Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 26, 1939, Image 1

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Finnegan Defends
Rally Committee;
Full Women's Page
Work to Do
Rally Committee
Dr. Espy
Role of European
Youth to Be Topic
For Discussion
“The Role of Youth in the
Changed Environment of Europe,”
is the subject which Dr. Edwin
Espy will discuss before Oregon
students this morning at the as
sembly in Gerlinger hall at 11 o’
Dr. Espy has just returned from
Europe where he served as execu
tive for the World Conference of
Christian Youth at Amsterdam
during the month of July. His
headquarters for the past three
years as secretary of the Ecumen
ical Youth commission, internation
al youth association, has been
Geneva, Switzerland.
During his time in Europe Dr.
Espy has had an opportunity to
meet young people from all over
Europe, and talk with them about
the problems and adjustments they
face as the rising generation of
countries caught in the whirlpool
of social and economic change.
A popular young speaker, quali
fied to speak on either political or
social trends, he was until recently
on a speaking tour in the east and
flew to the Pacific coast
for his engagement on the Oregon
campus. While here he will be one
of the principle leaders of the Ore
gon Christian Youth assembly
which is scheduled to meet this
weekend at the University.
A native Oregonian, Dr. Espy
hails from Portland. His brother,
John, graduated from the Univer
sity last year.
Law School Dean
Goes to Seattle
For Labor Dispute
Reappointment of Dean Wayne
L. Morse of the University law
school to the post of maritime ar
bitrator for the Pacific coast has
been approved by President Erb.
Dean Morse left last night for
Seattle where he will take part
in settling a labor dispute.
Another labor tie-up at Belling
ham, Washington, will be survey
ed by Dean Morse to determine
whether or not it is a local or
coastwide issue. If the situation
has any bearing on Pacific coast
labor problems, the Oregon law
dean will call a hearing to settle
the dispute.
Dean Morse recently resigned
from the position as arbitrator
when a decision rendered By him
was not followed by the longshore
men's union in San Francisco.
The award handed down by
Dean Morse decreed that the long
shoremen were guilty of collusive
picketing in conjunction with the
San Francisco clerk’s union which
went on strike recently. The award
was made on the basis of another
decision handed down by Morse
on March 2, 1939, which found that
“illegitimate” picket lines are not
sufficient cause for union men to
refuse to do work which will cause
them to pass through the lines.
“Illegitimate” picket lines are
defined as those established by
one union for the benefit of an
other union which has special in
terests in mind.
Recorder to Speak
To Journalism Class
City Recorder Calvin M. Bryan
will speak for the fourth time, to
d a y, before Professor George
Turnbull’s reporting class on the
subject of the city government in
Speaking twice to each section,
Mr. Bryan’s talk is planned to help
students in covering city business.
No Frills, No Fuss
'i'villa Halos, Dick “Kewpio” Barrett, and Mary Jane Shaw demon
strate that campus clothes are in order for Saturday night’s AWS
carnival at the Igloo. Barrett will he a “barker” at the show.
Tin Lizzies’ Will Be
Featured in Funfest
'Jalopy Roll' Scheduled for Friday Noon;
'Come One, Come Ail' Hullabaloo to
Engulf Igloo at Saturday-Night Fete
Oregon’s own “College Fair,” the AWS carnival, slated for eight
o’clock Saturday night in a transformed Igloo, will be a strictly no-date
affair, carnival heads announced last night as they put finishing touches
on the college-themed booths.
Big preview of the carnival is scheduled for Friday noon, when all
campus “jalopies” and their occupants are to meet in front of the old
Co-op building to begin their parade through campus streets. Judaes
Musical Clinic
Scheduled Here
University Band
To Play Wide
Variety of Music
The second annual band and or
chestra clinic for music educators,
band and orchestra leaders, and
directors of music departments in
schools of Oregon, Washington,
and Idaho will be held on the Uni
versity campus on Sunday, No
vember 5, according to John H.
Stehn, director of the university
Walter C. Welke, Seattle, Wash.,
is supervising the regional meet
ing, which will be part of the pre
paration for the National School
Music Competition festival. Those
who attend will hear a wide varie
ty of music played by the orches
tra and' band of the University of
Oregon, and be permitted to choose
selections they w'ant their musical
group to play in regional and na
tional contests.
Keen interest in the clinic and a
hope for a large attendance was
expressed by Dean Theodore Kratt
of the University of Oregon school
of music. He said that all facilities
the school offers will be available
to delegates.
