Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 02, 1939, Image 1

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Rose Bowl;
General Dick
Hobby Trims Team;
Eugeneans Beat;
Duck Tracks
Ma, Papa Webfoots
Could Post Surprise
By Slipping ASUO Ducats Into Xmas Socks
Of Son, Daughter Ducks; Parents Can Buy,
Label Card-Gifts, 'Love—Mom and Pop'
The little red stocking with the patched toe which Oregon students
hang over the fireplace along about the 24th of December, may be
stuffed with a green card which will mean many enjoyable hours long
after the holidays are over, if the plans of Tiger Payne go through.
Payne, named last week by Student Body President John Dick to
head the ASUO ticket sales drive for winter term, yesterday announced
Drive Man
Gleason “Tiger” Payne . . . was
named by Prexy John Dick to head
the winter term ASIJO drive.
Lost, Found
Items Will Go
To High Bids
AWS to Sponsor
Auction of Articles
Turned in at Depot
A public auction of all the lost
and found items turned in to the
University depot during the last
term will be conducted Thursday,
December 7, at 11 a.m. on the steps
of Commerce hall under the super
vision of AWS. The proceeds will
go to the AWS scholarship fund.
The sale will be staged in the
manner of a professional auction
with Woody Slater and Phil Bar
rett acting as auctioneers. Jeanne
^ Haehlen, who is chairman of the
event, will be cashier assisted by
Nancy Allen and Pat Thompson.
Among those articles to be of
fered for sale will be raincoats, um
brellas, notebooks, pens, and books.
Many school books will be auc
The sale is a semiannual affair,
one auction during the fall term
and another in the spring term.
All the items not sold during this
auction will be held over for the
spring sale. Any merchandise left
from that sale will be sold to the
highest bidding second hand store.
Last year’s sale netted $20.
Miss Haehlen commented in ref
erence to the merchandise, “The
quality is exceptionally high and a
great variety is offered. If the
sales go as they have in the past
those attending will have many
k bargains to choose from.”
Senior to Attend
Baptist Convention
One of two delegates from Ore
gon, Charles Devereaux, senior,
will attend a meeting of the tem
porary youth council of the North
ern Baptist convention in Gran
ville, Ohio, for three days during
the Christmas holidays, it was an
nounced Friday.
Meeting on the Denison campus,
the 150 delegates will undertake to
unify the various Baptist youth
work groups into a national or
Devereaux is treasurer of the
state BYPU. Other delegate is
Ruth Harvey of Linfield college,
who is state president of the World
Wide guild.
a plan whereby parents of Univer
sity students may purchase the
winter ducats as Christmas pres
As the first feature of a cam
paign to bring before prospective
buyers notice of the outstanding
features which the ASUO activity
slate has on tap for the coming
term, the committee plans to con
tact Oregon mothers and fathers
and point out the desirability of
the all important cards as Christ
mas gifts.
Games Head List
Whether or not the Oregon ca
saba-tossers will be successful this
year in their defense of the Na
tional intercollegiate basketball
crown will be decided, to a large
degree, on the home maple of the
Igloo. Student body cards will ad
mit Webfoot rooters to all home
games of the galloping Ducks as
well as numerous other attractions
and activity programs, the com
mittee head pointed out.
Student Union Aided
“Twenty per cent of all receipts
from ASUO card sales go into the
Student Union Building fund,
which fact should be of great im
portance to students,” Dick said
after announcing the committee
appointments. “Card buyers should
realize that they are contributing
in a large part to making the
dream of a Union building, with
its many activity possibilities, a
Committee Named
Drive committeemen named to
work with Payne were Marion Ful
ler, who will handle sales among
independent women; Martin Sched
ler, in charge of sales to men not
in living organizations; and Lloyd
Sullivan, who will promote sales
to fraternities. Women’s living or
ganizations have always been the
best supporters of the sales cam
paigns, Payne stated, and they are
epected to lead the sales rate for
the winter season.
“There will be no dispute over
prizes which are being offered for
the first living organizations go
ing 100 per cent,” Chairman Payne
said yesterday. Awarding of fall
term prizes for the first men’s
house with all members holding
cards, became tangled when three
Jiving organizations claimed the
honor. An iron-clad set of rules
will prevent such an occurrence
this term.
Hop Leadoff Feature
First feature on the winter pro
gram will come only two days af
ter the term opens, when the en
tire student body will swing to
the music of Art Holman at an
informal dance honoring the bas
ketball squad.
