Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 14, 1939, Image 1

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Shaw in Johnson
A Good Start
Eight Ball
'Arms and the Man'
Flying Coeds
Libe Gets Books
Theme of
Dad Fete
Banquet Will Show
U's Opportunities;
All Parents Invited
A cross section of the oppor
tunities offered at the University
of Oregon will be the theme of the
annual banquet of the Portland
unit of the Oregon Dads to be held
at the Congress hotel on December
1, stated Dean Vincent, president
of the organization, last Friday
while he was in Eugene for the
homecoming festivities.
* Students of the University are
asked to encourage their parents
to attend the banquet, Mr. Vincent
said, because “there are numerous
opportunities offered at Oregon to
day that many parents of those
students now attending are ignor
ant of.” It is his hope that mothers
and dads of children of high school
age will also attend as they will
be able to obtain an excellent in
side view of the University’s cur
ricular and extra-curricular ac
This year there will be the larg
est delegation of faculty members
present. On hand to give their
points of view will be President
Donald M. Erb, Vice-President
Burt Brown Barker, Chancellor
Frederick M. Hunter, Employment
Secretary Janet Smith, Coaches
G. A. “Tex” Oliver and Howard
Hobson, Dean Virgil D. Earl, Dean
Hazel P. Schwering, the deans of
the various schools, and many
other faculty members.
In past years the banquet was
strictly for the dads but this year
due to the importance of the occa
sion the mothers are cordially in
vited to attend. The charge for ad
mission has been reduced from $1
to 50 cents per person.
There have been 875 invitations
printed which will be sent to every
body within the Portland area that
is or would be interested in the
University. Mr. Vincent expects
500 or more to attend, and said,
“the dinner, will be the biggest
one of its nature ever held in Port
land and I hope that everybody
will be able to be there.”
War Honorary
' To Initiate Six
Six ROTC seniors received offi
cial notice last week of being
pledged to Scabbard and Blade,
military honorary, it was an
nounced yesterday by Harry Milne,
captain of the local Scabbard and
Blade company.
The new pledges are Roger Con
rad, Don Davis, Bob Herzog, Bob
Jolly, Don M a r c y, and Rich
The new men were voted in a
week ago, but formal notifications
have just been released. Scabbard
and Blade elects on military ex
cellence, outstanding character,
grades, and University activities.
Scabbard and Blade will meet
this week, Milne said, to decide on
plans for the initiation of the six
. neophytes.
Sig Eps Host to 20
At Goose Dinner
Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity
entertained 20 guests at a goose
dinner Sunday afternoon at the
chapter house.
Eighteen geese were brought up
from Klamath lake by Clayton W.
Reber and Bill Tiser of Klamath
Falls. Reber is a brother of Ehle
Reber, Sig Ep at the University.
Among those present were Nel
lo Giovanini, coach at Toledo high
school and former Oregon football
star, A1 Long, former chapter
president, now coaching at Glen
dale, Ed and August Schlesser of
Portland, Cliff Morris, also a for
mer Oregon football player, and
Don Johnson, interfraternity
council president and Sig Ep pres
ident in 1937.
Duck Emmons vs. Beaver Kohler
The lad all set to dump Frank Emmons, Oregon fullback, in the above action "shot of* last'Saturday’s
grid “civil war” is Vic Kohler, Orangeman. Behind Kohler are Beavers Sears and Leovitch.
Oregon State Group
Will Be Here Today
AWS Delegates Will Discuss Convention
Plans for Next Spring; 200 Women
From 11 Western States Expected
Plans for the spring- convention of AWS members will be discussed
as delegates from Oregon State college are honored guests at a mass
Associated Women Students meeting in Gerlinger hall at 4 o’clock
The convention will be held in the spring with representatives from
the 11 western states meeting on the Oregon campus. Approximately
Starting Gun
For Flyers
Safety Will Be
Most Important
Factor of Course
Individual flying schedules for
instruction in the air are being
worked out by flying school heads,
indicating that the time when
flight students will cease to be
earthbound is in sight, according
to information received from Carl
ton E. Spencer, head of the flying
course, yesterday.
Definite word concerning the
start of actual air instruction is
expected from Washington, D. C.,
in about a week. Since the first
flying school class several weeks
ago, neophyte birdmen have been
asimilating facts and data in all
phases of flight and are poised for
the “go ahead” signal to get into
the air.
Three times a week they will
take over the controls of the Cub
trainers for one-half hour periods.
After twenty-four half-hour ses
sions of flying time, full one hour
periods will come into effect. The
(Please turn to page two)
200 girls are expected.
