Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 13, 1940, Page Two, Image 2

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    The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the University of Oregon, published daily during the college year except
Sundays, Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods. Subscription rates: $1.26 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as
lecond-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Ore.
Lyle Nelson, Managing Editor Jim Frost, Advertising Manager
Helen Angell, News Editor Betty Jane Thompson, Chief Night Editor Ralph Woodall, Cartoonist
George Pasero, Co-sports Editor Jimmie Leonard, Assistant Managing Editor Marge Finnegan, Women’s Editor
Elbert Hawkins, Co-sports Editor Hal Olney, Assistant Managing Editor Ken Christianson, Assistant Sports Editor
Mary Ellen Smith, National Adversiting Manager Ray Cook, Merchandising Manager
Ted Kenyon, Classified Manager Herb Anderson, Circulation Manager
Rhea Anderson, Special Accounts Manager Kathleen Brady, Special Promotion Manager
Which Way—Habit or New Fields?
■yX^lIENEVEli it sets out to line up a pro
pram for another year 1 he educational
activities board, one of the two most powerful
money-handling policy bodies in semi-student
government at the University, finds itself up
against a choice.
This choice is in effect whether to go right
down the line with the now standard five
number Greater Artist series or try to branch
out and include educational features not in
the field of music. Tho choice met the board
face to face again last week, and the board
will have to make up its mind my next meet
ing time. Greater-artist type numbers must be
signed up nearly a year in advance, for they
work toward a full calendar of engagements.
The time for signing is at hand, and the jump
must be made one way or another.
# ■* #
JN the last several years the choice lias lain
with the first alternative, five musical num
bers each year. Commit ting itself in the spring
of one year to a series for the next means a
limited amount of money to lie spent for such
a program. It is for this reason that the last,
few years have been much alike in character,
for whim the tested formula is followed— ong
top, three medium, and one lower-price attrac
tion—the slate is closed to much else.
At its last meeting the board showed signs
of kicking over the traces in favor of a more
diversified program, mostly, it must be admit
ted, ou the impetus of the student members,
who brought up reminders of the year in
which Admiral Byrd and Richard Halliburton
appeared in the Igloo. Suggested this time
were such names as Eleanor Roosevelt, who
was passed up this year, Alexander Woolcotl,
and Cornelia Otis Skinner. Upshot of the dis
cussion was a promise from Chairman Balled
that all types of attractions would be con
sidered at the next meeting, providing facts,
figures, and dates were included.
* * *
JF the board is really interested in an all
around program it is in a position to make
some of tin: most sweeping departures in the
history of Oregon planning. For instance, one
thing which was not mentioned to the board
was the possibility of doing a Hollywood Bowl
or Carnegie Ilall in the Igloo with someone
like Benny Goodman or Haul Whiteman or
Horde Groi'e. These are available for about
the same as a top-price concert single artist,
and have been so successful wherever tried as
to look like a permanent fixture in American
music. At the Bowl Goodman's success was
phenomenal. Whiteman packed I lie Igloo two
years ago. This type of thing is definitely
high-class, accepted as such by a discerning,
intelligent public. Carnegie hall and 1hc Bowl
are not exactly dives. In short, here is the
outstanding development in modern music, it
cannot be dismissed as frivolous, it is sub
stantial, and it is sound business. Naturally
the students would like it. And it is a depart
ment which has been neglected.
£^F course Ibis does not consider the result
ing complications which would touch the
sale of season concert tickets, but there is as
much favorable argument as otherwise here.
This is only one of the possibilities open if
anything definite enough as to prices and
dates could be brought to the board. But the
meeting will probably be some time this week,
which means there is very lttle time in which
to prepare a ease strong enough to cause even
the slightest deviation from the old-line, hard
and-fast policy of an all-concert season.
A Line Could Be Drawn
glNCF, winter term is the heaviest assembly
f|uarter ol the school year it is only
natural that much will lm said ahoul assent
blics during; this period ol'any year. Much ol.'
what is said is old, some of if is new, hid to a
more or less undercover operative goes credit,
Jor I his week’s original idea regarding as
Author of the idea is an adult who takes
in every assembly. She says she notices that
by 10 ait the trout hall ol (lerliuger is pretty
well tilled by townspeople, members of the
faculty, families, and other non I’niversity
Students. This in itself is no evil, she declares.