'Howdy Senator'
Coed Kita Wright was on hand to greet Senator Styles Bridges of New Hampshire when lie arrived
on the campus yesterday. Senator Bridges has frequently been mentioned as a Republican presidential
Senator Styles Bridges
Of New Hampshire Pays
Visit to University Campus
1940 Presidential Possibility Talks Before
Economics Group in Commerce Criticizes
Centralization of Federal Government
The functions of government have become too much centralized in
the federal government during recent years, declared Senator Styles
Bridges, Republican from New Hampshire, when he made a brief visit
on the Oregon campus yesterday morning.
Senator Bridges, who is on a speaking tour through the western
part of the United States, has been “boomed” as a possible Republican
Drama Class
To Take Road
Packing their make-up kits and
scripts Mrs. Ottilie T. Seybolt’s,
director of drama division, play
production class will take to the
road Wednesday, December 6 and
present in Kellog two one-act
"Bargains” by Katherine Kester
is a light comedy with the "moth
er-in-law” angle and a happy end
ing. Directed by Helene Parsons,
the members of the cast include:
Jeannette Harbert, George Clase
man, Rose Ann Gibson and Jean
nette Hoss.
A good humored and under
standing old grandmother saves
the day in “Love Is Like That”
and gives this comedy also a fairy
story ending. Taking part in this
production are Mary Margaret
Gedney, Charlene Jackson, and
Patience Harland.
"Love Is Like That,” written by
Ryerson and Clements, is directed
by Gene Edwards.
Closed Weekends in Effect
As Final Examinations Near
Examination time will bring to
the students the problem of closed
The following regulations have
been made over a period of years
by the Heads of Houses, the Stu
dent Affairs committee, the Schol
arship committee, the Housing
committee, and the office of the
dean of women concerning closed
weekends, and have been pub
lished in the booklet of General
University regulations.
Closed Weekends
“The two weekends before final
examinations are closed. The
hours for the weekend two weeks
before examinations are: Friday
night, 10:30, Saturday night, 12:15,
and Sunday night, 10:30. Girls
may have two dates that weekend.
The weekend before examinations
girls may have one date on Satur
day night until 12:15.
“There can be entertaining dur
ing the two weeks before examin
ations. (This includes banquets,
dinners, teas, benefits, etc.)”
Get Choice
In other words, Friday, Decem
ber 8, will be closed except for
10:30 dates. Saturday, December
9, is open with 12:15 permission.
Sunday, December 10, there will
be 10:30 permission and the girls
will get to decide which two out
of these three days they will have
their dates. Friday, December 15,
is closed. Saturday, December 16,
is open with 12:15 permission, and
there wall be no dates on Sunday
night, December 17.
Women students will also be
discouraged from leaving the cam
pus on these closed weekends and
all desserts and other social func
tions which have been scheduled
for the next two weeks must be
cancelled, according to Mrs. Hazel
P. Schwering, dean of women.
candidate for president in 1940.
Yesterday he spoke before a group
of economics students in room 105
Senator Bridges criticized the
tendency to centralize the func
tions of government in the federal
government and recommended
giving the reins back to the local
and state governments. He de
clared that this was especially
true in the case of the relief setup.
People have been kept from starv
ing to death, he said, but other
than that the federal government
has accomplished nothing, since
there has been no decrease in the
relief rolls, and has expended a
tremendous amount of money.
Senator Bridges stated that he
was firmly convinced that the lo
cal and state governments could
do a more efficient and inexpen
sive job of caring for the needy
than cohld the federal govern
Attacks Relief Program
He also attacked the adminis
tration’s relief program on the ba
sis that it had been too lavish, de
claring that ip some cases people
on WPA were receiving more per
annum than the average worker
in private industry. The present re
lief program has been carried so !
far that it has weakened the mo- j
ral fibers of the nation, he said.
The centralization trend has
been carried into almost every
branch of government, Senator
Bridges said. He declared that this
trend had been allowed to go too
far and that it must be checked
before it undermined the princi
ples of American democracy.
Senator Bridges attacked the
recent neutrality legislation say
ing “I don’t believe you can legis
late peace.” He stated that the
government must wait until emer
gencies arise before trying to deal
with them.
Open Forum
In an open forum discussion fol
lowing his speech, Senator Bridges
placed the fault for the strike
waves of the last few years
squarely on the shoulders of the
Wagner act and the NLRB. They
are probably jointly responsible,
he said.