The band clinic will open at 9
a. m. Sunday, with band music in
classes, C, D, and E played by a
clinic band made up of University
and high school students from all
parts of the Willamette Valley. At
10:30 Rex Underwood will direct
the University of Oregon sym
phony orchestra in performances
of orchestra music in classes A
and B.
A luncheon and business meet
ing will be held at 12 noon. At
2:30 in the afternoon Mr. Stehn
will direct the University band in
demonstrations of classes A and B
band music. A discussion of num
bers in the various classifications,
and a vote to select numbers for
the competitions will be made at
4 o'clock.
for the contest, which will feature
“jalopies” decorated in the colors
of each house's carnival booth, will
be William Taylor, owner of Tay
lor’s confectionary; Newton Smith,
College Side proprietor; and Cam
“ I
pus Cop O. L. Rhinesmith.
The prize for the most collegiate
“jalopy” will be donated by Pome
roy's Associated station, and will
include eight gallons of gasoline.
The parade, led by the rally com
mittee, will proceed about the
campus and is expected to go past
both Eugene high schools. Chair
man Sally Mitchell has announced
that living organizations may en
ter as many cars as they wish in
the parade, providing they are of
the ancient collegiate variety.
Friday morning, pennants bear
ing, “See you at the carnival,” will
be distributed among girls’ living
organizations and are to be worn
on coat lapels or pinned on sweat
erp. Committee heads have an
nounced that the carnival is to be
strictly a no-datc affair. The jitter
bug contest featured at the car
nival will begin in the middle of
the evening. As an added attrac
tion, Bob Diez, winner of last
year’s contest, will give an exhi
bition dance.
Vespers Slated[
By Wesleyans
With members of Wesley foun
dation in charge, the all-campus
vesper hour will be held from 4 :45
to 5:15 this afternoon in Alumni
Built around music and silence,
the hour as explained by Dr.
■ James R. Branton, head of the de
partment of religion, is intended
! as a time for being with one’s
I self, and evaluating one's activi-;
| ties.
Open to all people on the campus, i
previous vesper hours have been!
attended by both students and
I faculty members.
Coeds 100 Per Cent
Behind Grid Squad
Fredriksen Says
Five hundred chilly Webfoot
rooters last night sent Oregon’s
football team rolling south toward
their game against UCLA in Los
Angeles Saturday with the rollick
ing rhythm of "The Beer Barrel
Polka” ringing in their ears.
Ignoring the threat of grey skies
that threatened to belch rain at
any moment, the Duck fans
ci'owded to the Eugene railroad
station to rally behind the Oregon
squad as they left for their third
invasion of California in five
Vaughn Corley, line coach for
the Oregons, took the mike for a
(Please turn to pape four)
OSC Talons
Join Kwama*
In Meeting
Groups Discuss
Set-up; Exchange
Ideas in Session
Alumni hail of Gerlinger last
night was the scene of a joint
meeting of Kwama, Oregon’s soph
omore women’s honorary, and Tal
ons, the corresponding women’s
group at OSC.
Circled Ground the fireplace, the
girls sang school and fraternity
songs of the two schools and dis
cussed the set-up on which the two
honoraries plan their yearly pro
grams. Discussion was led by the
two presidents.
The Talons came to Eugene in
a special bus chartered for them
by the Oregon State student body.
Cider and doughnuts were serv
ed later by the hostesses, with
Jean Burt in charge of arrange
ments. i
Advisor Ford
Speaks to SDX
Emerald Copies
Will Be Entered in
National Contest
Prof. James L. C. Ford, assist
ant professor of journalism, took
over the advisory duties of Sigma
Delta Chi, men's journalism hon
orary, at their regular meeting
Wednesday afternoon. Professor'
Ford was elected advisor last week
to replace Chardes Hulten, assistant
professor of journalism, who is on
a year’s leave of absence at Stan
ford university.
Speaking informally Professor
Ford outlined suggestions for the
coming year and discussed problems
with members.
Examples of outstanding photo
graphy and writing from the local
chapter will be submitted to the
national contest for college pub
lications sponsored each year by
Sigma Delta Chi. A committee of
Bud Jermain, Lyle Nelson, George
Pasero, and George Godfrey was
named to judge outstanding Emer
ald production.