However, there is at times a solid phalanx
of elderly enthusiasts in the block of seals
below tin' speakers’ platform, which relegates
tbe student, majority (o what is left in seals.
Ijven this would not be so bad in itself, she
iterates, -were il not that visiting speakers
come in, look down on that mature audience,
and probably say what they think will enter
tain them.
# # #
far as tbe inelusion of non students in
assembles, that should raise no issue, for
the University lias never been selfish ahoul
good tilings il had to offer, and there is no
indication that any change in policy is in the
nl’fing now. Townspeople have walehed the
University grow up, and they are important,
supporters ol the school.
On llin oilier hand, 1li«' observelion that
I lie speakers see an adult a ik lienee is a‘wort h
wliile point in view of | he prevailing idea, I lint
“si might. ’ assein111ii‘s could stand some im
proving 1o get ill a, stronger percentage of
students. If 1 here is any equitable way lo
accomplish Ibis end it should be given con
* # #
^^Nl) our special operative lias a solid ion. at
band. She proposes that the middle block
of seals be left for the college students, and
that, side blocks lie designated for visitors.
She even suggests the gallery, but there is
not much room there, and there is not much
real need to banish visitors to the balcony,
even though those seals have much lo recom
mend them. All legislative bodies pul (heir
visitors in Hie galleries, and no complain! is
ever beard from those ticket-admitted guests.
It is not easy to change anything about the
the I 'diversity if it “lias always been done,”
which is one of the tragic things about a
four-year student tenure in higher cducal ion.
J'uit difficult as it is, an effort, is being made
this year to bring about a better product. Last,
week’s all student assembly was one mani
lestalion. The next all student assembly soon
will be another. Fraternity singing at assem
bly openings is a not her.
If a more equitable seating arrangement is
developed it will be another step in the right
A Year in a Day
1iy WI S 1X1 VAN
till 7
January 'J—With the victory
over Pennsylvania in the Hose
Bowl, Oregon completed one of
the most .successful seasons of
football in the history of the
University. The varsity chalked
lift 211 point against their op
ponents’ 17.
l.eurge Turnbull \rii\ca
January Hi In (leorgi Turn*
lmll. Hie Health- new. paper 111 ill
who is to join the faculty of the
department of journal! m next
month, Oregon in anne.xmg one
of the most ardent ha. "ball t in.
that, ever booed an umpire. He
can name mod of the ba.oball
players in the country, their
nickname, and their hatting as*
February 27—Oregon is start*
ing a drive to raise money tor
British war victim: All other
i dF. . m tii_ cjjutrs art dom^
Mario Itresalrr Here
Mario Dressier will appear
here in her new picture “'J'illie
Wakes Up.”
March G Government en
dorsement of a student volun
teer corps at the University lias
been applied lor through Major
(lonoral lwonurd Wood of the
war department, by Dr. Warren
D. Smith, professor of geology,
who is advocating the establish
ment of such a course here.
.Mrs, dcrlinger Here
April 24 Mrs. U T Urrling
cr. .1 member of the board of
regents, and her daughter Jean
arrived m town recently. Mrs.
Ucrlmger has been working tor
the la. t year raising monos for
I lie new women's in r m o rial
May -The ad\i.-Unlit y of
dividing the school into three
■niesters and a. summer school
1 - S' ■ •' ' a * * j t j ■ .1* . ., , r .1
- - ■ - ... r J ***S.S.k*
uig ldit Iburscuy.
lnsl nmieut—nr \\ <<;ijioti ?
It you’ve ever had a saxophon
i-4 living in I In1 .same room with
you, or even next door, you’ll
probably resent the news that
this week is being observed na
tionally as the eentennial of the
. a.xophone. The sax is a com
paratively modern instrument
that Adolph Sax, a Belgian,
dreamed up m 1840 to round out
the harmony cd a popular mili
tary band.
l he six. when first mtrodueed
t" Anirriea during early prohibi
ts m days, drove millions of Am
ericans into wild enthusiasm
over its m el low tones Currently,
; urh stars as Coleman Hawkins.
