Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 20, 1940, Image 1

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Duck Tracks
W.S.C. Wins
Band Box
Dance Set
April 5
Student Talent
To Feature First
Spring Term Event
Plans for the promotion of a
1940 Oregon Spring Varieties
dance, featuring an hour floor
show of University talent, got un
derway yesterday as ASUO heads
named April 5 as the date for this
keynoter of the spring term social
Verdi Sederstrom, who last year
was in charge of arrangements for
the first Varieties dance in the Ig
loo, will once again chairman the
affair. To him will be delegated
the job of arranging for talented
students to perform for the floor
Art Holman’s Band
Once again slated for McArthur
court, the dance will feature music
by Art Holman and his band. Hol
man has already begun special ar
rangements of novelty numbers for
the show.
Each living organization on the
campus yesterday received notes
requesting it to submit names of
talented members who are inter
ested in performing. Any type of
usual cabaret talent may be se
lected by Sederstrom and his com
mittee, the chairman said last
Cabaret Theme
Independents who wish to ap
pear on the Variety program may
leave their names, addresses and
what they can do in a special box
in front of the College Side, Seder
strom said.
The Igloo will be decorated in
a cabaret theme for the "season
opener” with tables along the edges
of the dance floor and unusual
lighting effects.
Open to all spring term ASUO
card holders, free, the dance will
cost non-student body members 50
Oregon Gets $41,310
As NYA Allotment
From the 14 billion dollar total
of national youth allotments this
year, $41,310 will go to the Uni
versity of Oregon, a report from
national NYA headquarters re
Aubrey Williams, national NYA
administrator, declared the allot
ment is to provide jobs for 1,224
students in colleges and univer
sities throughout the state of- Ore
gon, at an average wage of from
$10 to $20 for undergraduates.
Budgeted for the state is $165,
240, to last the present academic
year. The Oregon medical school
in Portland gets $1,900 from the
Students May
Visit Infirmary
Patients Again
Almost three months of no
visiting at the infirmary termin
ated yesterday as Dr. Fred N.
Miller, health service head, an
nounced a temporary lifting of
the visitor ban posted immediate
ly following Thanksgiving.
“Conditions have improved to
the extent that at last a tempo
rary lifting of the visiting ban
can be effected,” declared Dr.
Miller. “There are almost no in
fluenza cases, and there isn't any
more than the seasonal amount
of sickness.”
For the minority who have for
gotten, visiting hours are from
2 to 4 p.m. and from 7 to 8 p.m.
Eight patients, least number of
any time this winter term, were
confined to the hospital last
night. They included Bob Ellin
wood, Marie Cole, Adaline Han
son, Dorothy Reese, Elsie Older,
Walt Lidstrom, Johnny Hartig,
and Max Herndon.
Dance Chairman
Verdi Sederstrom yesterday was
named chairman of ihe Spring Va
rieties, a dance to be held under
the sponsorship of the Associated
Students April 5.
Dr. Arragon to
Talk Thursday
History Professor
Third Scheduled
In Lecture Series
Students and faculty at the Uni
versity of Oregon will hear Dr.
Reginald H. Arragon, professor of
history at Reed college, Portland,
when he lectures on "Social Sci
ences and the Liberal Arts College’’
in the faculty room of Friendly
hall Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
"One of the most popular lec
turers at Reed,” said Dr. Rudolph
H. Ernst, chairman of the Univer
sity lectures committee, about Dr.
Arragon. The scheduled speaker de
livers the third lecture on the com
mittee’s 1940 series.
Graduate of Northwestern uni
versity in Chicago, Dr. Arragon re
ceived his Ph.D. from Harvard uni
versity. He was formerly an ex
change professor in England and
had a traveling fellowship in Eu
rope during 1919 and 1920.
Three more lectures will follow
Dr. Arragon’s. Dr. Gustaf Munthe,
author and world-traveler, is to
speak March 6 on “The Northern
Democracies in the Present Crisis.”
March 28 will hear Dr. Thomas
Greenwood, world lecturer, speak
twice, on “The Nature of Mathe
matics” and “English Political'
Theories.” Dr. H. G. Merriam, Uni
versity of Oregon professor, will
cap the lecture series with his
speech “Literature and the Liberal
Arts College.”'
Miss Frasier Talks
To Housemothers
“Modern Trends in Interior Dec
oration” were discussed by Miss
Brownell Frazier, assistant profes
sor of interior decoration, when
she spoke before University of
Oregon housemothers Monday af
Her talk was a feature of the
housemother’s meeting held in
Oregon Girls'
Me Squad
Beats Champs
University Coeds
Defeat Washington
In Unofficial Meet
In the third annual Oregon
Washington girls’ rifle team
match, the unbeaten Duck marks
men defeated the national cham
pion Husky team last Saturday at
the Oregon ROTC rifle range.
