Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 27, 1939, Image 1

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    L X ortArl I
Morse Bouquets
Shoot 40 Miles;
—Also Show-Off
UO Victory Bell
History Told
On Page Three -
AWS Show Offers
Varied Diversions
Complete College Education Offered;
Carnival Goers to Travel; Jalopy Parade,
i Jitterbug Contest, Added Attractions
A college education all in one evening will be offered to every
Oregon student when the AWS carnival college fair opens tomorrow
night at 8 o'clock in McArthur court.
Carnival goers will have a chance to attend West Point, Alabama,
Gonzaga, Texas, Idaho, Washington State, Bryn Mawr, Vassar, Wash
ington, California, Minnesota, Stanford: Harvard Ft-nn rwnnii oi,in
Youth Conference
Slated for Campus;
Espy to Speak
Between 400 and 500 youth and
adult delegates from the state's
church groups will come to the
campus for the opening session of
the Oregon Christian youth con
ference this evening at 8 o'clock.
Registering from 2 o'clock on
at the Methodist church, the dele
gates will attend the first ban-1
quet of the weekend at 6:30 at j
the church. Introduction of con
ference leaders, officers, and Uni
versity and city officials and ex
planation of the program will be
made at this time. Immediately
following the banquet, the group
will come to the campus where
the keynote for the conference,
“Christus Victor in this World of
Ours,” will be sounded by R. H.
Edwin Espy, Geneva, Switzerland,
who is to be main speaker of the
Final Meeting 9:30
Brief organizational meetings
for the discussion groups will be
held after Mr. Espy’s address. Fin
al meeting for the evening will
be held in Alumni hall at 9:30
with a fireside sing, led by con
ference music leader, Clarence
Faris of Portland, followed by a
worship service.
University faculty members and
students are invited to register at
the conference, writes Miss Betty
Britton, state president. Delegates
will include both high school and
college students and leaders, and
discussion groups for both ages
have been outlined, she said.
Miss Apel Leads
Designed for personnel workers
and students interested in this
field, a seminar in youth work will
be held by Miss Gertrude Apel,
executive of the Washington coun
cil of churches, who has specialized
in personnel work for a number
of years.
Although students and faculty
members are urged to pay the full
registration fee of $3 which in
cludes the conference meals, it
will be possible to obtain a ticket
for al^sessions of the weekend for
SI.25. Individual meeting tickets
will be available for 25 cents.
Information on the conference
may be obtained by calling Anne
Dean at Westminster h'ouse this
morning or the Methodist church
this afternoon and evening.
Westminster House
Plans Entertainment:
Supper, Open House
Westminster house has a week
end of entertainment planned for
those who are interested, beginning 1
with a covered-dish supper Friday
night,, open-house at 8 o’clock Fri
day night, and hiking Saturday
This is the second of Westminis
ter’s covered-dish suppers, which
are gives for young married couples.!
Each person brings his favorite
dish. Any young couple on the
campus who is interested will be
From 8 until 11:30 Friday eve
ning there will be open-house with
dancing, playing games, and other
entertainments to make the eve
ning interesting. Refreshments
will be served.
A hike is scheduled for Satur
day at 4 o’clock.
Annapolis, Pomona, Electoral, and
last but not least, Oregon State if
they wish.
Ioe Creani, Apples
Everything from throwing foot
balls at beavers to squirt ing water
guns at lighted candles may be
done during the course of the even
ing. Not only will there be a Har
vard follies show, but a turtle race
as well. The AWS food booth will
feature ice cream cones and carmel
The jitterbug contest will fur
nish diversion during the evening
and the carnival barkers will be a
show in themselves. Phil Barrett,
Carl Little, and Bill Ermine have
promised to “bark” the best they
know how.
The jalopy parade today at noon
will serve as a starter for that
weekend carnival spirit. Everyone
is to be in front of the old Co-op
store at 12, dressed in their most
collegiate and comfortable clothes,
and riding in jalopies of any de
scription to advertise the theme of
their booth.