Delegates from the Beaver col
lege to the meeting today will be:
the Corvallis AWS council, Mrs.
Kate Jameson, dean of Women,
and Mrs. Lorna Jessup, assistant
dean of women. They will be hon
ored at a tea given by Phi Theta
Upsilon, junior women’s honorary,
after the tea.
A highlight of the day’s program
will be Jerry Gilmore, a freshman
from Oregon State, who will speak
on her experiences in Germany.
Miss Gilmore has attended
"school in Germany for the past
two years and during her stay
there met Hitler, Goebbels, and
other important Nazi figures.
Mortar Board, senior girls’ hon
orary, will also take this oppor
tunity to present their plaque to
the three girls who received the
highest freshman grades last year.
Jeannette Hafner, prexy, will make
the awards.
Mrs. Hazel J. Schwering, dean
of women, has invited the AWS
councils from both schools and the
other Oregon State guests to a
buffet supper at her home to round
out the day’s activities.
Library Has Visitor
An interested visitor to the li
brary Saturday was Miss Janet
Walker, the librarian of Multno
mah college, Portland. Miss Walk
er was a graduate of Reed college
and the University of Washington
library school.
American Ballet Caravan
To Perform November 20
Boasting an all-American troupe
and a program of all-American
dances, Lincoln Kirstein, director
of the Ballet Caravan, will present
his nationally-hailed organization
for the approval of University of
Oregon students, Monday, Novem
ber 20, in McArthur court.
The group comes as a presenta
tion of the ASUO and will be free
to those posessing student body
cards. Kirstein’s troupe is on its
second transcontinental tour and
this will be its first stop in Eu
Three dance concoctions will
compose the program. They are
•‘Debutante,” “Filling Station,”
and “Billy the Kid." Each is based
on life and folk-lore in this coun
try and strives to carry out in an
American way the work of French
and Russian ballets.
These numbers, according to re
ports, have been hailed from coast
to coast by critics as “vigorously
different.” They are specially de
signed in every detail and are
humorously entertaining.
Director Kirstein is an author of
several critical books on the ballet
and is a leading exponent of na
tive American dance. He has been
recognized as an expert in his line
since the early 20’s.
Anyone not possessing an ASUO
card may purchase a ticket at the
student body ticket office in Mc
i Arthur court.
UO Drum Major
Plenty 'Hot'
At OSC Game
The old circus maxim which
declares that “the show must go
on” has its place in the baton
twirling business, too. Just ask
Les Harger.
Oregon’s popular drum major,
who thrilled 21,000 football fans
Saturday with his spectacular
fire-band twirling, today rests
in the Sigma Chi house with his
arm in a sling, due to severe
second-degree burns.
The heavy oil padding on the
fire brand which reach farther
up the stick than usual in order
to “make the act livelier,” swept
a flame across the genial ma
jor’s hand, and throughout the
act his hand was being seared.
Les’ opposite hand was slight
ly burned as he left the sta
dium, when he grabbed the stick
to avoid letting flames fall on
spectators nearby.
Last night Harger was quite
definite about the baton-twirl
ing business. “I’m through,” he
declared. But he smiled when
he said it.
Field Narrowed
In SX Contest
Five finalists were named Friday
by the Oregon chapter of Sigma
Chi as competition in their annual
sweetheart contest went into its
final stages.
Named to enter the final lap
from the 40 freshman coeds orig
inally entered were Pat Nelson, Pi
Beta Phi; Jean Morrison, Delta
Delta Delta; Evelyn Nelson, Delta
Gamma; Ellen Ann Evans, Kappa
Alpha Theta, and Lorabelle
Wraith, Chi Omega.
Final choice of the active mem
bers of Sigma Chi for the 1939
sweetheart will be announced in
a special program to be presented
by the Sigs over station KORE
Thursday night at 10:30. Presi
dents of the living organizations
which the girls represent will act
as an honorary election board.
Friday night the girl who re
ceives the honor will be feted at
a special banquet and pinned with
a jewelled white sweetheart cross.
She will also be guest of honor for
the chapter’s pledge dance on Sat
urday evening and will receive a
special serenade later in the week.
Rare Book Plate Gift
Received by Library
A rare book plate was received
by the library Monday from Wal
ter Merriam Pratt. The plate was
made by Arthur N. Macdonald,
greatest living designer and en
graver of book plates.
The plate includes a picture of
Mr. Pratt’s library and seals of the
city of Chelsea, the Mayflower so
ciety, the Colonial wars, and the
American revolution.
