Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 04, 1940, Image 1

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Juniors Lose
One Adviser,
Gain Another
Carlton E. Spencer
Will Guide Class;
Turnbull Resigns
Oregon’s junior class lost an ad
viser yesterday when George Turn
bull resigned after 17 years of
guidance, but received a new facul
ty leader last night when the presi
dent’s office announced that Carl
ton E. Spencer, law school profes
sor, would fill the vacancy.
Professor Turnbull, journalism
instructor, gave up the post be
cause of lack of time, but the resig
nation will have no effect on his
teaching work here. He has been
adviser to the junior class since
“I am glad,” Professor Turnbull
declared yesterday, “that someone
as capable as Mr. Spencer will
take over the advisership. I am
certain he will be able to do a great
deal for junior activities on the
Spencer is director of Oregon’s
flight instruction work, and has
taught here as professor of law
since 1929. He will take over his
positiop immediately and assist in
plans for this year’s Junior Week
end, May 10, 11, and 12.
Iturbi Concert
First In Eugene
Spanish Musician
Opens Artist Series
In Igloo Monday
For all the tours throughout the
United States ma(le by Jose Iturbi,
internationally famous pianist,
Monday night will mark the first
time a Eugene audience has been
given the opportunity to hear him
in person.
The Spanish musician is the first
offering on the ASUO Greater Ar
tist series in McArthur court this
The concert is free to all ASUO
card holders. Others wishing to
purchase tickets may buy them at
the ASUO office in McArthur
Petition Dates
A typographical error in the
Emerald yesterday confused the
dates for Emerald and Oregana
editorial and business manager
The dates, as corrected, should
read: for Emerald editor, peti
tions due April 22, interviews
April 24. For Oregana and Em
erald business managers the
dates originally given were cor
rect, April 25 for petitions and
April 29 for interviews.
Eschebeck Is Here
Walter Eschebeck, ’37. now on
the faculty of the Klamath Falls
union high school, is visiting
friends on the campus this week.
Mr. Eschebeck was graduate as
sistant in the speech division for
two years, .
Final Rehearsal
Set for Varieties
Final dress rehearsal for par
ticipants in the all-campus
Spring Varieties floor show
Friday night will be held this
evening at 7 o'clock in McAr
thur court.
Les Harger, master of cere
monies, will conduct this eve
ning's rehearsal. Art Holman’s
band will be on hand to provide
the accompaniment.
Page Scheduled
To Give Speech
Tomorrow at 11
Friday 11 o'Clock
Classes Will Meet
This Morning
An organized move to under
stand the problems and issues of
war and peace in the United States
will take form on the Oregon cam
pus tomorrow when Kirby Page,
noted author and lecturer, opens a
two-day University peace confer
ence with an 11 o’clock address be
fore a student assembly in Ger
linger hall.
Mr. Page will speak on “What
Should American Patriots Do
About War?” and he will review
problems with immediate view to
the present American foreign poli
cy. Karl W. Onthank, dean of per
sonnel, announced yesterday that
Friday 11 o’clock classes will meet
today to provide time for the pro
Governor Given
Welcoming Job
Oregon’s Governor Charles E.
Sprague will welcome representa
tives of colleges and universities
in 11 western states at the formal
banquet given the second evening
of the Associated Women Stu
dents convention, which will be
held here April 15, 16, and 17.
Mrs. Sheldon Sackett, member
of the board of higher education,
will be the guest speaker at the
dinner and her subject, “Education
in a Democracy,” will follow the
theme of the convention, “Women
in a Democracy,” Grace Irvin, gen
eral chairman, stated.
At 10:30 Tuesday the delegates
will leave Eugene to spend the day
at Oregon State, where they will
be entertained at a luncheon, tea,
and a joint student meeting. Be
fore leaving the Oregon campus,
discussion groups will be held to
exchange ideas which arise con
cerning Panhellenic, independent,
and vocational activities at coedu
cational schools.
Dean Calls for
Social Listings
All social events for spring 1
term must be scheduled on the
social calendar in the dean of
women's office by this weekend,
Dean Hazel P. Schwering an
nounced yesterday.
The complete social calendar
will be made public early next
week, she said.
All Friday 11 o’clock classes
twill meet today instead, at 11 a.m.
Exec Comm
To Set Date
For Elections
ASUO Leaders
Meet at Noon; End
Of Work Near
The ASUO executive committee
will swing into the home stretch
of the year today at noon, in its
first meeting of its final term in
Among the headline items for
the meeting are nominating dates
for ASUO elections, the possibility
of a student union committee trip
to Idaho, and preliminary discus
sion of the next year’s student
body membership fee.
With elections only a little more
than a month away, the time for
nominations is about due to be set,
in order that candidates may have
plenty of time to prepare their
campaigns. Nominations actually
are made either by filing or at a
nominating assembly. Elections
follow nominations by a week.
Additional details on page S.
Mother's Dag
Head Appointed
John Dick Names
Majeane Glover,
Others to Positions
Majeane Glover, sophomore in
business administration, was named
yesterday to head the committee in
charge of the Mothers’ Day cele
bration to be held in conjunction
with Junior Weekend on May 10.
