Plans Begun For Annual AWS Convention Over 200 Delegates Expected to Arrive On UO Campus Completing the 1939-40 cabinet’s plans and beginning the 1940-41 officers’ work, AWS leaders, both old and new, are cooperating in preparing for the western section al associated women convention which will be held on the Oregon campus April 15, 16, and 17. Over 200 delegates are epected from the 11 western states, stated Anne Fredriksen, president of the western AWS officers. Arrangements are being made to house the vistors in sororities so that they will be on the campus the whole three days of their stay, Miss Fredriksen explained. High spots of the conference will be the one-day trip of all the 200 girls to the Oregon State campus, the formal banquet Tuesday eve ning, and the breakfasts sponsored by sophomore, junior, and senior women honoraries. Grace Irvin was named by Miss Freldriksen as general chairman of the convention. Her subordinate committee heads are: housing, Barbara Pierce and Margaret Young; registration, Janet Gores-' ky and Jane Hochuli; publicity, Helen Angell and Betty Jane Biggs; advertising, Sally Mitchell; formal banquet, Barbara Bamford and Marge McClain; sorority luncheon, Aurelie Wolcott; honor ary breakfast, Jeanne Haehlen; transportation, Maxine Hansen and Billie Christenson; Monday lunch eon, Bettylou Swart; dinner, Bette Morfitt; Monday and Tuesday breakfasts, Barbara Fulton; pub licity display and designs, Jean Kendall; entertainment, Pat Tay lor and Martha McClung; Wednes day banquet, Betty Buchanan; speakers, Majeanne Gloven; favors, Janet Morris; discussion groups, Elizabeth Steed. L. E. Detling Spends Spring Vacation In Death Valley A trip to Death Valley to collect Specimens of spring flowers for the University herbarium was made by Dr. L. E. Detling, herbar ium curator and assistant profes sor of botany, during spring vaca tion. According to Dr. Detling this is a very good year for desert flora in Death Valley because of the un usual amount of rainfall. The col lection which he brought back in cluded several rare species of plants. It’s Robinson’s for Refreshments — Malts and Shakes — Sandwiches — Soft Drinks ROBINSON'S CAFE i*h. 29.'+ I'll Pass (With apologies to Pat Taylor) I eat my Wheaties, watch my glands. Dirty dishwater never touches my ! hands. I’m just as careful as I can be, ] And still nobody takes a pass at me. j I’ve been wailing that phrase since I don’t know when, But I have a chance now that won’t come again Until I’m too old to appreciate men. Oh, why won’t somebody make a pass at me. Today’s the day girls get ’em if they can. Believe me Sister, I’m out to get a man, If only so that I can stop this plea, Oh ,why won’t somebody make a pass at me. J.W.S. Bill Rosson Wins John Pershing Military Award Cadet Colonel Has Outstanding Record In ROTC Bill Rosson, cadet colonel of the Oregon ROTC unit, last week was awarded the General John J. Pershing medal for distinguished attainment in military education, Colonel R. M. Lyon, military head, announced last night. This medal is given annually in each of the corps areas of the United States. Notice of Rosson’s selection was received from Ralph C. Bishop, secretary of the civilian military education, and official pre sentation of the medal will take place during spring term. Rosson was named an outstand ing freshman cadet in the year 1936-37, and last year won the sabre awarded annually by the re serve officers to the outstanding junior. Wesleyans Give Play The University Wesley club players presented a streamlined version of the Greek morality play, Godfrey to Leave For Des Moines Oregon Faculty Well Represented In National Meets University of Oregon faculty will be well represented in several na tional meetings which will take place during April, it was an nounced last Thursday. George H. Godfrey, head of the University news bureau, has re ceived an invitation to speak be fore the annual convention of the American College Publicity asso ciation in DesMoines, Iowa, in the middle of April. He will leave Port land about April 10, with Palmer Hoyt, publisher of the Oregonian, cne of the principal speakers. In Spokane, April 3-5, for the convention of the Inland Empire Teachers’ association will be Dean J. R. Jewell, Dr. H. B. Wood, Dr. F. B. Macomber, Professor F. L. Stetson, and Miss Ida M. Pope, of the school of education. Participating in the Pacific Art association’s annuel meeting will be Miss Maude Kerns, associate professor of art and one of the five directors of the association. This will take place at Pasadena, California, April 1-3. Dean Ralph W. Leighton, of the school of physical education, will take part in the Northwest Confer ence on High School and College Hygiene. Mr. Leighton