ASUO Drive Set-up --—. Tty$ — - i' '4 Ready for Starting Gun Oregana Wins All-American Honors Oregon Book Ranks Among Highest Six Oregana Piles up 915 of 1000 Points in National Yearbook Contest; Don Root Congratulated The 1939 Oregana, the University’s own yearbook, is one of the six best in the United States. Walking off in almost every department, the 1939 book won All American rating in competition with yearbooks from all ever the nation, earning a coveted place in the inner circle of the six best year books, it was learned yesterday at the educational activities office. With this award, highest made this year, the Oregana marks up its Frosh Coeds To Be Guests Of AWS Campus Leaders To Be Introduced At Mass Meeting Oregon’s new crop of nearly 500 freshmen women will get their of ficial send-off into the activity field this afternoon when the As sociated Women Students enter tain them at a special mass meet ing at four o’clock in the music building. Every Oregon woman, both old and new, is invited to attend, AWS heads explain, although the pri mary function of the meeting is to begin an intensive orientation pro gram for frosh girls. First step in this “get acquaint ed with your campus” idea will be introduction of the heads of activ ity groups, and explanation of the work done by each women’s or ganization on the campus. “This introduction of campus leaders is intended to let ambitious new girls learn who they should see to get into the type of school service in which they are most in terested,” explained Patsy Taylor, in charge of the assembly. Also scheduled on the program are musical and comedy numbers, and a welcome from Oregon’s dean of women, Hazel P. Schwering. AWS Prexy Anne Fredriksen will be mistres of ceremonies, and Kwama members in white uniforms will usher. 'Boosters’ Quiz Grid Mentor Eugene’s Monday Morning Quar terbacks, unofficial University of Oregon football coaching organi zation, put Tex Oliver, grid mentor, on the “witness stand" at their 1939 “kickoff” meeting at the Os burn hotel last Tuesday night and after much questioning brought forth, among other things, the fact that Jay Graybeal will no longer be used as a spot player. Hence forth, the “Pendleton Jackrabbit” i will start when the referee’s whistle blows, Vaughn Corley and Eric Waldorf, assistant coaches, were given the ritual of the high and mighty or der of "second guessers” during the evening fest of fun and frolic. Short talks were given by Don ald Erb, University president; Dean Vincent, president of the Oregon Dads, and Bill Hayward, track coach. Support of the University of the University of Oregon football team throughout the current sea son by the townspeople of Eugene was promised by Elisha Large, mayor of Eugene. FOUR GAMES OX CARD This year, in answer to student demand, a total of four football I games, three here and one in Port land, will be included in ASUO cards. ■ third blue ribbon in the last four years. It won in 1936, when it was ' Pacemaker; again in 1937, and 1 then this year. The rating for 1938 was “first-class.” Wins 915 Points I T . . In winning its rating, the year book ran up the highest score ever made by an Oregana, with 915 | points out of a possible 1000. In 1937! the score was 875 points, while in 1936 it was 840. The score for 1938 is not known. Some new advances were made by the 1939 book, it was learned. For the first time the pictures re ceived full rating, excellent, while the business and financial end won the same rating. Printing also re ceived this high mark. The winning of All-American, and top six ranking are worth more than ever before, George Root, educational activities man ager. said yesterday, basing his! conclusions on the fact that the! scores were so much higher than before. This, Root indicated, shows' that yearbooks in general are im proving in quality, which means the 1939 Oregana had to excel to : win over such competition. No Pacemaker, formerly the highest rating, awards were made at all this year, Root discovered when he wired to learn how many books won