Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 21, 1940, Image 1

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Coeds Play-off
'B' League Finals
Duck Tracks
New Fields
Red Figures
Curb Cruising
Board Meets
To Consider
Concert List
>4 University Talent
Used in Program
Of Activity Board
Beginning its work on next
year’s program, the educational ac
tivities board will meet tonight to
consider available lists and other
suggestions for a concert program
or its equivalent.
Purpose of the meeting stated
in the official notifications sent to
each board member was “to con
sider available lists of talent for
our 1940-41 Greater Artist series
and to consider any other sugges
tions for special types of entertain
Suggestions Promised
|r The board met two weeks ago
and discussed possibilities for next
year regarding the concert series,
with student members declaring in
favor of a more diversified pro
gram. Upshot of that discussion
was a promise from Chairman Earl
M. Pallett to the effect that all
types of suggestions would be con
sidered at the next meeting, pro
viding definite information were
made available.
Tonight’s meeting, set for 7:30
in the faculty room of Friendly
hall, will see on the table for con
sideration everything from the
standard old-line cultural numbers
to Alexander Woollcott, Robert
Benchley, Eleanor Roosevelt, and
even swing concerts for the Igloo.
More Board Members
Policy of the board in the last
several years has been to develop
according to formula a stock five
number Greater Artist series, sea
► son tickets for which are sold down
town by Phi Beta, University music
honorary. The numbers have been
distributed equitably through the
three terms of the year, subject of
course to available dates.
Recently the membership of the
board was enlarged by the other
half of the student committee,
which made no change in the num
ber of student votes, however.
Kwamas to Meet
With OSC Talons
Honorary Members
Will Make Trip
To Corvallis Today
Eighteen members of Kwama,
sophomore women’s honorary, will
go to Corvallis today to hold a
joint meeting with Talons, similar
women’s group on the Oregon
State campus.
The Eugene group will leave the
College Side at 3:15. First on their
slate when they reach the State
campus will be the annual Sopho
more Whiskerino rally dance in
the Memorial Union ballroom.
At 6 o’clock Kwamas will be en
tertained at Wagner’s for dinner.
Later a round-table discussion of
the activities of the two groups
on their respective campuses will
be held.
During fall term the white-uni
formed Kwamas entertained the
Talons at an evening get-together
ir. alumni hall of Gerlinger.
Speech Department
To Broadcast Play
“Guiseppe Balsamo,” an original
play by Marvin Krenk, instructor
of speech, will be presented over
KOAC, Corvallis, Thursday night
from 7:30 to 8 by members of the
speech department.
The play deals with the life and
tragic death of a magician. Much
of the play is written in blank
Mr. Krenk will play the lead.
Others in the cast are: Jeanett
Harbert, Rose Ann Gibson. Dave
Compton, Jim Parsons, Miriam
Hal,e Dave Zilka, and William
This is the first time the play
has been presented over the air in
this form.
Auto Tire Flops;
Professor Black
Gallops to Class
When Professor F. G. Black
hadn’t appeared at his 9 o'clock
survey of English literature
class by 9:05, a few of his stu
dents, curious, went out of the
Oregon building to investigate.
There was the professor on
Thirteenth street just opposite
the infirmary. He was galloping
in the general direction of the
Oregon building, one hand pull
ing down his hat, the other drag
ging along a little green sack
(brief case substitute I, his grey
overcoat waving behind him.
Professor Black came paint
ing into the classroom, mounted
the underslung platform up
front, and laughingly inquired,
“Which one of you is responsible
for my flat time?”
Athletic Board
Interprets Rules
Glass Backboards
Cause Overdraft
On Monthly Budget
Mostly concerned with the inter
pretation of the new Pacific coast
conference rules affecting- confer
ence athletic competition, the ath
letic board spent four solid hours
Monday night working its way
through its regular monthly docket.
The meeting opened with a study
of the monthly financial report, the
regular comparison of the original
with the revised budget, both com
pared with disbui’sements to date.