UO Mothers
To Entertain
At Large Tea
Freshmen's Moms
Will Be Honored
Today in Portland
The University of Oregon Mo
thers, Portland unit, will entertain
in the Rose city today at a large
tea at the home of Mrs. Mark P.
Miller from 3 to 5 o’clock honoring
the mothers of all freshman stu
Jents on the campus and to which
ill mothers are invited.
Mrs. Harry E. Moore is in charge
and will be assisted by a large
Expected to receive with Mrs.
Herbert M. Clark, unit president,
are Mrs. C. C. Wintermute, state
president; Mrs. C. H. Weston, past
president; Chancellor Frederick M.
Hunter and Mrs. Hunter, Dr. Don
ald M. Erb and Mrs. Erb, Dr. Burt
Brown Barker, Dean Hazel P.
Schwering, Assistant Dean Alice
B. Macduff, Dean and Mrs. Virgil
D. Earl, and the hostess.
Karl W. Onthank, dean of per
sonnel, who with Mrs. Onthank was
scheduled to attend the affair is ill
in Good Samaritan hospital and
will not be present. Mrs. Onthank
is expected to be in the receiving
Pouring will be Mrs. Walter M.
(Please turn to page three)
Homecoming 'Queens'
Tnese five Oregon coeds will be on hand to welcome the many alumnae who are expected to he on
the campus for the 1939 Homecoming weekend. Here they are presenting the new Homecoming folders
to Mrs. Leonard Scroggins, an Oregon alumna. The girls, from left to right, are: Betty Anderson, Betty
McNiece, Irene Yturri, Betty Morfitt, and Eleanor Swift, chairman.
Five 'Queens’ Named
To Welcome Alumni
Bette Morfitt, Irene Yturri, Betty McNiece
Eleanor Swift, and Betty Anderson Set
To Play Hostess on Homecoming Weekend
In order to more visibly present the beauty of the Oregon campus
to the alumni who come “Home to Honor Oregon,” the president of
the student body, John Dick, yesterday appointed five of the local
“queens” to act as the official welcoming committee for Homecoming
Eleanor Swift, Betty Anderson, Bette Morfitt, Irene Yturri and
Deity ivxeiN icee nave uccn
to represent Oregon in expressing
the warm hospitality that awaits
alums bent campusward for the
festivities of November 10 to 12
inclusive. Miss Swift will chairman
the group.
According to the publicity
“dope" sheet released at a late
hour last night by Norman Foster,
publicity chairman, the newly ap
pointed feminine welcoming com
mittee will be the basis for advance
publicity of the annual Homecom
ing celebration.
Pictures of the group will be
sent to leading newspapers and
magazines throughout the entire
Northwest to serve as a visual invi
tation for alums and friends to
come to Webfootland and partici
pate in the festivities that will
highlight the greatest Homecom
ing weekend in the history of Ore
Present plans for the represen
tative group of campus beauty in
clude being one of the feature
attractions at a Portland “kickoff”
banquet; working with the Home
coming committee in aiding visit
(Please turn to page three)
Library Has Two New
Micro-Film Projectors
Occupying one of the studies for
the blind in the library are two
micro-film projectors. One is the
property of the history depart
ment and one of the University
Micro-films are small pictures
(16mm.) made of books or articles
which are read through the pro
jectors. Films are made of books
too rare for constant use; they
are made to save the cost of mail
ing actual books from one library
to another.
Copies of rare old documents,
such as the Hudson Bay records
in Scotland are also made.
New York Times Uses It
The New York Times has be
gun using micro-films for filing
copies of their paper; some li
braries will permit patrons to use
only the films, because papers are
too easily torn and destroyed.
Many of the larger libraries have
the micro-film cameras, the Uni
[ versity of Washington, the Uni
1 versity of California and the Uni
| versity of Michigan, to mention a
| few.
Films are traded between li
; braries with projectors. The Uni
! versity of Oregon has at present
nine films.
Films may t?3 read on the ma
chine or projected onto a wall or
j ground glass.
