Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 01, 1939, Page Four, Image 4

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    The Oregon Daily Kmerald, official publication of the University of Oregon, '“«**^*^^*7 Kntole"™
Sundays, Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods. Subscription rates. $1.25 per term ami $3.00 per y<ar. i.ni
nuriuay*, jmsnuttya, iivnunyn, . -
Recond-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Ore.
Represented for rational advertising by NATTONAT. A DV E RTISlNfSERVICE .INC college
420 Madison AVe.. New York—Chicago—Boston-Lo« Angeles—San !■ rar.ciscu Poitland and Sullb.
publishers’ representative,
Lyle Nelson, Managing Editor
Rita Wright, Adv. Mgr.
Helen Angell, Nows Editor
Ceorge Pasero, Co-sports Ediior
Elbert Hawkins, Co-sports Editor
Marge Finnegan, Women’s Editor
Betty Jane Thompson, Chief Night Editor
Jimmie Leonard, Assistant Managing Editor
Hal Olney, Assistant Managing Editor
Jark Bryant, Staff Photographer
Jean Crites, National Advertising Manager
Mary Ellen Smith. Assistant
Frederick Ehlers, Classified Manager
Jim Gleeaon, Assistant
Karl Maize. Merchandising Manager
Kay Cook. Assistant
Herb Anderson. Circulation Manager
Maurice Goldberg, Assistant
Janet Rieg, Assistant
Janet Farnham, Executive Secretary
Charles Kenyon, Staff Photographer
A Straight Line Is the Shortest Distance
OT so very long ago these eolumns carried
^ a rather self-evident observation 1o tlie
effect that, since it was only forty miles to
Corvallis from Eugene and the same forty
miles to Eugene from Corvallis, il would he
only reasonable for key groups in each school
to do a little traveling, and find out, how the
other half lives. This, it was claimed, would
work to the advantage of all concerned,
through Ihe pooling of ideas and the result
ant better understanding. Also, it is a well
recognized principle that it is far more simple
to get things done by open talk across the
table than by any other method. Any other
method loses effectiveness by its indirectness.
This two-way forty-mile axiom had a
chance to show what it can accomplish only
last weekend, when AKIIO Proxy dohn Dick
and Homecoming Chairman Burton Barr,
without pre-announcements or fanfare of any
kind, journeyed to Corvallis for a rather im
portant discussion with some of the best
heads at Corvallis, representing key positions
there. They wanted to talk “better relations,”
and they went to the two men who were best
fitted 1o help, namely Ralph Floberg, presi
dent of the ASOSC, and Don Drake, editor of
the Barometer. And they did talk, with a re
sulting two-way understanding which hears
out the point that hotli sides are willing and
eager to work things out.
this idea of “better relations” is not
exactly the pipe dream of only four men.
Furthermore, it can be broken down into at.
least two or three separate aims, each of which
is justifiable on plenty of good grounds. For
one thing, everyone wanted to leave no stone
unturned to prevent the upsurge of such rabid
partisanship as is likely to create business for
infirmary patch-up artists. This is in keeping
with the trend of the time. They used to have
a legalized free-for-all at Cornell, under the
guise of a “cane-rush,” but they jettisoned
1 hat without hesitation when one of the en
thusiasts turned up dead after the smoke of
battle cleared away. There is no such thing
as a cane-rush in these parts, but no one can
deny it is practically miraculous that blood
letting around Webfoot-Beaver goal posts has
not been fatal. Plenty on both sides will all
their lives carry the scars of such spontaneous
crushes, and what have they got to show for
themV Nothing.
And whenever “a bunch of the boys” take
it into their heads to whoop things up a little
by a raid into enemy territory, even if il is
only with paint brushes, they are only taking
out insurance that feeling will run high when
their respective student bodies face each other
across a field, especially when one of the stu
dent bodies will have a winning and the other
a losing team at the game. Somebody usually
wins, and that is not calculated to make either
the winner charitable or the loser friendly—
this in spite of all the unwritten codes of good
sportsmanship and “cricket” which should
necessarily be mutually accepted if athletic
contests are to stay within their true circle
of importance.
TInS was °n!y «ne of the things Proxies
Dick and Floberg, Editor Drake, an>|
( hairman Barr were working on. Thev figure,
reasonably enough, that the thing can be kept
within reason, it it is emphasized enough.
They decided that if both groups would sing
Ilieir songs and leave immediately after the
game, get away from 1 lit* stadium, they would
still he able to have a pretty good lime and
see a very good game; and there would be
no nursing of bodily wounds afterward.