Shooting a 10-women prone,
matched-firing event, the Washing
ton team were overwhelmed with
a score of 1940 points to 1921. The
high score for Oregon and also for
the match was made by Alice Gius
tina, freshman, with a fotal of 199
points out of a possible 200. High
score for the Washington team
went to Dorsey Reed with 198
In spite of the Washington team
being the national intercollegiate
girls champions, the win does not
give Oregon the championship as
the match is an unofficial event
springing out of the rivalry of the
two schools.
No Entrance Fee
Oregon does not enter the Na
tional Intercollegiate shoot, spon
sored by the National Rifle asso
ciation, as the budget here makes
no allowance for the necessary en
trance fees, and because the match
is a free rifle competition in which
expensive target rifles are allowed,
while the Oregon team uses regu
lation equipment.
After the match was fired, the
Washington girls and their coach
were the guests of the Oregon
team at a luncheon at the Anchor
age, attended by the military de
partment officers and their wives.
The Husky team was also the
guest of the Duck unit at the Ore
gon-Oregon State basketball game
in the evening, and at the sopho
more Whiskerino.
Team Rosters Listed
Firing on the Oregon team were
Margaret Pollard, Marion Barrett,
Martha Lampa, Claire Lyon, June
Bennett, Catherine Miller, Thelma
Bouchet, Alice Giustina, Barbara
Todd, and Marjorie Schnellbacher.
On the Washington team were
Dorsey Reed, Jocelyn Dohm, Helen
Lawrence, Rosalie Wilcox, Jean
Kolinski, Ruth Goss, Maxine Cody,
Vir ginia Wilder, Betty Wright, and
Leysa Elwell.
Symposium Team
Visits Sheridan
And Monmouth
Members of the University sym
posium discussion group made an
other trip for two engagements at
Sheridan and Monmouth yesterday.
Those who traveled were Paul
Kempe, Karl Zimmerman, and
George Luoma. Professor Dahl
berg, director of men’s sympo
sium, accompanied the group.
Chief point of interest for the
team occurred after the propagan
da and public opinion speeches
were delivered when the audience
was invited to ask questions.
Dr. Gilkey Compares
Oregon With Chicago
Dean Gilkey looked about him a
little mystified as we opened the
door of the Alpha Delta Pi house
to him Monday noon.
“But I thought I was coming to
a fraternity; he exclaimed.
Alpha Delta Phi, the explana
tion followed, is one of the strong
est frats on the University of Chi
cago campus and is known to the
dean there. He thought at first his
secretary had made a typographi
cal error in his schedule!
Several Appearances
Dr. Gilkey, who is a dean of the
Rockeleferrel Memorial chapel of
the University of Chicago, came
to Eugene Saturday, has already
made several appearances on the
campus, and will talk to the ASUO
assembly today at 11 o’clock.
At lunch the famous visitor
found himself handicapped in
seating people. He had made a
record, he said, at California 231
years ago in seating six girls at
one meal. He had never been able
tc equal that number again until
Sunday dinner last weekend at
the Pi Phi house, here where he
also seated1 six. Dean Gilkey re
gards it as an accomplished feat.
“That girl in the red dress, I don’t
remember her name, is a kindred
spirit,” he declared, “she positive
ly stood waiting until I got around
to seating her!”
Chicago Expenses Higher
Student expenses at the Univer
sity of Chicago are much higher
than at Oregon, Dean Gilkey says,
in comparing the two schools.
Board alone runs anywhere from
$7 a w ek up. Of 35 fraternity
houses in existence on the campus
seven years ago, there are but 17
now. Heavily mortgaged, the or
ganizations lost their houses dur
ing the depression. Building land
is so expensive in Chicago it is
(Please turn to page four)
Berg, Konschot;
Olson Had Best
Whisker Crops
Gordon Berg-, Elmer Olson, and
Fred Konschot grew the best
beards for the Sophomore Whis
kerino Saturday night in the
opinion of the three barber
judges—Charlie Elliott, Leo Def
fenbacher, and Fred Schlick.
Olson was on hand with a fiery
red growth of fuzz that eclipsed
the cultivating powers of all oth
er second-year men who cared to
offer themselves for competition.
Berg's crop of whiskers was the
blackest of the bunch, and Kon
schot’s job of fancy trimming
topped that of all other contest
ants. '
Already sophomores are talk
ing among themselves about the
good old days when they carried
whiskers. Many were the screams
that were heard as electric shav
ers jerked and sawed away the
monuments to manhood.
