Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 05, 1939, Image 1

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Webfoot Football
Told Off—
Duck Tracks
Varsity Basketball
; Campus Wrestling
Eighty Journalists,
Friends Gather
At Honor Banquet
The book that brought renown
to Oregon’s Professor George
Turnbull two weeks ago when it
came off the press, got its official
acclaim from the students, col
leagues, and friends of the gray
haired author Saturday night when
over 80 people joined to honor him
at a banquet at the Anchorage.
Arranged by Sigma Delta Chi,
professional journalism fraternity,
the banquet honored the publica
tion of Turnbull’s 22-year work,
“The History of Oregon News
papers.” Speaking on the theme,
“Give the best to the world and
the best will come back to you,”
Harris Ellsworth, publisher of the
Roseburg News-Review, gave the
main address honoring the journal
ism professor.
JMisvvorth Kelates Career
Relating how Mr. Turnbull first
began his long career at the Uni
versity in 1917, Ellsworth spoke
of his own undergraduate days
under the author, then just fresh
fram a copyeditor job in Seattle.
Comparing the achievements of
Oregon journalism majors to those
of a champion football team, when
good coaching and installation of
the proper spirit are more import
ant than miracles, Ellsworth hark
ened back to early Oregon.
Citing the journalism professor
as “one of the ‘big four' coaches
responsible for this record,” the
Roseburg publisher named Dean
of Journalism Eric W. Allen, and
Professors W. P. G. Thacher and
Robert Hall as the other three.
Turnbull Praised
“George is really a brave man”
declared Doan Allen in opening the
evening’s program, “for if I’ve
counted correctly he has included
2150 names of figures in Oiegon
newspaperdom in the volume. Since
more than half of this group are
still alive, and the rest lived in an
era when numerous progeny was
the rule, there are plenty of child
ren here to complain if there are
errors,” he said.
Replying to the ovation accord
ed him, Mr. Turnbull thanked ban
quet guests for their interest, re
marking that “though lots of peo
ple have more friends than I have,
I’m sure none have any better
Autographed Book Presented
Roy Vernstrom, senior in jour
nalism, spoke in behalf of SDX
members, in presenting a copy of
Mr. Turnbull's own book to the au
thor, autographed with the names
of all guests and prominent fig
ures in journalism throughout the
state. Also given Mr. Turnbull was
a bound volume of letters from ad
mirers complimenting him on com
pletion of the book.
University President Donald M.
Erb expressed the school’s gratifi
cation for the achievement of the
faculty member. Sigma Delta Chi
President George Pasero acted as
Chinese to Win Out
Says U. Professor
“Western people with their dif
ferent point of view can see the
tragedy in every moment of Chi
nese life,” stated Professor Arthur
G. Dudley, assistant professor of
the business administration school,
Sunday evening at the open forum
of the Community Liberal church.
His subject was “China—Land of
Hope and Tragedy.”
The devastations wrought by
the Japanese armies do not daunt
them, for they regard these as no
worse than the devastations
w-rought by famine and flood for
countless centuries. Most of the
tragedy of China has been brought
by the foreigner,” Professor Dud
ley said.
Professor Dudley emphasizec
that the Chinese will be victorious
in their present struggle because
it is impossible to wear then
The above photograph was taken at the banquet held last Saturday night in honor of George S.
Turnbull commemorating his 23 years of service at the University. Harris Ellsworth, Roseburg publisher,
left, and Eric W. Allen, dean of the journalism school, took part in the festivities.
Hobson Will
Take Eleven
On Tour
Thursday Night
Rally to Herald
Team's Departure
Ringing cries of “rally, rally”
will once more echo throughout
the Oregon campus Thursday
night when students stage their
first big send-off of the 1939 bas
ketball season—a parting fanfare
for 11 Webfoot players who are
leaving on a transcontinental con
quest in the national hoop wars.
The rally will form at McArthur
court immediately following the
Oregon - Rubenstein's Oregonians
hoop contest, Bob Hochuli, pro
gram head, announced yesterday,
and will accompany the team to a
waiting train at the Eugene de
pot. Howard Hobson, Webfoot
coach, has moved starting time of
the contest ahead from 8 o’clock
to 7:15. The train will leave Eu
gene at 9:10 p.m. Thursday.
“We are planning a send-off ral
ly for this year’s squad' that will
match last spring's welcome for
the Oregon national champs,” ex
claimed Hochuli. “The University
band will play and bolster student
spirit to the boiling point for the
departure. We are expecting every
person on the campus to turn out
who possibly can.”
