library CAMPUS VOLUME XL UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1939 NUMBER 4 Inspecting Latest Equipment at New Co-op Store George Knight, ing a camera to i in charge of the newly installed camera department at the Co-op, is shown demonstrate couple of coeds. The girls are (left to right) Jane Meek and Carolyn Holmes. Hello Mix Tomorrow Evening Dance Is Prexy Erb's Own Party; Dick Urges Spirit Of Friendship Oregon piggers will get their first real workout of the fall so cial season Saturday night, when Webfoots officially say “welcome” to their new freshman class at the annual “hello dance” in McAr thur Court Free and informal, the dance is President Donald M. Erb’s “own party” for the biggest of all Ore gon freshman classes and their elders, according to John Dick, ASUO prexy. Preceding the affair, a reception for the president will be held in the lobby of the Igloo. All students are urged to meet Dr. Erb at that time, Dick said. Beginning at 8:30, the receiv ing line, made up of leading Uni versity faculty members, will form to greet dancers. Kwama and Skull and Dagger will assist with arrangements. Art Holman's dance band, well known to campus piggers, will furnish the music, Dick an nounced. Campus clothes are in order. “No decorations will be used to transform the Igloo,” the prexy said, “except a lot of friendly smiles to let people know that we really mean this ‘hello’ business.” Student Drivers: Campus Cop Wants To Get Your Number All students bringing automo biles to the campus are asked by the administration to register their cars with O. L. Rhinesmith dur ing class registration hours in Mc Arthur Court Friday and Satur day. “It is necessary that we know your license number," Rhinesmith cautioned. It is a state board requirement that all cars driven by students of the University be registered with the automobile office. These regu lations are applied to all cars driven by the students whether family or individually owned. Rules governing the use of stu dent automobiles have been placed in all schedule books. Additional information can be secured from the automobile office in room 13 of Friendly Hall. The first college gymnasium in the United States was erected in 3860 at Amherst colleges __ f I Frosh Books For Vote Use — The 1,000 copies of a suggested | frosh constitution which were | handed out at the ASUO assembly last night, should be held in safe keeping until the first of next week, according to Roy Vernstrom, in charge of freshman organiza tion. The original idea was to vote on the document last night, but a mix up occurred which necessitated waiting until the first of next week for a class meeting and vote, Vernstrom said. “If frosh will keep their hand books and look them over carefully before next week,” the freshman ; organizer said, “it will be possible to move frosh organization along j smoothly at that meeting.” — AWS Assembly Greets Girls President Anne Fredriksen of the AWS gave the welcoming words to the freshmen women at the assem ' bly yesterday in the music build ing and then introduced Hazel P. Schwering, Oregon’s dean of wom en Mrs Alice B. McDuff, assistant women’s dean, added a few en couraging words. Warrine Eastburn, alvisor of WAA; Mrs. Frederick Hunter and Mrs. Marjorie G Evans, executive secretary of YWCA, were intro duced in turn. A short explanation of the pur pose of their organizations and an invitation to attend various func tions sponsored by them through out the year was given by Presi dents Bette Lou Swart, YWCA; Margaret Van Metre, WAA; Mar cia Judkins, Oxides; Helen Angell. Kwama; Majeane Glover, Phi Theta Upsilon; Jeanette Hafner, Mortar Board; Aurelia Wolcott. Pan-Hellenic; Bette Lou Kurtz, head of houses Mortar Board members and the AWS council members were also introduced. Pat Taylor of Henlricks Hall en tertained the assembly with an amusing telephone monologue. A. L. Lomax Returns From Year's Leave A. L. Lomax, instructor in busi ness administration, recently re turned from a leave of absence af ter teaching for one year in the Hawaiian islands. Since his arrival in Eugene, Mr. Lomax has given several talks to sendee clubs tell ing of his trip and experiences on the islands. One of his students. John Ka hananui, was editor of an Hawaiian high school newspaper and has : now registered at the University | of Oregon, _ Board Adopts New Plan System Will Give Buyers Dividend On Purchases At End of Year By DON GOODALL Members of the University of Oregon co-operative students board swung into action Wednesday night by adopting a modified plan of the Rochdale cooperative movement system which will entitle all regu larly enrolled students on this campus to share in a dividend pay ment at the close of the school year. As though typifying the spirit of the new, modern and up-to-date University of Oregon co-op, the board voted in favor of the Roch dale plan, believing that it will be of benefit to the entire student body. Fee Abolished The original Rochdale move ment provides for the pay ment of a membership fee by all students wishing to participate in the cooperative system. The local co-op has decided to abolish the payment of this fee, which will in no way deter the operation of the ; plan. Amount of dividend to be paid at the end of the year will be de cided by the co-op board at a later date. Amount to be paid to each , individual will be determined by the total amount of purchases , made throughout the school by the individual. At the time of each sale, the purchaser will receive a receipt showing the amount paid. In order that the student