Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi Go All ASUO Alpha Gams First; Prize to Be Given At Spring Varieties ' V-'"omen's houses still kept the i lea'i in the A.SUO sai i drive yester day . two other v-omen’s groups. -Alpha Chi Omega and Alpha T»l> ?»i—announ •: comptet of the 100 ji-.-f cent quota. The Alpha Cfais will be present-, edl the second prvz: silver cup at the Spring Varieti % lance next Finlay, open to a!l ASUO card! hoi i >1 ,. Fi at pi iz u ;i 3, an h >uti id yesterday, are the Alpha ; Cojtuuo Deltas. Ruth Hartley, ca -i drive sales iii'ii in tii1 Alpha Delta Pi house, you yesterday's $1 bonus for sell ing the most cards in her sorority in. rv single day. A11 hying organizations that post 100 pet cent records before to roniriw tioofti. whethe contest closes, will receive free ice cream from the ASUO directorate. . YW Cabinet Meeting Set at 8:30 Monday — A meeting of the TWO A cabinet v.uji be held Monday night at 8:30 in (he ' Y" bungalow, Jean Crites. profndent, announced yesterday. Aii old and new members are urged to be present as plans for the comitig year will be discussed. Lomax to Speak A L. Lomax, professor of busi aefii, administration, will, speak on •'Tli? Trade Agreement Program" ai g.t:> o'clock Friday evening', March 2d. aver the regular KOAC bnuuie.-'S hour program. The speech v.'ih include an analysis of the es points in respect to the. : trade Agreement program. / # / And She’s Not a Redhead f>he her suee?" to ih ■>;' datuesblo slippers \ d irii/j* out-out model is see you through those i -i[»ot; ant dauoiug dates $6,85 I (.*1 luV •'fylo's •*:"> >■ > 1 I I Powell & Edblom WAA REPRESENTATIVES NOTICE Sports managers of women’s living organizations are asked to meet in the social room, P. E. division, Gerlinger hall, at 4 p.m. Monday to formulate plans for spring term intramural play. Indications ate that an indepen dent team will he formed. Hates Reduced For 'Elijah'; ASUO Section Reserved Due to the large demand for tickets to the University of Ore gon music school production of Mendelssohn’s ‘'Elijah,’’ scheduled in1 Sunday night. April 7, in Mc Arthur court, a reduced rate on ail tickets has been made, it was announced Thursday by Dean Theodore Kratt. director of the production. Except for tickets for members of the Eugene symphony associa tion and associated students, all of whom will have places reserved, there will be no reserved seats. Tickets will be sold for 50 cents, and children—including high school students- will be admitted for 25 cents. There will be no advance ticket sale. Luncheon Club Formed by YM Wednesday night, the Student Executive cabinet of the Univer sity YMCA voted to include the luncheon group into the official YMCA program. Warren Phillips, as president of the group, will be come a member of the executive cabinet. The luncheon group is comprised of boys who bring their lunches with them to school and eat them at the ‘ Y' hut. The group.has planned programs and discussions of their own, with faculty leader ship, Igloo to Be ADS Prize Billboard j McArthur court will take on all; the aspects of a modern highway! for the Alpha Delta Sigma dance j tonight with huge posters and bill-1 boards, typical of outdoor adver- j tising, decorating the walls. The programs will carry out the gen eral theme of the dance with ad vertising' slogans. The question as to what the price of admission would be for brown ettes and dishwater blondes arose yesterday and chairman Wally Hossman and Jack Saltzman fore saw arguments at the cashier's window tonight. Maurie'Binford's ten-piece band which played at Jantzen Beach in. Portland during the vacation will furnish the music. Condon Club Revises Constitution, Adds 14 New Members The constitution was revised' slightly and five full and eight as sociate members were elected at the last business meeting of the Condon club. Phoebe Dean, geog raphy major, was elected secre tary-treasurer. Dr. L. W. Staples, geology in structor. was given the position of honorary member. Those persons receiving full membership are: Jack Gearhart. Dick Kahn, Shir ley Seavey. Jerry Wolfe and Ruby Oldham. Associate members se lected are: Maynard Nelson, An dre Isotoff, Mildred Wilson, Grace Duncan, George Nelson, Harold Johnson, Bill Jordan and Bob Cald well. * Lost WALLET in Journalism building. Bob Whitely, ATO. •For Rent TYPEWRITER, upright preferred, leas. Call 1173R \ Every day people the world over scop a mo ment... enjoy an ice-cold Coca-Cola... and go their way again with a happy after-sense of complete refreshment. The pause that 7'e/reshes is a real idea, really re freshing. THE PAUSE THAT RE F Rt