Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 03, 1939, Image 1

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v. OF ORE.
Huge Rally Welcomes
Football Team Back;
See Story Below
Sigma Delta Psi
Wins National Title#
See Page 3 for Details
Six Groups Make Bid for Davenport
Brincrs Them Home
Tex Oliver . . . caught in an informal pose at the welcome rally
Monday morning. Tex praised the courage and morale shown by the
Oregon team in Saturday’s 7 to 7 tie with Southern California.
Photo by Charles Kenyon, Emerald staff photographer.
Spirited Crowd Stages
Large Welcome Rally
For Mighty Olivermen
Returning Webfooters Get Enthusiastic
Reception After Saturday's 7 to 7 Tie
With Southern California
Several hundred sleepy-eyed students and townspeople turned out
Monday morning to welcome back a gallant band of Webfoot foot
highly touted Trojans, 7 to 7 in Saturday's game,
highly touted Troans, 7 to 7 in Saturday’s game.
In spite of the early hour and the cold, a large representation was
on hand to greet Coach Tex Oliver and the team when they stepped
Pasadena JC
Students Get
Cokes Outdoors
The student union coke dispens
ing department could well take a
hint from the Pasadena junior col
lege union which recently installed
umbrellas, tables, and chairs out
side the union for the convenience
of the students.
Finding the inside of the union
overcrowded during the recent
heat wave, the union agreed to
serve outside the building if the
different campus organizations
would supply the chairs, tables, and
umbrellas. The organizations did
and the union does,
notes in a local paper,
ing" in the wide outdoors.
—Daily Trojan.
Some people clean by sponging
off others.
* * *
Overheard in the Campus Grill
—“Love is like eating mushrooms.
You don’t know whether it’s the
real thing until it’s too late.”
—Indiana Statesman.
* * *
The breeze
In the trees
Makes me sneeze
-Hay fever.
—The Alabamian.
* * *
SAE: “Last night I made a ter
rible mistake!”
Phi Sig: “That so? How come?”
SAE: “I drank a bottle of gold
Phi Sig: “How do you feel
(Please turn to fage three)
on me train at t a.m.
Crowd Acclaims
The crowd began cheering when
the first member of the team,
Dennis Donovan, appeared and
continued until all the squad had
left the train. Trainer Bob Officer
and players A1 Samuelson, Tippy
Dyer, Merle Peters, Bob Smith,
Hymie Harris, Bill Regner, Mar
shall Stenstrom, and Art Wine
trout were called upon by Yell
King Bob Elliott to make short
speeches. Each boy’s talk was fol
lowed by acclaim from the crowd.
Tex Talks
When these talks were over, the
crowd began setting up a chant,
calling for Coach Tex Oliver. After
a few minutes Tex appeared, rub
bing his eyes in a gesture of sleepi
ness. Tex was then led upon the
platform and called upon to say
his bit. Oliver told the throng that
both he and the team felt capable
of even better football. He also
added that everyone on the squad
was frankly disappointed that Ore
gon didn't win the Trojan game.
Wild acclaim followed this speech.
Several organized yells ended
the rally, and the townspeople and
students quickly dispersed—most
of them yawning but happy.
Education Students
To Start Experiments
Fifth-year students in the school
of education of the University of
Oregon will become “internes” and
study in an actual working labor
atory, University high school, the
problems of teaching and adminis
tration during the coming year, it
was disclosed here today by Dean
J. R. Jewell.
Dr. Erb, John
Dick to Speak
At Assembly
Thursday Marks
Date of First
Student Meeting
University President Donald M.
Erb and ASUO Prexy John Dick
will share speaking honors at the
first student assembly of fall term,
set for Thursday morning at 11 o'
clock in Gerlinger.
Featuring singing of Oregon pep
songs and Webfoot yell drill in
anticipation of Saturday’s Stan
ford game, the assembly will be
the starter of a series of Thursday
morning mass meetings, Dick said.
Band to Play
Song leader for the occasion will
be Theodore Pratt, new dean of the
University music school. The Uni
versity band will play several
Dr. Erb will make the principal
address of the morning, with a
talk to the student body on plans
for the new year at Oregon.