will have (Please turn to par/e two) Journalism Grads Pioneer Alaskan Newspaper Field Two of Oregon’s alumni who are making a place for themselves in journalism where there was no place, are Homer and Jessie Heid- f ler Graham, ’39 graduates of the . University. The two were married in August at Sheridan, Oregon, and sailed for Alaska two days later. They now edit, write, and publish a minute j eight page mimeographed paper in Sitka, Alaska. The Sitka Sentinel, as their pub-! lication is called, is filled with news ' of all the world . . . from the inter- J national situation in Europe to, city briefs. Mimeographing is nec-. essary because there is no press in their Alaskan city. Complimentary copies recently arrived at the University journal ism school, ASUO Cards Go on Sale Today As ‘Oregonize’ Drive Begins OREGANA ON SALE TODAY Theme of 1940 Yearbook Will Follow Annual Of Last Year The 1940 Oregana, Oregon’s of ficial yearbook and successor to the 1939 All-American edition, will go on sale to the students today at registration. Although George Knight, editor, has not released his ideas for the 1940 Oregana, it is known that he will stay with the same theme that proved to be so popular last year. He did say that he will at tempt to use the criticisms that the National Collegiate Press made to the best advantage of the book. The N. C. P. is the asso ciation that yearly makes the rat ings of the various yearbooks. The price of the book is $5 with a reduction of $1 with every pur chase of a $15 ASUO card. Stu dents may use the term payment plan to buy their copy, a dollar each term and the remaining two dollars will be deducted from their general deposit fee. The dollar crel it received with the purchase of a $15 ASUO card may be used as the initial payment. Dick Williams, business mana ger, has advised that any student not understanding the term pay ment plan should contact him. Last year during the first day of registration over 1000 students purchased yearbooks. ASUOMeet 'Oregonizes* Freshmen Activity Fields Opened to Rooks By Student Heads New University freshmen got :heir first taste of “Oregonizing” ast night, when the “powers that re” in campus activities surveyed 'or them the highlights of college n its lighter vein at a music ruilding assembly. Les Harger, Webfoot drum ma lor, was master of ceremonies for he orientation assembly, with Joe Jurley acting as “stooge" for gag ines. Highlight of the meeting was he sale of a giant-sized first stu lent body card of the year to John Dick, ASUO prexy, by Gurley. Eud Jermain, Emerald editor; Deorge Luoma, Emerald business nanager; George Knight, Oregana editor; Dick Williams, Oregana business manager; Frank McKin ley, YMCA prexy, and Howard Hobson, basketball coach, repre senting the athletic department, lach gave hints on how to get into A-ork in their field. Bob Elliot, University yell king, ■vas transported onto the stage on i large yellow duck, and led the lew frosh in Webfoot yells. Woody Slater and Art Wiggin, assistant leaders, were introduced. President Erb to Be Speaker at House Speaking on “Student Responsi bility,” Dr-. Donald M Erb, Univer sity president, will be first speaker of the fall term at Westminster house Sunday evening at 6:30. Social hour and tea will be held at 6 o’clock, Mrs. J. D. Brayant, hostess-director, announced New Housing Setup Designed to Lessen Registration Worry In an attempt, to eliminate confusion at its housing desk at registration, a new setup has keen put into operation, Mrs. Marcella B. King, secretary, an nounced last night. Instead of the1 old system where students were checked by alphabetical order, the desk will now he divided into four main parts: fraternities, soror ities, halls and co-op, and town addresses. 14 Named As Rally Leaders Group Expects Big Year for Oregon Teams; Prepares For Stanford Game The names of eight men and six women were released yesterday for raJly committee appointments with ASUO Prexy John Dick making the announcement. Those named were Helen Brug man, senior woman; Walt Keller, Bill Ehrman, Martin Rieg, junior men; Sue Cunningham and Betty Buchanan, junior women; Bill Ber nard, Pat Lynch, Jim Carney, Pete Lamb, Emerson Paige, sophomore men; and June Justice, Ann Boss inger, and Maxine Hansen, sopho more women. Bob Hochuli, whose appointment was made last spring, is senior man and rally committee chairman. Appointments Made The appointments were worked out by the executive council in col laboration with Hochuli. The great er percentage of those named were passed on at the end of spring term. Constitutionally four months late, the announcement is not ex actly a surprise. Prexy Dick, how (Please turn to page three) Colorful Assemblage Lined Up for 1939 Ducat Sale Campaign Seven Dollar Ticket Gives Over Sixteen Dollar Value Backed by a campaign based on a platform of “value to be re ceived,” the new ASUO cards rep resent as lusty a purchase as could be found In any college line up. Strong on every side, the cards offer I wo high-class concert-type numbers, led off by headline Law rence Tibbett. Then there is Hor ace Robinson’s tried and proven version of the Pulitzer prizewinner, “Our Town,” said to be as mov ing a piece as was ever devised. Then there is at least one ASUO dance in sight, with no telling how many more will come with victo ries. Three Homo Games And football—everyone knows about football, with its three home varsity games (Gonzaga, Washing ton and Oregon State), plus Stan ford in Portland, and two avail able frosh grid struggles. Add to this the Emerald throughout the