and will end at 4 o’clock. Band to Play Fight Songs ASUO executives will hear two new Oregon fight songs, chosen from a number submitted to the student fight song committee, for the first time at 4 :40 today when they meet with the University band in the ROTC shack. The meeting was arranged pri marily to let the student leaders* hear the two songs and decide which would make the most ap propriate victory chant for the U. , of O.. according to Elbert Hawkins, chairman of the com Ea it tee. "The committee has narrowed the list down to two songs and we feel that the student execu tives should hear and make the choice of one of these," Hawkins said. One of these songs was written and published by a group of Ore gon alums in Los Angeles while the other was composed by a University student, Les Irvin. Warren, Ned Johns Talk at Oakland Freshman Coach John Warren and Med Johns, assistant profes sor of physical education, trav eled to Oakland, Oregon, last night and addressed an assembly at the Oakland high school. Mr. Warren spoke on the Ore gon athletic department, whilo Mr. Johns outlined the work cf the physical education depait ment.