Jimmy Dorsey, Charlie Barnet,
^ i 1 J- ’’; * |j$' c *?y
-i-epiiost aj. important iteui m
Behind the
Scoup, All about the king of
hearts contest! For 24 hours a
day, special operators have been
searching and inquiring into the
inside story of Oregon's king of
hearts contest.
Now they reveal all. The king
of hearts contest is sponsored
by YWCA coeds and the candi
dates are all chosen by a com
mittee of coeds (about 15).
This of course excludes the
Bounders Row candidate, DON
GILBERT, who was put up by
the Bounders. Don was quoted
in his campaign speech as say
ing, “I’d like to be king of
hearts, but I wish I had my note
book back, someone stole it.”
Speaking of thieves, who was
the unscrupulous individual who
robbed Oregon’s only sheriff of
his wallet? Yes, Sheriff Euck
was robbed, but not only that,
while the sheriff was supervis
ing a publicity shot for his
Whiskerino someone ran off
with part of his attractive scen
ery’s property. Carol Cook was
presenting a smile for the cam
era man, assured she was safe
with the good sheriff near,
and she lost her notebook.
Nancy Hay, always good for
a hit of gossip, now takes the
(■leaner boys to the cleaners as,
armed with scissors, she exposes
dimpled knees by merely cutting
all modern bands.
In English They’re Horns
Musicians’ jive talk is sup
posed to become more and more
brief as the musicians grow old
er. Gene Mack, the electric
guitarist, was one day chatting
with one old gent who remarked,
"I was once a musician too. I
played in street bands.”
“What did you play,” inquired
“Clary, bary, and obe,” the
old fellow replied proudly.
Gene had to probe around
subtly for several minutes be
fore ho finally learned that this
meanL “clarinet, baritone horn,
and oboe.” ,
Man Who Comes Around
Tony Pastor, ex-Artie Shaw
vocalist and sax player has just
completed his first two record
ings for Victor. They are
“Watching the Cloc k,” and
“Dance With a Dolly.”
Vincent Lopez has introduced
a new dance which is supposed
to he sweeping the Pacific coast.
It is called “Put Your Little
Foot There,” and features the
baby voice of Penny Parker. . . .
Los Brown's and Tommy Tuck
er's “The Man Who Comes
Around” (When Papa Goes
Away), is being heard all over
the campus. ... If you like ’em
sweet and smooth, the new- Blue
birdisc “Thank Your Stars”
should fill the bill.
Glenn lilts With Another
The latest offering of prolific
Glenn Miller is one of his best
jobs to date. On “Tuxedo Junc
tion” Glenn really goes home in
the groove. The tune itself has
an infectious sort of rhythm that
gets under the skin. In fact,
“Tuxedo Junction” did so well
for Krskine Hawkins that lie ;
has adopted it for his official ,
theme. ,
lliiiford, Holman, Itoocn .
Local boys Art Holman, Man- .
ric Binl'ord, and Carl Hooen are ]
all going to swing out at the
Wintcrgarden the 19th of this j
month when the Musicians' Pro
tective association stages its
yearly show.
holes in the Phi visitor's trous
Brains around the Emerald
are carrying things a little too
far when they pick George Pa
sero, Lyle Nelson, Ken Chris
tianson, and IZIESKITZSKI as
co-chairmen of the big Emerald
blowout to be held for all Em
erald workers soon.
Ellie Kent walked into our
sophisticated pool room with
Bill Ehrman, Brad Smith wasn't
far behind. . . . Duke Iverson
breaks up with Markie Smith.
. . . More Pi Kap news concerns
Bob Fronk, he may stay home
this weekend. . . . An interesting
fact about grades here, as com
pared with grades at State show
that while a certain fraternity
at State ranks at the top of the
list, its chapter on this campus
is down at the bottom of the
list. . . . Another little item
shows that the frats beat the
coed houses THERE.
