V DUCK TRACKS ■uiaiimiiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiMnNiiiiiimiLiiiiiiMimmiiiiiiimimiuuui By ELBERT HAWKINS Co-Sports Editor Oregon Daily Emerald Laddie Gale, the all-American forward from last year’s Oregons and a member of the present Ku benstein Oregonians has “went and done it.” In short, he has signed to finish the winter in pro basketball with Slim Wintermute and the Detroit Eagles for a paltry sum of $1100. The former Oakridge star's loss to the Rubes and to Lane county this winter will be keenly felt. A team can’t very well lose a 16 ^ point per game man without know ing the difference, and that's just the clip all-American Laddie has been potting buckets this year. But wait a minute—don't start weeping yet. Coach Howard Hob son in all sincerity announces that a whole team of Laddie Gales will be in Eugene on Friday (tonight! and Saturday nights. Yessir, Hec Edmundson and his racehorse Washington Huskies are facing the Oregon varsity in a pair of northern division games which might bounce either club right out of championship contention. A Bunch of Laddie Gales After returning from last week’s two-game series against the Hus kies in Seattle, Coach Hobby de 4 dared that “the present Washing ton team compares favorably with any average team of Hec's,” and he added' that “they’re all big like Laddie Gale.” At one forward position is Two Year Veteran Bob Dorr at only; five foot eight, but take a look at the other Husky first stringers. There’s Bob Lindh, six foot one, and Harry Nelson, six foot two, at forwards. Big Hal Schlicting at center ranges to six foot four. The size of Hec's guards is what is surprising when you think how they would outstrech Oregon’s great guard pair of last year, Bob by Anet and Wally Johansen. The Voelker brothers are like this: Jack, six foot four, and Bob, six foot two. If Hec Edmundson wants to use more altitude from the rest of his squad he can use Wendell Larsen,: 6 feet 4 inches, Ralph Cummings, r 6 feet 2 inches, Bill McDonald, 6 feet 5 inches, Dick Izzard 6 feet 4 inches, and Bill Fleming, 6 feet 5 inches. So you can see what a gang of tall firs Uncle Hec can use against Oregon’s Hank Ander son, 6 feet 7 inches, Bill Borcher, 6 feet 5 inches, John Dick 6 feet 4 inches, and Archie Marshik, 6 feet 7 inches. Washington’s Dead Maples According to all rules and regu lations, the Oregons are supposed to edge out Washington tonight if only on the basis of it being a first night affair on their own floor. But lor a visiting club to get the feel of McArthur court’s maple boards is a whit different than for enemy clubs to adjust themselves quickly to Washington’s own big pavilion. Until Oregon’s national champs did it last year (second night by only two points) the Washingtons weren’t supposed to have lost two I consecutive home games since . . .! way back. Main reason . . . the floor of the pavilion. It is taken out for indoor track meets, etc., and for basket ball is laid in sections . . . which leaves a dead surface. Eleven < times in Oregon’s first night game , up in Seattle last week did Hob-; by's boys lose the ball because of j it. They’d dribble down into Wash ington territory, stop on a dribble while looking for a mate to pass value* | FROSTED FOOD WITH 1 1 THE FRESH FLAVOR g a s 3 I | Green Peas — Asparagus a | — Green Lima Beans — g 1 Corn on Cob — Red Rasp- B | berries — Strawberries — ij a Fresh Peaches — Apricots a a — You will just be sur- j§ 1 prised. S a 1 3 I | Buttered and Toasted !j a Nuts—Fancy Candies jl I Tender Juicy Steaks and Roasts 3 3 1 | You Will Enjoy Buying g a at Elliott’s a i 3 | Phone 95 | ELLIOTTS GROCERY P a 13th and Patterson d i S. H, Trading Stampt s a g Duel of Fast Break Billed for Tonight at McArthur Ducks Face Huskies In Division Set-To By KEN CHRISTIANSON Drive! Drive! Drive! That will be the theme of the Oregon-Washington basketball , game tonight which begins a two-game series between the two arivingest teams in