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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1940)
DUCK TRACKS By GEORGE PASERO, Co-Sports Editor Oregon Daily Emerald With the Atherton report and the resultant curbs on methods of aiding athletes reverbrating up and down the coast, one Dick Hyland, masterful and outspoken columnist of the Los Angeles Times, comes out with the smartest bit of criticism of the situation yet read by your correspondent. Hyland, the man who presented UCLA with the booing champion ship last fall as a result of conduct by Bruin rooters during the Oregon game, raps the professors for their part in the "you-must-not” decrees, suggests that these professors, high moguls of the Pacific Coast con ference, spend every third year working for a living instead of pro fessoring, so that they would at least begin to suspect that materia! and practical items have their place in this world as well as do their (quote) “fuzzy" theories . . . also that moralizing through proclama tions is ineffective . . . that it’s against human nature. Whew! 600,000 Pages Furthermore, Hyland charges the professorial grand moguls with ( “failing to recognize the laws of the state and federation of states under which we now live,” and shouts to high heaven that the officials can't make their edicts “click.” Quoting Hyland: “The Grand Moguls hired an ex-G-Man to snoop for two years at a cost of $40,000, and acquire a flock of information regarding what was going on in their own colleges. This information, he placed, reputedly, in a 600,000-page report. My, oh, my! If this be education and efficiency, give me ignorance and waste. I know half a dozen sports writers on the Pacific coast who could sit in front of their typewriters and produce sufficient verified data on 10 pages to indicate and prove what has been taking place in the Pacific Coast conference for years. Putting the same information on 600,000 words is rank redundancy, simply repeating over and over what is already proven. Hyland’s Challenge “At the moment your reporter is looking for a GOOD athlete. He will subsidize that athlete. He will be a good student, or he is not a good athlete, in my book. So his scholastic standing being equal to or above that of the average college undergraduate, he will get in no trouble on that score. He will go to a state college in the Pacific Coast conference, whichever one he picks. AND LET US SEE BY WHAT DENIAL OF HIS—AND MY—PRIVILEGES AND RIGHTS UNDER THE STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS, MR. EDWIN ATHERTON, COMMISSIONER FOR THE PROFESSORS, AND THE PROFESSORS, WILL PREVENT THAT BOY FROM COMPETING ON ATHLETIC TEAMS AT THAT COLLEGE SO LONG AS HE IS ELIGIBLE IN ALL OTHER WAYS EXCEPT THROUGH THE ACCEPTANCE OF FINANCIAL AID PROCURED THROUGH ME.” ineyre stilt Tigers No, Baseball High Commissioner Landis’ “crack-down” on the Detroit Tiger’s diamond organization doesn’t affect the status of Bob Hardy, Busher Smith, and Ford Mullen, the big three of Oregon’s 3939 baseball club and all members of the Tiger chain now. How do we know? Well, Dick Strite of the Register-Guard, in order to quiet rumors and speculation, wired back to the Chicago Associated Press bureau, and the answer stated definitely that no mention of the three players was made in the decision by Landis which cost the Detroit club some $500,000 in cold cash and players. The clubs they were affiliated with, Beaumont (Pitcher Hardy), and Lake Charles (Infield ers Mullen and Smith), were mentioned in the ruling, however. Who Said “Weak at the Boards?’’ Just a few figures to show that it was the shooting and not the backboard work, as so many of us have opined, that beat the Ducks last Friday in their game with Oregon State. Fact is, these Statistics, coin piled by the McArthur court managers, show that the Ducks have been mighty effective at the glass-boards all year ... in only one game, the final Rubenstein affair, have Hobby's boys been outclassed, and then it was excusable for the Ducks were dead on their feet after prob ably the longest road tour ever made by a collegiate hoop team. Cer tainly the longest of the year. In the Oregon State game, the Oregons grabbed 27 rebounds to Oregon State's 30, this despite a height handicap. Shooting, however, was a different matter, the Ducks casting off 58 times and canning only 8, a very poor 13.8 per cent. Contrast this with Oregon State’s 13 for 34 tries, or 38.33 per cent. The Idaho games were different stories as far as shooting was con cerned, the Ducks hitting 17 for 56 and 20 for 72 while Idaho was con necting with 11 for 45 and 16 for 50. At the boards in these two Vandal games, the Webfoots dominated completely, taking 41 rebounds in the first game to 18 for Idaho and 36 in the second game to 33. Not so bad for a team that was supposed to be weak in picking off rebounds. SALE! Overcoats^ Topcoats 12#8 i Save extra now! Price slashed! Four days only! Choose from full assortments. Pay for your new coat while you wear it. Here are all the latest styles, like balmacaans, raglans, guard coats. Plain colors, over squares, herringbones. Regular $16.75 O'Coats $8.88 Frosh Oppose Dallas Tonight Roster Riddled by Foot Injuries As Warren's Yearlings Face Seventh Game in Valley City By DON C. CAWLEY With the Dallas high game slated for tonight, Honest John War ren will be forced to floor a team minus four of his regulars. Don Kirsch, John Tuttle, Warren Taylor, and Jake Werschkul will all be on the side lines as the yearlings face their seventh high school op ponent at Dallas. Kirsch and Tuttle are definitely out of the contest with injured ankles. Kerschkul has an injured foot, and Taylor has only an outside cnance to piay, navmg naa six stitches taken in a mouth injury that he received in the scrimmage against the varsity. Bubalo to Start Warren plans to start Sidesinger and Bubalo at the forward slots, Wally Borrevik at center, and Reynolds and Baker at the guard posts. These five probable starters have been working quite well to gether during the past few scrim mages and should prove to be worthy opponents for the Dallas men. The frosh record thus far stands at five wins and one loss. Their only defeat came at the hands of the Longview Lumberjacks last Saturday night in a game at Long view. Don Kirsch is the pleading scorer on the team to date, closely followed by Wally Borrevik. Jake Werschkul, who has 27 points to his credit in only three games, has the highest average on the team. The scoring of the frosh thus far: Kirsch .38 • Borrevik .36 Taylor ....31 Werschkul.27 Sidesinger .22 Tuttle.18 Reynolds .14 Bubalo .10 Baker . 6 Fuhrman . 6 McMahon.4 Graham . 4 Lydegraf . 4 Anderson . 4 McKeavitt.2 Simpson . 1 WSC Trips Orangemen Conference Standings W L Per. Washington State .... 3 1 .750 Oregon State .3 1 .750 Oregon . 2 1 .687 Washington . 1 1 .500 Idaho . 0 5 .000 The Washington State Cougars clawed their way into a tie for the Northwest conference lead last night at Pullman by downing Ore gon State, 47 to 40, in an uproar ious melee that saw five Beavers and two Cougars leave the game on fouls. The defeat, the Beaver's first dropped them from the un disputed lead, and was a disastrous start for their Inland Empire road trip. Led by Bud Olson, high point man for the evening, the Cougars battled the Orangemen on even terms during the first half, and led by one point at the intermission, 19 to 18. In the second half, Wash ington State pulled away as the loss of Valenti, Hunter, Jack Mul der, and the Mandic brothers weak ened the Beaver squad. Olson, who collected 15 points, and Lindeman with ten were high point men for WSC, while Tony Romano led the Orange with 1-2 Jennings, Washington State cen ter, provided the crowd with a thrill when he sank a field goal in the wrong basket, giving two points to the Beavers. 