The report showed that as a rule
allotments are running according
to schedule. The one exception was
in the case of McArthur court,
where the unpredictable expense of
installing new glass backboards
had crossed up budget planners,
causing an apparent overdraft. The
overdraft was covered by emer
gency funds, by board motion.
Thumbs Down
Two construction possibilities
went down in defeat, one for a 10
foot wooden fence for a football
practice field and the other for a
WPA project to give McArthur
court a full basement instead of the
present half. Feeling of the board
was that no new heavy expenditure
should be undertaken at this time.
Dr. Will V. Norris, University
technical adviser, explained the
technical aspects of both projects.
Main reason for the calling of
the meeting was to hear a report
of a subcommittee appointed at the
last previous meeting expressly to
consider the interpretation of the
new conference rules affecting
proselyting of athletes. Members
of the group were Roland Davis,
Portland, Dean Ralph Leighton,
and John Dick, ASUO president.
That Man Again
The report of the group recom
mended further study and asked
that specific points be suggested
for investigation. It was established
in the report that almost all former
practices prevalent throughout the
conference were outlawed by the
new code, which is enforced by
$10,000-a-year 'Ex-G-man Edwin
Atherton. The study will be con
tinued and another report rendered
at the next meeting.
The meeting marked the first ap
pearance on the athletic board of
Orlando John Hollis, newly ap
pointed successor to Professor
H. C. Howe. Professor Howe re
signed last week from his post as
faculty representative from the
University of Oregon to the coast
conference, which meant also his
replacement on the athletic board.
Hollis is also a member of the edu
cational activities board.
The next meeting of the board
was set for March 6.
Called to order at 7:30 the meet
ing ended at 11:30. All members
were present but Roland Davis,
who was detained in Portland.
Speaker Delayed
A telegram has been received
from Clarence Henry of the Chica
go board of trade stating that he
will not arrive on the campus un
til the latter part of the week, the
school of business administration
office announced.
Mr. Henry was scheduled to talk
, to the classes in marketing.
Fete Theme
Being Sought
Bg UO Juniors
Best 'Idea' to Net
Inventor $15; Art,
Music Staffs fudge
Any potential Ziegfelds or Billy
Roses who are still budding in the
general atmosphere of the campus
may spring into full bloom with the
coming of Junior Weekend.
The contest for* the selection of
a theme for the event begins today
and closes February 27. A prize of
$15 will go to the student who
turns in the best suggestion in the
opinion of the judges. The contest
entries must include (1) the sug
gested theme, (2) suggestions for
the decoration of canoe fete floats,
and (3) suggested musical ac
Judges lasted
Entries will be judged as to how
well the different suggestions
could be adapted into well-organ
ized continuity for the canoe fete,
John Cavanaugh, chairman of the
promotion committee, announced
yesterday. The Junior Weekend
committee, a member of the art
school and music school faculties
will do the judging.
This contest will furnish a big
chance for some student to plan
the University’s big show of the
school year, Cavanagh stated. The
winning theme will be carried out
in the whole weekend program. The
lucky student will have the oppor
tunity of working with the com
mittee in the presentation.
“J. W. T.” Explained
Bob Rogers, a member of the
promotion committee, posted “J.
W. T.” signs around fthe campus
yesterday. The idea of the abbre
viated poster was to create inter
est. Contest forms will be distribut
ed to all living organizations today.
A form is being printed in the Em
erald for the convenience of non
organization students.
Other members of the promotion
committee are Barbara Pierce,
Jack Holcomb, Betty Mae Lind,
and Jimmie Leonard.
PE Class Plans
Visit to Schools
Trip Begins Today,
Ends Saturday;
Schedule Crammed
In a field survey to study physi
cal education programs and facil
ities, students of the physical ed
ucation theory class with Instruc
tors Janet Woodruff and Ned
Johns will leave Eugene this morn
ing for a four-day tour of Oregon
public schools, to return Saturday.