Another thing Dick and Barr did in Cor
vallis was to invite the Beaver si udent body to
make the most of the Web fool Homecoming.
They pointed out that the Homecoming dance
will be such that any member of the student
body will want to attend. And it does not harm
for anybody 1o go to some other student
body’s dance and see what it is like, beyond
having a “good time,” as popular idiom has
it. Tn the last few years the tendency has
been increasingly for inter-school participa
tion in Ihe bigger dances, a practice which has
worked out very well both ways. So Dick and
Barr invited the Beavers to make a day and a
night of it, invited the Beaver Greeks to stay
with the Webfoot Greeks to take in Ihe events.
Boh groups agreed that it was to the best
interests of both to pul this thing across, and
both agreed to do all in their power to make
the plan work out successfully. It would be
a fine thing if every Webfoot could meet
Ralph Floberg, for a more likeable person or
belter man would be hard to find, while
Barometer Hditor Drake has expressed his in
tention of throwing all his resources on the
side of this commendable project. That which
is true of Beaver executives in relation to
Webfoots is also true in reverse, for Webfoot
executives in relation to Beavers—it would
be worthwhile.
JT must be understood, however, that there is
no intent on anyone’s part to holy-holy if,
or to moralize on the evils of red-bloodedness.
It is certain that a 100 per cent observance of
the rules of Alphonse-Gaston gentlemanlincss
would result in so dull a situation as to be
completely uninteresting. Rare is the collegian
who has never at some time squirmed under
the excitement of fierce partisanship toward
his alma mater, and this is only natural. One
should stick up for the things which are one’s
own; it was written when man was invented
that it should be this way. But University and
State college student executives are on the
right track when they seek to minimize the
unpleasant results of that which might be
gotten under way. The Franklinism “an ounce
of prevention is worth a pound of cure’’ is
neither lairy tale nor bedtime story.
All in all, it would seem from any analysis
that the program these leaders endorse is
worth supporting, and they can do nothing
without the understanding support of the
out ire groups they each represent. That
throws the responsibility squarely up to the
individual. Greek houses could bring pressure
on Ilnur members by cracking down on raid
ing and the like—that would be one way.
Others, of course, could not be restrained in
this way, but in truth no one* should have to
be restrained by such measures.
It is good to see the forty mile axis in use
for any kind of problem. Use of the axis is
• he only way these irritants will ever be put
in their place, which is the ash can. With such
anticipations so capably and amicably pre
pared there is no reason for Hayward field to
become another battle of the Marne, come
ten days from now. In fact, it bids fair to a
tar better-rounded weekend, a preview to
I riendlier. saner years to come.
Special Meal Tickets for the Student
Acquaint yourselves with the only cafeteria
on the campus. We appeal especially to the Inis
ky appetities of college stinlents.
With our jiffy service you eat when you want
to and what you want to. One look at our appe
tizing display of food will convince you that
you’re missing out if you don’t indulge.
On Alder between 13th and 14th
Piggers' Guide
(Continued from page one)
Aii editorial page, dedicating the
book to the business men of Eu
gene. is the only new addition to
this year's presentation. Included
are the names, home addresses, col
lege addresses, and telephone num
bers of every University enrollec
and faculty member.
Besides the noon sales in each
house. Kwama-sponsored booths in
front of the college side, and a
sales table in the Co-op this after
noon will sell the remaining direc
tories to students not in regular I
Library Adds Case
A new display case has been1
added to the Burgess room at the
University library.
Send the Emerald home to Mom
and Dad for the whole year for
the special price of $'J.2b per year, j
‘Babes in Arms’
America’s boy and girl stars,
present and future, have their
day on the screen in "Babes in
Arms” elaborate screen version
of the Broadway musical which
comes to the McDonald soon.
Headed by Mickey Rooney
and Judy Garland, who are
starred, "Babes in Arms" is set
in the period that saw the pass
ing of vaudeville and concerns
those happy-go-lucky headliners
and their children who saw that
world totter when motion pic
tures shoved their "two-a-day"
into discard.
Mickey plays the son of a
famous vaudeville team who in
herits his fathers talent plus a
modern viewpoint. Judy is given
her finest opportunity to dis
play her talents as an accom
plished vaudeville entertainer.
The picture deals with these
kids of vaudeville performers
who save the day when they
crash on Broadway on their own
steam by the very talent that
made the names of their fathers
and mothers household words.