term. And add furthermore the all-important appointments for the various student body plums which come up from time to time. Big Value Sixteen dollars and twenty cents worth for seven dollars, is the way it figures out. This is counting ev ery attraction at ■ reserved seat prices. Even with general admis sion prices the $9.20 saved under the first figure would not shrink more than a shade. These figures are air-tight. Tibbett himself is one of the most outstanding artists to come to Eugene in the last year or two, as well as the best known. He is (Please turn to pane two) Announces Theater Opening Ottilie Seybolt . . . drama department head announces the Pulitzer prize play “Our Town” will officially open the season for the Ouild 1 Hall players October 12. Performances will also be given on the ISth1 and 14th. — 1 ■ “ — ^ — » "I — ■ f Concert Headlined Lawrence Tibbett . . . one of the major attract Iona on the fall term ASIJO artist series. He will appear here October 20. Streamlined Registration In Effect System Speeds Sign-Up Process For Students Oregon’s new .streamlined regis tration system, featuring photo static copies of record's rather than red books, goes into action this morning at eight o’clock, when McArthur Court opens to register the University’s biggest student; enrollment in history. The registration setup being; used this year is built around the j general idea of pre-registration for "old students.” University en-! roliecs who were here last term j saw their advisors yesterday and got their approval of courses, so that payment of fees will be all that most of them will have to do this morning. Freshmen will still discuss their’ courses with advisors today, as they did by the old method. They will see their professor at the time apointed for them when they paid their matriculation fee. Attempts to arrange courses before the des ignated time will not be accepted. The registration set-up calls for a signature of approval by advisors on the proposed course, approval by the instructors in each school (Please turn to ptii/e tieoj University Choral Union to Organize With Music Credit Dr. Theodore Kratt, new dean of the school of music, is organiz ing a University choral union of fering membership to all students who wish to join without tryouts. Several hundred students are de sired for this organization. A performance of Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” is planned for a showing in McArthur Court with the ac companiment of the University of Oregon orchestra. Rehearsals for this presentation will be held in the music auditorium on Tuesday's and Thursdays at 3:00 p. m. un der the direction of Dean Kratt. One hour credit will be given for the course which is listed as music 229 and music 337. Students may register for it at regular registra tion. Ticket Price To Remain Same as Last Year ASUO cards, offering participa tion and admission in a wide vari ety of student activities, athletic and educational events, will go on sale in McArthur Court today, opening the “Oregonize” drive with l egist ration With as strong a lineup of at tractions as lias ever been seen in an ASUO card, and with a well organized, clever drive staff poised and ready to start selling, the 1939 fall edition ASUO membership tickets look like the well-known (by now) “nuggets” in a typical nugget year ASUO card prices will remain Hie same as for the last three years, which is .$15 for the year, or $7 t lie first term, $5 for winter term, and $3 for spring term. Also to I s' repeated is last year’s ar rangement whereby purchasers of the $!5 cards will get a $1 reduc tion on the price of their Oregana. When registration-bound under graduates start flowing into the spacious Igloo floor one of the first things they will see is a display of some very fine furniture, which is being offered as a special bo nus to the first living organization to go 100 per cent ASUO. Included in the group are a $75 davenport and a $35 chair for first and sec ond 100 per cent houses respec tively. Pint-sized Glenn Eaton, drive chairman for this campaign, al ready has things going like a ter mite picnic, with the entire staff straining at the proverbial leash to get moving. Their “Oregonizing” bids fair to capture the public fancy. As usual, the drive captains have arranged for representatives in all living organizations. These, too, are to reap benefits from their participation in the drive, with daily awards of various kinds, from cash to free cokes. Banner s, posters, streamers, cards, window stencils, and signs will cover the campus like wallpa per, featuring the catchy slogans Chief Eaton and Pat Taylor have cooked up between them. Largest of these will be in McArthur Court, which is under the watchful dec orative eye of Bob Swan, succes sor to Dale Mallicoat. Eaton has announced a meet ing of all drive partipators, to be held at 5 today at the Igloo. Freshman Sections Added to ROTC Enlarge Schedule Oregon’s ROTC will be increased by two additional freshman sec tions this year, to take care of an expected large registration, it was announced by Colonel Robert M. Lyon. This brings the freshman group to a total of seven sections. Latest reports tin the freshman • ROTC schedule places five of these sections to meet on Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at nine, ten, tnd eleven o’clock. The other two sections will meet on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday ut one and two p.m. This year will see forty more students taking advanced war by reason of an increased allotment from the war department.