Another new edition to the li
brary is the 1940 edition of “Who’s
Who in Colored America.”
Homecoming Success
Despite Grid Defeat
Alumni, Faculty
Laud Homecoming
As Biggest, Best
Rain and mist settling clown
over the Oregon campus late yes
terday provided the final fact for
a realization by students that the
greatest homecoming in the his
tory of the school was really over.
As students turned from the
gayety and crowded moments of
the weekend to the serious, im
portant job of classwork, they ex
perienced difficulty in settling
down. However, with the familiar
rain came the feeling that things
were again “down to earth.”
Homecoming Lauded
Not soon to be forgotten, though,
with the end of the fine weather
which set the stage for the cele
bration, was the enthusiasm of
thousands of alumni and friends
of the University who declared the
“Home to Honor Oregon” festiv
ities the biggest and best the
school has ever seen. Estimates
placed the number of campus visi
tors who came “home” at between
five and six thousand.
“I’m sure we’ve never seen a
homecoming on the Oregon cam- |
pus that could touch the one this
year,” was the comment of Elmer
Fansett, alumni secretary. “In
number, spirit, and enthusiasm, it
was the greatest ever.”
Students Cooperate
Fansett declared that the suc
cess of the weekend was due in a
very large part to the splendid co
operation and effort of students to,
make alums realize it was really
their weekend. Last year the home
coming program came under fire
when it was alleged that under
graduates really carried on a fun
fest for themselves with inade
quate attention to the returning
"This year the students showed
consideration on every turn. A real
effort and a good feeling along
with the fine work of Eugene peo
ple, who sponsored a reception at
the armory, combined to produce a
top-flight celebration.
“Outstanding in their work were
the ASUO committees who handled
the homecoming program. They
were really on the job and deserve
a lot of credit right down the line
to the worker with the smallest
assignment,” he said.
Alums Set Record
Dean of Personnel Karl W. On
thank said it was by odds the best
attended homecoming on record.
“It is perhaps hard to measure
success with numbers, because the
spirit has been here before, but it
was the largest certainly,” he said.
“We hope alums had as good a
time as we on the receiving end ”
he concluded.
Miss Smith Tells of
Opportunity to Sell
For Senior Students
Janet Smith, employment secre
tary, announced yesterday that she
wants to interview all senior men
who have had two or more years of
selling experience.
She stated that the students
must be at least 24 years old and
interested in taking up selling for
a profession after graduation.
Miss Smith also issued notice
that as a result of her visit to
Seattle last week there is a pos
sibility that Boeing Air corpora -
tion may find office work for one
or two Oregon graduates next
Noisiest Noisemakers
(Courtesy the Register-Guard)
Brothers of Theta Chi garnered the first plaee award for the
noisiest float in the rally parode held Friday night as a preliminary
event for homeeoniing. This is their seeond straight victory in the
annual parade.
Staters Rally;
Stay ’Home’
For Frivolity
Winning Beavers
Dance, Honor Grid
Captain at Event
Oregon very nearly missed a
second invasion in two years from
the avenging Beaver fans yester
day, according to reports issued
from the OSC campus last night.
Noisy demonstrations and ru
mors of a Eugene-ward trek
caused President George W. Pea
vy to order a cessation of activi
ties on the campus from 3 to 6
o’clock yesterday afternoon, while
students celebrated their victory
with a rally dance in “their own
back yard.”
Honoring Merle Schultz, cap
tain of the winning Oregon State
gridiron heroes of Saturday's
game, the free rally dance was
proposed by the presidents of the
interfraKfemity council and the in
dependent men’s groups.
Invasion Hinted
Hints that a second invasion of
Eugene to even the score of the
ill-fated battle two years ago be
(I’lease Ini n to page two)
Back to Nature
Noisy Beavers
Tossed in Race
Everyone lias heard of beavers
but how many Oregon students
have ever seen them in their
natural habitat?
Saturday night the nature lov
ing Kappa Sigs decided to dump
a few of the little creatures into
the millrace, in order to study
them in their natural environ
At 1:30 a.m., after the home
coming dance, the quiet night
air surrounding the Alder street
bridge was shattered by hoots
and chortles issuing from the
happy throats of OSC support
Kappa Sigs, whose sleep was
disturbed and whose school spirit
was aroused, blocked the bridge
and, on their next trip around,
the little Beavers found them
selves trapped.
At this point the Kappa Sigs
pounced and with much dispatch
“depantsed” the noisy offenders
and consigned them unpityingly
I to the icy waters of the millrace.