During the trip the students will
examine a small, a medium, and
a large public school. Leaving Eu
gene the party will split into two
sections: one visiting the Corvallis
and the Sherwood union high
schools, and the other going by
way of the Salem and Canby
schools. The two groups will meet
again at Milwaukie and proceed
together to Portland.
Tonight the group will confer
with Eldon Jenne, director of phy
sical education in Portland public
schools, on the problems and meth
ods of student instruction.
Thursday the class will visit the
Portland schools, studying their
physical education programs and
examining the facilities now being
constructed. In the evening tliey
will attend an ice hockey game.
The group will visit the Shriners’
hospital to see its methods of cor
rective exercises for handicapped
children Friday morning. They will
study more public schools in the
afternoon. In the evening the group
will visit the various public recrea
tional centers. Saturday morning
the class will return to the cam
Contest Rules Posted
Rules for the contest sponsored
by the University library for the
best personal library of an under
graduate at Oregon will be found
in the library office. There will be
1 three prizes, of $15, $10, and $5.
A la Senior Ball
Shown above is Gay Jones ancl his 11-piece orchestra. They will
play at the Senior ball Saturday night, arriving here after an engage
ment at the University of Idaho. Jones got his start at University of
Washington functions.
Small Stature
Isn't Drawback
For Flying Coed
Pat Carson brought her plane
in from her first solo flight yes
terday, proving that while she
may be too small to fill civil
aeronautics authority size re
quirements, she can still fly her
own airplane.
Pat’s application was not ac
ceptable because her size is
short of the set minimum, so she
took private lessons apart from
regular University work, flying
alone for the first time yester
day. She is the fifth Oregon coed
to take pilot’s training, includ
ing the four enrolled in the CAA
One-Act Plays
To Be Given by
Drama Students
Romantic Fantasy,
Melodrama, and
Comedy on Tap
A romantic fantasy, a mystery
melodrama, an Elizabethan com
edy, and a psychological story are
scheduled for the University thea
ter stage Friday night when four
one-act dramas will be presented
under the direction of members of
the play production class. Curtain
time will be 7:30 and no admission
will be charged.
The fairy tale, “The Flying
Prince,” by Peggy and Eugene
Wood, is directed by Trudy Har
land. The cast includes: Princess
Aurore, Phyllis Sanders; Henry
Wadleigh, Prince II, Gene Speer;
Clotilde, queen of Yvetot, June
Bowerly; Henry IX, king of Yve
tot, Bill Rogers; Annette, a maid,
Helen Mitchell; M. de Boulingrin,
Byron Adams.
Explore Tomb
An ancient Egyptian princess
making her ghostly way in one of
(Please turn to page two)
WAA Election
Thursday Open
To Initiates
Girls Paying Fee
Today Also Eligible
For Voting
Voting for WAA candidates
Thursday in the coed “big three”
elections is limited to WAA mem
bers (those who have been initiat
ed) to those who have received in
vitations to membership sometime
in the past, who have earned their
checks this term, and who pay
their initiation fee of $1 to Zo Anne
Shook at the ADPi house today.
These girls will be included in
the spring term initiation.
The only girls who have earned
their first check since winter term
initiation and are thereby eligible
for membership and voting privi
leges are listed here:
Nancy Allen, Florence Anderson,
Marion Barrett, Mary Belcher,
Margaret Betts, Lillian Bishop,
Margaret Brown, Virginia Bubb,
Adele Canada, Selma Clement,
Florence Cooley, Joyce Crawford,
Jane DeWitt, Marge Dibble, Jac
queline Eccles, Janet Farnham,
Phyllis Foster, Mary Ann Fox,
Mary Lee Fry, Jane Godlove, Ruth
Graham, Ruth Hall, Hildur Heg
strom, Irene Havern, Dorothy
Horn, Pat Howard, Susan Huff
aker, Norma Johnson, and Helen
Jane Kerr.