Slate Release
Dean of Personnel Karl W. On
thank, chairman of the assembly
committee, will release^an assem
bly slate for the term as soon as
[ the speaker lineup is arranged, he
Thursday morning 11 o’clock
classes are postponed in order that
all students may attend the
First Frosh
Council at 7
Dr. Erb Heads
YM's Advisory
Speakers' List
The initial meeting of the 1939
1940 YMCA freshman council will
start tonight at 7 o’clock in the Y
hut. Short talks, singing, and re
freshments will fill the program of
this introductory meeting at which
all freshmen will be welcomed by
Paul Sutley, new executive secre
tary of the local YMCA.
Donald M. Erb, University presi
dent, will “kickoff” on the even
ing’s program with a few remarks
on the subject of “The Place of the
YMCA in a Well Rounded College
Experience” as viewed from the
side of the faculty.
Vernstrom Speaks
Following up President Erb, Roy
Vernstrom, second vice president
of the student body, will cover the
same topic from the student lead
er’s viewpoint.
Methods of filling the gap be
tween the high school Hi-Y club
and the college YMCA will be re
viewed by William Kidwell, dean
of boys of Eugene high school.
Pointers Given
Anne Fredriksen, president of
AWS, will call attention to some
of the qualities and characteristics
of personality that the college wo
man admires in the college man.
Purpose and setup of the YMCA
and the importance of the fresh
man council and what is to be
expected of it wili be discussed by
Frank McKinney, president of the
Freshman councils will be a
regular Tuesday night feature at
the Y hut during the rest of the
S year.
Theta Sigma Phi will meet to
night at 7 o'clock in the Journal
ism shack. All members should be
* * *
Heads of all women’s living or
ganizations will meet at 4 o’clock
; thus afternoon in Gerlingcr. First
j meeting of the year.
An important meeting of the
freshman class will be held in
the Villard assembly hall at 7:45
o’clock Wednesday evenin g.
Purpose of the assembly will
be to organize the freshman
class for the current school
Roy Vernstrom, temporary
chairman of the freshman class,
urges all freshmen to attend
this meeting and to bring their
constitutional booklets.
Record Staff
Turns Out
For Meeting
160 Try for Jobs
On Emerald Staff
For 1939-1940
The largest turnout in recent
years greeted the Emerald staff at
their first meeting of the year last
evening in the journalism building.
George Turnbull, official adviser
of the Emerald, welcomed the new
staff members as well as the new
journalism students to the school
with the aims of the paper and the
background of the school of jour
nalism. He stressed the fact that
the Emerald has reached its high
rating through hard work of the
students and would not be able
to maintain it on past performance,
but only through continued student
interest. “It is very heartening,”
said Mr. Turnbull, “to see such a
large turnout so early in the year,
as I can remember years ago when
the total staff could be seated in
the first two rows of this room.”
Editor Bud Jermain expressed
the hope that the staff members
may again win all-American hon
ors which have been won regularly
in the past. Jerman then introduced
his upper news staff composed of
Lyle Nelson, managing editor;
Helen Angell, news editor; George
Pasero, co-sports editor v/ith El
bert Hawkins; and Marge Finne
gan, women’s editor. Each in turn
expressed their views of what
should be done in the respective
departments, and welcomed the
newcomers to the Emerald staff
Approximately 160 prospective
journalists attended the meeting
of which about 100 were freshmen.
New Students
Crowd Houses
Although registration totals are
expected to show an increase over
last year’s mark of more than 1C
per cent in University enrollment
there is no shortage of housing fa
cilities, Karl W. Onthank, dean oi
personnel, said last night.
With 1200 incoming freshman
students setting an all time high
combined with a general increase
in the other three classes, Univer
sity housing units are filled tc
capacity for the first time since
the completion of the new men’s
dormitory in 1930.
The surplus of students is being
handled through the office of Mrs
Marcella B. King, housing secre
tary, who stated yesterday thai
there is still plenty of room in resi
dences approved by the housing
All students seeking rooms are
asked to contact her as soon a;
possible in her office on the lowei
floor of Johnson hall.
Pennsylvania State college i:
considering establishing a specia
training course for truck drivers
Selection of Winner
Puzzles Educational
Activities Officials
Eaton Indicates That Card Drive
May Challenge Marks Established
In Previous Years
Three days were gone last night in the ASUO fall ticket drive, with
six living organizations reporting 100 per cent and the educational
activities office going around and around in a circle of “button, button,
who gets the davenport?"
The drive roared along in its third day, picking up new member
ships with late registrations and house sales. With so many living
organizations turning in 100 per cent reports, all the activities office
nas 10 ao is ngure out wnu wem,
100 per cent first, second, third,
and so on. Six houses in a lump
was an unexpected, almost unpre
cedented rush.