will act as chairman of the college section for this conference to be held in Spo kane, April 4. From April 27 to May 2, Fred Cuthbert, associate professor of landscape architecture, will lead a field trip for advanced landscape architecture students to Seattle, Longview, Olympia, Tacoma, and other cities. Miss Janet Woodruff, associate professor of physical education, will journey to Seattle April 11-13 for the Northwest Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation meetings held there. Miss Woodruff is a member of the association’s executive board. "Everyman,” in cities between Eu gene and Portland during the last week. The group has given a per formance every evening and sev eral in the afternoon. Museum Poor Hunting Ground. For Reporter An Emerald reporter trotted briskly into the museum of na tural history and asked the usual question, “Any news?” H. L. Robe, museum attend ant, shook his head and answered solemnly, “Nope, everything's dead around here.” After a quick looked at the assoted stuffed birds, deer, bear, and squirrels, not to mention various skulls and skeletons, the reporter agreed with him and left hastily. W Frosh Girls lop Fall Probation List One hundred twenty-four frosh girls were on probation at the end of fall term, according to informa tion collected in a recent probation study by the office of the dean of women. Nineteen of these girls did not return winter semester, decreasing the winter term list to 105. Fresh men in the group numbered 63; sophomores, 23; juniors, 8; seniors, 8; law students, 2; and special stu dents, 1. Further study of the high school and psychology ratings of the group showed that 82 girls had prep ratings of 5 and under (below average) and 79 girls had psychol ogy ratings of 5 and under. Nineteen had prep ratings of zero, with four phyehology rat ings of zero, and twenty psychol ogy ratings of one. There were two girls in each class who rated 10 in the tests. Morris Appointed To Head Annual YMCA Finance Drive Dr. Victor P. Morris, dean of the school of business administration, has been appointed general chair man for the annual YMCA finance campaign, R. W. Kimberling, Eu gene president of the association, announced yesterday. Dr. Morris will make appoint ments of other general campaign officers this week, and preliminary We’re Ready for SPRING—are YOU? jjomp* You won't no oil to suffer eyestrain with one of our new-styled indirect light injr lamps. Study, table, and floor lamps are avail able at new low prices. $1.95 up Carry your radio right along- with you—on hikes, canoeing, picnics, etc. en joy Spring outdoors with a new Admiral portable. Also we have several small table models. $11.95 up lakkft Complete the furnishings of your room with one of these t a i) 1 e s: Gateleg, Book Trough. Lamp, Drum, and Console. Choice of Walnut or Mahogany veneers. $2.25 up For months we have been preparing for SPRING! Our new Spring stocks contain the latest in style, color, and utility of furniture. Spring term you’re looking for ward to a grand time at OREGON—and we're in business to make this term your best! Let us help you select new spring furnishings for your house and room— drop in today. New Study Desks . . . Just the thing to get that 4 Point this term! Finished in rich walnut, this desk provides ample storage space for your books and notes. You must see this today! DROP IN TODAY—LET lTS HELP YOU JOHNSON Furniture Store 649 Willamette Phone 1188 Variety Show on Spring ASUO Slate | One of the main features of the : spring term student body card, the Varsity show, will be held April 5 from 9 to 12 p.m., according to Verdi Sederstrom, chairman of the committee in charge of the show. Admission is free to student body card holders. Otherwise it is fifty cents. Tables and chairs will be placed aound the edge of McArthur court to accommodate the patrons. Re freshments will be sold and served by the Kwamas. Art Holman’s band will furnish the music, and Les Harger will act as master of ceremonies. One of the main features of the ; evening will be a floor show of University talent. The show itself will last about one hour. Tryouts are being conducted in an effort to find all the available talent. stages of the campaign will start within the next few days. Gen eral campaign has been set for the dates of April 29 to May 8. But. the Same OLD HAT-I-TUDF Spoils the Whole Effect Yes — it’s your hat that makes the first and biggest impression, so when you're adding to your Spring ward robe . . . LOOK AT A SMART, NEW LEE Water-Bloc* HAT THE TELESCOPE Looks smart because it lias a natural crease. Worn snap ped ’way back. Encircled by a club stripe band. . . THE FRANK H. LEE CO. 338 Fifth Ave., New York +*Reg. U. S. Pat. Cff.