The adult members of the
cast are Charles Winninger, Guy
Kibbee, Grace Hayes, Rand
Brooks, and a host of old-time
names such as Irene Franklin,
Margaret Young, and George
McKay. "Babes in Arms” is a
snappy musical with entertain
ment enough to please every
Ginger’s Latest
When Ginger Rogers refused
dancing roles and demanded
that she be given parts where
she could "act,” critics unani
mously agreed that her picture
career was over. They soon
found out however that Ginger
could "act” as well as dance and
with pictures such as "Vivacious
Lady,” "Stage Door,” and
“Bachelor, Mother” she was
classed as a top-flight actress.
Her latest picture, "Fifth
Avenue Girl,” is screen current
ly at the Heilig. This is a hilar
ious comedy in which she has
the solo starring role. A stellar
supporting cast includes Walter
Connolly, James Ellison, Verre
Teasdale, Franklin Pangborn,
and Tim Holt.
“Fifth Avenue Girl” is a
screen play about a sidewalk
Cinderella who is paid a salary
to upset a millionaire house
hold. Walter Connolly is the
lonely millionaire whose wife
jmju jvirviiii
(Jerry Walker
Dorothy Dunham
Earrell Lear
Betty Jane Thompson
Nisnia Banta
Jim Schiller
Mildred Wilson
Jeff Kitchen
Don (Joddall
Betty Jane Bijrgs
Janet Piper
Norman Foster
Connie Averill
Alma Paksis
i.-orine laimon
Hob Flavelle
Elsa Brownell
Marion White
Dorothea lvresky
.lack Buker
Betty Hamilton
Howard Fishel
Jim Banks
Lois Bechdoldt
Edith Oglesby
Helen Sawyer
Jean Adams
Eleanor Engdalil
Buck Buehwach
Elizabeth Anno Harrison
Arvilla Ratos Priscilla Gilmore
Billie Wade Boyd Copenhaver
Sue Elirhart
Kathleen Brady, Chairman
Joan Stinnette Dorothy Horn
Kennett Lawrence Evelyn Nelson
Rhea Anderson, Chairman
Lynn Johnson Don Brinton
Ken Christianson
Margaret Young
Hob (Lofty) St it h
jerry O'Callaghan
Nancy Lewis
Bernard Kngel
Margaret Dake
Mary Belcher
Rav Si'hnek
Ka\ Foster
Milt Levy
lint Schiller
l et) Ballif
Charles Boice
Bob Flavelle
Boh Pot win
Copy Desk Stuff:
Jimmie Leonard, Copy Editor ....
Jane TempUn, assistant.
Virginia Yost
Marilyn Jones
Betty Jane Biggs
Helen Ann Huggins
Elizabeth Harrison
Bill Harpel
Kelley Holbert
Jonathan Kahananui
Wes Sullivan
Mildred Wilson
Joan Chrystall
Mary Ann Campbell
Wednesday \d\ertising Staff:
Fred May. Wed. Adv. Mgr.
Jeanette Christiansen
Jay Stott
Bob Lovell
Fred Welty
Night Staff:
Erros Penland, Night Editor
Tom Wright
Bernard Engel
and children regard him only
as a walking checkbook. He
meets Ginger Rogers on a park
bench in Central park and after
visiting all the night spots in
New York, he takes her home t.o
his family.
Ginger acts as a menace to
their carefree existence and
makes the spoiled wife and two
grown-up children give some at
tention to their husband and
father. Ginger unites the spoiled
and selfish family in a film that
Is packed with comedy, fast
moving romance and dramatic
scenes. “Fifth Avenue Girl”
furnishes a good 75 minutes
worth of entertainment on a
single feature bill.
R. M.
Scabbard and Blade
To Make Pledge List
Scabbard and Elade, national
military honorary, will try out a
new meeting time and work over
a pledge list tomorrow when
members get together at the
ROTC building at 11 a.m.
Meetings for years have been
held in the evening, but because
of the press of fall term activities,
it was decided the new time might
be more convenient, according to
Harry Milne, captain of the local
“company” of Scabbard and
'Smokey' Whitfield
(Continued from page three)
Fear and Trembling,” in “Noah,”
and in “Stage Door.”
"Smokey” also received a letter
for his services on the University
boxing team and was on the foot
ball squad for four years.
College Regalia
(Continued from page one)
Ask your alumni, the homo
coming committee suggests, if
they would like to see the
graveyard, the midstream and
all of the spots that they might
remember. For three days, it
will be their party and it’s up
to us to show them a good
“Remember when we first
met on the library steps?