northern division play — a series that is adjudged the most colorful of all northern conference games. Coach Hobby Hobson of the national champion Webfoots loves to play his team against a running team and likewise for Frosh Mermen To Meet Salem Squad Today Combined Team to Furnish Opposition For Dads' Day The Oregon frosh. swimming team meets a combined squad of Salem high school and YMCA swim stars today in the University pool at 4 p.m. as an official part of the Dads’ Day program. Negotiations for the meet with the capitol city team were opened last week but no official reply wa.s received until late yesterday after noon when Salem authorities phoned an OK for the contest. Team Listed Coach Russ Cutler has not yet assigned his freshman swimmers to the respective events, but swim mers who will probably be entered were Ralph Huestis, Bob Wagner, Ralph Davis, Ken Powers, Dick Allen, Lee Ghormley, Warren Finke, Tom Corbett, and Diver Earl Walrath. Cutler said he had received only one advance notice regarding the Salem swimmers but added that the one notice was enough to cause him to worry over the outcome of the meet, as the YMCA swimmers were northwest champions last year. The Salem team will be guests of the Oregon swimmers and man agers while here, and tonight will attend the Oregon - Washington game. ! Members of the Webfoot swim varsity will act as officials for to day’s meet. Junior Manager Bill White is in charge of the meet. Definitely scheduled meets for the frosh include two with the Ore gon State rooks on February 3 and 24, same dates as Oregon-OSC varsity contests, and one January 31 with the Aero club swimmers from Portland. Wednesday, the frosh will meet the Portland Aero club in the Uni versity pool. The match will start at 8 o’clock. to, and hold their hands out ahead to catch the ball as it came off. the dead pavilion boards. Eleven times it bounced short and they were called on broken dribbles in attempting to recover, and on five occasions the alert Huskies capi talized with buckets. Hard to Whip at Home But tike the Washingtons are hard to whip at home, so are Hob by's Oregons in their own baiii wiek. In Oregon’s last two cham pionship years, '38 and '39, they outran Hec Edmondson's galloping Huskies at Eugene four times. Only Oregon conference losses at home in the last three years have been one with Washington State early last winter and that unfortu nate Oregon State affair of only a couple of weeks ago. Here's a few nicknames and monickers of the Washington Hus kies as gleaned from their public ity booklet from ‘the office of Ed Hillyer . . . Ralph “Cowhand" Cummings . . . Bob "Mat-pounder" Dorr, because of the resounding smack with which he hits the pad ding under the baskets at Seattle Coach Hec Edmundson of the sec ond place Huskies of yesteryear. Wild Battles Last year in that still memorable first game of the Husky series here in Eugene, the two teams rolled up 21 points in four minutes and ten seconds of the second half. It was a marvelous exhibition of scoring and perfect teamwork. This year, neither team has the stars listed that they had last year. Oregon has lost all-American Slim Wintermute and Laddie Gale to the Detroit Eagles, professional team. All-American Bob Anet and Wally Johansen, all-coast, are leading Anet’s Oregons in quest of the state AAU crown. Many Gone While in Washington George Zeigenfuss, all-northern division, Pat Dorsey, Roy Williamson are playing for the Seattle Savidges, AAU contender. The Huskies also lost Dick Voelker and Harry Lock hart. Oregon lost Bob Hardy and Ford Mullen to professional base ball. There is little to choose between the two teams. Last Friday night Washington upset a favored Duck team by an eight point margin in Seattle. The next night Hobson changed his lineup to include Ar chie Marshik and Hank Anderson, both six foot seven, and George (Porky) Andrews, guard. With added height the Webfoots rolled over the Huskies and smoth ered them under