President George Pasero ap
pointed an activities committee
consisting of Rey Vernstrom, Glenn
Hasselrooth, and Wilbur Grant.
Max Frye and John Koppen were
assigned to contact leading or
chestras of the nation to choose
one for this year's Sigma Delta
Chi dance.
Two pledges were elected, Alen
Torbet and Ray Foster, bringing
the list of fall term pledges to I
three. Dick Williams was pledged
a week ago.
When it comes to ligitimate |
“beefs”, one that recurs again and |
again is how come the Dragon
Lady is relegated to the adver-!
Using section these days?
Mojica Will Be Featured
At Homecoming Dance
Brings Mojica to Campus
Rml Aronson, chairman of the Homecoming (lance, who last night
mnounced the signing of Leon Mojica and his hand for the November
11 event.
Fall Formal
On Slate for
Law School
Soph Frolic Same
Night; Fur to Fly
Over Gal-Dating
Following their usual practice
of completely overshadowing other
campus affairs, the law school yes
terday scheduled their annual fall
dance with the Dean of Women’s
office. The date of the glorious
affair will be the night of No
vember 4 the same night as
the soph informal.
The scheduling of two such awe
inspiring events on the same night,
promises to create a feror in
campus social life, according to the
Law school public relations coun
cil composed of W. F. Loboersky,
Tom B. Collins and Hi O. Silver.
Because of the beforementioned
complications, the public relations
council of the would-be lawyers
wishes to advise campus ladies
clamoring for dates to contact the
council immediately. Dates will be
apportioned strictly upon the quo
ta system and those who make
their reservations first will receive
prior consideration.
The original theme for the af
fair was a Ghost dance, but the
idea was dropped when the in
credulous law scholars learned to
their amazement that spirits arc
strictly taboo at University of Ore
gon social functions.
(Please turn to paye jour)
Bus Takes Walk
Motivated by 25
OSC Beauties
Twenty-five Oregon State coeds
late last night were seen “puffing
and panting” as they pushed a
good-sized bus down 13th street,
while one of their attractive num
ber steered the vehicle.
According to hurried explana
tions from the OSC visitors, their
bus just "wouldn't run" when they
got ready to leave Gerlinger hall
after a meeting there.
The girls had been guests of
Kwama for the evening, and were
sophomores at the Corvallis insti
Tired Patients'
Patience Tried;
Solitude Cause
“Our persecution complex is
counteracted only by the good
food and visiting hours,” infir
mary patients Margaret Miller,
Jean Boggs, Peggy Yaden, and
Doris Hanson said yesterday.
Referring to the early hours
and frequent doses of medicine
administered by the nurses the
dead and dying in ward 3 agreed
that life in the campus hospital
"definitely doesn’t include the
comforts of home.”
Next door, Nancy Hilton in
haled cold-killing fumes from a
steaming tea kettle. “I cad eved
shell id,” she explained through
the haze.
Chuck Elliot t, potential
frosh football man, is recovering
from an appendicitis operation—
and missing all the games, much
to his disgust.
Others on yesterday’s sick list
include: Amelis Spada, Mavis
Cope, Florence Seheyler, Ted
Marshall, Carl Kuhne, Victor
Picstrak, Clara Skjejsstad, Hor
ace Fenton, Eldgar Smith, Helen
Graves, Paul Davis, Donald Bald
ridge, and George Schreiber.
New Fireside
List Available
A list of faculty members who
vill be available for fireside chats
ind on what date they can appear
s being compiled by the YMCA
:ommittee on student-faculty rela
:ions, co-chairmaned by Wayne
<elty and Bob Lovely.
The list is to contain about 30
'acuity members. A copy of the
completed list will be sent to all
living organizations on the cam
3us, and those who wish may pick
the speakers that they desire.
Arrangements are also being
completed by the YMCA for their
participation in the Oregon Chris
tian Youth assembly to be held on
the campus this Friday, Saturday,
and Sunday. The Y is to furnish
15 ushers and have the responsi
bility of seeing that the 11 places
where the assembly discussion
groups are to be held are in order
for the meetings.
Big Name Orchestra
From Golden Gate
Dance Chairman, Bud Aronson, Appoints
Nine Man Committee to Formulate Plans;
Theme Still Unannounced
Climaxing weeks of extensive search for an available orchestra,
Bob Aronson, Homecoming itance chairman, released the name of
Leon Mojica as the band that will play for students and alumni the
night of November 11.