It is open to question whether
the noisiest noise parade in Ore
gon history was a success or not.
At the very peak of the din
(probably just as the Theta Chis
were passing) a tiny baby was
seen in his father’s arms, sound
YMCA’s History Outlined;
Many Activities Open to Men
The YMCA—a Christian organ
ization for the students, of the
students, and by the students.
That very appropriately describes
Oregon’s “Y” group.
Its entire program is planned
and executed by University stu
dents, committees, commissions,
and various councils are appoint
ed by student officers, and Lho
group represents, all in all, a broad
fellowship of Christian thought.
Three Commissions
The “Y” has three commissions.
First, commission on building a
life philosophy seeks to arrive at
a definite meaning of life and its
relation to us; second, commis
sion on personal and social rela
tions discusses problems intimate
ly and honestly that deal with so
cial life; third, commission on eco
nomic, political, and social prob
lems concerns itself with an intel
ligent analysis of the forces of
the world. Don Walker is chair
man of this last committee.
A Town Hall discussion group,
under the direction of Milton
Small, meets every Thursday at
6:30 to hear the national radio
program of political events and
conducts its own discussion.
Four Committees
There are, in addition to tiiese
functions, four large student com
mittees. A committee on campus
relations is offered those interested
in the problems of campus or
ganization; committee on student
faculty relation, under Wayne
Kelty and Bob Lovell, co-chair
men, makes an attempt to bring
the faculty into more human con
tact with students.
Larry Hopkins’ committee on
creative leisure proposes recrea
tional activities for members; and
committee on conferences and re
treats, with Henry Carr, chair
man, plans participation in re
gional conferences and local re
There is a freshman council that
assists freshmen students in mak
ing an intelligent and constructive
adjustment to the problems of col
lege life, and also many organiza
tional committees. An advisorj
board, composed of faculty, stu
dents, and Eugene business mer
are responsible for the genera
welfare of the YMCA.
Any student is welcome to joir
the “Y” and he may enter intc
any of these group activities.
Officers of the organization arc
Frank McKinney, president
Wayne Kelty, vice-president; anc
Dave Knox, secretary.
OSC Cops
Civil War
21,000 Fans View
Outstanding Game
Of Recent Years
The Beaver is still king.
least for another year. The val
iant Duck went down to defeat,
19 to 14 Saturday, but he isn’t
ashamed of it. And the 21,000
fans who saw the “civil war’’
battle can say the game was the
most exciting they ever saw.
Coach Lon Stiner pushed his;
way through his jubilant Ore
gon State team that were
swarming all over Hayward
field, to shake the hand of
Coach Tex Oliver, and the wild
est game seen in these parts for a
long time was over. After a four
year drought, Oregon did score
twice, but it, wasn’t enough.
Story Told
A recovered fumble, a blocked
kick, and a 93-yard return of a
kick-off, and there you have the
story of victory for the Beavers,
Two long passes gave OregoD two
scores, and the fans watching
them heart failure.
Oregon State had seven points
before the game had hardly start
ed. A Bob Smith fumble on Ore
gon’s second play of the game
ended in the hands of an OSC
man on the UO 13. On fourth
down, Halfback Bob Olson threw a
short pass to George Peters on the
10, and the signal caller scampered
over the goal. Younce converted.
The rest of the quarter was a
battle between the 45-yard lines.
Beavers chalked up three points on
an 18-yard field goal by Younce
the middle of the second period.
OSC got down to the nine yard
on a drive that started with a
blocked kick of Len Isberg’s.
Webfoot Aroused
Those points made the Webfoots
awfully mad, and they wasted no
time in closing in on the Beavers.
On the first play after the kick
off, Lefty Bob Smith dropped back
15 from his own 34 and tossed a
wobbly pass to the Jackrabbit, Jay
Graybeal, who snagged the pork
hide between two OSC men on the
32. He went 28 more to the four.
That catch topped all the catch
es of the year as far as Oregon
fans are concerned. First Jay went
up in the air with the two oppo
nents, then came down underneath
(Please turn to page three)
YMCA cabinet meeting at 5
o’clock today.
Hockey practice is scheduled for
Gerlinger hall at 4 p.m. Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday.
A luncheon will be held at
Westminster house tomorrow at
noon. Committee in charge \0ill
present proposed program for rest
of term.
There will be a short meeting
of Tau Delta Chi in 101 Cora*
merce at 4 p.m. today.
There will be a Delta Phi Alpha
meeting Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. in
Friendly hall. ,