The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student pub lication of the University of Oregon, published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mon days, holidays, and final examination periods. Sub scription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. PAUL DEUTSCHMANN. Editor BILL PENGRA, Managing Editor HAL HAENER, Manager GEORGE LUOMA, Assistant Business Mgr. Monday Desk Staff Corriene Antrim Betty J. Thompson Monday Night Staff Betty Jntir Thompson Upper business staff: Jean Farrens, national ad vertising manager; Bert Strong, circulation manager; J. Bob Penland, classified manager. Represented for national advertising by NA TIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC., college publishers’ representatives, 420 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y.—Chicago—Boston—Los Angeles San Francisco. Opportunity in Endowment graduation time nears, the seniors once again get that desire to do something for the University. The attachments of four years on the campus are difficult to break. There is a natural wish to lessen the feeling of separation from all that stands for Oregon. Usually the senior class expresses this emo tion by purchasing some gift—a fountain, a bench, a stone marker, or some other material object to perpetuate Ibe memory of the class. Many times a much more valuable method of perpetuating memories is brought up for discussion. This is the senior endowment. The system, usually worked out on an insurance - basis,.has been successfully used at University of Idnh-OT-Princeton,- University of Colorado, University of Alabama, University of New Hampshire, and many others. The question of a senior endowment was brought up before the members of the grad uating class last year. Considerable discussion of the suggestion took place at that time. A committee was appointed. Different types of endowments were considered. A report was turned in to a meeting of Ibe senior class. The reaction was immediately favorable—but there was a fly in the ointment. Somehow, the class of 19118 did not see clear to starting the endowment, plan move ment at the University of Oregon, 'flu1 plan was good, every senior admitted, but none felt equal to the task of starting. According to reports, Ihe class of 19.‘!9 is also considering an endowment. A committee' has been appointed by President Harriet Hara Chairman Lew Cook is gathering infor mation, and believes that he will soon have a concrete1 plan of action tee present. The opportunity for this year’s graduating class to perform a great and lasting service* to the University presents itself again. The idea has the background of one year of elis eussion. It lias sincere1 supporters. The* class of 19119 might wedl be1 the1 ones to start the enebiwinent plan at tlu* University of Oregon. A class mending to consider the question will be1 ealleel in the near future. In the endowment plan the* seniors have1 an op portunity te> perpetuate their memories effec tively. Action on their part woulel be applaud ed bv all. Onceover Lightly PAT TAYLOR SALLY MITCHELL Margaret Npliid, Theta, has water on the knee, and one smartcracker asked her why she didn’t wear pumps. Rusher Smith doesn’t confine all his Steelelng to Imses. Ijist night lie stole down to Hendricks and gave his Sicilia Chi pin to Eleanor Steele. Busher evidently doesn't take much stock In tho Sl^nia (’hi stocks 'cause he made sure the baso ball team was leaving town before he made the move. And then Helen Taylor, pretty auburn-haired Kappa, fell victim to George McLynu's Fiji pin. Pardon us if we pull a Showoff on Norman Fos ter, but we think “I'm in Love with the Honorable Mister So and So’’ is a pretty ditty. We've heard of lockouts but we’ve never before heard of a lock-in. Sunday, one irate farmer, on finding the Betas picnicking on his "propitty” looked the gate so the boys and girls couldn't leave. After a little, collective bargaining, however, he finally derided to drop the ease—for a case. That's the proper spirits: And, incidentally, oceans of praise to the Beta boys for their unique house dance decorations. That crystal ball reflected plenty of manual labor. For Men Only: Invest now in a few cokes and take time out for an occasional phone call, and you may win a free ticket to the Mortar Board ball, with all expenses paid. Oregana photographer Teeter finds Oregon stu dents a long ways from being “camera shy.” They’re quick to smell a picture taker, and at campus dances he has to lie