Of special significance to the
rally and game is the fact that it
will mark matching of two gener
ations of Oregon hoop material, j
The Rubenstein’s have three mem- j
bers of last year’s national cham
pionship quintet in their starting
lineup. They include Coach Bobby
Anet, Wally Johansen, and Laddie
Gale. The three are out to give
this year’s squad a going-away
present in the form of large de
Spark for Rubenstein revenge
may lie in the fact that the Ore
gonians lost last week to Southern
Oregon College of Education in a
close 43-42 contest. Howard Hob
son’s quintet is at present unde
feated and has run up a string of
(Please turn to page two)
Thumb Jerking
Too Strenuous?
Well How's This?
The originality of Oregon stu
dents exerted itself yesterday
with a new mode of hitch hiking
coming to the fore.
The new deal is rather com
plicated. The prospective hitch
hiker lies down by the side of the
road and gathers a few of his
colleagues around him to look
Some sympathetic driver is
bound to stop sooner or later at
which time the “corpse* arises
and requests a ride. He usually
gets it, too.
Sally Rand
Guest Speaker
Stage, Screen Star
Will Address
Alpha Delta Sigma
Sally Rand, star of the stage and
screen, will be guest speaker at
the annual initiation banquet of
Alpha Delta Sigma, national pro
fessional advertising fraternity,
Friday evening at 6:45 in the Eu
gene hotel, according to Gienn
Pownder, president.
Miss Rand, who will be in Eu
gene on a professional tour, will
address the group on advertising.
She has been favorably received
by the Advertising Federation of
Portland and the Milline club in
San Francisco.
A reception is planned in her
honor upon her arrival in Eugene
Friday morning. The formal ini
tiation of the fraternity will be
held Friday afternoon.
The initiation, an invitational
affair, is in charge of Pownder,
and the banquet is being organized
by Ed Turnbull of Shelton, Turn
bull, and Fuller, printers.
Those to be initiated are: Fred
Ehlers, Dave Compton, Bob Mills
paugh, Bob Calkins, Les Harger,
Fred May, Jess Shinn, and Bob
Christmas Seal Idea Born
In Mind of Danish Postman
Like all stories of great achieve
ment the life story of the Tuber
culosis Christmas seal is also the
story of men and women with vis
ion and perseverance enough to
make the great crusade successful.
The Christmas seal was born
j just 36 years ago in the mind of
a postal clerk in Copenhagen,
Denmark. While he was busy
, stamping envelopes and packages
the thought occurred to Einar Hol
boll. Why not put a tax on the mail
and obtain extra revenue that could
j be used for some philanthropic
purpose ? Why not use it for chil
dren who were ill with tuberculo
Tirst Sale in 1901
Einar Holboll wasn't the type
of man to let an idea die from lack
of effort so he soon had man}
pi’ominent people interested in hi'
proposition. The first Christma.'
seal sale was held in 1904, Decern
ber 6 to January 6, and over foui
million stamps were sold. Imme
diately, the idea became nationallj
In regard to the popular use o
the stamps Holboll said, “Letter:
without the stamps just simpl;
ate no good. Fortunately there an
many others who share my opin
! ion. I know an old woman in Ny
bouer who received two or threi
letters without them. She returns
them to the writers unopened, de
daring that she was not going t
([‘lease turn to puye taco)
New Record
Set by Dads
At Dinner
Portland Unit Host
To Outstanding
The largest number of Oregon
Dads ever to assemble, gathered
for dinner last Friday evening in
the Shrine ballroom of the Port
land Masonic temple to meet ex
ecutives and faculty members of
the University and become better
acquainted with their work.
Over 980 persons attended the
meeting which was declared by a
number of Oregon representatives
present to be the most outstanding
gathering of its kind ever held in
the state.
Portland Unit Host
Presented by the Portland unit
of the University of Oregon Dads,
the dinner offered fathers of the
Rose City a chance to meet and
learn the teaching objectives of the
people who direct the education of
their sons and daughters at
University President Donald M.
Erb was the principal speaker of
the evening. He- gave personal
sketches and biographical high
lights of each faculty member
present, after presenting them to
the audience. The contribution that
each school makes in building a
greater University was also ex
plained by Dr. Erb.
Hobson Addresses Group
Head Easketball Coach Howard
Hobson was also presented to the
group and spoke of the part that
athletics play in modern educa
tion. Hobson mentioned the fact
that nearly all the members of the
Oregon cage squad were native
j Oregonians, proving that t he state
1 really «can produce athletic talent.