a 15-point margin. It is said to be difficult to defeat Washington on her own floor. Ore gon is the only northern division team to sweep a series from the Husky on the Seattle floor in re cent years. An Advantage Playing on their own floor must be an advantage for a team be cause Oregon is spotting six and eight points cn the two games to the Huskies by local betting sheets. Hobson, disregarding any pos sible superiority for either team, has been sending his entire squad through fast intersquad workouts with the exception of yesterday. Only Earl Sandness, Toivo Piippo, and Tini Smith were in suit and practised last night. Probable starters for tonight will be Captain John Dick and Hank Anderson at forwards, Archie Marshik at center, Vic Townsend and Andrews at guards. This is the same team that has been in green all week and has an average of six feet three and two-fifths inches. If Edmundson starts Bob Lindh and Harry Nelson at forwards, Hal Schlicting at center, and Bob and Jack Voelker at guards, his lineup will average six feet two and three fifths inches per n;an. So take your choice. i when lie dribbles under for a shot. . . . Bill “Stretch” Fleming, be cause of his thin 6 foot 5 inch frame . . . Cal "Pony” Jorgensen . . . Wendell (Laddy) “Battleship” Larsen . . . Bob “Motorcycle” Lindh, because he’s the fastest man for his size Hcc ever coached . . . Charles “Muggsie” Mitchell ■ . . Harry “Cruiser” Nelson . . . Bob “Stub” Shafer . . . Hal “Moose” Schlicting, because he's one of Washington's tallest and largest men. . . . Don “Sailor” Thompson, because he has tattooing on his arm . . . Bob “Milkman” Voelker, because he played with the Alpine team last winter . . . last nick name we’ll present is that of Coach Clarence Sinclair Edmundson . . . he is called Hcc so often it isn’t TWO STORES 917 - 804 WILLAMETTE Colgate’s Soaps, asstd, odors.4 for 19c Kleenex Tissue, 20QV.13c Kuni and Maple Tobacco . 23c Dallas Hi Will Tangle With Frosh Today Dragon Quintet Seeks Revenge Over Ducklings Prepsters Out to Extend Victory List In McArthur Court By BILL PHELPS Dallas high's giant-killing Drag ons, led by a six-foot seven-inch center, and with a record of eight consecutive Willamette valley con ference wins behind them, will be after revenge when they meet Oregon’s frosh for the second time this season in McArthur court to day at 4 o’clock. Beaten by four points in their first game with the Ducklings, the Dragons, whose only other loss this year has been to Salem, will provide all the opposition John Warren's high-flying frosh will want. The Dallas quintet is hailed as the greatest in the north end of the state, and possibly one of the best in the entire state. Led by Lloyd Jackson, the towering cen ter, and Melvin Dornbecher, bril liant forward, the Dragons have been sensational in their title march. Only One Loss Nor are John Warren’s Duck lings any slouches at this game called basketball. Injury ridden all season, the yearlings have come through with victories in nine out of ten games, bowing only to a strong Longview quintet. The fact that these same frosh have already beaten the Dragons once should show their prowess. Both teams come primed for the kill, with lop-sided victories over highly-touted opponents. The frosh last Friday slaughtered The Dalles, 68 to 36, while Dallas was wallop ing Chemawa's versatile Indians, 41 to 23. After Revenge The Dragon’s have a penchant for revenge, and will be gunning for the frosh this afternoon. Fol lowing their Salem defeat, they decisively turned the tables in a second game, to administer the Capital city quintet’s only loss. Warren’s frosh seem to have dodged their injury jinx for the time, with only one first stringer slated for the side lines. Jake Werschkul, giant forward, is still hobbling on a crippled ankle, and it is doubtful whether he will see action. Warren will probably start Tay lor and Sidesinger at the forward posts, with Borrcvik, high-scorer on the team, at