The Journal of Documentary Re
production is a publication devot
■ ed exclusively to the process. One
, advertiser has offered the pro
! jector and 50 films, for a special
price, to popularize the machine
for home use.
Like television, this process is
comparatively new, and is being
| constantly changed and improved.
Nazidom United;
People for Hitler,
Authority States
Expressing the opinion that
Germany was even more firmly
united now than before the war
started, R. H. Edwin Espy in his
lecture on “World Conditions To
day" at Gerlinger hall yesterday
opened a new line of thoughtfor
his audience.
“Contrary to popular belief, the
German people are far from dis
satisfied," said Mr. Espy who has
just returned from a six-year stay
abroad, “and are more closely
drawn to Hitler than ever before."
“The German people are not
fighting for Hitler or to establish
a world-wide empire this time,”
stated Mr. Espy. “They are fight
ing to save and to regain the ‘Vat
People Want ‘Vatorland’
“Germany is a country which
has lost its essential soul and is
now trying to find it,” reported
Mr. Espy. The people are willing
to make any sacrifice to bring
their “Vaterland" out of the posi
tion that the Versailles treaty put
them, Mr. Espy told his audience.
Touching the Russian situation
Mr. Espy said that Stalin was not
ready to throw his fate in with
Hitler. Russia would rather wait
until war-weary France, England,
and Germany were destitute and
then march in and take what she
“With Germany losing Japan as
her ally, England is now able to
concentrate her whole fleet on the
European situation instead of
spliting it up for Pacific duty as
well,” Mr. Espy declared.
(Please turn to page three)
White Overalls
In Book House
Herald Drama
White overall-clad figures are
invading the library these days
as the stage craft department
begins its research work neces
sary for the production “The
Arms and the Man” which will
be given in the University
theater November 16, 17, 18.
With all scenes laid in Bul
garia, the class, under the di
rection of Horace Robinson, as
sistant professor of dramatics,
has many headaches to iron out.
Unlike most plays where they
are able to borrow a good deal
of the furniture, the stage craft
students find themselves stump
ed for a small Turkish table,
fancily wrought iron hinges for
locking doors, and a Bulgarian
stove. • i
Contrasting to the last drama,
"Our Town”, presented by the
University theater in which no
stage settings were used, George
Bernard Shaw’s “The Arms and
the Man” calls for two interior
scenes and one exterior which
involve tile roofing, garden
fence, besides a few romantic
aspects for a garden terrace
Recently Appointed
Frosh Yell Leaders
To Perform Friday
Yell leader, Bob Elliott, made
official last night the appointment
of a trio of frosh yell leaders to
inspire the class of ’43 to a more
enthusiastic and united class spir
it. The successful appointees, who
tried out at the Phi Delta Theta
house, are George MacPherson,
Edgar Blumenthal and Jack
Although the new yell leaders
have not as yet organized they
were unanimous in the hope that
a major portion of the freshman
class will turn out for the first
frosh game of the home season
next Friday night. Future plans
foretell of a series of class yells
to be formulated by the group and
to be used at the various class
Alpha Phi Members
Entertaining Officer
Mrs. Wallace Brennen, district
governor of Alpha Phi, will be on
the campus for a few days, visit
ing the Oregon chapter. She ar
rived yesterday for a tour of in
spection throughout her district.
Informal entertainment has been
planned to honor her visit, and
she is expected to attend the AWS
carnival Saturday night. Mrs.
Charlotte Anderson, housemother
for Alpha Phi, has planned a bridge
party for Mrs. Brennen Saturday
j afternoon.
Binford Selected
As Maestro for
Sophomore Fling
Undaunted by apparent social
competition from a law school
dance, the committee in charge of
the forthcoming sophomore in
formal announced last night that
Maurice Binford will play for Mc
Arthur court dancers November 4.
Bob Deverell and Bob Lovall, co
chairmen of the sophomore dance,
made a joint statement to the ef
fect that they were definitely un
concerned about the would-be law
yers scheduling a dance for the
same evening as the sophomore
effort. "We are concerned only
with making this dance live up to
the standards set by other sopho
more class affairs," said chairmen
Deverell and Lovell.