Janet Smith, employment secre
tary, explained the purpose of the
j job placement bureau, and its
function in providing work for stu
Mothers of Phi Delta Theta re
ceived a prize donated by Dean
Vincent, president of the Portland
unit, and Dr. Burt Brown Barker,
j vice-president of the University,
for having sold the largest number
of tickets to the banquet. Vincent
acted as toastmaster for the occa
I sion.
Members of the Washington high
school band provided music for the
To Gather
In Villard Hall
Eugene house owners inter
ested in renting rooms or pro
! viding board of University stu
' dents will meet tomorrow after
noon at 2 o’clock in Villard hall.
Householders should bring
with them a list of available
rooms to be discussed and placed
1 on file, according to Mrs.
Evangeline Morris, housing sec
* j retary.
Heart Attack Causes Death
Of Dr. Robert Carlton Clark
1 Historical Writings
Concerning Texas
Earliest Work
The death of Dr. Robert Carlton
Clark, head of the department of
history in the University of Ore
gon, removes a man who was out
standingly active in both teaching
and research. His earlier historical
writings were centered around his
native state of Texas, where he
was born March 4, 1877, and in
later years he became a leading
authority on the history of Oregon.
Dr. Clark had both a bachelor's
and master’s degree from both
Texas Christian university and the
University of Texas, and he took
his degree of doctor of philosophy
from the University of Wisconsin
in 1905.
Th<‘sis Published
His doctor’s thesis, “The Begin
nings of Texas,” was published in
1907. After two years of history
teaching in Epworth university
and the Pennsylvania Normal
school, he came to the University
Qf Oregon os professor of history
in 1907 and has been a member of
the Oregon faculty ever since. On
the resignation of Dr. Joseph
Shafer as head of the University
of Oregon history department in
1920 Dr. Clark succeeded him in
charge of the department.
Dr. Clark is co-author with Rob
ert H. Down of Portland and Verne
Blue, now a researcher in the state
department at Washington, of a
textbook on the history of Oregon.
He is the author of a full-sized his
tory of the Willamette valley. He
contributed many articcls on Ore
gon history to the Oregon Histor
ical Quarterly. He wrote the his
(Plcasc lin n Id pcit/c two)
Wednesday Set!
For Co-op Fest
Turkey with all the trimmings
will be served at the all-coopera
tive dinner, tomorrow at G p.m.,
when men and coeds from campus
living organizations and Consumer
cooperative meet in the dining
room of the Methodist church for
their annual banquet, talk-fest, and
light program of entertainment.
A short humorous movie, a piano
duet, and a girls’ trio are included
on the program. Two campus rep
resentatives, Joan Murphy and
Kenneth Erickson, will speak.
Because finals are so near in
the offing, the banquet will begin
at 6 o’clock sharp, and neither the
! program nor speeches will be
I lengthy. Anyone interested is wel
come to attend.
Propeller Club Will
Show Sound Pictures
Sound pictures will be shown
Wednesday evening at 7:30 in
Chapman hall under the sponsor
ship of the campus Propeller club.
The movies are entitled “Ameri
ca's Good Neighbor Fleet.”
The new American merchant
marine that has been developed by
the United States Maritime com
mission to service the ports on the
American Atlantic coast will be
shown. The development of the
merchant marine, the various
North and South American ports,
and the trade between the ports
will also be depicted in this pic
I ture.
Historian of Oregon
l>r. R. C. Clark, head of the, University history department and
prominent historian of the state of Oregon, died yesterday morning
while addressing one of his elasses in Chapman hall.
i i
Dr. Clark's Nature
Shown by Incidents
By Belly Jane Thompson
History his vocation, avocation,
and hobby, Hr. R. C. Clark, whose
death yesterday shocked and sad
dened faculty and students alike,
was without peer in his field, Ore
gon history.
To many of his associates he ap
peared a living characterization of
the “typical” college professor.
Familiar to his students, col
leagues, and friends was Dr. Clark
with his hands behind his back,
his head bowed as if in deep
Geniality Noted
Genial, with a ready smile, his
ability to remember former stu
dents who return to the campus,
always created many friends for
him. Friends were not lacking even
though his demands were exact
ing. In all his work, for himself as
well as for others, Dr. Clark in
sisted on high scholarship arid ac
Although his work in recent
years has led him more and more
into the field of research, his fac
ulty member friends remember as
highlights in their association with
him the times when they were on
fishing and hiking trips. His will
ingness( to accept the unpleasant
duties on these trips won much
admiration. From this time, too,
comes the tales of his excellent
Accuracy Outstanding
Even in such pleasure-trips, his
desire for accuracy was noted, Dr.