low to avoid the rush. On goldfish gulping: Tulane university stu dents voted 5 to 1 against the current wave of eating stunts that has swept the nation's cam puseS. Round V About With WF.N BROOKS I I Playing with words is fun, especially for the writer. The dizzy concoctions writers and publicity men sometimes dish out, however, really make you wonder. Yesterday I received a letter from one of the local churches about a pot-luck dinner that had been scheduled. Quoting part: “So come a little ahead of time, that the food may be set out and our gastronomic symphony start on time!” Amusing, to say the least. Gastronomic is an ad jective taken from the word "gastronomy,” the art of good eating. A symphony of good eating! What next? Tt’s fun to watch the faces of students as they come into a classroom. Some bubbling over as they talk of this and that before the professor gets down to his lecture. Some with hangdog expressions on their faces, wondering why they came in the first place. Others merely reflecting bored indifference. In one class that I’m in the professor gives quizzes each week. These may come on any day and if you miss them it's just too bad. Consequent ly, students are careful to come if they are sure there is going to Ire a test. A student will stick his head inside the classroom, note whether or not there is a stack of paper on the desk (signifying a quiz). If there is none, he, more likely than not, will quickly duck back out the door and away from the room. The prof has wised up now, however, hides the paper under the table top when he intends giving a quiz. * * » Finals are coming up and isn’t it fun to study in this yeather! Let’s see. Guess I’ll hit the books. But they somehow seem very dull, uninteresting. Turn a few pages and decide fresh air’s what I need. Take a walk. Perhaps a coke or an ice cream cone will make me feel more like studying. Meet Joe. "Oh, hello, Joe. Whatcha doing? Thought you’d take in a show, eh ? Well, I was going to study but . . . sure, might as well. Can study tomorrow.” And so it goes. * * * The show was darned good, too. Really can’t afford to miss a picture like It. Educational, you know. The name? Oh, I forget . . . but it sure was good. Walking by Hendricks the other night and overheard a chorus of voices from inside, “Three minutes! Three minutes; Three minutes!” Some girl, evidently, had been on the phone three min utes and others were waiting. One coed not so long ago had the phone to herself for half an hour, the longest she’d had on a phone since being at Oregon. Felt pretty good about it all and men tioned the fact to an upperclassman. The next morning there were demerits after her name. Isn't that the pay-off! More favorable comments this past week-end on the Prom! It was outstanding in every way. Music was excellent. And Art Holman with the stringed quartet did himself proud Saturday at the fete. A little unnecessary delay in getting some of the floats started. Some adverse comment upon the injecting of politics into the fete program. But, all in all, it was pretty darned good! * * * This business of being a columnist is fun. From time to time I mention bits of gossip and step on people’s toes, .lust hope I don't offend anyone seriously. Resides not liking to hurt people’s feel ings, I don’t relish thoughts of physieal violence being inflicted on my person . . . such as blackened eyes. It's all in the game, though. Yesterday I hearil that our sports editor, Mr Hawkins, had at last found some long-lookcd-foi love-life in the person of one Miss Dondero. Hope ( it seems, can beat Elide in golf. That’s the kind ol woman lie's interested in! And another shack gir lias I.yle Nelson (the man who’d never fall) in tin throes. Corinne Lnmon provides the heart interest Max Frye part of the competition. Rob Winslow's ex-(lamma Phi on campus was back for the prom and the canoe fete, lletty Thomas is a swell girl. And there’s been quite a bit of comment about this year’s Oregano. \t first I didn't like the staccato style of writing. More I read it, the better I like it, however. Prize boner in the book . . . Alpha Phi's Pat Raker in the 1’i Phi section! Campus characters: Bill Ehrman ami his road ster . . . Wally “stoop” Canfield, stands out from the crowd . . . Bill Cummings, activities including politics . . . Professor "Stiffy” Barnett, with a real sense of humor when you know him . . . Mark Hanna, eligible bachelor in the speech department . . . Eleanor Sederstrom, wistful, with laughing eyes . . . Jack Loehridge, ex-activity man . . . happy George Luonm, new Emerald business manager . . . Elizabeth Anne "Becky" Jones, loyal through a storm . . . Nick Pallas, powerhouse with the women . . . Betty Van Dellen, a stronger member of the supposed weaker sex . . . Dorothy Barclay, happy smile , . . Helen Howard, with a real sun tun . . . Arvilla Bates, knows what she's doing . . , Betty Norwood, mischievous . . . Majeanne Glover, efficient activities girl . . . Gerry Tripp and Baseballer Bill Carney . . . Paul Christenson, Theta Chi's contribution to the College Side foun tain staff . . . Bud Jermain, a good head for editor . . . Shelby Golden, Zeta golfer . . . Hank Nilsen, Tom Sturbuck. men's men . . . ATO's Wayne Mack in, who lives out . . . ever see him frown? * » * Vnd it's ironic that the senior bench, traditional parking spot tor almighty seniors, should he paint ed freshman green . . . cheapens it to my way of thinking! That college students are thinking about some thing else besides the current international situa tion is reflected in the results of polls taken on many campuses. Here are the results of a few of the most interesting: On a third term for President Roosevelt: Col lege of William and Mary undergraduates 80 per cent strong voted against the idea, although 03 per cent indicated that they believe he has been a good chief executive. UO Mothers Hear Dr. Erb At Banquet Mrs. Wintermute New President of Organization Oregon mothers had their inn ings Saturday evening in the huge dining room of John Strauh me morial hall when 482 mothers, stu dents, fathers, and friends gath ered for the annual mothers' ban quet, windup event on the Junior Weekend program of the organized mothers of the University. Announcement was made at the banquet that Mrs. C. C. Winter mute of Portland had been elected president of the mothers for next year at the morning meeting. The junior class was named as having the greatest percentage of mothers present at Junior Week end, with the seniors, freshmen, and sophomores following in that order. Total number of mothers registered for the weekend was 597. Out of this the juniors had 140, seniors 119, freshmen 186, and sophomores 152. I)r. Erb Speaks The banquet was highlighted by talks by Dr. Erb, president of the University, Mrs. Beatrice Walton Sackett, of the state board of higher education, Loyal H. McCar thy, president of the Oregon Dads, and John Dick and Anne Frederik sen, representing the associated students. Building his remarks around an Emerald editorial of the morning captioned, “Anyway We Have Junior Weekend,” Dr. Erb listed traditions he felt a universily should be proud of and declared his satisfaction with them. Among the things he listed were the out standing journalism school of the University, the art school, the law school passing the greatest num ber through the bar examinations of any school in the Northwest, and the music school. He said such traditions were a habit which should be encouraged. The burden of Mr. McCarthy’s brief remarks was that the Dads’ Math Group to Hold Prize Examinations Annual prize examinations of Pi Mu Epsilon, mathematics honor ary, will be held in room 205 , Deady Wednesday evening from 7 to 10. Two exams will be given—one in calculus and one for students who have not had calculus. Prizes to taling $10 will be awarded. Fraternities Pledge 4 With pledge recruiting season for Oregon fraternities nearly over for another year, three University men’s groups added late members to their roster last week. Sigma Phi Epsilon pledged Lloyd D. Campbell and Richard F. Duck wall; Delta Upsilon pledged Ed mund Niklos, and Delta Tau Delta added George Luoma. Prep Girls (Contmued from page one1 Shirley Gibson and Barbara Camp bell, correct playsuits; Eleanor Nelson, incorrect playsuits; and Lorene Herman, incorrect pajamas. Zoe Brassey will play the piano during the style show. Annette Ansley is general chair man of the informal tea. Serving as chairman of the committees are Florence Gordon, reception; Elea nor Sederstrom, serving; Marjorie Roehm, invitations; Pat Salisbury, refreshment; Alice Guistina, deco ration; Trudie Anderson, publicity; Jean Burt, clean-up; Hope Hughes, entertainment; and Ruth Hall, fi nances. organization intended trying to catch up to the mothers in organi zation and accomplishment. He told of work the Dads are doing and of their hopes. Mrs. Sackett's talk was one of welcome, as was that of John Dick and Anne Fred eriksen. Music interspersed through