Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 25, 1940, Page Six, Image 6

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    Three Duck Swimmers Invade East
Dallas, Wetmore,
Macdonald Go
Student Drive Secures Necessary
Funds to Send Unbeaten Oregon Boys
To National Meet at Yale University
University of Oregon's three traveling swimmers—Jack Dallas,
Stterm Wetmore. and Jerry Macdonald arrived in New Haven, Conn.,
yesterday (Sunday) in readiness for the annual N.C.A.A. champion
ships which are slated to be held in the Yale pool on Friday and Sat
urday, March 29, 30.
The trio's trip east was financed by a campus “March of Dimes"
movement with additional aid from
the sophomore and junior classes
■and various other groups affili
ated with the University.
Coach Russ Cutler, who re
xr.ained home, has high hopes for
his three outstanding varsity Web
foots and declares they are capable
of winning places “in the money"
for themselves and the University
of Oregon. The boys will enter the
free style, backstroke, breast
stroke, and medley relay events.
Are Unbeaten
Jack Dallas, breast stroker, and
Sherm Wetmore, backstroker, are
juniors on the campus and unde
feated in their specialties since
entering school three seasons ago.
They both hold several Coast con
ference. northern division, and dual
meet records. Third boy making
the trip is Jerry Macdonald, sopho
more free styler. who is also unde
Swimming their specialties, Dal
las, Wetmore, and Macdonald, team
up to form the school's crack 300
yard medley relay team. They hold
the Coast mark in that' event.
tmmm ...
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Oregon Baseball
Prospects Are
Now Uncertain
Strong Outfield Is
Probable for Hobby
Hobson This Spring
Now that Oregon is the posses
sor of the second place spot in this
year's northern division basketball
competition, fans and players alike
turn their interests to spring and
cries of “Batters up.” “Strike one,”
and more specifically, Oregon's
chances for the spring season.
The Webfoot outfield appears
stronger than the infield. Dick
Whitman. Bill Carney, and Whitey
Austin are up from the frosh. Bill
White and Pete Igoe, one-year let
termen. are in the outfield patrol
also and may take their turns oc
casionally on the mound as pitch
High Slugger
Leon Glaser, transfer from Long
Beach junior college, is turning out
for the outfield. Whitman and Car
ney appear set for two of the three
positions. Both are plus .300 bat
ters and field well.
In the infield no one player or
(Please turn to page eleven)
It’s a Date
Invite vour friends to share with you the joy
ot‘ skat ini'1. Promise .voursolt' that this is ouo
s;v you will really pursue this spring term.
1; rests so little, yet, it is such a lot of fun.
25 West 7 th
Set for Nationals
Sherman Wetmore, left, and Jack Dallas, star Oregon swimmers,
arrived at New Haven, Connecticut, scene of the national intercolle
ginet tank championships, Sunday. Along with Free-styler Jerry Mac
donald, the two VVebfoots are awaiting their first test Friday.
Four Sports Slated
For Varsity Athletes
University of Oregon athletes will trudge through the registration
line today and then immediately start conditioning for four different
sports—baseball, track, golf and tennis.
First regular competition of spring term comes Friday night when
Colonel Bill Hayward, veteran track coach, sends a group of his top
runners into the annual Hill military meet in Portland. The Hill classic
yearly attracts top men from all parts of the United States and Colonel
Bill likes to have his Webfoots make a showing.
Hayward field’s cinder oyal has
been unavailable for practice since
last fall what with laborers giving
it a rebuild job. but the Duck cin
dermen managed to keep in trim
last term by scampering about on
the football practice fields.
Face Lifting
Another sports field to under
go a face lifting is the Howe field
baseball diamond which attracted
the efforts of a flock of workmen
during the last two weeks. The
opening varsity warmup game is
billed for April 2, which gives the
boys less than 10 days of intensive
drill to get in shape.
In the absence of Coach Howard
Hobson, now in the East attending
the national basketball coaches’
convention, the varsity squad will
be directed by Cece Walden, vet
eran catcher, and under supervi
sion of Anse Cornell, athletic di
Koss Cutler, varsity swimming
coach, will have charge of tennis
this spring in place of Paul Wash
ke, who is on a year’s leave of ab
sence. Cutler plans to start net drill
tT,.——— —
immediately. The school's top golf
ers will also begin tuneup work
this week under supervision of
Athletic Manager Anse Cornell.
Ned Johns, former Stanford pole
vaulter and now an instructor in
the school of physical education,
Pole-Vault Trio
Competes at Hill
Two Webfcots Are
Listed—Rod Hansen
And George Varoff
Three of the best pole-vaulters
in the country will meet in the
Hill relays Friday night when Earl
Meadows. George Varoff, and Rod
Hansen attempt to raise the in
door vault mark.
Varoff is an ex-University of
Oregon star and at one time held
the world outdoor record. Mead
ows is fi'om the University of
Southern California and is at pres
ent the co-holder of the world’s
outdoor record of 14 feet 11 inches.
Hansen, a member of the Uni
versity of Oregon team which will
enter men in the mile, two mile,
440 relays and the pole vault, is
considered one of the best college
jumpers in the business. Several
times this spring he has equaled
the indoor record in practice.
The complete program of racing
events will feature such great run
ners as Glenn Cunningham, Tommy
Deckard, Louis Zamperini, who will
run against the best collegiate
competition the northwest can of
Coach Bill Hayward plans to
send a seven-man team to compete
against the colorful aggregation
of track luminaries. A tentative
traveling squad picked by Hayward
Saturday includes Kirrnan Storli,
captain; Bob Mitchell, Ray Klein
feldt, Jack Bryant, Jim Buck, Les
Clever, and Rod Hansen.
will assist Colonel Bill Hayward
this spring with his track proteges.
Johns will have charge of the
frosh cindermen.
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