Leon Mojica and company will come to the Oregon campus direct
from the popular San Francisco night spot, El Patio. The Mutual
Broadcasting system carries Mojica’s rhythms three nights weekly on
its northwestern network.
Those who attended the sopho
more informal last year will re
member Mojica as the one who
provided the smooth arrangements
of old and popular tunes for en
thralled dancers.
Not only is Leon Mojica popular
with campus dancers but he and
his music is well liked by a large
off-campus public as evidenced by
his popularity with state fair audi
ences this summer.
The theme for the Homecoming
terpsichorean event is as yet un
decided, according to Aronson.
However, the theme and decora
tions will provide a fitting back
ground for the lilting strains of
Leon Mojica’s orchestra, Aronson
Bud Aronson also appointed a
committee to help him with dance
plans. Those named were: Jack
Saltzman, publicity; Glen Eaton
ind Lloyd Hoffman, orchestra;
Louie Torgeson, programs; Bob
Herzog, tickets; Catherine Mur
dock, patrons and patronnesses;
2y Nims, decorations; and Lloyd
Sullivan and Jack Hannegan in
charge of floor and clean-up.
Exhibit Honors
Alfred Schroff
Memorial Includes
Oils, Water Colors
By Past Professor
In memory of Alfred Hermann
Schroff, professor emeritus of
painting and first head of the de
partment of drawing and painting
rf the school of architecture and
rllied arts, who passed away a year
igo, the art school opened a mem
orial exhibit Tuesday.
Many of his oils, water colors,
ind etchings can be observed at
.he exhibit. His paintings include I
rarbor scenes, landscapes, and ma- i
•ines. In the lobby to the entrance
of the exhibit are decorative pan
ds, and stained glass windows on
he doors, done under Mr. Sehroff’s
lireetion, by students.
The exhibit will remain open at
east two weeks. Hours are from
» a.m. to 4 p.m. until further
On the campus Professor
3chroff’s two most notable contri
outions are the overmantel paint
ngs in Gerlinger hall.
Throughout the country he has
eft his handiwork in glass, mosaic,
vater color, and oil etching. In the
West, he has painted Oregon coun
ty, Alaska, and, from his Carmel
;tudio, much of California.
Library to Display
Halloween Stories
There will be a display of books,
poems, and ghost stories for Hal
loween in the browsing room
starting Friday.
The exhibit of western books
which, according to Miss Ethel R.
Sawyer, browsing room librarian,
were well received, will be taken
off the table Thursday.
UO Receives
Official Word
Of NewFund
Mrs. Williams Will
Donate Quarter
Million to Oregon
The wandering' quarter of a mil
lion dollars that has puzzled the
officials of the University of Ore
gon and of the University of Ore
gon Medical school the past two
weeks came to rest on this cam
pus yesterday when a copy of the
will of the late Mrs. Anna Mildred
Williams was received at the Uni
versity business office.
The excerpt pertaining to the
school grant read, “FOURTH:—
(A) I give and bequeath to the
University of Oregon, the sum of
two hundred and fifty thousand
dollars ($250,000.00), in memory
of Dr. Kenneth A. J. MacKenzie, to
be known as the Kenneth A. J.
MacKenzie memorial fund. The
Trustees of the University may
use this fund for such purposes as
they in their absolute discretion
may deem to be to the best inter
ests of the University.”
Dr. MacKenzie was one of the
founders and a former dean of the
medical school in Portland.
“Whether or not the medical
school has a right to share in the
bequest must await a determina
tion of the relationship existing
between this University and the
school in Portland by some legal
authority,” President Erb said yes
From the viewpoint of the Ore
gon State System of Higher Edu
cation, the two schools are regard
ed as distinct units of the system.
There will be a meeting of the
fencing club tonight at 7:30 in
Gerlinger gym. David Zilka will
give a short talk on fencing. Vic
itois welcome.
• * *
The Hawaiian club will meet to
day at 4 o'clock at the College
* * *
There will be an important
meeting of all old Girl Reserves
at the YWCA bungalow at 4
o’clock this afternoon. Members
urged to attend.
* * *
While he is ill, Dean of Person
nel Karl W. Onthank's classes will
meet as usual in their regular
class rooms in Johnson hall. Per
sonnel Problems for Junior Of
ficers will be taught by Profes
sor Shumacher and Dean Schwer
ing will instruct the Advanced
Personnel Practice class.