center. The Duck ling's great combination of Kirsch and Tuttle will be at guard. The frosh will again see action Saturday afternoon, with Multno mah club’s Intermediates furnish ing the opposition. Like the Dallas game, it will be played in the Ig loo, starting at 4 o'clock. anything but a first name now but they sometimes call him "Uncle Hec’’. . . they do that when they’ve got a head start on Washington’s gum-chewing coach ... he doesn’t like to be called "Uncle Hec.” I Energy Important to the basket ball squads playing, this weekend at the Igloo—is gained from health-build ing foods such as fish ! Phone 2309 NEWMANS Fish Market 33 East Broadway Pi Kaps, Delts, DUs, Duds, Phi Delts and Sig EpsWin Intramural Cage Battles Delts Trip Fijis by Narrow Margin as 'A' League Hoopmen Reopen Play; No Tilts Today Because of Dads' Day By BERNIK ENGEL “A" league action got underway 1 again as three intramural basket ball games went down on the score ; sheet yesterday in court 46. Pi Kappa Alpha dropped Canard club, 20 to 7; Delta Upsilon beat Sherry Ross hall, 17 to 3; and Delta Tau Delta edged Phi Gamma Delta, 9 to 8, in the day's thriller. The Fijis piled up a 4. to 0 lead at the end of the first quarter but Because of Dad's day, there will be no further play until Monday. gave ground in the second to trail j 6-5 at the half. Both squads took it easy in the third frame as the Delts collected a foul shot and the! Fijis failed to enter the scoring column. The Alder street team got two baskets and a foul shot in the clos ing quarter but the Delts sank another two-pointer and stalled the last half minute to win. Lineups: Delts, 9 ’ 8, Fijis Hill, 6.F Marland | Hewitt.F Lonigan Self ridge, 1.C . 2, Haliski ’ Fishburne, 2 G.1, Ferrall Lott .G .... 5, Stincbaugli Green.S Pi Kaps Triumph Pi Kappa Alpha and Canard! club played a knock-down and1 dreg-out affair with occasional! flashes of basketball interspersed between the foul shots which kept the referee’s whistle smoking. Archie Rama of Canard fired an archless howitzer from midcourt to provide the game’s spectacular shot. The Pi Kaps were consider- j ably smoother than the clubmen but even so were hardly up to form, j Lineups: Pi Kappa Alplta, 20 7, Canard Iverson, 4 .F . Stanhurst McKeown, 6 .F.2, McFaddin King, 4.C.3, Williams Dietrich, 5.G . Krugar Pemberton, 1.... G . 2, McGuire Substitutes—Canard: Rama; Pi Kaps: Roblin, Gennette. DUs 17, Sherry Ross 3 Delta Upsilon fielded an iron man five which lasted the whole game and shellacked Sherry Ross hall, 17 to 3. Leading 9 to 3 at the half, the fratmen checked the hall quint to no points during the last half. The hall scored no field goals during the game, collecting all their points on foul shots. Lineups: DUs, 17 3, Sherry Koss White, 6.F Carrilho Foster, 3 .F.1, Warren Nicklas, 2 .C .McCarthy Corby, 1.G.„.2, Blair Weber, 5 .G . Greedy Substitutes—Sherry Ross: Mil ler, Thomson, Dolan, Ryel. By JIM SCHILLER Phi Delta Theta downed Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Bun Hodgen's Duds defeated Phi Kappa Psi in two well-played “A" league intra mural basketball games, while on the same court Sigma Phi Epsi lon’s “B" team overwhelmed Phi Sigma Kappa Bees in a wild, slam bang affair. Phi Delts 28, SAE 8 Phi Delta Theta's smooth-work ing quintet took three full quarters before they could pull away from a determined SAE five and ring up a 23 to 8 triumph. It was not until after a close checking first that ended in a 4 to 4 tie, could the Phi Delts use their superior height and backboard ability to forge a slight lead. In the last period the Phi Delts turned on the speed to chalk up 14 points while their rather tired opponents scored only one field goal. Phi Delts ,23 8, SAE Morgan.F.Hardy Stevenson, 4.F . 1, Meek Shipley, 2 .C.2, Shearer Hplmes, 7 .G’. 