All-American. The book was | I *n the top six in all enrollment j classes. Congratulations Last year's editor of the Ore gana, Don Root, on the campus again this year, was busy yester day receiving congratulations for the fine piece of work he turned out last year, as was Dick Wil I liams, record-smashing Oregana business manager. Winning of the high award, the best ever to come to this annual publication, will not give this year’s Oregana staff a “swelled head,” Oregana Editor George Knight de clared yesterday. Instead this year’s staff will profit by the 1939 mistakes and will attempt to sur pass this top ranking made by the champion. Yearbook sales begin at regis tration, Friday and Saturday. American foundations in 1937 (latest year for which statistics are available) gave $9,170,318 to educational institutions. I -- Quite the Card UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS activity card 1 : ' FA.iL l\ TERM . > jii 19351 ...lull C »»»»•< Hi ,*4.UO. K'l*11" < FOOTBALL v*»sH(V ‘ UUUS John Dick, president of the associated students, buys the first ASUO card frcm Pat Taylor as Tiger j Payne, Glen Eaton, Wally Rossman, and Ken Erickson look on. All are members of the drive committee. Eaton is general chairman of the drive and will be assisted by Miss Taylor, chairman for the girls’ houses; Payne, chairman for the fraternities; Erickson, for the independents, and Rossman, publicity chief. Frosh Receive Welcome Book 'Hello' Messages, Information Cram Pages of Booklet Following a custom established several years ago, the University of Oregon again mailed all fresh men and new students the official Welcome book which is designed to aid newcomers in acquainting themselves with the campus, fac ulty and the various schools. This year’s book has an attrac tive cover done in pale lemon and green with a reproduction of the columns of Johnson hall as they appear at night under artificial lighting conditions. The back of the cover carries the conventional campus layout plan. Short messages of welcome are extended by Dr. Donald Erb, Uni versity president, and other faculty members in the opening pages of the book. Following, in order, are pages of information concerning living at the University, costs and financial aids, student life, organ izations and activities, studies and careers, courses, regulations and honors. In the separate section titled “Your University,” the outstand ing features of the University of (Please turn to page six) Hot Dogs, Java Scheduled At Registration Hot dogs and coffee dished out by 19 white-uniformed campus “queens” will be an extra at traction during registration to morrow and Saturday. Kwama, sophomore women’s service honorary, announced last night that they will operate a hot dog stand in the lobby of McArthur Court all day Friday and Saturday. Coffee and candy bars will also be on the bill of fare. The idea of serving food in the Igloo was originally submitted to the Kwamas by a faculty member, who declared that re freshments would do away with a great deal of the boredom of registration. Frosh Need Receipt To Get Gym Basket Freshmen undergoing the phys ical examination of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week are receiving their gym bas kets at the time of the examina tion. Freshmen will have to present their receipt for payment of regis tration fees before they can claim their baskets for use next week. Ninety-Three Win Awards Junior Students Will Receive Honors Privileges Ninety-three University of Ore gon students will enter their Jun ior college year with honors priv ileges, according to information re leased yesterday by the Registrar’s office. This number shows a sub stantial increase over last fall when 78 earned the award. These students, 48 women and 45 men, have received Junior cer tificates for completion of two years’ course of study with grade averages of at least 2.75 and are privileged to work for graduation honors in their respective fields. Following is a list of students who earned this award: Earle Watt Curtis, Harry Alan