the program brought good response from the audience. Barbara Ward. George Saunders, Virginia Tooze, Leland Chase, and the Alpha Tau Omega championship chorus were the musical contributors. The Connecticut legislature has passed a bill changing the name of Connecticut State college to Uni versity of Connecticut. Skate Party Planned For Peace Benefit Skate for peace is the slogan of the youth committee against war this evening. The group is holding a skating party from 7:30 to 10 o’clock at the Midway rinks to raise money to send a student into active peace work during the sum mer. Cars will leave Wesley house and Westminster house at 7:15 o’clock, Robin Drews, chair man of the group, announced yes terday. Anyone is welcome, he said. The committee will hold a regu lar meeting at Wesley house at 1 o’clock this afternoon, Drews said. Petitions Ask (Continued from page one) turns it to the five-man state cen tral committees. The Common wealth federation contends that this is a retrogression towards the political machine rule existing in Oregon some 30 years ago, and believes that especially in these critical days for democratic gov ernment it is essential to retain the existing machinery for popular rule. The state grange, one of the sponsors of the referendum, has aways opposed such a change in primary laws for the additional reason that tjress of harvest work makes it practically impossible for many farmers to come to the polls in September. All students wishing to partici pate in the circulation of the peti tions should meet at the College Side at 6:30 p.m. Class of '39 (Continued from page one) highest number in one class was slightly over 600, in about the same sized class as the one which will graduate here in three weeks. Princeton collected $68,000 in 1938 from the endowment of the 1918 class, the seniors found. There 21 classes have used the endow ment plan as the “best means of insuring a fitting memorial to the University, receiving as much as 98 per cent of class membership, for amounts up to $145,000.” The plan at its present stage is mostly in the investigative pro cess, the committee indicated, but prospects are strong that the sen ior class will meet this week to consider the merits of the program and to register the class will on the project. Key men in the ad ministration of the University are being contacted for their opinions, the committee said, and the re ports are all favorable so Tar, it was reported. Endowment Small The University, it was declared, has the smallest endowment of any school in the Pacific coast state school group. The $4,900,000 of University of Washington and the $2,000,000 of Idaho were cited as neighboring examples by the com mittee. Even the angle of the adminis tration of the resulting fund has been considered by Ihe committee, which lias suggestions on hand to form a board of trustees, possibly, to handle the money. In any event the money would be exclusively for the University, completely apart from state board funds, it was stated. While looking into the possibili ties of endowments the seniors are also working on possible uses for the money, something which they characterized as “no worry at all.” The money could be used to strengthen the University, for new buildings, scholarships, or any of the thousand and one uses a university can find for large sums of money. WAffiKuifo Phone 2700 Nothing New Under the Sun? Wait ’till You See . . . Arrow Sportswear By the Famous Maker of Arrow Shirts Knit Pullover Shirts Crew neck—short sleeve shirts in a knit that’s really different. Natural tan background with wide stripes of blue, green, brown. Oxford Cloth Shirts The porous nature of Oxford Cloth—the cut-for-action styl ing make this new shirt by Ar row the hit of the season. See it in green, blue, and bamboo. FIRST FLOOR HOWARD HILL WORLD CHAMPION FIELD ARCHER . . . the RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos ... they're milder and taste better Copyii*hi !*)■». Uiwtvr & Mvi»i fosicco Co, Loward Hill, World Champion Field Archer, can flick the ash off your Chesterfield with a single shot. And Chesterfield’s right com bination of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos hits the mark every time for what smokers want in a cigarette... ® They're milder refreshingly milder ® They taste better you’ll enjoy every one ® They Satisfy the blend can’t be copied When you try them you will know why Chesterfields give millions of men and women more smoking pleasure. .. why THEY SATISFY