Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 13, 1940, Page Two, Image 2

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    The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the University of Oregon, published daily during the college year except
Sundays, Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods. Subscription rates: $1.26 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as
second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Ore.
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC., college publishers’ representative,
420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Boston—Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland and Seattle.
Lyle Nelson, Managing Editor Jim Frost, Advertising Manager
Helen Angell. News Editor Betty Jane Thompson, Chief Night Editor Marge Finnegan, Women’s Editor
George Pasero, Co-sports Editor Jimmie Leonard, Assistant Managing Editor Jack Bryant. Staff Photographer
Elbert Hawkins, Co-sports Editor Hal Olney, Assistant Managing Editor Ken Christianson, Assistant Sports Editor
Mary Ellen Smith, National Advertising Ray Cook, Merchandising Manager Executive Secretaries:
Frederick Ehlcrs, Classified Manager Herb Anderson, Circulation Manager Janet Farnham
Charles Kenyon, Staff Photographer Emily Tyree
Four Classes, One Constitution—Why Not?
JF ever a class came out of a tight corner by
flic skin of their teeth it was the juniors yes
terday, and if ever a student official had a
close shave without reference to harboring it
was out-again in-again Jim Pickett, who now
seems safely reinstalled in his presidential
Yesterday morning it looked as if the
junior class was headless at the worst possible
• time, just as Junior Weekend groundwork
was about to begin. The class had even had
to consider electing new officers, which would
constitutionally require a two-wcck wait.
Out of all four undergraduate classes the
" juniors are the ones who can least afford to
“ be without leadership at this or any other
time. With the shadow of Junior Weekend
— hovering over them already, their big moment
both financially and dramatically, they can let
no grass grow under their feet from now until
the last day of that weekend in late spring.
* * *
JL LL filings considered, it lakes no very
astute analyst to discover Unit the junior
class, in the near-eligibility of one and the
non-return of Ihe other top class officers,
nearly suffered an almost fatal blow. The
seriousness of the junior predicament is not
to be forgotten even though the story in this
ease had a happy ending, with Picket restored
by the scholarship committee.
The scrape the juniors got themselves into
serves to point out with picture-clearness the
looseness of class constitutions. The juniors in
this ease were not even certain which docu
- ment was theirs, for one belonged to the
- “junior class of 1940“ and the other, drafted
when the present juniors were sophomores
belonged to the “sophomore class of 1041.’’ It
" took the judiciary in a full legal decision, to
decide that a class “may proceed to fill their
vacancies in accordance with the constitution
adopted by them as freshmen and need not
abide by the constitution of tlie preceding
The juniors have had a close call, one
which should serve as fair warning to other
classes that such contingencies arc possible.
# # #
JJOWEVER, in spite of a perfectly human
tendency to accept, such difficulties as
inevitable, it is apparent that at least one way
out has been considered. Thursday the ASUO
executive committee declared itself in favor
of one constitution for all classes; the com
mittee voted that a constitutional committee
composed of all officers of all classes lie au
thorized to draw up a constitution to lit all
H<irc is fin idea so simple, so obvious, lliat
it seems almost too easy. Yet it lias more real
strength than any proposal affecting classes
for the last live years. With such a standard
constitution there would he no room for
flexibility among class organizational setups.
Neither would there he the waste attendant
upon the formulating of a new constitution
every time a new class enters the University.
A new class can have slight idea what it will
need or what it can have in the line of class
constitutions. The AiSUO constitution does
not change each year just because there are
1200 or so new students in school, yet it is a
satisfactory instrument.
The idea is simple, but it is also revolu
tionary for here. No high-pressure selling is
hereby intended. In fact, it is practically a
sure thing to catch on by itself on its own
merit. It is likely that by next year there will
be only one constitution governing all classes.
Behind the
Eugene had no riot squad
capable of handling the Kappa
Sig-Sigma No affair Thursday
night . . . traditions between the
houses permit one house to
waterbag the pledges of the
other house when the pledges
arc forced to go into the narrow
pasageway between the houses
and sing . . . WATERBAGGING
with eggs before game time
wasn't scheduled, neither were
the broken windows, so "Cur
ley” Gurley and company, al
ways masters of the situation,
broke out the Kappa Sig fire
department and proeeded to put
a good portion of the McKenzie
river in the sleeping porch of the
Sigma Nus. . . . The water ran
out faster than the fire hose
could spout it in, so it wasn't
suitable for swimming, but then
it wasn't so good for sleeping
Seoin' as liow reports arc
drifting: down from the Cougar
lair, it is possible that the right
MAUIANNK, a I’i Phi, might
gather in this bit of news that
some guys have time to write
and some don't. O. K. Joe?