Dr. Gilkey Saus
Life Improving
Visitor Compares
Today, Yesterday
In Speech Here
Like the furnace heated many
times hotter than ever before pro
ducing new steels lighter in weight,
smaller in bulk but of greater en
durance than ever before, the life
one leads today is producing a
quality of life with much the same
characteristics of the new steel,
Dean Charles W. Gilkey said in a
talk at the music auditorium last
People should not feel they have
lost something or regret that they
do not believe the things they be
lieved in childhood, Dean Gilkey
said. “Bridges will collapse under
the weight of elaborateness.”
Stronger Than Ever
Today beliefs are lacking the
superficial codes that add restric
tions to restrictions, but they are
stronger than ever before, Dean
Gilkey asserted.
The three fields most affected
by this change are democracy,
ethics, and religion, he said. Uni
versities, laboratories of democ
racy, are the best places to create
the intelligent understanding so
necessary to its maintenance. In
the field of ethics the period when
rules are discarded and people
feel they can do what they please
is the period of greatest progress,
he said.
Once the jump from the world
that is to the world that ought to
(Please turn to page Jour)
Failure to Pay Fees
Brings Suspension
To Six Students
Six University students were
suspended last week for failure to
pay the first installment on their
registration fees, the Oregon busi
ness office announced Monday.
These six will have one week in
which to pay $1.50 in fines, $2 for
reinstatement, and the remainder
of their installments. If they do
not report in Johnson hall by noon
this Saturday they will be dropped
from registration for the rest of
this term.
The business office stated that
final fee installments will be due
March 10.
Allen to Receive
Air Pilot License
Franklin S. Allen Jr., graduate
of the University of Oregon in
1939, will “win his wings” in
March this year when he gradu
ates from the Air Corps advanced
flying school, Kelly field, Texas.
» Flying Cadet Allen, son of Eric
W. Allen, dean of the journalism
school at the University, took the
physical examination for the air
corps at the University where he
majored in journalism. Allen be
gan his primary training at Santa
Maria, where he continued his
journalistic career by editing the
cadet magazine, Aerie.
Following the primary course,
Allen was transferred to Randolph
field, Texas, after which he com
pleted his training at Kelly field,
Gleemen Sing
At McArthur
Court Tonight
John Stark Evans
Will Direct Group's
First 1940 Concert
When John Stark Evans steps
to the platform tonight with his
“SO Singing Gleemen in McArthur
Court,” he’ll have at his baton’s
command just twice the melodic
lung power that Alfred Noyes had
in his “Forty Singing Seamen in
an Old Blark Bark" chanty.
The occasion will be the Eugene
Gleemen’s first formal concert of
the 1940 season, and it will start
at 8:15 p.m. All holders of ASIJO
cards will be admitted free.
This is the first big program
the.Gleemen have given in Eugene
since their return from San Fran
cisco, where they sang as Oregon's
official representatives to the Gol
den Gate exposition on Treasure
Island. Improvements on Camp
Lucky Boy, summer camp spot,
will be made from net proceeds
from the concert.
Four Soloists Listed
Soloists for the program under
Mr. Evans will be Rollin Calkin,
baritone; Joe Clark Keever, tenor;
Lester Ready, baritone; Fred
Beardsley, tenor, all members of
the organization. Cora Moore Frey
will again accompany the group.
The printed program lists 10
numbers named below with brief
descriptions supplied by Mr.
“Prayer of Thanksgiving”—Hos
mer’s arrangement of an old Dutch
melody, the traditional opener for
j all Gleemen programs.
“Care Flies From the Lad That
Is Merry”—Old English. A mad
rigal type of song in the medieval
English manner.
“Smuggler’s Song” — Another
old English descriptive melody in
somewhat mysterious vein, words
from Kipling’s “Puck Pook’s
Hill,” Arnold Williams’ arrange
“The Shepherdess”—a romantic
meditation by Macmurrough.
“King Charles”
“King Charles”—the second of
Robert Browning’s three “Cava
lier Tunes.”
“The Monotone” a plaintive med
itation from the original German
of Cornelius.
“Russian Carol”—an original
(Please turn to pa fie four)
Hour Change Seen
For ROTC Classes
As an experiment to increase the
efficiency of the ROTC corps, a
radical change in the hour schedule
for spring term was announced
last week by the military depart
ment. Replacing the present sys
tem of one hour instruction three
days a week, the spring schedule
will call for one hour of class work
on either Tuesday or Thursday,
and a single drill period of two
consecutive hours every Thursday.