Maurice Binford Billed
Maurice Binford’s orchestra will
come direct from the Eugene hotel
where their dinner music is fea
tured nightly. This summer, Bin
ford’s aggregation played for va
cationing swing fans at the Hotel
Gearhart, the Bungalow Ballroom
at Seattle, and Jantzen Beach in
Portland where they "aired" over
the Columbia broadcasting system.
This is Binford’s third year on the
Oregon campus.
Tickets to the sophomore in
formal will cost 50c to students
holding sophomore class cards,
with 85 cents set as .the regular
admission price. Sophomores must
secure their tickets at McArthur
court sometime before November
Theme Named
The theme of the dance will be
"Put Oregon on the Map” and is
to be carried out in gigantic mur
als depicting Oregon’s achieve
ments in the past year. Green and
yellow has been chosen as the pre
dominating colors for the Mc
Arthur court decorations.
Dance heads are attempting to
secure late permission for girls
on the night of November 4.
Laurels Taken
By Company B
With a more than perfect score
of 100.0888, Company B, section 1,
won the ROTC laurels for the week
last Wednesday at the regular uni
form drill. Companies were judg
ed on personal appearance and
conduct in the ranks, with de
merits being given for every un
shaven chin or rifle that was
dropped. Additional merits were
given to those students whose uni
forms showed unusual care.
Second place went to Company
D, section 1, with 100.0725; third,
Company D, section 2, 100.0303;
fourth, Company G, section 1, 100
.0151; fifth, both Company F and
Company G, section 2, who tied
with a perfect score of 100.0000;
sixth, Company D, 99.9827;
seventh, Company E, section 2, 99
.9815; eighth, Company A, section
1, 99.9727; ninth, Company B,
section 2, 99.8718; tenth, Company
A, section 2, 99.8710; eleventh
place went to Company E, section
1, with a score of 99.8547.
Hochuli Ignores
Reform Demands
Rally Committee Will Not Undergo Any
Changes in Immediate Future Says
Chairman; Elliott Upholds Organization
While the gridiron performances of Oregon's white-sweatered rally
committee continued to be a topic of interest in this week’s campus
"bull sessions,” Rally Chairman Bob Hochuli yesterday was still pas
sive concerning any "drastic reform of the committee setup.”
“No change will be made in our game program next week at least,”
Hochuli said, adding that so far committee discussion of reorganizing
their activities has toeen very lim
Although Hochuli prefaced his
statements with the announcement
that he could not give any hint as
to what the rally heads even might
be expected to do to get hack in
I Webfoot "good graces" until the
whole committee voted, Veil King
Bob Elliot had definite opinions on
the subject.
“Our Aim Is to Please"
“I explained to the committee at
the beginning of the year," Elliot
siad, "that I thought the time to
show their pep is at the end of a
yell ... to initiate spontaneous
cheering in the stands.” He de
clared, however, that he is sure
that all the rally committee wants
to do is please the school.
"Last year the Emerald bawled
the rally squad out for sitting
down on benches,” Elliot recalled,
"so this year they're standing up
now the student body thinks they
look funny standing up!"
Girls Shouldn't Lead
Both of the pepsters agreed that
it really isn’t the job of girls to
lead yells. Hochuli explained that
he doesn’t think the rally commit
tee should yell at all, while the
Webfoot yell king said that he
feels it is “all right for girls to
wave pompons, or td have some
thing else special to do when they
get out in front."
The rally committee became the
center of student barbs after Sat
urday’s game with Gonzaga, when
they, for the first time of the new
season, stood in a line behind the
three cheer leaders and helped with
yells and songs.
Under last year’s setup, the
squad was provided with benches
in front of the stands, but this
year they arranged to stand in
front of the crowd throughout the
Phyllis Gray to Play
Over KOAC Tonight
Tonight at 8 o’clock over KOAC
a piano recital will be presented
by Phyllis Gray, a University stu
dent who is a pupil of Aurora Pot
ter Underwood.
