Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 27, 1939, Page Three, Image 3

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    J.H. Nash
Books Go to New
Library Room;
Study Hours Set
Improvements in the University
of Oregon library during the sum
mer include the moving of the John
Henry Nash collection from room
219 to room 214. This, according to
M. H. Douglass, librarian, provides
larger quarters for the collection
I and gives better display facilities.
The maps will be back in room
219, from which they were moved
to make room for the John Henry
Nash collection, and the curriculum
laboratory has been moved to the
education building.
Acoustically tiled ceiling has been
^installed in three offices and in the
second floor seminar room.
Venetian blinds have been put on.
the west walls of all floors of the
stacks and in the reserve reading
room. The faculty studies and the
new Nash room have also been fur
nished with blinds.
New desks and book trucks have
been purchased.
For All Occasions! j
We specialize in fish
and sea foods.
Don’t fail to try one
of our many kinds for
a dinner that’s dif
ferent !
Phone 2309
Fish Market
39 East Broadway
Center of Campus Mystery.The Victory Bell
A group of students shown ringing Oregon's famed victory be!). All efforts of campus reporters to
find out where the beil came from have been to no avail. Authorities disagree as to the origin but are
certain that it has been with the University for a number of years.
UO Authorities Disagree
On Origin of Victory Bell;
Mystery Shrouds History
Famous Noise-maker Apparently Devoid
Of Origination; 'Pass the Buck' Policy
Features Chase for Material
“The mystery of the Victory bell'’ is the problem which is now
causing' Emerald reporters grief. At least five scribes last week were
assigned to find out just exactly how the University of Oregon got
the lemon and green bell so much in evidence at football games.
Each have turned up with the same story ... no one knows.
The entire library staff went through the mass of information
walled up over there anu the re
porter came back empty-handed.
Dean of Personnel Karl W. On
thank suggested that it might have
been obtained from some railroad.
Appeared When?
Mrs. Norma H. Frazee, law
school secretary, was quite /Cer
tain it didn't appear on the cam
pus until between 1930 and 1935.
Professor George Turnbull
felt sure that someone dragged it
out of the basement of Villard hall
once upon a time.
Ruth Travis, athletic secretary,
said that Oregon Track Coach Bill
Hayward would know. “Colonel
Bill” denied knowledge of the
bell's matriculation.
A new Arrow shirt
A new Arrow collar
Woe Sussex
THE Sussex type collar is the current favorite of
students at Oxford and Cambridge, England. It
is definitely a young man's collar, cut on a low
drape template, the square points flare away from
the tie knot and are moderately wide-spread, held
rigid by a celluloid insert which may be removed if
desired. Quick to discern the style importance of
this smart'collar, Arrow designed the Sussex par
ticularly for American university men. It will strike
hard on your campus . . . better get one today
while they last. In white, colors, and striped patterns
with French cuffs. All neck sizes and sleeve lengths.
Your Arrow Shirt
a 1
32 Enst 10th
Circle Continues
Bill Pease, editor of Old Ore
gon, offered the idea that Mike
Mikulak might know. Mike didn’t
know but was sure Bruce Hamby
would. Bruce didn't know either,
but thought the rally committee
should know. Bob Helm demanded,
“What rally committee?”
M. F. McClain, manager of the
Co-op store, said it had been on
the campus for 10 or 12 years. Af
ter consulting his secretary he de
! cided that perhaps some church or
school had burned down or lost it.
Ivhinesmith Has Idea
The closest anyone had to an
answer was Campus Policeman
O. L. Rhinesmith, who said the
Eugene fire department, gave it to
the school. The fire laddies said,
“No, it didn’t come from here,” but
suggested a call to the mainte
nance department.
Bob Keene declared that some
one had given it to the school or
some students had stolen it.
Dean Eric W. Allen of the jour
nalism school insisted that its his- 1
tory dates back to the dim past.