11, and 12, John Dick, ASUO presi
dent, announced yesterday.
“Our committee plans to do its
utmost to bring a record number
of mothers to the campus for the
weekend. Special emphasis is being
laid this year to bring back those
mothers who are also alumnae, as
they can serve in the double capac
ity as grads returning for the Jun
ior Weekend and visiting mothers.
We wish to make a plea to all stu
dents to write to their parents urg
ing them to attend the celebration.”
Miss Glover stated.
ADS Banquet to Be
Held in Portland
University aiumni from Los An
geles, San Francisco, Seattle, and
Aberdeen will be among those
present when the W. F. G. Thach
er chapter of Alpha Delta Sigma
holds its annual banquet and con
ference in Portland’s Multnomah
hotel Saturday, April 7, according
to word received here.
Named as principal speaker of
the conclave is Ray Andrews, vice
president of Botsford, Constantine,
and Gardner advertising agency,
who speaks on some phases of the
Jantzen account.
Held alternately in Eugene and
Portland, the meeting this year is
scheduled coincidentally with that
of the Federated Advertising Clubs
of Portland and the ad managers’
section of the Oregon Newspaper
Publishers’ association.
Tunny Noises'
Chairman Verdi Seuerstrom,
who has promised a rare time for
all ASUO card holders (and oth
ers at 50 cents) at the Spring Va
rieties danee and floor show Fri
day night in McArthur court.
Variety Show
To Feature Acts
Dancing, Singing,
Comedians Slated
Free for ASUO
There will be funny noises from
funny sources, and interesting acts
from interesting- sources at the
ASUO Spring- Varieties show in
McArthur court tomorrow night,
Verdi Sederstrom, chairman, pre
dicted last night.
In addition to “The March of
Term," written, directed, and to be
presented by student talent, Se
derstrom announced the addition
to the program of acrobatic danc
ing, singing, impersonations, and
comic acts. Student body cards -
50 cents for non-ASUO members —
will enable students to see and
hear practically everything that
heretofore unheralded campus tal
ent can offer, he declared.
The floor show will begin at 10
o’clock. Dancing is held before and
Luncheon Finishes
Art School Festivity
A luncheon at the Anchorage
Wednesday noon attended by Dean
Ellis F. Lawrence of the art school,
Dean William Emerson, dean emer
itus of Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, students, and visitors,
wound up the twenty-fifth anniver
sary festivities of the art school.
Interior decoration students met
with Miss Bertha Stewart, Port
land interior decorator, for lunch.
A special dinner party for a
group of friends was planned at
the Osburn hotel for Dean Emer
son by two Oregon graduates and
their wives who had gone to Massa
chusetts Institute of Technology.
They were Mr. and Mrs. Eyler
Brown, associate professor of ar
chitecture, and Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Hudson, instructor in art.
Calendar . 3
Edits . 2
Sports . 4-5
Women's pages .. 6-7
'Stevie' Smith
Quits Faculty
Position Here
Resignation Ends
14 Years' Service
On University Sta:tf
Oregon's Professor S. Stephen
son Smith, better known to Uni
versity students as "Stevie,'’ yes
terday turned in his resignation as
a member of the English faculty
to President Donald M. Erb.
Smith's resignation from his 14
year job as a member of the Eng
lish department came after a
school year on leave of absence
from his teaching- job.
During the time since he left hid
professorship here last September,
he has served as education coun
selor for the American Society of
Composers, Authors and Publish
ers, and has since toured widely
for the society. In October he lec
tured on the campus.
Last year when "Stevie" Smith
was still teaching Oregon under
graduates, he was the only Rhodes
scholar on the campus, having1
taken graduate work at Oxford
before coming 'here. He is a gradu
ate of Reed college.
Professor Smith told friends In
Portland that he had accepted a
position elsewhere after Septem
ber 30. the date when his resigna
tion becomes effective.
Igloo Trg Given
Choral Union's
'Elijah' Singers
Recital on Sunday;
Chicago Virtuosos
Set for Lead Spots
Almost 400 stout-lunged mem
bers of the University choral un
ion had a chance to find out hovy
their singing voices would sound
in spacious McArthur court last,
night, when the group moved en
masse from the music auditorium
for one of the final rehearsals be
fore their Sunday night perform
ance of Mendelssohn's "Elijah.”
Also present for the “try-out”
hearing in the Igloo were the 70
members of the University sym
phony orchestra, and Director
Theodore Kratt, who returned from
Los Angeles Tuesday noon to pul
the final touches to the produc
Arriving later this week to sing
the leading roles will be Helen
Bickerton, soprano, and Raymond
Koch, baritone, both of Chicago;
Melvin H. Geist, tenor, new dean
of music at Willamette university;
and Madeline Dwyer, contralto,
An eight-page program will bo
printed for the concert. It will con
tain the complete text- although
the oratorio will be sung in Eng
lish; names of the members of
the Eugene Symphony association,
which is sponsoring the event, and
names of the chor al union and or
chestra members.
Seats will be reserved for tho
members of the Eugene Symphony
association and the Associated
Students -of the University of Crc