Two numbers that she will play
are "Nocturne in F Major” by
Chopin, and “Spanish Dance” by
Hunter, Erb Will Be
In Corvallis Today
Both Chancellor F. M. Hunter
of the state board of higher edu
cation and Dr. Donald M. Erb, Uni
versity president, will be in Cor
vallis today and tomorrow to at
tend the monthly meeting of the
state board.
The group is gathering at Cor
vallis to inspect the state college
in general and the new chemistry
building in particular.
A Perfect Clairvoyance?
Psych Class Has Doubts
Are you clairvoyant ? Do you
see stars, circles, and wavy lines
in front of your eyes ?
The sophomore psychology
classes are sinking deep in sigmas,
grappling with graphs, and experi
menting with extra sensory per
ception cars.
These cards contain stars, cir
cles, squares, wavy lines, and
crosses and the object of the game
is for the lab student to sit facing
a deck of the cards and call them
off in order . . . clairvoyance, they
call it.
If you can call all 25 accurately
(and there's one chance in 1,-000,
000,000,000,000,000 of doing it) it
seems you win a hand-painted dill
pickle or something, and then all j
the psychology professors gather
with a deck of cards and expect
you to do it again,
So, who can blame the practical
minded sophomore who lets her
mind wander to last week end’s
date while she calls through the
deck of cards.
One discouraged girl who re
ceived a score of nine, just 11
points below the mean average,
was heard wailing her sentiments,
"Oh woe is me! Not only do they
cause me to lose faith in my
woman’s intuition but they label
me a psychic idiot.”
Don’t be discouraged! Dr. Beck
assures us that it won’t show in
a formal.
Now Total
$250,000 Gift
Made to Promote
Public Hygiene
The total of bequests made to
the University of Oregon in the
last two weeks rose to half a mil
lion dollars yesterday with the an
nouncement that the widow of Dr.
Edward Brown, of Portland, had
willed the University $250,000 for
the establishment of a school of
public hygiene.
The other half of the total was
left to the University by Mrs. An
na M. Williams for a memorial
fund in memory of Dr. Kenneth A.
J. MacKenzie, former dean of the
medical school in Portland.
Money to Med School
It is expected by University of
ficials that the bequests will have
an important part in determining
the relationship existing between
the University and the medical
school. The fact that the Williams
will is in memory of a former
member of the medical school has
given rise to the belief that part
of the money should be given to
the Portland school.
Dr. Donald M. Erb, University
president, stated yesterday that he
believed any differences of opinion
could be peaceably ironed out.
Lawyers called in to interpret the
wills have not yet agreed on the
method of distributing the money.
Credit for the bequests to the
University is accorded to the late
resident Arnold Bennett Hall by
Burt Brown Barker, University
vice-president. Hall interested Ore
gonians and their friends in the
welfare of Oregon schools.
Initial Meeting
Held by Phi Beta
In Gerlinger Hall
Phi Beta, professional music,
drama, and dance honorary, held
its first formal meeting of the
year Tuesday evening in alumnae
room of Gerlinger hall, with Mrs.
Genevieve Turnipseed, director of
Oregon dormitories, speaking on
“Phi Beta—An Outsider Looking
On.” Guests of the evening were
young women on the campus in
terested in music, drama, and the
The meeting was presided over
by Theresa Kelly, alumnae advisor
of the organization, and Oregon
graduate. The rest of the program
consisted of harp solos by Neva
Barber and a violin solo by Eliza
beth Walker, accompanied by
Dorothy Gelman.
New Ceilings in Libe
Acoustically tiled ceilings are
being installed in two of the Braille
studies. Headers will no longer
have difficulties with echoing.
Orides-Yeomen Halloween pledge
dance is this evening on the third
floor of Gerlinger hall. Non-mem
bers will be charged 25c.
* * V
Miss Sawyer of the browsing
room of the library will read to
Orides Monday evening at their
regular meeting.
• * •