W. F. G. Thacher, professor of
English and advertising, admitted
that he had been on the campus j
for 25 years and didn’t know where
it came from. “I do remember the
iron woman though,” he said. “It
was a statue over at OSC that the
Oregon students used to paint ev
ery year one year they took a
truck ever and brought it back. 11
Begin Contest
Alpha Delta Pi and Theta Chi Wed
nesday night ushered in the winter
“song fest’’ contest at the Mac
Donald theater, when their house
choruses sang before the theater
audience and a group of secret
The three numbers which the
ADPis chose for their perform
ance were “Down by the Old Mill
stream,” “My Alpha Delt", and
"Mr. Moon”. Theta Chi songsters
used a medley of college songs for
their first number, "As I Sit and
Dream at Evening,” and “Sweet
heart of Theta Chi.”
Gamma Phi Beta and Phi Gam
ma Delta will be next Wednes
day's entertainers.
Psych Department
Schedules Series
Of Radio Programs
“The University of Oregon psy
chology department is on the air,”
or words to that effect seive to in
troduce a series of programs which
are a fortnightly feature over sta
tion KOAC. At 2 p.m. every other
Tuesday one of the department
members takes the air. On October
31 Dr. L. H. Beck will speak on
love and marriage. The title of the
program is “Believe It or Not
But---” and the remainder of the
title is filled out differently and
appropriately each fortnight.
Dr. Beck spoke Saturday in
Marshfield to the Coos county
1.ranch of the AAUW on propagan
da technique. He was entertained
by Mrs. Mabel Garner and Judge
and Mrs. Brand.
don’t know where it is now.”
The old story that the victory
bell was stolen from the state col
lege was never once mentioned by
any of the interviewees.
Another story that came out of
:he athletic office is that the bell
vas once on some historic train
rr something. That some generous
renefactor in Portland secured the
rell and sent it to the student body
vas another unverified rumor.
I ry Something DIFFERENT
This Year
Have your own photos printed on your Christ
mas cards. W'c print pictures on embossed cards
with plain or deckled edges and you have your
choice of do different greetings. Novel, yet dis
tinctive. these cards will he treasured by their
owners may a Christmas hence.
And. as a bit of suggestion, Super XX film, the
latest in products, makes indoor snaps simple.
Four times as fast as ordinary film. Super XX can
be used in an ordinary box comera. All you need
is several inexpensive photoflood bulbs.
Carl Baker Film Shop
PL owe o 'oo
TiL ami Willamette
New UO
Mary Anderson
Started Twirling
In Eugene High
Just who is this girl who stepped
from a giant-sized make-believe
duck at last Saturday’s football
game and caused thousands of
Webfoot eyes to follow the band
about the field?
She’s attractive blonde Mary
Anderson of Eugene, who besides
being an expert drum majoress, is
as friendly and likeable as anyone
you might meet on the campus.
Unlike many majorettes, Mary is
tall and slim. Authorities on the
subject consider this an asset, since
the taller the majorette, the bet
ter she can be seen on the field.
It’s little wonder, then, that Mary
considers her seven and a half
inches over five feet to be quite
an asset. And anyone engaging in
such strenuous exercise doesn't
need to worry about reducing prob
lems, least of all the slender Ore
gon drum majoress, who admits
she is two pounds underweight.
Mary is majoring in physical
education, hopes someday to teach
twirling. Certainly she is well
equipped, having achieved the dis
tinction of winning the national
regional contest for drum majors
in Portland last year.
Surprisingly enough, Mary has
not been a drum majorette ever
since she was “so high.” It was
only a year ago, upon entering a
class for twirlers, that Mary dis
covered her ability to wield a
baton. From that time on, it took
hard work and long hours of prac
tice to reach her present skill. Her
class at Eugene high school start
ed her off, but Mary feels she
owes a great deal to Les Harger
for his help and encouragement.
One would expect a PE major to
be sports-minded, and Mary, who
loves swimming in particular, and
all other sports in general, is no
exception to the rule; but one
would not expect anyone with such
| a consuming interest in physical
education to be an expert seam
stress and tailor. Mary loves to
sew, and finds it a welcome change
after hard hours of practice.
The University of Oregon has a
drum majoress it can well be
proud of, not just because she's
the top finalist in contests, or be
cause she gives the band new zip,
but because she’s a loyal student
and a “good fellow.”
History Head Gets
Chairmanship Bid
Professor Robert Carlton Clark,
head of the University history de
partment, has been invited to act
as chairman at a session of the
American Historical association
December 28 and 29 at the May
flower hotel in Washington, D. C.