Cooperative houses on the U. of
O. campus have grown from one
house a few years ago to six at
present. They now have over 180
Sally Chosen
As Sweetheart
Of Kappa Sigma
The local chapter of Kappa
Sigma added a new angle in the
choosing of fraternity sweet
hearts this week when they an
nounced the selection of Sally
Rand, soon to appear here, as
“Sweetheart of Kappa Sigma.”
“We of Kappa Sig house have
never been social buterflies, but
never been social butterflies, but
as long as other houses are
choosing swethearts, dream girls,
and what have you, we thought
that we might make Sally our
swetheart,” Kappa Sig spokes
man Joe Gurley said last night.
OSC Professor
To Speak Here
Professor Robert H. Dann of the
sociology department at Oregon
State College will address the Al
pha Kappa Delta meeting Tuesday
evening at 7:30 in Alumni hall of
Gerlinger. He will speak on the
subject “Student Work Camp in
San Pedro, California.”
Six new members will be initiat
ed into Alpha Kappa Delta. A short
discussion will follow and refresh
ments are to be served at the close
of the meeting.
Westminster House
To Hear Symphony
“Lasts” are in vogue tonight for
symphony lovers who gather each
Saturday evening at Westminster
house for the symphony hour.
Tonight’s hour features the last
appearance for the present series
of Conductor Toscannini. Conclud
ing his appearances, he will con
duct the symphony in the last of
a series of six Beethoven works.
Schedule Revisions
Probed by Faculty
Address Changers
Required to Secure
Residence Permits
All students expecting to
change their living address next
term are asked to contact Mrs.
Eve W. Morris, housing secre
tary, within the next two weeks
to obtain special residence per
Early applications will avoid
the registration rush next term,
and will receive an early OK,
Mrs. Morris stated. The housing
office is located in Johnson hall.
To Decide
Fight Song
Emerald Chieftains
To Find Themes
For Fred Waring
The widely-discussed problem of
whether the University of Oregon
Webfoots will have a fight song
was dropped straight in the laps
of a committee of Emerald chief
tains last night by ASUO Prexy
John Dick.
Scribes Given Job
Following up the offer of Fred
Waring, nationally known orches
tra leader, who has consented to
try to write a song that Oregon
ians will like, the four-man com
mittee will swing into action this
week. Named to investigate the
Waring offer were Elbert Haw
kins, Lyle Nelson, Jeff Kitchen,
and Helen Angell.
Traditions Studied
The duties of the committee, as
pointed out by Dick, will be to in
vestigate and compile a group of
University traditions which might
be used for themes of the fight
song. This group of ideas will be
sent east to the band leader so
that he may have some basis on
which to build his composition.
Reason given by the ASUO head
man for naming all Emerald work
ers was that because they were
closer to the center of student life,
they might be better able to find
the pulse of student opinion on
just what traditions they most de
sire to have played up in the new
Fight Song Hit Long Desired
The need of a fight song has
long been a pet “gripe” on the
campus, with several faculty mem
bers and students having offered
ideas as to how a song might be
University Band Director John
Stehn offered the idea of submit
ting a group of tunes to the ap
proval of a Student committee, and
then conducting a prize contest to
secure a good lyric for the music.
Faculty Burns Midnight Oil
To Aid Classroom Insomnia
"Don’t let your lectures lag,”
seems to be the slogan of Univer
sity professors as they admit they
devote hours each day in prepar
ing material for their classes.
Professors agree that plenty of
“midnight oil” is burned in an at
tempt to make their lectures in
teresting and worthwhile.
“I spent nine hours of study in
preparing a one-hour lecture,” ad
mitted Dr. Samuel H. Jameson, of
the sociology department. “I nev
er go to class without spending at
least an hour to review my notes,
which I seldom even glance at dur
ing the lecture.
Lecture# Last
"I prepare a lecture for one
class, and it usually lasts for
three,” smiled Professor Robert
Leeper, of the psychology depart
, ment. "I find myself detouring
from my notes but if it’s for the
benefit of the class, I don't mind.”
Professor Leeper believes that it
takes longer for a professor to
prepare lectures for a class than
it takes for the student to study
his lessons.