Robert Cobble Sanden, OSC
Sigma Nu, was down for Bar
bara Button Littleton’s AOPi
house dance Friday, a fine time
was had by all. . . . John Bryant,
from Maine, allegedly broke up
with ^targe Titus, Theta Chi,
Theta separation. . . . Connie
Riddle is tiring of explaining
about Johnny Irvin. . . . A1 Linn
is having steady trouble with
Marge Maddren.
thority on the subject, wants to
nominate Rita Wright as the
best date of last week.
Valentine’s Day
People will say it stinks,
But we don't care what they
It's the sentiment behind it
And the ribbons that bind it
In lavendar, laces, and pinks!
Happy Valentine’s day!
By Peggy, Dorothy and Vern
(address all correspondence in
care of Newt’s College Side).
Bad news for many thin pock
etbooked Whiskerino goers is
the dollar and a half price. The
sophs give the band either 60
per cent of the gate or $350.
This up in prices brings back
memcries of when the ASUO
stuck dancers $2 for Paul
Whiteman, w h o incidentally,
went someplace early in the
evening causing several people
to miss him.
LOVE is a wonderful thing,
there are several persons plan
ning on making a trip to the big
city this weekend.
ftrt School Shows
Sculpture Display
Duplicate copies of the works of
iomc of America's most famous
iving sculptors are on exhibit at
he University art school.
The display, which now contains
11 pieces, has been sent out from
•he Robinson galleries in New
fork, and has been shown in
;chools throughout the United
The purpose of the duplicate
copy exhibit is to sell the works of
iamous sculptors at prices within
i low range. They can be bought
Tom $10 up.
Media for the works are cast
stone, carved wood, mahogany,
eak, and walnut, terra cotta, and
lard plaster, says Jean Suther
and, graduate assistant in the.
iculpture department.
Neumann Is Honored
By Mu Phi Epsilon
Fritz Neumann, the Czech vio
inist, who will be guest soloist
vith the University symphony or
chestra Wednesday was honored
it a tea by Mu Phi Epsilon, nui
>ic honor society, Sunday after
The reception was held in the
ilumni room of Gerlinger hall with
tearly 450 people calling to pay
.heir respects to the European
Members of the rally committee
will meet today at 4 o'clock at the
College Side.
Master Dance will meet Wednes
day evening at the regular time,
Phi Theta Epsilon will meet to
day in the Men’s lounge of Ger
linger hall at 5 o’clock.
Ralph Cake will speak at the
Beta Gamma Sigma banquet to
night at 6:15 o’clock in Seymour's
There will be a Condon club
meeting tonight in the geology
classroom of Condon hall at 7:30.
Dr. L. W. Staples, geology instruc
tor, will speak.
Kwama will meet this afternoon
at 5 o’clock in the AWS rooms of
Gerlinger. Please bring dues for
winter term.
The YWCA commission on build
ing a life philosophy, which had
previously been scheduled to meet
at the home of Dr. James R. Bran
ton tonight, will meet at Earl Hom
er’s home at 1920 Harris street
instead. Due to the basketball
game, the time of the meeting has
also been changed to 6:45 and it
will close at 7:45.
Theta Sigma Phi will meet this
evening at 7:30 at the shack. Mem
bers are to bring money for social
calendars and remaining calendars.
All pre-nursing students are to
meet today at Gerlinger at 5:30 for
the banquet for the Oregon State
Delta Phi Alpha will meet at 7
o’clock tonight at Friendly hall.
The heads of houses will meet
this afternoon at 4:15 in the men’s
lounge of Gerlinger.