Donna Ketchum, Doris Klein,
Gwen Kremmel, Paula Lindblad,
Gayle Lofton, Jane McCurdy, Bet
ty McNiece, Virginia Malloy, Billie
Mann, Hazel Martin, Jenelle Mel
vin, Helen Moore, Salty Morton,
Beth Musser, Jeanette Neilson,
Mary Jane Noonan, Bette Norwood,
Phyllis Ormiston, Gertrude Puziss,
Barbara Roberts, Jean Romie, Sue
Sigel, Wilma Stein, June Tyler,
Bernice Vadnais, Dorothy Wal
worth, Jane Warner, Susan West,
Helen Wirtenberger, Barbara
I Wolff, Vriginia Yost, and Helen
j Zavodsky.
Boy, He Plant'um Pin;
Bankroll Get'um Thin
Warning to typical college spring
termers was included in a “survey”
made for the February issue of
Undergrad, student magazine at
the University of Southern Cali
According to the Undergrad,
their staff investigated the pin
planting situation on the Califor
nia campus and obtained the fol
lowing results:
What It Cost Her—To Receive Pin
1. Fines to sorority $ 1.25
2. Book on dreams. 1.00
3. Beauty parlor. 15.60
4. Stockings . 8.00
5. Hats He didn’t like. 25.00
6. Aspirin to soothe nerves 2.50
7. Fortune teller . 1.75
8. Cocktails with girl
friend to discuss him .... 4.37
9. Telephone calls . 2.60
10. New dresses . 75.39
11. Box of candy to sorority 5.00
12. Loss of friendship with
college watchman .
13. Loss of friends from ab
sorption in one and only
14. Graduation present.... 10.00
15. Postage and insurance
on mailing pin back in
two weeks .24
What it cost her . $152.70
What It Cost Him—to Pin Her
1. Parking fines .$ 5.00
2. Radio batteries. 3.20
3. Hair cuts. 6.35
4. Corsage . 1.75
5. Candy. 2.00
6. Theater and movies. 10.75
7. New suits . 75.89
8. Alcohol—to sease nerve
strain . 40.00
9. Drinks to frat brothers
—to secure approval of
girl . 20.90
10. Telephone calls to girl
on visits. 15.65
11. Box of cigars to fratern
ity . 5.00
12. Loss of friends from ab
sorption in one and only
13. Birthday present . 15.65
14. Bribes to gossip columns 5.00
15. Flowers to girl on morn
ing after . 2.50
16. Insufficient postage on
returned pin .05
What it cost him ..
Sweet Swing
To Be Offered
At Senior Ball
Ticket Sale Under
Way; Committee to
Meet Today at 4
Campus dancers will go into rap
tures over Seattle's Gay Jones and
his orchestra Saturday night at
the Senior ball, promised “Chuck”
Skinner, general chairman.
Sweet and high-powered swing
are specialties of this band which
lias gained much popularity among
University of Washington stu
dents, Skinner stated. Jones and
his 11 fellow musicians were feat
ured at the Husky Hot Swing con
certs and received top billing at the
University of Washington Varsity
show. An audience of r>000 attend
ed the concert which was, accord
ing to Gilbert Brown, Seattle Star
drama editor, “principally com
posed of high school and college
blood, who yelled, whistled, clapped
in unison, yipped and shrieked its
exultant delight in the expert,
abandoned musicianship of the
jam session.”
By Way of Idaho
The Pacific coast baton leader
will come to McArthur court after
playing for the University of Ida
ho's junior prom Wednesday eve
Jones, who also makes arrange
ments for Glenn Miller, does much
of the writing and composing of
music for his own orchestra. Some
of his especial popular novelty
numbers are: his broken-tempo ar
rangement of “Siboney” and his
original “Husky Hop,” as well as
his theme song, “Strange Blues.”