Getting back to Oregon’s
Jeanette Nielson, a Susie with
promise . . . who has to lie asked
for a date by an all-coast foot
ball player, only to have a date
with an insignificant DU . . .
what a life . . .
Dance ?
Ne\! week, the WAA I. going
to throw a formal, the first one
of the term, so rumored. . . .
The WAA i the Women s Ath
letic association, with the only
thing athietie rbout the affair
still in the embryo stage
Margaret Young, who has a dt •
mond. and Klly K,ne<lnlil, the
girl who left three boy friends
bark home, seem to be (he one,
who are starting the hall In roll
Anything but harmony rcigci..
around the shack these days a.
Bee Sebum. AOPi takes over
wdiere other "Onward Christian
son Soldiers” failed. . . The ad
fctaff L croud to cu:u’ u:r
Jiiitt Risg, a KAPPA,
ao ,v
working for them . . . only bit
of sunshine in the department
seems to be) the part that John
l*i 11k carries. . . . Pink, remem
ber, was a celebrity of two
years ago when he amused Em
erald readers with his "Pink's
Lemon-Aid". . . . Norm Foster
doesn’t appear much at the
Siberrian any more, that end of
the campus lacks something for
him nowadays. . . . Hendricks
room 9 takes the spotlight as
Annette Turn, Barbara Wolfe,
Lillian Zidel, and Jeon (iiiltl
sinltli swing out with a bit of
“college stuff.”
Hardest person on the cam
pus to dig is in the school of
journalism, Assistant Professor
J. L. C. Ford. . . . He just can't
bo. beat . . .
“Curb Cruising”
The Clu b Cruiser takes a side
trip to date ltob Vaughn, Dll
proxy, for tonight’s limp.
Leap year hint: Jimmie Leon
ard can Unit socks, by his own
Neatest bit of arranging of
tlie week was done by an Alpha
Phi who lias ttirec equally im
portant men in her life. . . . The
Phi had to make the decision
. . . but by some fate, two of
the three had an initiation in
Portland the same date as the
Phi house dance. . . . Jim Buck
has a .$.r> standing bet Unit lie
won’t date this term . . . also
heard that lie is secretly en
gaged to a girl in Baker . . .
l'.li/abel h Adams ... a Chi l).
. . . Bear,lie Nestor plants his
pill on a girl so he can get his
name published, so he tells the
sports staff. ... A censor is a
person that sees three sides to
a story when there arc really
only two. and has a mind ac
cordingly. Bud Nestor date..
' irginia Ihiten, who writes to
Ted Tulle, in Cal, who dales?
who writes to? . . . M:u> Jane
Shephard's t ie Tom intend does i
swell job of jitterbugging on
the Igloo floor these nites, but
docs lie like a solo? Halfback
on the Theta varsity football
I1 am, Nancy Latourette, took
a dive in a conveniently located
mud puddle the other day. . . .
Question of the week: What,
happened to Virginia Too re to
make her break her foot on the
econd floor of the Theta house ’
Nancy l.ardiner, Hendrick who
never does anything . . . didn't
Jo anything again last Batuiday
night. . . Roy Me trier was m
i hurry to lie initiated into Licit i
l au Delta, so they held a special
initiation a week before, iuiil..
• . . Iliey dieUit hd\e j. pm
Wh«ezo Justified, for Once
If you heard the Kollege of
Musical Knowledge last Wed
nesday you will agree that poor
old Kay Kyscr certainly had a
terrible time on that broadcast.
When he first came on the air
Kay sounded like a combination
of Andy Devine and Jimmy Du
rante, which, if you can imag
ine it, is sompin’ awful. The
once loud and resonant Kyser
vocal cords were reduced to a
wheezing whisper comparable
to a bull frog with asthma. Kay
laughed it off, saying he was
just recovering from a slight
cold. It must have taken a lot
of nerve to go on the air and
feebly croak through a whole
hour’s broadcast . . . It's hard
on the radio audience, too, as
everyone feels uncomfortable
and keeps unconsciously trying
to clear his own throat.
I'ra/.eo Sisters Free
Popularity records arc being
set by the Krazee sisters, Until
and Jane. These gals and their
spine-tickling harmony are def
initely carving a niche in the
world of swing. They were rid
ing high on the Monday night
Larry Clinton show before, it
went off the air. Clinton is now
vacationing in Bermuda and
the Frazees are looking for a
new spot with the unique ad
vantage of being able to dic
tate their own terms. They
should be back on the air very
dS.Othl to I Against llit
If you are going into song
writing for a living you have a
merry time ahead of you. Get
ting a song published makes
finding a needle in a haystack
look like child’s play. 1'hcre are
approximately one hundred
thousand songs submitted to
music publishers every year.