Davidson, Dan iel Briggs England, Clyde Wilbur Everton, Marial Y. Patterson, Ruth E. Solberg, Aida Adelaide Brun, Genevieve Helen Casey, Donald Garner Castanien, Lauretta Esther Crocker, Suzanne Cunningham, Jane Dachtelberg, Eleanor Eliza beth Entler, Janet Goresky, Jean Elizabeth Groves, Rosemary Hobbs> Grace Irvin, Joan E. Murphy, Helene Parsons, Mildred M. .G. Peterson, Perry John Powers, Clair (Please turn to page three) Dick Set Harger Will Be Chairman of ASUO Meeting Thursday Webfoot President John Dick will show freshmen just what they should do to be loyal Oregonians tonight when he buys the first I 1939-40 student body ticket at ASUO’s assembly for freshmen at 7:30 in the music building. Les Harger, Oregon’s drum ma jor, will be master of ceremonies ' at the meeting, which will con trast with President Erb’s assem bly last night in that it will show ' the lighter side of college life. Joe Gurley and Pat Taylor will pro-1 vide the comedy element. |' Leaders of chief campus activ- [ ities will be introduced to the new | freshmen John Dick, ASUO head; Leonard Jermain, editor of the! Emerald; Dick Williams, Oregana I business manager; George Luoma, j Emerald business manager; Frank' McKinney, president of YMCA; Bettylou Swart, YWCA president; I Marge Van Matre, WAA head, and (George Knight, Oregana editor. ! E&ch will speak briefly about his duties, and will coach freshmen on methods of getting into that activity. Kwama members will take charge of seating the capacity crowd expected for the meeting. Ticket U. of O. ROTC Squad Will Inaugurate New System Next Week In accordance with new army regulations concerning the forma tion of the squad, officers of the University of Oregon ROTC will start instructions under the new system next week. Purpose of the revision is to fa cilitate the handling of the squad and at the same time to speed up the learning process of the basic drill movement. Under the new ! plan, a squad is composed of from seven to twelve men under the di rect command of a corporal. Each platoon is composed of three such squads. In the place of the famous "squads right” or “squads left,” of ficers will now command "By the left flank” or vice versa. Pieces will now be carried to port and shoulder arms instead of being thrown as was the former custom. All students having cars at the University must register them with authorities, O. L. Rhinesmith warned last night. A special desk will be provided 1 at registration for this, he said. Big Values Offered On Fall Term Card i nree Home r ootball Games, Concerts, Dances Head Attractions Of This Year's Ducat Organizational details complete, attractions summarized showing the strongest cards in the last three years, drive heads for the ASUO membership campaign were yesterday counting the hours to the time their work will begin to get every undergraduate into ASUO ranks, which will begin at registration Friday and Saturday. The football games, concerts, dances, and other strong points have been summarized and item ized, showing figures to prove that anyone who embarks on the good ship ASUO will have strong eco nomic considerations for so doing. These figures have been trans ferred to cards, posters, and oth er mediums for popular consump tion, to show exactly what the ASUO subscriber is paying for. 1'he figures do not miss a single bet. Tibbett Scheduled Lawrence Tibbett, scheduled for October 20, is the number one item an the list, in the concert line. But before that there are two numbers: die Stanford football game in Port and and Horace Robinson’s latest >pus, “Our Town,” as effective as anything to happen on a Guild theatre stage in many a moon. In ‘Our Town” Horace Robinson dis penses with scenery, creates illu sion, makes the whole utterly con vincing, gripping. All in all, the ASUO card adds up to $16.20, a saving of $9.20. Four home football games, two frosh home games, the ballet cara van, Lawrence Tibbett, 48 issues if the Emerald, and Horace Robin son’s 25-cent reduction on “Our rown,” which will be a champ, rhis does not