“Remember the time I met
you in the graveyard?
“Remember the night of your
house dance?
“Remember how we studied
for that econ final together?!
These will be the thoughts of
alumni when they return, and
it is up to students now attend
ing school to help them “Re
member When.”
There was a time in the early
1920's when a girl wore her go
loshes fastened at the top, sig
nifying her engagement. If a
girl wore galoshes unfastened,
it meant that she was open for
Do you suppose (the commit
tee still has the floor) they
ever sat on the senior bench
when they were frosh ? Did they
soap windows on Hallowe’en?
Did they have political blocks?
Did they marry their college
sweethearts ? Ask them about
it. The answers might be inter
I Eugene Hotel Bldg.
Phone 2890
Carnival Abolished
(Continued from page one)
many for the past two years.
Also at this meeting the Mortar
Board plaque will he awarded to
the girl who had the highest schol
astic grades as a freshman last
Tn the afternoon Phi Theta Up
silon, junior women’s honorary,
will honor the dean and coeds fr om
OSC at a tea. A buffet supper for
the guests will be given by Mrs.
Hazel P. Schwering, dean of wo
men, in the evening.
Making another drastic change
in tradition, the AWS council vot
ed to change the annual “dime
crawl” to a “nickle hop” and set
the date for November 21. Barbara
Bamford and Margaret Young
were named co-chairmen.
Plans for the convention of AWS
members from the 11 western
states were under discussion. First
welcome letters have been issued
to the 50 colleges which will par
To advertise the event AWS
will have its stationery printed
with convention letterheads.
Reviving Coed Capers, a party
“for girls only" will be the other
winter term function. It will be
given in Gerlinger hall with all
girls invited.
Kwamas, with President Helen
Angell in charge, will again be
saleswomen for the “mums” - for
the Washington State game Sat
omelou s
Curb Service
Now Management
Sunday Special
Turkey Dinner, 35c
Private dining room
J'or reservation
125 East 11th
Don’t bolli with washing
and ironing but leave
those drab details to us
. . . it's onr business. Send
yonr laundry out one day
and gel it back the day
after w i t h guaranteed
Phone 825
1 The Door Knob Knot
2 The Pee Wee Knot
3 The Pump-Handle Knot
4 The Skew Gee Knot
5 The Arrow Knot
ojHelm Hayes’ mother to Helm Hcyes 'daiujkter aland
Here is a unique story: what the
outsider does not see of Helen
Hayes, the anecdotes the world hasn’t heard.
Here, as Helen Hayes’ mother says, is “every
little thing I can recall about my Helen Hayes”
...In a series of letters called Mary, This Is Your
Mother, she reveals to her
granddaughter (and to Post
readers) the struggles and glamorous career of
America’s great actress, who has spent thirty
four of her thirty-nine years in the theater and
“on the road.” First of eight parts—this week.
A half hour of excitement: Harold
Channing Wire’s yarn Glory Hole about
a cave-in 1700 feet down! (.Too bad they’d
fired the lad they thought was “yellow,”
the only man who had the key to the
rescue ....)
AND a lively story of a girl reporter
who went out to cover the races and ran
into a story with a real news angle—
when she fell in love with a gentleman
rider, and he walked away!
MORE spine chills in the climax of Alec
Hudson’s vivid and authentic submarine
war story, Battle Stations.
PLUS . . . an article, The Great Red
Father, by W.G.Krivitsky, on the bloody
undercover work of the Comintern in
Germany; and If You Must Borrow—by
Lowell Brentano. (Attention —students
low on their pocket money!) Also stories
by Zachary Gold and William Faulkner,
poems, editorials, cartoons.
Why isn’t a sh,J ,
Proflt ^ his schooi Vh°VVOrJfs
r>y . Lno°i JUsf .
°n the
Sec^ies~-pa t^ »uch entitled ^ *** for
Jrn f°r his Jab Jy since «•- - Pay fls
**■ F^°*Z:ur --c: /
le Unh °st reve«Ic> *l - Ce’ sDorf-o _ sser I
ceiior B0U1
! Janitors /
at *• the auth°^ /
now e,.„„‘™a". “d the shnon * tU8'°f',,’ar >
Z ex’c°ach. You’ll r°°ters for p , n Pure Chan I
^ ** ^surterla - /
The Cl * pia^for-pay business hen 3 c<*ege /
h ***» wtwSZ" ** Jl