Drive May Set Mark
The annual drive is in a fine
way to challenge high marks set
by record years, Drive Chairman
Glenn Eaton indicated yesterday,
with first and second day registra
tion totals up to and beyond all
previous records. Best of all, Eaton
said, a large percentage of buyers
purchased $15 cards, good for three
terms and saving the buyer a dol
lar on his Oregana.
Houses which go 100 per cent
from now on need not i,feel they
will win nothing for their spirit,
Eaton stated. Every hundred per
cent house will collect ice cream
for all or will cash in on some kind
of a deal by way of bonus.
Barbara Pierce Wins
Yesterday's winning representa
tive was Barbara Pierce, Pi Phi,
who sold the highest number of
tickets for the day out of all house
representatives. She was awarded
a $1 scrip book good at any Ever
green theater.
Newest outcropping of the drive
is the appearance of a booth on
the campus for the sale of ASUO
cards throughout the day. The
booth is a customary campus sales
feature, and will rest in the usual
spot on Thirteenth, Cards will sell
at no change in prices, $7 for fall
term or $15 for the year.
“With the Stanford game Satur
day to climax the drive and an ex
tra free dance the following week
end, I think we will top last year’s
drive,” Chairman Eaton predicted.
With this setup Drive Captains
Pat Taylor, Ken Erickson, and
Gleeson “Tiger” Payne were whip
ping up their staffs for one grand
effort to beat all records.
One new appointment was an
nounced yesterday, that of Eleanor
Swift to act as secretary of the
drive. She is a veteran of four or
five of these campaigns.
Drive committees met at the
College Side yesterday with Eaton
for the daily council of war, when
awards were made.
WAA to Give
Tea for Frosh
A tea for all freshman women
will be the initial fall activity of
the Women Athletic association,
according to Marge Van Matre,
WAA will entertain the frosh at
a special tea October 12 at four
o’clock in the AWS rooms of Ger
linger hall, where singing, skits
and games will be provided for
Booklets explaining the WAA
and its activities at Oregon will be
given each girl as she enters the
room. Janet Morris will be in
charge of arrangements.
Courses in men's hygiene will be
taught by Dr. Porter of the Uni
j versity infirmary. He is replacing
, Ned Johns in this work who has
. been transferred to other types of
I teaching.
For Oregana
Increased Demand
Expected Over
Last Year
The Oregana, University of Ore
gon student yearbook, was “sitting
pretty” yesterday while a busy
staff tabulated and counted more
than 1600 orders received at regis
tration for the 1940 edition of the
Opening sales showed that stu
dents were taking cognizance of
the all-American rating the Ore
gana gained for the 1939 book,
Dick Williams, Oregana business
manager, said yesterday.
Williams said he was satisfied
with the opening showing made by
the yearbook, and that no further
selling would be undertaken until
the ASUO membership drive is
The goal for this year is 2400
Oreganas. Last year only 2200
books were made, not quite enough
to fill the demand.
Readying the editorial side of
the book yesterday was Editor
George Knight, who worked out
plans for his first staff meeting, to
be held tomorrow evening at 7:30
in the Oregana office, room 101
McArthur court.
All interested persons are invit
ed to come by Editor Knight, who
is ready to organize a large staff.
A large turnout of freshmen and
sophomores is particularly desira
ble, Knight said.
Student Broadcast
Over Local Station
First in the fall 1939 series of
student radio programs will take
to the air Thursday evening over
station KORE, according to Don E.
Hargis, supervisor.
Broadcasts will be of three types
— musical, dramatic, and inter
view—and will be written by stu
dents in Mr. Hargis’ radio class.
This term between 30 and 35 jun
iors and seniors signed for this
study, which covers work of the
voice and study of radio script ma
Only upper-division students and
those showing special ability in
the broadcast field are eligible to
take the broadcast course.
Additional Counts
Put in Men's Gym
Installation of three badminton
courts and two volleyball courts
has been completed in the east ac
tivity room of the men’s physical
ed building. Two additional bad-1
minton courts have been mapped !
out in the unfinished rear of the
building, but are not to be ready '
until later in the year.