2, Beckner Bailey, 5 .G.3, Thomas Parker.S . Hamel Wimberly, 5 .S FINE PRINTS irom each of your good negatives on every 8 exrnsureroll you send Only P- Q Get quality 25' p i c t ures and _ promptservice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send coin. Reprints 2c each ninimum order 25c. WESTERN PICTURE CO. Box 42i15PORTLAND. OREGON FOR DAD— Yes, you’ll want to look your very l>c.sl, for Dad w li e u lie comes down tins weekend ... so just phone 2701 for your appointment! Permanent Waves $3.50 up Shampoo, Fingerwave 75c Haircut . 50c PENNEY’S BEAUTY SALON ON THE BALCONY Meet Afterwards at the THREE TREES “Where the Crowd Gathers” Pabst, Regal and Ale on Draught Chicken and Steak Sandwiches t Seafood Cocktails DANCE TONIGHT WILLAMETTE PARK 35c per couple Saturday night.—Art Holman .> Band ' - Duds 14, Phi Psl 9 Late in the first period the Duds took a 2 to 1 lead on a long under hand toss by Bun Hodgen and they kept ahead throughout the game to win 14 to 9 from the green clad Phi Psis, The Duds were ahead 11 to 9 with but two and a half minutes to play when they proceeded to stall. This proved extremely suc cessful for not only were the Phi Psis held scoreless, but Wilson scored a free throw and Hodgen a setup shot. 14, Duds F .3, Ager . F. 8, Hodgen .. C.2, Taylor .. G . Clemens - G . Mann S . 1, Wilson S . Blenkinsop Sig Ep 18, Phi Sig 8 Overcoming a 3 to 2 first half deficit, the Sig Eps held the Phi Sigs scoreless in the final half and ran up an 18 to 3 victory in a wild game. It was speedy Sig Ep forward, Richardson, who was the big gun offensively scoring 9 points. This game was far and above the rough est of the afternoon. Sig Ep, 18 3, Phi Sig Manning, 4.F.2, Thompson Reynolds.F.1, Rice Richardson, 2 .... C . Hitchcock Hutchins, 1.o.Cougill Gray .G Porter Sinclair .S . Bowman Barber, 2.S . O'Neill Harquail, 2 .S Officials: Tower and Teats. Phi Psi, 9 Brook. Homer. Hichens, 2 . Simmons, 5 Collier, 2 .... Why Pay More? SUITS and DRESSES (plain) • CLEANED and PRESSED • °”,y 59c • LAUNDRY 10% OFF CASH & CARRY • THRIFTY CLEANERS Next to Siberrian CZ3 “Disputed Passage” with Dorothy Lamour and Akim Tamiroff — and — Now you can sec RENFREW OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED in “Crashing Through” Invisible . . . But Indelible “Invisible Stripes” with GEORGE RAFT JANE BRYAN — and — “Kansas Terrors” with the THREE MESQUITEERS Scourge of the Southwest . “Geronimo” with Preston Foster Ellen Drew - William Henry Andy Devine — and “All Women Have Secrets” This is a daring story of today’s youth Gay! Glorious! Gorgeous! Grand! Priscilla Lane, Rosemary Lane, Lola Lane, Gale Page “Four Wives” with Claude Rains — plus — The Higgins Family m “Moji&y-fc© Burn” Donut Handball Results Posted Chi Psi- Sig Tilt Only Remaining First Round Game With the Chi Psi versus Phi Sig ma Kappa match the only one re maining, first-round games in the intramural handball tournament are virtually completed. Following are the results of matches already played (figures stand for games won; each match has three games, two singles and a doubles)— Pi Kappa Alpha 2; Sigma hall 0 (1 draw). Delta Upsilon 3; Canard club 0. Phi Gamma Delta 2; Omega hall 1. Theta Chi 3; Scotch Terriers 0. Sigma Phi Epsilon 0; Kappa Sigma 3. Yeomen default to Delta Tau Delta. Gamma hall 0; Sigma Nu 3. Phi Delta Theta 3; Phi Kappa Psi 0. Sherry Ross hall 0; Sigma Alpha Epsilon 0. •Campbell co-op 1; Sigma Chi 2. FINE FOOTWEAR 103/ rt.'LLAMETTE ST CLASSIFIED • Dressmaking PETITE_DRESSMAKING SHOP. 583 E. 13th St. Ph. 1058. • Lost _ GOLD LION HEAD diamond ring in gymnasium. Reward. Call Vic Nudelman, phone 2898. ♦ Found Found from University Depot 1 dissecting set 5 pr. glasses Assorted pens and pencils 3 sets keys Miscellaneous gloves, scarfs, purses 1 overcoat 1 leather jacket 3 wool jackets 3 men's hats 3 rain jackets 6 umbrellas 1 Bible 4 accounting books 10 English 1 Shakespeare 2 hygiene 2 psychology 1 reporting 1 German 2 French Miscellaneous notebooks These articles rua^y be obtained by > calling at the University depot in the heating plant. There will ; be a chai'Sn c£ Jive csgts fcp each — • •• ajfcicje.