By various processes of elimin
ation less than six hundred of
these songs reach records, mo
• •eoige Orach donated his for
the occasion . so, Key planted
George's pin on a UCLA coed.
. Now George wants liis pin
1- titit put* t.. o ei ui tv-gisi
the * bill.
Unrest in the Igloo Basement
^J'MtE basement of McArthur court is about
as far down as that edifice extends. And
holding forth in that same basement is a crew
of young men whose affairs are nearly down
to tiie basement level, in terms of psychology.
Specifically, the reference is to student ath
letic managers.
They are not exactly unhappy, these un
paid toiling activity men, nor is their.status
such as to be unbearable. But things are not
entirely beer and skittles with the managerial
staff, and there seems to be some justification
for their manifest desire for change.
First notice of unrest among the managers
came near the end of fall term, when the
managers developed a yen to organize on their
own hook. They drew up a tentative constitu
tion and presented it to the AS1JO executive
committee for consideration. That body, after
due study, gave the matter into the hands of
Dean Earl, who was to look up its constitu
tionality under the AiSUO. Thursday the man
agers got their answer, after the executive
committee had met. The managerial code was
held to overlap the ASUO constitution, and
to conflict with its by-laws.
'JMIK managers, the boys who spend from
three to five hours every clay of the week
pawing over equipment and earing for the
wants of various athletic squads, wanted their
own organization. They wanted more awards,
to prevent dropping out. at the end of the
second or third year. Managers work up all
the way through their four-year stay at the
University, from freshman menials to the
responsible number-one spot of the senior
year. Under the ASUO rules only third and
fourth-year men draw awards and sweaters.
The proposed constitution asked awards for
all, of a slightly different type. Sophomores
were to receive sweaters, whereas under the
present setup only juniors and seniors do.
More than that, they wanted to operate under
the rules of the Pacific Coast Athletic asso
ciation, which are not exactly those of the
In asking for more awards the athlete
servers were probably justified. They work
just as long and hard as those whom they
serve, getting little recognition for their work.
They accept a lowly status. It is the kind of
work which, if it does not draw pay, deserves
other compensation. As it is now all they get
is junior-senior sweaters and a couple of trips
a year. They should not have to ask recogni
tion. At WSC the managers struck for pay,
and they got it.
* * *
to the need for organizing, especially
under rules which confliet with their stu
dent body constitution, there is room for ques
tion. At any rate the managers were Thurs
day given the chance to revise their proposed
All this would perhaps be regarded as of
little moment were it not for the fact that
the managers have come to the point where
they are understaffed and with little prospect
for improvement. Three managers take care
of both the varsity and frosh basketball
squads, and there is room for three times the
As if the other points were not enough
they have a unique political problem at the
same time. As nearly as can be determined; the
senior manager has much to do with his suc
cession, and once in power individual houses
have clung to their senior managerships in
the different sports for a period of years. By
now it amounts to practically dynasty, as far
as top managing jobs arc concerned.
There is work there in that Igloo base
ment, work which boys arc apparently willing
to do. That all is not smooth sailing is un
fortunate. Managers can only keep trying to
find the solution. If organization is the answer
it should be permitted, within reason. It is
little enough to ask.
In the
I think that Bill Moxley's
Band Box column ha^ great
potentialities. Although I would
like to offer certain suggestions.
For one I would suggest that ho
Would get a little more personal
touch in his description of the
outstanding bands in America.
Tell more about their start as a
band leader, their hobbies, their
families, their featured vocal
ists, etc.
As I have already stated the
column has certain potential
ities and appeals that to the
average college, student inter
ested in swing music will make
him more up to date on the cur
rent swing sensations.
Sincerely yours,
Kcrmit Smith.
Dear Sir:
I would like to express my
approval of your recently intro
duced feature, "The Band Box.’’
I am very interested in popular
nance music and I read each
column of "The Band Box” as
soon as I open the Emerald.
Where does Bill Moxley get all
of his information?
I wish he would include more
record reviews. They serve as
an excellent guide for the rec
ords 1 have an opportunity to
purchase from time to lime..
1 hope you will continue to fea
ture "The Band Box” in the
Emerald. It is my sincere opin
ion that this column is widely
read and of great interest to
many students.
W. K.
Dear Editor:
The new column in the Em
erald by Bill Moxley is a good
one. I think it should he con
tinued. By making good sug
lioti pictures, or radio. Of the
six hundred which reach the
public ear, less than two bun
dled acquire any prominence.
Of these two hundred, less than
twenty reach big money popu
larity. And lof these twenty,
only two or three will sell over
-50,000 copies. All of which
makes the odds about 115,000 to
one of writing the hit of the
Bonnie to "Johnnie" for flickers
California, here she comes.