4000 fans watched the two teams commit 43 personal fouls in the roughest game of the season. Wash. State (17) (i0) OSC Cllase' 1 .F.2, F. ManiJie Undeman, 10* ...F. i2, Romano Jennings. 2... C. 0, J. Mandic 0hjon’15 G. 6, Hunter Hooper, 0.G. 2 Stitt Sundquist, ».. S. 5, Mulder Butts’ 4 .S 0, Dement Gcnt'y’6 S. o, Valenti Atkms'°.s. o. Kruger S. 1, Shaw S 0, Warren S 2, Jennings* •Jennings score for wrong team, oy uiiola-ke. ■J 11 Bond, professor of business administration, is conducting a -’lass in property insurance in Eu gene tins term. The class carries bill University credit, and is sim l±X <0 f_ ,ri l’" p; J « l * soxid m Pertiaai tenaa. NOTICE Sigma Delta Psi will hold a meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. in room 101, PE build ing. Pledges Cris Madera , Ray Dickson, and Verlyn Wolfe are to be initiated, and all members must be there, according to President Jim Buck. Duck Mermen Leave Friday For Husky Meet 8 Men Placed on Traveling Squad By Coach Cutler A nine-man University of Ore gon swimming team, Coach Russ Cutler, and Senior Manager Jim Selders will head north Friday af ternoon at 12:25 for Seattle and the swim meet Saturday at 2 p.m. with the University of Washington. Eight swimmers making the trip are definite, but the ninth man is still in doubt. Fighting it out for this position are Pierce Mallory, Harold Chung-Hoon, and Jim Mar nie, freestylers. Mallory Fast Mallory, a letter-earner last year, is just a recent turnout whose experience puts him on par with the other two contestants, despite his few workouts. Marnie, varsity man last season who has been ill and worked out this week for the first time this term, is another speedy freestyler. Harold Chung Hoon, a Honolulu boy, placed him self among varsity swimmers with his fast times in recent intersquad meets and in time trials. Smith Out A civil service examination, date of which cannot be changed, will keep Freestyler Jim Smith off the traveling squad for the Seattle trip. Swimmers making up the squad will include Ralph Lafferty and Jack Dallas, breaststrokers; Gerald Huestis and Sherm Wetmore, backstrokers; A1 Sndner and Ralph Cathey, divers; Jerry MacDonald and Dick Smith, freestylers. Cutler said his team would ar rive in Seattle Friday night at 9:20 and taxi immediately to the New Washington hotel. Following the meet Saturday afternoon, the team will attend the Oregon-Wash ington basketball game in the Husky pavilion. The return trip will start at 11:30 Saturday night j and finish in Eugene at 11:55 a.m. j Sunday. Four Coed Teams Start Donut Flay Four teams take the floor today as coed intramural basketball gets under way. DG will meet Alpha Gan\ at 5 in the inside gym, while Susie takes a stand against AOPi in the, outside gym. Thursday's games will start at i o'clock with the Alpha Chis and Tri Delts playing in the inside gym. At five, Hendricks hall and Sigma Kappa v/ill take over the inside floor as ADPi challenges Pi Phi in the outside gym. Practices may be scheduled for Friday and heart checks must be posted at the infirmary before , com pet mg in any games. ( .Next week's schedule follows: Tuesday, .January 23 at 4 p.m— Kappa vs. Grides, Coop vs. DO. At it — iieta vs. Chi O, Theta vs , AOPi. Pill V5. ednesday at 0 — Gamma vs. Alpha Chi, Alpha Gam Lucky Stars. Thursday at 4— Susie vs. ADPi Tri Delt vs. Kappa. At 3—Alpha ” •* 4 ' - - • Big John Here’s John Dick, Oregon’s veteran center, going up into the aii to drop the ball through the hoop. He’ll get plenty of chances to d< just this Friday and Saturday when the Ducks play Washington ai Seattle. * Phi Delts, Canards, Supers, Clubmen, Betas Win Hoop Tilts Kirkwood Defaults to Fijis; Scribes, Pi Kaps, DUs, Omegas, Sig Eps Bow In #B' League Competition By BEKNIE ENG1ED Two routs and the first