Congratulations Webfoots and The Best Success to Your New Co-op Store We. express our best wishes to the Student Body and Alumni of this fast growing university. TRUSSELL MANUFACTURING COMPANY Poughkeepsie New York The First Co-op The small building pictured above is the first student co-op on the University of Oregon campus. It was located at Thirteenth and Kincaid streets in the same location the co-op had until it moved this fall to Chapman hall. Present Oregon Co-op Store Shows 19-Year Development By DON GOODALL ! It has been a long uphill pull for the University of Oregon stu dent co-operative association since its establishment on this campus in June, 1920. On that date the executive committee of the asso | ciated student bpdy incorporated ! the association. j A co-operative store financed by the students was organized in 1916 but when the football receipts dropped off in 1918 as a result of the war the store was sold to pay the coach’s salary. Without a Penny “We started without a penny in , 1920. A $5000 loan from a local ; bank soon proved insufficient to start our store so we organized a concern called the University Supply company and incorporated it for $10,000. This stock was sold to faculty members and friends of the University,” M. F. McClain, manager of the co-op since its in ception, recalled yesterday. As the stockholders died or moved away the co-op bought back the stock and after 10 years it retired the issue. After the store was on a sound financial footing, it adopted the practice of selling merchandise at a price which made possible the cooperation of the ! establishment with only enough 1 prpfit to ensure a reserve for emergencies. Growth of the enterprise on this campus is revealed by a compari son of the returns from various years of operation. Most descrip tive of the advance of the store are the gross returns chalked up for 1921 which totaled $30,000 and the estimate for the current year which is set at $85,000. The new co-op, located in Chap man hall, has stock valued at $35,- j 000. A long term lease on the quarters will pay $50,000 into the University building fund. The store has three times the space available in the former location at Thirteenth and Kincaid streets. ' "The members of the co-op board sincerely hope that the money paid for the lease will form j a nucleus for a building fund for a student union,” McClain said. Members of the state board of higher education will inspect Chapman hall and the co-op this morning. All alums are invited to come into the new store and see the set-up. Five members of the library istaff left Friday afternoon 'for Portland where they will attend the Lunts performance of "The Taming of the Shrew.” Those go ing were Miss Ethel Sawyer, Miss Miriam Yoder, Oliver Field' and Mr. and Mrs. Patterson. Handicapped Oregon Rooter To View Homecoming Game It's a safe bet that the most thrilled member of the vast audi ence that will view the game to day will be George Hibbard of Burns. George has a right to this distinction for several reasons. It was five years ago during the summer vacation following his graduation from Burns high school that George went swimming and met with an accident that left his body paralyzed from his shoul ders to his feet. Burns had been all set to enter the University of Oregon that fall but the accident changed the pro gram. Sees Game Two years ago, friends of George convinced him that there was no reason why he shouldn't attend the homecoming game and it didn’t take much argument to get him to come to Eugene and watch his first college game. Now, George is back to see this year’s fracas and to view all the color that attends a college grid clash. It will be a wonderful sight to him for it is not something he views every day or even once a month as do most of his friends. Never Say Die He is not one to take his disabil ity resignedly. He’s a business man in his own right since he estab lished a rental library which is widely patronized by Burns resi dents. When it comes to studying, George could probably put some University students to shame. Since he can't use his hands, he simply flips the pages of his books with the eraser end of a pencil held between his teeth. He has a special holder for his books when he reads. George will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. McClain during his visit on the campus. High School Debaters Heard Over KOAC Each Wednesday at 11:00 o’clock the Oregon high school debate league broadcasts over station KOAC under the direction of the University speech division. The question under discussion for the present series of talks is: "Resolved: That the government should own and operate the rail roads." A feature of the 15-minute pro gram is the question box, which deals with questions sent in to the broadcast by listeners and members of the debate league. Very best wishes for success TO THE NEW CO-OP STORE FROM SCHWABACHER-FREY 735 MARKET, SAN FRANCISCO In Gay Nineties, Too “Pigging did not originate In 1922. The date on Janet Piper’B story was at least 14 years late. Two alums, from the classes of ’10 and ’13, respectively, wrote to tell the editor of the Emerald that the terril, "plfc&thg,” wal commoh in their d&y, and had been well-established a good many yearS before then. Montag Brothers, Inc. makers of fashionable writing papers Congratulate the students and faculty of the University of Ore gon on the completion of thehr beautiful new “Co-op” Store*. It is an institution of which the whole campus may be jproud. It is our hope that your University may grow arid prosper and that the Co-op Store may long con tinue to fulfill its mission of serv ing the students of Oregon. Montag Brothers are proud of the splendid display of their “FASHIONABLE WRITING PAPERS” which you will find on the counters of the “Co-op.” Mrs. Brown of the “Co-op” staff, personally selected the many items in this large stock and kept in mind the special needs of Oregon students for formal notes, crested papers, good low priced papeirs for those letters home, and the many other types of stationery required for particular occa sions. All are of excellent quality and priced within the reach of students. MAKERS OF FASHIONABLE WRITING PAPERS Atlanta, Georgia It has been a privilege to have a part in the activities of the student body by furnishing the equipment for the University Co-op, and we extend our heartiest good wishes for the successful operation of a service to the stu dents that is so valuable. We congratulate you on the accomplishment of this outstanding project Grand Rapids Store Equipment Company (An Oregon Corporation) PORTLAND OREGON