Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 05, 1940, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Judges to See
Queen Hopefuls
This Afternoon
Faculty, Student
Committee to Select
Weekend Court
This afternoon the first step will
be taken in the selection of a queen
and court for the 1940 Junior
Weekend, Bill Ehrman, who is in
charge of arrangements for the
queen’s court, stated yesterday.
A faculty committee composed
of Mrs. Hazel P. Schwering, dean
of women; Alice B. Macduff,
assistant dean of women; Gordon
Wright, assistant professor of his
tory; and Mark Hanna, instructor
in speech, will assist Junior Week
end heads in narrowing the com
petition down to five girls.
Candidates for Junior Week
end queen must be present at
the alumni room in Gerlinger
hall this afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Each girl should wear short
dresses and high-heeled shoes.
Election Coming
The names of the five winning
campus charmers will be withheld
until Tuesday, April 9, when there
will be a campus election to select
a queen from the winning coed
quintet. The five names as they ap
pear on the ballot that day will be
the first mention of the identity of
the regal rulers, Cavanagh as
Bus Goes Other
Way Too, Coed
Sadly Discovers
Haste makes waste a mem
ber of the Emerald business staff,
name undisclosed, found out
Wednesday after her first day on
the paper.
This freshman coed faithfully
followed instructions and after
completing her ad layouts pro
ceeded downtown and made an
excellent showing her first day.
In a hurry to get back to the
campus and make her deadline
the Emerald worker grabbed
the first bus and'was off for the
The bus, as she soon found out,
was a Springfield limited and
the driver refused to let her out.
About an hour later the rookie
ad salesman arrived back in the
business office with her belated
accounts and a firm determina
tion to “read all signs.’’
KOAC Airs Script
Of Oregon Senior
A script written by Doris Han
son, senior in the business admin
istration school, was read by Dor
othy Durkee over radio station
KOAC Tuesday morning as a part
of the regular educational pro
gram for students in the fourth
to eighth grades.
The script was entitled “Sweden"
and discussed the educational as
pects of that country. Miss Han
son spent most of the summer of
1938 in Sweden and Norway and
also visited France, Germany, Den
mark, and the British Isles.
Future Enrollees
Hear Employment
Talk at Medford
Miss Janet Smith, University
employment secretary, addressed
Medford high school students yes
terday and interviewed different
ones personally on possibilities of
attending the University of Ore
gon next fall, according to word
from her office in the YMCA
Students in towns enroute were
also contacted by Miss Smith, it
was said, and were informed on
University activities and policies
pending possibility of them enroll
ing here next year.
Delicious Salads
Hot Foods
Why Not Try
Some Today?
Combination Salad, pt. 15c
Meat Pie.pt. 15c
Butter Rolls.doz. 20c
Phone 95
Corner 13th and Patterson
for expert cleaning
and pressing service!
reduction in
electricity rates!
You can use more electricity for more
light, at the new low rates. Remember,
that insufficient lighting now, whether in
study, work, or play, may result in eye
injury later! Don't take that chance! Pro
tect your eyesight now!
The new rates became effective with meter
readings, on and after March 1, 1940.
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any of them. That means, on the average, a smoking plus equal to
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