default of the season featured yesterday’s intramural basketball “B” play, Kirkwood co-op failed to show up and thus pave the Fijis a 1 to C victory, but Manager A1 Samples plans to have a squad on hand for the next contest. Two defaults would cause loss of entrance points. Phi Delta Theta made effective use of the fast break as thej dropped the Scribes, a team com posed of Emerald staff members, 36 to 13; Beta Theta Pi ran over Omega hall, 45 to 8, for the sea son’s highest margin o fvictory; the Superchargers edged Sigma Phi Epsilon, 12 to 11; 668 club beat Pi Kappa Alpha, 10 to 8; and Can ard club chastened the Delta Upsi lon five, 18 to 7. Lineups: Phi Delts (36) (13) Scribes Lidstrom, 12.F.Phelps Schweiger, 10.F. 8, Wright Dickson, 4.C. Christianson Feasley, 2.G. Pasero Dyer, 4.G. Buchwacb Johnson, 4.S.4, Nelson Phillippi.S. 1, Watson Arbucklc.S Watson.S. Parson Valpi&ni. .. g Betas Four It On With Don Turner shaking liis :urls to tally 16 points, the Betas aad a 20 to 5 advantage at the mlf and held the Omega hall men scoreless during the third frame .vhile boosting their own score to 51. Tony Crish, Paul Beard, Les kVerschkul, and Turner all played •>ang-up ball for the frat men. Lineups; iJetas (45) (K) Omega rurner, 16 K.. 2, Maxwell iVerachkul, 17 . F. 2, Cutler 'Joorad, i.C.. Hohrer lemow, 8.G. 3, Phelps 3eard, 4.G. Inahai a :n»h, 6. S. Sever •"ichcr . ...S i'raig.. .... -.H loff . . S Superchargers Win The Supercbarger-Sig Ep clash tided in a thrill. With the count 2 to 11 for the independents, the lorn blew just as the referee ailed a foul on the chargers. Lee took two shots, but the ension vj.- too great, and he wa itable to hr tearn. The I u lei 3 to 8 at the hall, laiseupi. i Sin Kps (II) (13) SujK'rchar^t'rt Brantley F ... .. Jossj Remio!ds F. 5, Jaspei Richardson, 1.C. 5, Wolfe Haskins, 9 G. B. Flavelk Gray.G.2, R. Flavelk Hutchins S— Burkhardl Evenson.S. Dulanej Sinclair,! S Clubmen Triumph Composed of the tenants ol Sloan’s rooming house at 668 East Thirteenth street, the 668 club led all the way in the day’s low-scor ing match. The count stood 2 to C at the end of the first quarter anc 5 to 3 at the half. Lineups: I'i Kaps (8) (10) 668 Clut McKenzie, 3 Yancey Gennettc, 2 Jacobson, 1 Wilson, 2 Kcx.. Richmond. Dinstead Moses. . K. ..C... ,o . G.. H . .S.. .S s J. Jcnsor 1, Rosi . 2, Keinci A. Jensor . 7, McKibber . Rosi Bannister Canard Trips ht s With Wee Wilbur Bishop doing the ballhav/king, the Canard five got hot in the last quarter and scored 8 points while holding the DCs scoreless. The match was a tussle from start to finish with several of the players unable to find their sea-legs and so adopting the British policy of muddling through. Lineupa: or (7> Ripper Wagner Anderson Leahy, 2 Stuhr Crosby, 1 Moshofsky Sorenson. 1 Shot. . XJ. V E . C.. G. <18) Canard 3, Herndon Holcomb 3, Bowcrly .. 5, Bishop 6, Carr 1, Hirsh But&in Billing. 'Rebuilt’ Huskies, Ducks Await Clash By KEN CHRISTIANSON I Coach “Uncle” Hoc Edmundson, ■ : Washington coach, is having his I troubles with that driving basket ball team which finished second in division play to Oregon national champs last year. The genial Husky mentor lost four of his last year's starters as did Coach Howard Hobson of the Webfoots. He has had to build his 1940 team around Big Bill McDon I aid, rangy center and captain of I the squad. Both the Oregon and Washing ton lineup will feature new faces and forms compared to the squads floored last year. These two teams I will continue their fast-breaking rivalry Friday and Saturday nights in Seattle’s university pavilion. Oregon had to rebuild its team around John Dick, all-Western j NCAA forward. ' Captain George Gone With the loss of Pat DoPsey, Hoy Williamson, Dick Voelker, Har ry Lockhart, and last but not least Captain George Ziegenfuss, Ed mundson has been handicapped. One of the “sparkplugs” of the team is