Colonel Robert M. Lyon, head
of the military science department,
explained that the change had been
decided on after much deliberation.
“We have used the one hour drill
system for several years,” said the
colonel, “and have finally decided
that it is not a long enough period
for efficient instruction.”
The new schedule will necessitate
many changes in the hours of other
departments, as the ROTC students
will not be able to schedule classes
for Thursday afternoons. Proposed
time for the Thursday drill is from
1 to 3 p.m. However this has not
been definitely decided.
Sigma Xi Will Hear
Dr. Lloyd Staples
“Quicksilver: Occurrence, Met
allurgy, and Economics” will be
the subject of an address by Dr.
Lloyd W. Staples, instructor in
geology, before members of Sigma
Xi, science honorary students, and
faculty of the University tonight
at 8 p.m. in room 101, Condon.
Sigma Xi will hold a short busi
ness session in room 108, Condon,
previous to the talk.
Here This Week
Prof. G. Bernard Noble will be
one of several important speakers
at the northwest conference of the
International Affairs club here
Friday and Saturday.
Lawyers Pick
Little Judges
Maurie Binford's
Band Featured at
Del Rey Cafe
Two “Little Judges” were ap
pointed queens of the law school
dance Saturday night when the
final count terminated in an equal
number of votes for Lucille John
son and Fay Evans. ,A compromise
was effected at the suggestion of
Professor Lawrence Hartwig, who
declared that “the law school can
support two ‘Little Judges,’ and a
joint title was conferred upon the
two contestants.
Open to law students exclusively,
the Del Rey cafe filled rapidly on
both floors as Maurie Binford and
his band began their opening num
bers for the law school’s winter
term dance, first formal to be
staged by the lawyers in several
terms of social activity.
Fellowship, Festivity
Formal evening wear became
slightly mingled with conventional
attire later by the addition of a
few townspeople, adding to the
general air of “fellowship and fes
tivity,” ‘ according to Bill Luber
sky and Hugh Collins, dance pro
motion committeemen.
Dance heads report that gener
al opinion, voluntarily voiced by
guests, patrons, and students, in
dicate that it was one of the out
standing law school functions. Pa
trons and patronesses for the eve
ning were law school faculty mem
bers and their wives and Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Andrews, with several
law school alumni as special
Bryant Makes Exit
On hand with his camera, but
no ticket or press card, Jack Bry
ant of 8-ball fame took several
shots until vigilant doormen were
instrumental in causing his exit,
according to witnesses, with hair
“bristling with rage.”
Procured after a thorough can
vas of downtown stores in order
to fill size requirements, Dave Sil
ver’s tux came through in good
shape until aged threads parted at
a seam, causing a hasty with
ASUO Assembly
To Hear Gilkey
Program This Morning at 11 Takes Place
Of Thursday Meeting; Chicago Professor
To Speak on 'Imponderables of Education'
Charles W. Gilkey, clean of chapel at the University of Chicago, and
professor of the Divinity school, will climax a four-day stay on the
Oregon campus this morning when he addresses students at a special
AStJO assembly in Gerlinger hall on the subject “Imponderables of
The personnel office announced Monday that the program will take
the place of the regular Thursday
assembly and will start at 11 a.m.
There will be no classes at that
hour today, but they will be made
up next Thursday.
To Discuss Problems
Dr. Gilkey has received inter
national recognition for his work
in the field of education and will
discuss many of the present as
well as future problems which face
students in the United States.
In addition to his other posi
tions, Dr. Gilkey is dean of Rocke
feller chapel at Chicago. He has
been guest lecturer at several Eng
lish colleges, including Oxford, and
is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, na
tional scholastic honorary fra
Was Twice Invited
The noted lecturer is one of two
men who have twice been invited
to deliver the Barrows lectures.
These are given once every five
years in the effort to present
Christianity in its highest form to
the people in India’s university
Last night Dr. Gilkey discussed
"Bridges to a Better World” for a
special group meeting in the music
auditorium. Sunday he spoke at
two gatherings. He talked on
"Spiritual Blackouts” at the Meth
odist church in the morning and re
viewed "Present Religious Trends
Among American Students" Sun
day evening in Gerlinger hall.
To give students an opportunity
to further discuss questions with
him, Dean Gilkey has scheduled a
"Question Box” period at 4 o'clock
in Gerlinger hall.
Phi Theta Upsilon
Plans Sale of Cakes
There’ll be no excuse for that
hungry feeling on the campus to
morrow, for Phi Theta Upsilon,
junior women’s honorary, will sell
tasty twisti-cakes the entire day.