Personality of the band which
appears from behind the instru
ments are: Mars Mercer, petite
woman vocalist, “Tiny” Martin,
(Please him to page two)
Duck Rifle Team
To Meet Huskies
Newcomers Take
Positions With
Oregon Squad
Oregon’s undefeated boys’ rifle
team will meet the University of
Washington’s crack team next Sat
urday at Seattle in an eight man,
four-position match. The trip is
being sponsored by the Oregon
Scabbard and Blade, military hon
orary, with the Duck team being
the guests of the Huskies while in
Last year the Oregon squad, on
their way to the national cham
pionship defeated the Washington
unit by a total of 17 points. How
ever, the Ducks are doubly handi
capped this year.
Only one man from the cham
pionship squad is back and the re
placements have not yet become
seasoned. Then the match will be
a free rifle competition, allowing
any type of rifle. The Huskies use
expensive target equipment, while
the Ducks must shoot with regu
lation rifles.
Four firing positions will be used
in the event. Each man will shoot
from prone .sitting, kneeling, and
standing positions.
The team will leave the campus
Friday and return Sunday. Mem
bers of the team have not yet been
selected, selection depending upon
scores shot during the week.
Committee Heads
To Be Named at SDX
Meeting Today
Sigma Delta Chi, national pro
fessional journalism fraternity, will
elect its spring pledges this after
noon at 4 o’clock in the journalism
building. Nominations were made
at last week’s meeting.
Winter term arrangements for
the SDX dance, which will be held
April 13 will be completed since
this will probably be the last meet
ing of the term.
Jimmie Leonard, general chair-!
man, will announce committee
heads for the dance and Dick Wil-i
hams will report on the orchestras.
IRC Delegates
Register at UO
Tomorrow Night
Group Sign-up to Take Place in Friendly;
Tickets for Luncheons, Dinner Honoring
Visiting Representatives Will Go on Sale
Tickets for the luncheons and dinner to be given for visiting dele
gates to the International Relations club conference may be obtained
at the faculty room of Friendly hall, where the visitors will be regis
tered, tomorrow from 5 to 9 p.m., according to Dean Victor P. Morris,
faculty adviser for the campus chapter of IRC.
All students who are interested in international affairs are invited
to the meeting's.
First Luncheon
The first luncheon will be held
Friday at 12:ir> in St. Mary’s Epis
copal church, 100 East Thirteenth ,
street. At that time G. Bernard
Noble, professor of political science .
at Reed college, will speak.
Reports of the round tables and
a summary of the accomplishments
of the conference will feature the
luncheon Saturday in St. Mary’s
Episcopal church.
The big meeting of the confer
ence will be the banquet Friday
night at 0:30 in the same place. Dr.
Andre Philip, professor of econom
ics and finance at the University
of Lyons, France, who is now on a
speaking tour of the United States,
will speak. His subject will be
“European Affairs.”
Round Tallies on Slate
Besides the dinners there will be
five round tables. Each of them
will meet three times, Friday morn
ing from 10:30 to 12, Friday after
noon from 1:30 to 3, and Saturday
morning from 9.30 to 11.
Papers on each subject will be
presented by delegates. This will
I be followed by discussion from the
floor. A chairman will be in charge
of the meetings to preside and load
the discussion.
Cooperation in finding housing
for the delegates, who will prob
ably number over 100, is asked by
Bill Grant, president of the local
Delegates from over a score of
northwest colleges will begin arriv
ing Thursday afternoon. The regis
tration booth will be open from 5
to 9 p.m. Thursday and from 9 to
10 Friday morning.
Nickel Will Get Meal
From Phi Theta
Five cents will buy a frosted
Twisti-cake from Phi Theta Up
silon, junior women’s honorary, to
Hundreds of these twist-cakes
will be on sale in booths situated
in the library, the art school, be
tween Oregon and Commerce halls,
and in front of the College Side.
Freshman girls from all women’s
living organizations will be in
charge of the booths.