Bob Dorr, returning letter man, who was out at the first of the season with a bad heart. He is back in the lineup now, but it is not known how long he will be able to stand the pace. McDonald provides most of tire Washington i height under the backboard. One of the best men on the team j is Sophomore Harry Nelson, all I state player from Utah. He is a i high scorer, tall, and wears glasses | which doesn't hamper his shooting I eye. Voelker Boys Set The two Voelker boys, Jack and Bob, are probable starters for the weekend clash. Jack is a forward while Bob can play either forward or guard and is only a sophomore. Bob Lindh, another sophomore who plays forward, has been going well in games to date .He was an all city choice in Seattle. Against Minnesota, one of the drivingest of the driving teams, Washington boasted a four-inch height advantage, yet the Gophers ran over them. Washington was able to take but one of three games from the Minnesotans with a last ! minute scoring splurge. Ducks Scrimmage Washington split with Washing ton State in their two first confer ence games. The Huskies look the first game with a one-point margin in an overtime period. Hobson, in preparing his Ducks for their series with Washington, scrimmaged them against Anet’s Oregon’s last night. He used all 15 of his squad against the ex-Ore gons. “It was an even scrimmage,” de Going SKinig.-* 'llion lio sure (hat you car is protected hv EVER KEADY PBESTONE. GLEN ROBERTSON Your Smiling Associated Dealer _ 7th and Oak Hey Students ! ! A real treat's waiting for you it you haven't, been to the Dutch Girl —come in any time while flown town . . . ‘•Served by our pretty Dutch tiirb” Dutch Girl DRI\£--!> Ofi " illaciette, between •« ' >J* 1V*l. HOBBY’S BOYS By LEN BALLIF VIC TOWNSEND Vic “Twinkletoes” Townaend they call him. Although he has been on the Oregon campus only five months, young Townsend has received more recognition for those “twinkletoes” than most students achieve in four years. Vic first sprang into the lime light at the AWS carnival, when he won the jitterbug contest. Then came basketball, and Townsend won his way to the first string and proved he belonged there when Coach Hobson took the Ducks east for nine gruelling games. "Purdue was the toughest of the teams we played,” said Vic. “Yeh,” added John Dick, apply ing the finishing touches to a coke, “and Baltimore had the roughest. Those boys didn't fool around when they played basketball—they went right out and played foot ball!” Up With Berry Vic is a transfer from Compton junior college, where he played basketball on the same team with Buck Berry and Dick Home two years ago. His present athletic status is that of a junior, although this is his first year at Oregon. “Officiating varies all over the country,” claimed Vic. “Contrary to some rumors, the officiating in our New York game with Long Island university was exceptionally good. In some parts of the country they call you for checking, in other parts they don't.” Although Townsend hails from Huntington Park, California, he said he likes Oregon weather, espe cially for its versatility. In the Ducks’ first two confer ence games, Townsend scored 17 points, most of them the result of a fast-break followed by a never miss cripple shot. dared Hobson, “Our team didn’t look too impressive.” The Oregon coach, Bob Officer, trainer; Lloyd Robbins, student manager, and an undetermined number of players will leave at 9:10 a.m. Thursday. Tuxedos that are tops at DeNeffe’s The big outstand ing value, in single or double- breasted models. Now only $25.00 With complete accessories $30.00 Hollywood Tux edos, the last word in style $42.50 AND REMEMBER— WE RENT TUXEDOS I If it’s Skiing .... thai you have in mind, for tlie weekend, you’ll find \ the “right” thing at DeNeffe’s Lest You Forget— Our Disposal Sale is still hitting on high Your Downtown Campus Store