Dorothy Horn Evelyn Nelson
Joan Stinette
Alvera Maedcr Dick McClintis
Lied Ehlers Kenette Lawrence
Betty Wheeler Lynn Johnson
Janet Ricg
Ted Kenyon
Mary Jean McMorris Ray Schrick
Emily Tyree
Ron Alpaugh Jack Bryant
Jill Ralston Milton Levy
Job McGill Corine Lamon
Ray Schrick Elsie Brownell
Jetty Jane Thompson Jim Banks
Nisma Banta
Mildred Wilson
Jetty Jane Biggs
Dorothy Krcis
A’es Sullivan
Pat Erickson
Edifh Oglesby
Helen Sawyer
Connie Averilj
Jim Bronson
Jean Dunn
Kelley Holbai^
Jonathan KohananuiMargaret Holfcrt
Margaret Young
Nancy Lewis
Bernard Engel
Job Flavclle
Bob Pot win
Don Gibons
Jill Phelps
Austin Chancy
Jim Schiller
Lon Ballif
Don Cawley
Paul McCarty
Jim Browne
Mary Belcher
ruesday Advertising Staff:
Jean Crites, Day Manager
Harriet Minturn
Boyd Copenhaven
Mary Kay Riordan
Copy Desk Staff:
Pat Frizzell, Copy Editor
Tom Wright and
Joan Chrystall, Assistants
Wes Sullivan
Jonathan Kahananui
Bill Borthwick
Florence Anderson
Connie Avcrill
Night Staff:
Kent Stitzcr, Night Editor
Phyllis Shaffer
Dorothy Kreis
Ruth Hartley
V ote
' King of 1 lcai la ’
■* Platform:
1. Justice, Liberty, and Woman
2. A "date bureau" for every' so
cial event. j
15. A convertible roadster for every j
Oregon coed maintaining a GPA j
of 0 000 throughout four years |
of college. \
4. Two a.in. permission every night
except Friday and Saturday
which will have no deadline
!>. Will open a branch of the three
in tiic room
... i
Banquet Honors
Oregon Senior Six
Oregon's senior six, initiates into
the Phi Beta Kappa scholastic
society, were accorded full honor
for four years of excellent work in
studies Friday evening at a spe
cial Phi Beta Kappa banquet in
the sun room of Gerlinger hall.
The banquet followed a 5:30 in
itiation for the new members and
was accompanied by a speech by
Edward Maslin Hulme, former
Stanford university professor of
history, who spoke on “Learning in
Orlando Davis, president of Phi
Beta Kappa, introduced the init
iates, and Phil Lowry, one of the
six new members, replied for the
group. The other five were Donald
Castanien, Alice Mary Coldren,
Wilbur J. Grant, Loraine Gjording,
and Lois Onthank.
Honor guest for the evening was
Dr. Maryanna Beth, sociologist
from Vienna, who is now teaching
in Portland. Music was provided
by the Phi Beta Kappa trio.
Dr. Cornish Plans
Address Monday
Dr. N. H. Cornish, professor of
business administration, will give
an address on “Most Profitable
Compensation System Used in
Oregon Hardware Stores” at a
convention of the Northern Whole
sale Hardware company next Mon
day. t
Dr. Cornish’s speech is based c
upon the research data on com-* r
pensation systems gathered from c
206 Oregon stores. I
Look Fresh All
Whatever the weath you
can look neat and clean
all day by sending your
clothes to New Service.
You can depend on the
New Service way for
prompt, efficient, and eco
nomical laundry service.
New Service
Phone 825
This will be the third consecutive
ime that Dr. Cornish has ad
ressed the company, which is
rade up of 135 hardware mer
hants in Oregon, Washington, and
It’s Not Too Late
Remember Her
iriitli FLOWERS
Don’t fret if you
haven’t ordered
your flowers yet.
Order them from
the College Flower
Shop, phone 3018,
for delivery today.
We are ready to
fill those rush or
ders p r 0111 p 11 y
with a large selee
lion of clioiee flow
• Red Tulips
• Violets
• Hyacinths
• Nosegays
Don’t forget Mom or
the girl back home.
Order now and we
ivill have their Valen
tine flowery to them
Phone 301S Across from Sigma Chi
| 643 E. 13th Phone 317
on anything of value
(Eugene’s Only
GUj Willamette
Eugene Hardware
Everything in Hardware
Bdwy a Oak St. Ph. G7U
Enroll Any Monday
S f { i. ijisfl
Everybody’s Drug
Eugene, Ore.
Agents for Fine Cosmetics
Barbara Gould
Old Spice
Colonial Dame
Pay Less Drug
S6 E. Bdwy. Ph. 232
Eugene Oregon
for REPAIRS " '
It’S Best by CHASE CO.
Pilous 243 93G Oak St.
Eugene Mattress
Upholstering Company
Phone Sl_ Qtv &