He will preside over a discus
sion of the association on the in
stitutional factor in modern his
Five 'Queens'
(Contrmied from pai/e one)
Although students and faculty
events of the “Home to Honor
Oregon” spectacle; and to add
"oomph” to the biggest social oc
casion on the school calendar.
UO Mothers
(Continued from pmjc one)
Cook, Mrs. A. C. Greenwood, Mrs.
Elbert C. Pects, Mrs. Willard
Bond, Mrs. Burt Brown Barker,
Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mrs. George T.
Gerlinger, Mrs. Arthur M. Dibble,
Mis. Jacob Kanzler, Mrs. Edtyir
W. Smith and Mrs. Waiter E.
A musical program will be pre
sented during the tea hour.
(Continued from piu/e one)
Franco No Help
Discussing Spain's attitude to
her neighbors, he said that even
if Franco did want to support
Germany or Russia, the anti-com
munistic attitude of his people, be
cause of the strong pull of the
Roman Catholic church, would pre
vent his furnishing aid.
"And as for France arid Eng
land, they arc not going into this
war with a highly aroused pa
triotic feeling this time. They
merely regard it as an unpleasant
, task which they must finish as
fpnekly as possible," declared Mr.
Espy. “The extreme pacificist feel
ing before the war has been re
placed. Lloyd George and George
Bernard Shaw are now only voices.
Expert in Youth Council organ
ization and work, Dr. J, Quint or
Miller of the federal council of
churches is one of the leaders of
the Ofegon Christian Youth as
sembly, meeting on the campus
this weekend.
in the wilderness," he continued.
Mr. Espy, a native of Oregon,
has just returned from Europe
where he served as secretary to
the Ecumenical Youth commission,
an international youth association
for the last three years. He will
be one of the principal leaders of
the Oregon Christian Youth as
sembly which is scheduled to meet
on the University campus this
A Four Star Musical
Jascha Heifitz in
Joel Andrea Walter
McCrea Leeds Brennan
This is a picture full of
excitement ■
Revived !
“Mutiny on the
“The Champ”
Legion of
Lost Flyers
Nancy Drew in
“The Hidden Staircase”
With a distinctive
Oregon sticker
Still Offering
Smiling Associated
Crowded, Noisy Jallopies
A’gin Reg’lations! Shux!!
Of course, it's a lot of fun to
I ride about the campus in a car
packed—from the front seat to the.
spare tire—with cheering passen
gers. But, unfortunately, there’s
a law agin it, according to O. L.
Rhinesmith, campus cop.
It seems that Rule No. 1 of the
traffic regulations card reads that
"carrying students on the outside
of car, running boards, fenders,
or back, is prohibited." Another
interesting detail is that “not more
than three people may occupy the
front seat.”
Too Much Tooting
Horn-tooting is also a current
entertainment, and it's a shame,
because “sounding of the horn for
other than warning signals” comes
under the heading of “unnecessary
noise” in the list of traffic regu
lations—and is also prohibited.
Of the probable 600 cars on the
campus, an increase of 35 or 40
cars over last year. 560 of them
have registered. Rhinesmith urges
that the rest should be registered
at once in Friendly hall.
The last rule will no doubt have
a bad effect on the “personal ini
tiative" of rally leaders, but never
theless, hereafter all rallies must
be okeyed through Dean Virgil
Earl's office before they occur.
Special Course Given
For Best Students
In Freshman English
The elite of the English composi
tion classes may complete their
English requirement in two terms
this year instead of the three ordi
narily required.
Students showing exceptional
promise may, upon the approval
of their instructor, register in the
special “star” English classes,
where, by taking larger assign
ments, they complete the gradua
tion requirement in but two terms.
The forty-odd eligibles for this
year's classes are to be placed in
two classes as was done under
the same plan.
Adjustments are also being
made in the English K (corrective
English) classes. Students placed
in English K on the basis of their
placement exam grades but whose
work has shown that they do not
need corrective English, are being
placed in English composition
classes, while persons in the lat
ter classes who evidence need of
“brushing up” in fundamental Eng
lish are being advised to transfer
to English K.
14. Cfr&iJl&sx & Coi
Invites you
to its
Managed by
Assisted by
Janet Morris
Sally Murrow
Christmas Gift Photographs