These individual frosted cakes
will sell for five cents each, and
will be distributed from several
conveniently located booths on the
campus. They will also be sold in
living organizations from 9:30 to
10:30 on Wednesday evening. .
Money from the sale will be used
for a banquet to honor Eugene wo
men students who have high scho
lastic standings.
Members of Phi Theta Upsilon
in charge of the sale are Barbara
Pierce, general chairman’ Jerry
Tripp, food; Marge McLean, adver
: tising, Sue Cunningham, finance;
Barbara Fulton, sales, and Sally
! Mitchell, publicity.
Men Students Spend
Most, Survey Reveals
Who said that women are more
extravagant than men ?
Present average returns from
the campus survey conducted by
the statistics and applied econom
ics show only one instance when
the coeds spent more than the
men. Twenty per cent of the sam
ple is in and edited, according to
Dr. Beatrice Aitchison, instructor
of economics.
Expenditures for the students
as a whole have been estimated
for 1930 on the basis of the returns
already in. Board and room is the
largest item, and the men lead in.
this with a total of $105,900, while |
the women follow with a $235,900
spent a year.
Buy Clothes Anyway
The women outdid the men in
the purchase of clothes elsewhere j
than in Eugene with an average
of $174,100 to the men’s $119,000.
In Eugene the men again go to the
head, with $87,900 in comparison
with the women’s $65,600. The to
tal of these shows that an aver
age of $153,400 a year is spent on
clothes in Eugene, compared to
$293,100 elsewhere.
In upkeep, men again oust the
women for first place, and the to
tal for both men and women show
that $18,700 is put into circulation
here in Eugene. Only a total of
$24,800 is spent elsewhere for this
phase of college life.
Men Lead Again
Under miscellaneous items here
in Eugene, the men find clear sail
ing for the lead. For extra food,
men spend $72,000 while the wo
men students average only $27,000.
(Please turn to page four) j
Gay Jones to Play
For Senior Ball
Saturday Night
Skinner Ann’ounces
Seattle Orchestra
Will Play Saturday
All the dangling ends of the plans
for the Senior ball Saturday night
were tied in a nice, neat knot over
the weekend with the announce
ment of “Chuck” Skinner, general
chairman, that Gay Jones’ orches
tra had been signed for the annual
event of the graduation class and
that the dance had been moved
from Gerlinger hall to McArthur
Familiar to Pacific coast listen
ers by his theme song, “Strange
Blues," and by his slogan, “Mellow
Tones with Gay Jones,” the young
blond baton-swinger is especially
well known in Seattle. His band
his had an extended stay at the
Show Box, one of the largest
night clubs there.
Critic frauds Jones
Gilbert Brown, drama editor of
the Seattle Star said in his review,
“From the moment Jones’ band
starts pounding and blaring out
his theme number, no listener can
remain unmoved. In Gay Jones,
Seattle seems to have a musician
and composer of as much power
and originality as Raymond Scott.”
According to his engagements
schedules Jones’ rhythmic styling
and arrangement originality has
been popular with college students
in the Northwest. His orchestra
was featured at the Husky Hot
Swing Concerts and it received top
billing at the University of
Washington Varsity show, where
it drew 5,000 people.
Also a Composer
He will come to the Oregon cam
pus after playing for the Univer
sity of Idaho junior prom Wed
nesday night.
Gay Jones is a composer in his
own right and writes most of the
music his own 11-piece band plays.
He also does arrangements for
Glenn Miller.
Tickets go on sale Wednesday
in all men’s living organizations,
said “Chuck” Skinner. Admission
will be $1. Seniors holding clas3
cards may get a 25-cent reduction
by buying theirs at McArthur
court before Saturday night. Tick
ets purchased at the door will cost
Orides Plan Tea
To Honor Mothers
A tea is to be given next Sun
day for Orides members and their
mothers or friends in alumni hall
from 4 to 5 p.m.
The tea will be given by Hazel
P. Schwering, dean of women at
Oregon; Miss Janet Smith, employ
ment secretary; Mrs. Edith Mac
duff, assistant dean of women, and
Mrs. Edith Siefert, hostess of Ger
linger hall.
Landscape Artists
Invited to Corvallis
Bidden as guests to a house
warming party in Corvallis Sunday
were all saudents of landscape ar
chitecture at the University.
The occasion was the completion
of the new home there of A. L.
Peck, professor of landscape ar
chitecture for Oregon and Oregon
State. Guests from both schools
attended the party. About 30 peo
ple was there, according to infor
mation from Mabel Houck, art
school secretary.