James H. Gilbert, dean of the col
lege of social sciences, recalled.
Of this period, Dean Gilbert
said: “Dr. Clark was one of the
truest sportsmen on the Oregon
faculty. Knowing his tirelessness
and his physical vigor tested in
many a grueling test on mountain
trails and roads if is difficult for
his companions of those earlier
days to understand his untimely
“In these mountain trips he was
always willing to do his share and
(Phase turn to fane lion)
Another Pulitzer prize winning
play may be given this season on
the University theater stage. Mrs.
Ottilie T. Seybolt, director of
drama, has announced the depart
ment is considering the production
of Susan Glasp ell's “Allison’s
House” for an early winter term
“Allison's House” was given the
Pulitzer award in 1931 and would
succeed “Our Town” in the cam
pus theater as the second prize
winning play of the season.
“Winterset” by Maxwell Ander
son and “Night Must Fall” by E.
Williams are two other plays
which are being considered by the
theater group.
Mrs. Seybolt has invited faculty
and students to give their opinion
on the choice of a classical pro
duction for next term. “A phone
call or a visit to our office in
Johnson hall to let us know your
preference would be greatly ap
preciated," said Mrs. Seybolt,
Play Staging Course
Changed Next Term
During winter term the course
in direction of school and commun
ity plays, English 340, will be
changed to 9 o’clock Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday.
This course is intended especial
ly for upper division students who
are not majors in drama and who
expect to undertake play direct
ing along with their other duties
when they become teachers.
It is also a useful subject for
those who take work in public
music school and physical educa
tion where there is often need for
a knowledge of staging.
Mrs. Berg Ends Tour
Mrs. Ole Berg, province presi
dent of Alpha Xi Delta, returnee
to her home in Seattle Monday af
ter spending the weekend visiting
the Alpha Lambda chapter of A1
pha Xi Delta on the Oregon cam
pus. She was recently installed ii
her office and has now completec
her first inspection tour of thi
Oregon and Washington chapter;
which compose the province un
i der her jurisdiction.
Passing Unmarked
By Any Sign
Of Illness
A heart attack ifi the midst of
his regular 10 o’clock lecture to
University history students result
ed in the death yesterday morning
of Dr. Robert C. Clark, Oregon
professor since 1907.
Students who listened to his lec
ture recalled that there was no
sign of illness as Dr. Clark began
his lecture, or even just previous
to his collapse against the black
board. He was speaking on the
Jackson administration when he
fell to the floor.
Students Offer Aid
Students immediately rushed
forward to offer first aid, and
found him unconscious. Dr. Fred
N. Miller, head of the University,
was called but the professor had
passed away in the interim.
Tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock
in Veatch chapel, funeral services
will be held. Rev. Herbert Higgin
botham, minister of the Eugene
Unitarian church, will officiate.
Pallbearers will be Dr. J. H.
Gilbert, dean of the college of so
cial science; Dr. J. D. Barnett,
head of political science depart
ment; Dr. Dan E. Clark, professor
of history; Dr. Andrew Fish, as
sociate professor of history; and
Dr. J. T. Ganoe, associate profes
sor of history.
Classes Postponed
Dr. Clark’s classes in U. S. his
tory, Oregon history, and Amer
ican foreign relations will not meet
until after the funeral, when Dr.
Gilbert will make arrangements
concerning them. Between now
and the Christmas holidays the
social science dean will delegate
Dr. Clark’s classes to various
members of the department for
temporary professorship.
Sick 13 'Doing Okay/
Say Nurses, Despite
Visitor Restriction
In spite of the fact that patients
can no longer have their wards
filled with friends from two to
four every afternoon, the 13 stu
dents now abed in the infirmary
are “doing nicely,” nurses in the
infirmary revealed yesterday.
Both sick students and would-be
visitors have been very cooperative
since the new ruling was made, It
was reported.
Yesterday's sicklist includes:
Carl Little, Carolyn Sturgeon, Mar
vin Weinstein, George Vukcevich,
Mary Weinham, David Griffiths,
Don Childers, Lois Wellborn, Bob
Payne, Miriam Wood, Merritt
Wanty, Amie Thyng, and John
West Virginia university profes
sors have developed a new spray
that will make apples red.
Theta Sigma Phi meeting to
light at 7 o’clock in the shack. All
pledges and members should be
There will be a meeting of heads
of houses today at 4:15 p.m. in the
AWS room of Gerlinger.
Kvvama will meet this afternoon
i at 5 o'clock in the AWS rooms of
• Gerlinger. Very important. Please
bring unpaid dues.