Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1940, Page Two, Image 2

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The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the University of Oregon, published daily during the college year except
Sundays, Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered ae
lecond-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Ore.
420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Boston—Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland and Seattle.
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC., college publishers’ representative.
Lyle Nelson, Managing Editor
Jim Frost, Advertising Manager
neien Angeii, rsews sailor
George Pasero, Co-sports Editor
Elbert Hawkins, Co-sports Editor
oetty jane inompson, v-.niei isigni &uiwr
Jimmie Leonard, Assistant Managing Editor
Hal Olney, Assistant Managing Editor
tva;pn wooaan, ^ariuunust
Marge Finnegan, Women's Editor
Ken Christianson, Assistant Sports Editor
Mary Ellen Smith, National Adversiting Manager
Rhea Anderson, Special Accounts Manager
Lynn Johnson, Merchandising Manager
Herb Anderson, Circulation Manager
Kathleen Brady, Special Promotion Manager
A Chance to|Do the Whole Job
JN voting a modest sum into next year’s bud
get to be spent for sending the Emerald to
newspapers of the state, the educational activ
ities board Monday night took a step the value
of which cannot be estimated in dollars and
In the first place, the Emerald is the most
complete and convenient form for reaching
the far-flung parts of the state. Within its
pages is the life of the University, the spirit,
just as it is pounded out by the fingers of
youthful writers, night after night at the
Emerald offices.
The tremendous task of letting the rest
of the state know what is being done and
thought on the University of Oregon campus
has in recent years been carried on the shoul
ders of various specialized agencies such as
the University news bureau, the athletic pub
licity bureau, and the alumni office, as well
as the various handout mailing lists.
H1LE these agencies have done a good
job in their fields, they could never
hope to achieve nearly the completeness that
a full daily newspaper could supply, nor
■would they attempt to achieve such com
pleteness without allowing themselves to swell
all out of proportion or possibility as to staff
and labor.
Before the depression of a decade ago set
in it was the practice for the Emerald to be
sent to all the newspapers of the state. Came
the crash and the Emerald mailing list went
by the boards as an economy measure. Onee
gone it was a long time coming back, but its
time came this week.
In considering the proposition the board
never raised the slightest question as to the
merit of the plan, for it is obviously wise to
have the school paper in newspaper offices,
where it can do the most good.
=* # #
gUT the Emerald as a mailing project found
itself to all intents and purposes an or
phan when it came to finding the money. Only
objection raised by the board was whether it,
as an educational activities board, should pay
the cost of a venture which comes under the
heading of promotion.
There was no place else for the proposition
to go—not to the athletic board, nor to the
alumni office, nor to the news bureau—so the
activities board took on the cost. The job is
properly an ASUO function, but since all
ASUO money outside administrational neces
sities are concentrated in the activities board,
the activities budget was the only place for
the item.
* «= #
'T'TIERE is no better way to acquaint the
state with the University than through
the Emerald, no better way to supply state
newspapers with usable material in conven
ient, complete form.
And on the side, we may as well admit we
are just a wee bit proud to let others see
what the Emerald is like.
The step was a long time coming around,
but when the board rolls up its sleeves and
goes to work next fall it will have the assur
ance that at least one crying need has been
met, that the Emerald will be going out to
state newspapers, the most influential groups
in the state.
State newspaper circulation is only giving
the Emerald the chance to do all of its job.
Dimes Got Them to the Water
ironic bit of information concerning
Louisiana's Huey Long statue which was
carried in the current issue of Time magazine
might be used to show what can happen to a
dead campaign.
The colorful and mouthy Kingfish, as
you'll remember, hog-tied and ran the state of
Louisiana during his term as governor, and
among other things erected a 33-story eapitol
building. Members of the late Mr. Long s
political machine thought a bold, 14-foot
statue of lluey in front of the eapitol would
be a fitting memorial to him. A campaign for
contributions among the citizenry netted only
a paltry $75, however, and the recently de
feated Long-machined legislature had to ap
propriate the necessary $.10,000 for its 14-foot
piece of imperishable bronze.
O-SPORTS Editor of the Emerald George
Pasero wrote a column not many days
ago (February 32) suggesting how nice it
would be to send Oregon’s ace swimming
triumvirate of Jack Dallas, Sherm Wetmore,
and Jerry Macdonald east to the national
championship meet at Yale university.
This is a small campus, $040 is a lot of
money, and the time to raise it was very
short. But the University of Oregon swim
fans know a flock of records by sight, and
they knew it had been no small task for Jack
and Sherm to stay unbeaten in collegiate
competition for three years. So they pitched
in on the March of Dimes movement with re
markable enthusiasm and proved conclusively
this campus isn’t a dead one.
Subtract the arthletic board's $250 from
the $640 goal and you have left a sum of
$090—most of which came at a sacrifice from
its donors. Several individuals contributed as
much as $5, students groups as much as $100,
and alumni helped, too. It was just the germ
of an unsefish campaign getting support.
* * #
^^HEtiON’S swimming triumvirate failed to
garner a single tally against the nation’s
finest at Yale last weekend, but their trip
was worth every dime turned in to send them
to New Haven. If three of the northwest’s
finest mermen couldn’t place, there is not) ’ng
to be ashamed of. And the trio will be cor
respondingly better for next year’s nationals.
Furthermore, this campus has shown it
can act with speed and enthusiasm, and at a
sacrifice for a worthy cause.—E.H.
Delts to Wind Up
Singing Contest
Delta Tau Delta will wind up
the 1940 campus song contest to
night at the McDonald theatei
when it sings three numbers as the
last entrant in the $150 prize con
Tomorrow the McDonald man
agement and a faculty committee
will announce the three women's
group finalists and the *hree top
men's singing groups, Two
weeks from tonight these six
groups will compete for the
$75 men’s and womens prizes.