Dr. Calvin Crumbaker, of the
economics department, finds that
it is necessary to keep constantly
working over his lectures, "for,”
he said, "although the basic prin
ciples remain the same, in the
field of economics there are con
stant changes. Then, of course,
there is a complete reorganization
of a course every three or four
Strap Prom Notes
It takes at least 30 or 40 min
utes each day for Professor R. H.
Ernst to arrange his lectures. “I
carefully think out the points be
forehand,” he explained, “and then
I get away from my notes during
(Please turn to page lour)
Crowded Classroom
Prevents Expansion
Of Study Curricula
Suggested Plan Would Install
Saturday Classes; Noon Hour and
Evening Sessions, or Reduced Hours
After a University faculty committee recently discovered that ex*
pansion of class curricula is a virtual impossibility because during
the morning hours nearly every lecture room on the campus is in
use, it was yesteraay put up to the professors themselves to devise a
method of revising the class hours schedule here.
The report to the faculty made by Dr. Earl M. Pallett, registrar,
and the rest of his schedules committee revealed that, for example,
at 11 o'clock on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the mornings
there is not a single empty class
room on the campus. At 9 and 10
o'clock there are two, and 8
o’clock class attendees leave two
rooms vacant.
22 Rooms Vacant
On the other hand, several af
ternoon hours are entirely without
scheduled classes. On Tuesday and
Thursday morning, too, there is
an average of 22 vacant lecture
rooms every hour during the
The problem which the sched
ules committee has put up to the
faculty and interested students is
“What suggestions can you offer
toward spreading out thg class
“In searching for possible direc
tions in which to expand class
scheduling, the committee dis
cussed Saturday, evenings, the
noon hour, as well as the present
class hours of 8, 3, and 4 o’clock,"
according to the report issued.
Reduce Hours
Suggested to professors was the
idea of reducing a great many
three-hour courses to two hours
of credit, and scheduling them on
the “slow” days, Tuesday and
Also listed for their study was
a suggestion to rearrange the
three and four-hour classes into
a sequence of two-hour courses,
running for two or three terms, as
French would become a two-hour
course for two terms instead of
its present ruling as a four-hour
one term class.
Third Alternative
Dr. Pallett’s committee named
a third alternative, the running
of three and four-hour classes for
two or more hours in a single day,
of the Tuesday-Thursday sequence.
Some classes might also be com
bined into a five-hour course for
a single term rather than six hours
for two terms.
If changes are made it will do
away with the present ill-propor
tioned schedule whereby more
than half (51 per cent) of lecture
class hours are scheduled within a
12-hour week, from 8 o’clock to
12 on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday. Less than one-tenth of lec
ture classes are scheduled in the
last one-fourth of any day, at 3
and 4 o’clock.
Helen Graves Called
Model Patient; Staff
Sorry to See Her Go
That Helen Graves is THE mod
el patient was the general opinion
agreed upon by nurses in the cam
pus hospital yesterday.
Helen has been in the infirmary
since October 24, an all-time rec
ord, and will be released today.
"We wish there were more like
her; we hate to see her go,” staff
members chorused.
Others who filled the infirmary
to capacity yesterday include; Ed
ward Boydell, James Manley, Le
Roy Carlson, Norman Elston, Al
ice Clark, Carolyn Sturgeon, Leon
Stanley, Natalia.Tengwald, George
Vukce\^:h, Genevieve Treadgold,
Virginia Anderson, Harry Ketter
ing, John Murphy, Vivian Byers,
Abby Jane White, John Proud
foot, Marvin Wienstein, and Paul
In His Honor
1 . • • rr
Professor George S. Turnbull..,
will be feted at a banquet given In
his honor tonight.
To Be Feted
At Banquet
George Turnbull
To Be Honored for
23 Years Service
Professor George S. Turnbull,
smiling, little man of the Oregon
journalism school, will tonight re*
ceive just credit for 23 years of
work and service at this Univer
Starting at G:30 o’clock, news
paper men, faculty members, and
students will gather at the An«
chorage to attend the special Sig
ma Delta Chi press banquet in his
honor and congratulate him upon
(PI,’aid turn to page four)
WAA representatives will meet
Betty Morfitt at. 5. p.m. Monday in
the WAA social room in Gerlinger.
* * *
Student Religious coqncil will
meet Monday at 4 o’clock at West
minster house.,
» * •
Westminster .hike for those in
terested today at 4 o’alock.
* *■ *
Condon club will meet at 7:30
Monday evening in 101 Condon for
motion pictures.