Yes, Wee Bonnie has been
signed for a motion picture to
be produced in the very near
future. And of course she is go
ing to sing "Oh Johnnie" on the
screen. Some people think a
movie debut will be Wee Bon
nie's downfall Sounds logical,
too, because when her millions
of fans find out she really isn't
on *• ■ >l ‘l «♦ i w -• Dj ^
awfully disappointing.
gestions it saves me time and
money when I buy new records.
A. F.
To the Editor:
I like your recent addition to
the Emerald of the “Band Box’’
very much and hope that it will
be continued.
B. S.
Bud Jermain, Editor
Oregon Daily Emerald
Dear Sir:
I am taking this opportunity
to write to you concerning Bill
Moxley's column, “The Band
In picking up your Oregon
“daily effort,” the first thing I
turn to is “The Band Box.” I do
this for the simple reason that
I, and many other students, are
interested in what is going on in
the world of swing. I think that
this column is one of the best in
your paper and I hope that you
will continue to print it.
Very truly yours,
Bob Dudrey,
Kathleen Brady, Chairman
Joan Stinnette Dorothy Horn
Kennett Lawrence Evelyn Neleon
Mary Jean McMorris
Mary Ellen Smith, National Advertising
Janet Rieg, Circulation
Rhea Anderson, Chairman
Lynn Johnson Don Brinton
Bob McGill
Kay Schrick
Betty Jane Thompson
Nisma Banta
Mildred Wilson
Jeff Kitchen
Betty Jane Biggi
Marion White
Dorothy Krcis
Wes Sullivan
Pat Erickson
Adrienne Flurry
Corine Lamon
Elsie Brownell
Jim Banks
Edith Ojjleshy
Helen Sawyer
Connie Averill
Jim Bronson
Jean Dunn
Kelley Hoi bait
Margaret Holfcrt,
Jonathan Kahananui
Billie Wade Boyd Copenhaver
Sue Ehrhart
Maigarct Young
Nancy Lewis
Bernard Engel
Bob Flavelle
Bob Potwin
Don Gibbons
Bill Fhetps
Austin Chancy
Rjv 1'os ter
Milt Lew
Jim Schiller
l.en Ballif
I>on Cowley
Paul McCarty
Jim Browne
Saturday Advertising Staff:
Bob Rogers, Adv. Mgr.
Elizabeth Dick
Margaret Girvin
Charles Staf ford (
Boyd Copenhaver ,
Copy Desk Stall:
Jack Buker, Copy Editor
Mary Ann Campbell, assistant
Wesley Sullivan
Thomas Wright
Jonathan Kahananui
.Night Stall :
Bill Borthwick, Night Editor
• Dressmaking
E. loth St. Ph. IOoS.
• Wanted to Rent
system clarinets for use in class,
niji. m;. 1 ■■ :*>’ Jov,r' 'I.
elm. toe hoot of Mu3ic.
'Hitler Told Me This'
Rated Top Mag Story
By Libe Authorities
The council of librarians has
published its list of December’s
best magazine articles.
Heading the selections is an ar-j
tide published by the American
Mercury, ( written by Hermann
Kauschning, and entitled “Hitler
i Told Me This.” It is an account
! written by one who was on the
| inside of Nazi affairs. It reveals
Nazi plans for exclusive world do
Merlo J. Pusey wrote an article
for Forum which won a place on
the list because of its description
of the United States’ capital city.
It is entitled “Washington: A Na
tional Disgrace.”
Other articles listed were:
“New Floors and Ceilings,” by
Beulah Amidon; “Communism Liq
uidates Itself,” by Nathaniel Pef
fer; "Jacob Epstein,” by David L.
Cohen; “The Man Who Gave Us
Christmas,” by Winifred Kirkland;
“The Department of State,” in
Fortune; “Gamelin,” by John It.
Tunis; “I Run for Congress,” by
Ben Martin; “France Makes Up
Her Mind,” by Vera Micheles
Oklahoma more than 75 years ago.;
i Dean.
Dr. J. F. Dashiell
Returns to Campus
For Summer Classes
Dr. J. F. Dashiell. nationally
known psychologist and head of
the psychology department at the
University of North Carolina, will
return to the University of Ore
gon campus this year to teach dur
ing the summer and post sessions,
it was announced Tuesday by Dr.
H. R. Taylor, head of the psychol
ogy department.
Dr. Dashiell taught here during
the post session last summer and
proved very popular with the stu
dents. Dr. Taylor said the depart
ment felt very fortunate in having
a psychologist as well-known as
Dr. Dashiell return to the campus.
An outstanding psychologist of
the United States, Dr. Dashiell is
a past president of the American
Psychological association and the
editor of “Psychological Mono
graphs.” He is also consulting edi
tor in the field of psychology, for
the McGraw-Hill publishing com
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