The Delt singers will perform
•it 9 o'clock.
A Year in a Dag
January 5—The Twelfth na
tional fraternity at Oregon was
installed on the campus during
the holidays, when Chi Psi es
tablished its third chapter on
the Pacific coast, here.
The Women’s building is now
ready for occupation.
January 13—While attempt
ing to take a picture in the li
brary reading room yesterday,
the campus photographer's
flashlight powder caught on fire
prematurely. The resulting
smoke was so dense that all
the students were forced to
evacuate the room while the
smoke cleared away.
With the addition of new ma
chinery recently the University
now has the largest printing
shop in the West.
January 14—A new type of
football coaching is being con
sidered by Coach Shy Hunting
ton. The idea is to have the
coach in the press box above
the field, and have him phone
criticisms to the field below.
Multiplication Table for Bands
Swing magazine tells about
an incident that occurred in a
big name band the other day. It
seems that a trumpeter in this
famous band asked the leader
if he could arrange an introduc
tion between himself and the
piano player. The band was so
big and spread out over such
an area that, even though both
musicians had been with the
band for quite a spell, neither
had gotten around to meeting
the other. The leader suggested
that the trumpeter write his
fellow musician a letter—
much simpler than hiking all
the way from the trumpet sec
tion over to the piano. The story
may be a rarity but no one will
deny that the trend today is
definitely toward bigger and
more individualized sections in
dance orchestras. Four saxes are
absolutely necessary. And no
longer will three trumpets and
three trombones fill the bill—
everything runs in fours nowa
days. Eight in the brass section,
four saxes, and four rhythm—
that’s the band of today. . . .
Of course, somebody always
carries things too far. Artie
Shaw got to talking in fours
and he couldn’t stop . . . four
violins, four violas, four cellos,
and so on. It’s going to take a
lot of lucre to pay 31 musicians
every week, Mr. Shaw.
If It Doesn’t Work, Change
Watching the discs roll boy
. . . Orrin Tucker’s two latest
recordings are “If It Wasn’t
for the Moon” and "If I Could
Be the Dummy on Your Knee.”
The latter has a nice little swing
to it.
The prolific Mr. Glenn Miller
waxes "Sierra Sue” and "Mo
ments in the Moonlight.” Rat
ing: below average.
Benny Goodman's latest re
cordings are “Zaggin’ With
Zig,” which jumps right along,
and “Busy as a Bee,” which
also buzzes good and loud.
They Got Spring in Their Bones
Local boys Holman and Bin
ford aren’t drawing as well as
January 19—Leo uetienDacn
er. sophomore, was released re
cently from the infirmary,
where he was recuperating from
a case of pneumonia.
February 19—The first issue
of the Oregon Law Review will
be off the press next week.
March 18—Sigma Delta Chi,
national journalistic fraternity,
in their last meeting of the
term last night went on record
as definitely opposed to the pub
lishing of any form of a scandal
sheet which might be put out
during vacation.
April 12—Marion McClain,
has resigned his position as
student manager to concentrate
on managing the co-op store.
April 19—Ernest Haycox won
the Edison Marshall short story
contest this year with his story,
•'The Veil."
April 29—Edwin Markham,
Oregon’s famous poet, will visit
the University campus soon.
May 21—Alpha Chi Omega
has been granted a chapter on
the campus.
they should of late. ... Don’t
know whether it’s because we’re
tired of them or because they
haven’t got that certain glam
or that is associated with an
out-of-town outfit. Maybe it’s
just that spring term brings a
desire for the new and differ
“Tuxedo,” Ben and Harry Ring
the Bell
Compare your preferences
with those of the latest Gallop
Poll: Ginny Simms and Ray
Eberle were voted the top
femme and male vocalists. Tex
Beneke, Benny Goodpian, and
Harry James still hold top spots
with the soloists. Glen Miller
and Fletcher Henderson lead
the poll for the most popular
arrangers. “Tuxedo Junction"
is still the top tune.
Dhegdx If Emerald
1939 Member 194(
Associated Golle&iate Press
Margaret Yount?
Nancy Lewis
Bernard Enge'
Bob Flavelle
Pon Gibon.e
Rill Phelps
Ray Dickson
Austin Chaney
Jim Schiller
Paul McCarty
Jim Browne
Mary Belcher
Boh (Leffv) Smith
Jack Bryant
Hay Schrick (
Betty Jane Thompson ,
Mildred Wilson (
Betty Jane Biprers 1
Dorothy Kreip «
Wes Sullivan 1
Pat Erickson
Jonathan Kahananui 1
Connie AverilJ
im Bronson
Dorine Lamon
lelen. Sawyer
im Banks
Slsie Brownell
lean Dunn
Celley Holbart,
Dorothy Horn Joan Stinette
Alvera Maeder Dick McClintia
Betty Wheeler
Janet Rieg
Mary Jean Me Morris Ray Schrick
Emily Tyree
Ron Alpaugh Jack Bryant
Bill Ralston ■ Milton Levy
Wednesday Advertising Staff:
Fred O. May, Day Manager
Bob Lovell
Fred Welty
Anita Blackberg
Copy Desk Staff
Wesley Sullivan, Copy Editor
Mary Ann Campbell, Assistant
Elsie Brownell
Helene Moore
Joan Chrystall
Ep Hoyt
Ray Schrick
Phyllis Shaeffer
Kent Stitzer
Betsy Hanchett
Night Staff
Leland Flatberg, Night Editor
Betsy Hanclielt
Jim Banks