mention the “fall frolic,” a dance featuring Art Hol man’s orchestra, October 21, a stu dent body functidn. This event is set for McArthur dourt. In addition to all this is a reduction to the Washington football game at Seattle November 23, Thanksgiv ing. Eaton Heads Drive Heading the drive committee is Glenn Eaton, diminutive appointee, who has as captains Ken Erickson, "Tiger” Payne, and Pat Taylor. Eaton, one of the cleverest boys to come out of the University and ROTC Scabbard and Blade captain at camp, has cooked up innumer able slogans for the ASUO, with the help of his staff. Among these slogans is “Oregonize,” a catch phrase which is destined to “take” (Please turn to page four) Stanford 'Mums' Will Go on Sale on Campus Monday Campus sales of “mums” for the Stanford football game in Portland, will begin Monday in all Webfoot living organiza tions, it was announced yester day by Helen Angell, Kwama president. In charge of “mum” sales will be Elizabeth Steed. Each men’s and women’s house will be visit ed by Kwamas in their sale drive, and campus stands will also take orders for the foot ball-famous yellow chrysanthe mums. Fraternities, Sororities Announce Pledge Lists I a ku-jii " vvn uii ^am^uo uiiiL* ially closed Tuesday with fraterni ties and sororities pledging a total of 405 students. The fraternities led with 274 while sororities pledged 231 women. Delta Gamma led the list of so rorities with 25, followed by Kappa Alpha Theta with 22. The fraterni ty group was led by the Sigma Chis who pledged 29. Alpha Tau Omega followed with 25 and the Delta Upsilons were next with 23. The pledges follow: WOMEN Alpha Chi Omega Emily Tyree, Shirley Steele, Lor raine Lewis, Betty Hill, Miiodene Goss, Nancy Ann Johnson, La Vene McCollum, Peggy Jane Rakestraw, Alice Betty Coulthard, Carolyn Holmes, Dorothy Horn. .Alpha Delta Pi Joan Chrystall, Beatrice Schum, Ann Gardner, Virginia Ruth Mi chaels, Ruth E. Rodda, Lucille Urey, Sue Lake, Mary Ellen Smith, jean oauwura, Mdxine ft.mgnt, Orabelle Vulgamore, Ruth E. Hart ley, Jane Rose Wangeman, Audrey Brugger, Deborah Tumy, Gloria Wadsworth, Marily Marshall, Gen evieve Clair Adams, Shirley Ralph, Marilyn Miller. Alpha Gamma Delta Hildur M. Hegstrom, Jane Godlove, Grace Evelyn Hemmjngsen, B. Irene Bailor, Joyce Coffee, Gwen dolyn Kremmel, Marilyn Jones Wilma Marie Stien, Edith Bruck hart, Margaret Betts, Lois Bech dolt, Dorothy Walworth, Mar> Louise McElhoce, Margery Anr Philips, Bonnie Jean Hunter, Phyl lis Orimston, Virginia Yost. Alpha Omieron Pi Betty Lou j arcane, Margaret Ann Brown, Ruth Graham, Jonellc Melvin, Betty Jane Biggs, Jear ' Marie Cassidy, Barbara Littleton Florence Cchuyler, Pauline Evans I Maryjane Noonan, Catherine Cut j ler. Alpha Phi Marge Adams, Jean Baker, Shir ley Sullivan, Elsie Franz, Priscilla Norton, Patricia Ann Stanard, Jan et Farnham, Gloria Difford, Cath erine Ann Kinch, Doris Klein, Jan et Welch, Jayne Tennant, Judy Sherman, Joan Sim. Alpha Xi Delta Wanda L. Lloyd, Norma Sarpelli, Jane Ft. Williams, Allace Duthie, Carmen Williams. Chi Omega Nancy Lewis, Janet Piper, Fran ces McCarthy, Dorothy Wheeler, Florence Jackson, Ruhamah Jack son, Beth Ftowan, Margaret Bar rett, Mary Anne Owen, Phyllis Ash, Alice Trullinger, Dorothy Greer, Helen Ann Huggins, Mary I Nelson, Kathleen Williamson, Hel ! en Eugenia Burrows, Margaret ' McDowell, Susan West, Lorabelle Wraith, Jane Kaarboe Mary Jane Webb. Delta Delta Delta Dorothy Dunham, Betsy Jane Steffen, Joyce Beechtell, Dorothy Koschmider, Analee Murray, Dawn A. Carney, Dorothea Kresky, Joan Morrison, Dora Olinger, Betty Ma son, Mary Rose Ryberg, Jane Rae Warner, Marilyn Shepard, Ruth Whitmore, Mary Elizabeth Swear ingen. Delta Gamma Jeannette Christenson, Frances Delaney, Margaret Ann Jackson, Ellen C. Wenger, Miriam Wood, Bette Lois Crabill, Jacqueline Lar away, Enid Moore, Virginia Lee Heven, Marge Turner, Anita Si | mons, Sue Brooks, Helene Wilmot, I Margaret Dodge, Jane Barlow, Ed | ith L. Bush, Jane McCurdy, Edith i Barda, Judy Anne Soames, Marilyn ! Cox, Jeanne Filcher, Anabel Hib , bitt, Alice Hobson, Constance Ry ! als, Mary Jean McMorris. Gamma Phi Beta Constance Averill, Dotty Lou ; Crooks, Jane Gould, Ann Howard, Virginia Lees, Margaret Rawson, Marilyn Blanchard, Susan Huffa ker, Mary E. Earl, Atabie Jean White, Caroline Collier, Eleanor Engdahl, Anne Halderman, Peggy Ann Myll, Barbara Trimm, Milo Daniels, Sally Lou Bubb, Jane Spann. Kappa Alpha Theta Mary E. Horstkotte, Marjorie Dibble, Nelda Christenson, Grace Williams, Margaret Hall, Janice Gifford, Nancy Ann Wilson, Nancy Latourette, Marjorie McKinley. Carol Nelson, Nancy Lee Stratton, Frances Anne Mott, Helen Jane Kerr, Patricia Niekell, Joan Rom ie, Ellen Ann Evans, Betsy Feas ley, Corinne Preisker, Virginia Langstroth, Elizabeth Eades, Anna Margaret Watts, Shirley Gillett. Kappa Kappa Gamma Elaine Clark, N. Jane Doyle, Betty Wheeler, Kathryn Thomp son, Norma Poland, Janet Rieg, Virginia James, Mary Word, Mar> Jane Rotegard, Gloria Prouty Donna Ray, Majorie Sawyer, Bar bara Grain, Marylee Pry, Heler Moore, Barbara Johnson, Patricia Woodruff, Evelyn LeMasters, Laura Jeanne Maurice, Alma Pak sis, Victoria Sander. Phi Beta Phi Phyllis Dube, Alice Gregory, Doris Jean Mihalick, Mary Louise Vincent, Patricia Nelson, Nanc> Riesch, Mary Ann Eox, Billie Hearne, Dolores Tobler, Maxine Cummings, Lisbeth Ann Daggett Phyllis Foster, Natalie Tengwald Virginia L. Young, Jeanne Wilcox Peggy Forney, Eileen Millard. Sigma Kappa Lorraine Jones, Virginia Ros< Futst, Marie L. Gabel, Maxine Tripp, Helen Jorgenson, Helei Louise Wirtenberger, Bette B Reames, Virgene Mary Wade, Peg gy Ruth Carnie, Mary Belcher. Zeta Tau Alpha Peggy Sue, Evelyn Lake. MEN Alpha Tau Omega Albert Allen, Dick Allen, Franl (Plrasc turn to paye tivo) Newest Man Les Harger . . . recently appoint ed assistant educational activities director. Old, New Students Get Faculty Aid Course Selection To be Considered Throughout Day The campus will swing into the second day of freshman week to day with faculty advisors in every school holding “open house" for “old students” to discuss course line-ups before registration tomor row. The new arrangement, by which returning students line up their term hours before the actual day of registration, is used this fall £o make sure that advisors can give most of their attention to fresh men Friday and Saturday, C. L. Constance, assistant registrar, ex plained last night. While other students today will j make preliminary arrangements for classes, freshmen and new stu dents will finish their placement and physical exams in accordance with their individual schedules. Tomorrow and Saturday all new students will meet their advisors b y appointment i n McArthur Court, where the actual registra tion setup is to be handled. Old students will pay their fees and return material then, too. “All new students should come for registration Friday or Satur day only when they have been in structed to do so,” Constance de clared, “for if students do not ad here to their schedule, they will be sent away until their time comes in order to do away with confusion.” New students who are not fresh men are to obtain their schedules for the rest of the week on the second floor of Johnson Hall from the offices of the registrar. McArthur Court will be ar ranged for registration purposes by eight o’clock Friday morning, and will be open to students until five o’clock. The same schedule will be followed Saturday. AWS Carnival Scheduled One of the first fall term events to find listing on the campus social slate is the annual AWS carnival, which is slated for October 28 in McArthur court. Sally Mitchell and Barbara Stallcup will be chairmen of the affair. The AWS event, official Oregon "let - down - your - hair” night for ; campus week-enders, is set for fall 1 term this year rather than the tra 1 ditional April date. Main reason for the change, ac cording to Anne Fredriksen, Asso ciated Women’s prexy, is because Oregon women will spend most of spring term getting preparations underway for the northwest AWS ; conference, which is on their April slate this year.