Eight Per Cent Gain
Over Last Year’s
Enrollment Is Noticed
Late Registerers Expected to Gun
Figure Past 1938 Figure; 3071 Students
Already Enrolled
Oregon cracks another record! This statement, common last year
on the campus when discussing basketball, rifle, track, or swimming
news, was echoed again today from the office of C. L. Constance,
assistant registrar. University registration totals for Saturday night
showed 3071 students on the campus, as compared with 283C for the
corresponding period last year, an increase of 8 per cent.
Registration of graduate students and those filing late was expected
to send the mark shooting up to
around 3600 by Wednesday night
and establish an all-time high. Stu
dents taking graduate work are
not allowed to register until after
school begins, and many others
prefer to pay late fees and return
just before school begins.
More Men
Contrary to popular opinion, the
total of men on the campus is still
greater than the number of wo
men, with the. males outnumbering
the coed population by 607. How
ever, the percentage of increase
over last year’s figures showed
the number of girls up 10 per cent
as against 7 per cent jump for
Leading the parade of increase
by departments was the school of
architecture and allied arts, with
a 27 per cent gain. The arts and
letters school chalked up a 20 per
cent increase mark, while in the
nonmajors the department of home
economics led with a substantial
Huge Class
The largest first-year class ever
to enter the University, 1190, over
shadowed last year’s frosh total by
157, and tied the senior class with
an increase of 15 per cent. The
sophomore and junior classes both
showed small gains.
Oregon State college also showed
an enrollment jump, with 40R6 stu
dents registered Saturday night.
Officials estimated that the fall
term total would reach 4500 by the
end of the week, holding the
plurality of 1000 which the “north
ern branch” usually has over
Many Out for
Business Staff
Initial Call Draws
Huge Turnout for
Emerald Ads
Fifty old and new members of
the Emerald business staff met
Monday at 4 o’clock in the journal
ism building to introduce officers
and get the organization under
Frank Short, professor of jour
nalism and faculty supervisor for
the business staff, explained the
organization to new members, told
of the amount of Emerald adver
tising space and discussed adver
tising soliciting.
Tennis Court
Hop Thursday
A no-date tennis court dance,
slated for Thursday afternoon, is
to be sponsored by Kwama and
Skull and Dagger, sophomore serv
ice honoraries. The affair, which
will last from 4 to 0 o’clock, is held
each term to serve as an informal
"mixer" for old and new students.
Admission is to be 10 cents a
person and a campus orchestra
will furnish the “swing." Eleanor
Johnson and Bill Bernard were
named co-chairmen.
Whether the law school or the
SAE tennis courts will be the lo
cation is to be decided tomorrow.
University Quota
Of Forty Not Yet
Filled, Spencer
There are still open places for
prospective “men with wings’’
among Oregon’s quota of 40 stu
dents in Civilian Pilot Training,
Carlton E. Spencer, instructor in
charge, announced last night.
Deadline Moved
Moving the registration deadline
for the course up to 5 o’clock
Thursday, Spencer said that either
girls or fellows interested in tak
ing the course may see him before
that, time about qualifications.
Although the trainee will receive
a medical examination the qualifi
cations will not be as difficult as
those demanded by the Army Re
serve Flying Corps.
Cost $40
The training to be given is iden
tical to that given in regular fly
ing schools for $300, and will cost
only $40 to University students.
Long term loans will be granted
by the school to cover the course,
if an interested student is without
Oregon's quota, 25 per cent more
than that of Oregon State College,
will include four women students.
So far, just four girls have applied
for entrance into the class.
Non Military
The training program entails no
military obligation, Spencer said,
but those students who qualify are
assured of being put on the pre
ferred list for the Army Air corps.
Seventy-two hours of classroom
work, covering a complete ground
school course, and about 40 hours
of private flying instruction are
class requirements. Completion of
the course gives the student two
hours of college credit per term
and a private pilot's license.
The training is offered this year
to approximately 250 colleges and
Universities in the United States,
and is designed to place wings on
the chests of about 5,000 students.
Women Also Trained
Women are to be trained to fly
commercial ships at home in case
this country enters a war.
Spencer will see interested stu
dents at his office in Fenton hall
this week. Freshmen who are in
terested may sign up now for first
preference on next year’s quota.
O. L. Rhinesmith, campus
cop, asks that all students who
have not registered their cars
to do so at once.
The cars may be registered at
Friendly Annex any school day
from 1-4 p.m.
He states there is to be no
parking from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
an 13th between University and
As a final warning Rhine
smith states that tickets will
hereafter be given to thosQ (Us*
regarding this regulation.