In the evening, between 9:30 and
10, Phi Thetas will sell the twisti
cakes in all living organizations,
it was announced by Barbara
Piercef chairman of the sale.
Proceeds will be used for a scho
lastic banquet to honor Eugene wo
men having high scholastic stand
ings. The banquet is planned for
early in the spring.
Anthropology Club
Reports by five anthropology
graduates and students will be fea
tured at the Anthropology club
meeting tonight in the pien’s
lounge of Gerlinger hall.
Carl Huffaker’s topic is “Mum
my Talk.” Alix Jane Gillis will
speak on basketry and Bob Steph
enson plans to discuss southwest
ern pottery. Jerry Wolff is to tell a
little about burials and Robin
Drews, the last speaker, has as his
topic “The Unwashed Ainu.”
Franklin Allen Not
Son of Dean Allen
Franklin S. Allen, jr., is not the
son of Eric W. Allen, dean of the
journalism school, as it was stated
in yesterday’s Emerald.
Young Allen was a 1939 graduate
from the University and is now
earning his “wings” at the air j
corps advanced flying school, Kelly i
field, Texas,
Gleemen Sing
Familiar Songs
hi Igloo Concert
Songmen Returned
For Three Encores
At Scout Benefit
The Eugene Gleemen, under the
direction of John Stark Evans,
have another successful perform
ance to their credit. Last night at
McArthur court this group of 80
perfectly blended voices sang to
an enthusiastic audience that
brought them back again after the
final number for three well-known
Last night’s performance was
the first of their two annual ben
efit concerts. Members of the Boy
Scouts of America, who are to
receive the benefits of this con
cert, acted as ushers.
»ing Familiar Songs
Favorites of the audience were
the familiar selections such as the
traditional “Prayer of Thanksgiv
ing,” arranged by Kresmer, that
opened the program; “One Who
Has Yearned Alone,” by Tschai
kowsky-Riegger, better known as
“None But the Lonely Heart,” and
“Liebestraum,” by Liszt and ar
ranged by Mr. Evans.
Others that appealed to the au
dience were those that brought out
the full force of the singers' voices,
including “the Crooked Man,” a
laughing song by Hughes, that
contained an artistic solo by Cora
Moore Frey, accompanist; “Carni
val,” a Russian Mazurka by Ganne
Homier; and “A Smuggler’s Song,”
by Williams.
The “Russian Carol,” by Rimsky
Korsakoff was enthusiastically re
ceived and encored by "Salvation
Belongs to Our God,” by Tschno
koff. Ready Sings
One of the highlights of the eve
ning was the baritone solo by Les
ter Ready of “Let Me Be Bom
Again,” by Young, and arranged
by Director Evans. He was encored
to sing the popular selection, “Old
Man River.” Then the whole group
sang the favorite “Hallelujah”
chorus from Beethoven’s oratorio,
"The Mount of Olives,” and “The
Oregon Trail.”
Other soloists were Joe Keever
who rendered a lyric tenor solo in
the “Irish Love Song, Mavour
neen,” and Fred Beardsley and
Rollin Calkin who interpreted solos
in Liszt's "Liebestraum.” "The Sa
lute to Finland” or “Suomi’s Song”
by Mair was sung by a double
niartet with Gleemen accompani
Mrs. Frey was excellent as ac
companist, and the vocal arrange
nents by Mr. Evans were of the
jest on the program.
Dr. Theodore Kratt, dean of the
nusic school, who heard the Glee
nen last night for the first time,
said that it was a very fine con
cert, well-directed, with a group
: enthusiastic singers.
The Gleemen will make a con
cert tour to Portland this Satur
Jay, where they will broadcast
ever NBC at 10:45. They will be
n Silverton March 5, and Klam
ith Falls April 17, for two more
Miss Smith to Speak
Miss Janet Smith, employment
secretary, will speak before the
Eugene chapter of the Daughters
jf the Nile, at 1 o’clock today. She
will discuss the employment ser
vice and its relation to the city.