Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 16, 1939, Page Three, Image 3

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    As the Sophomores Hit the Water
Perennial victors, the freshman class of 1942 upheld traditions Saturday by pulling members of the
sophomore class into the millrace in their annual tug-o-war. Although the sophs went in first, before
the morning was over everyone had hit the race at least once.
Frosh Win Annual War
As Sophs Take Ducking
The annual frosh-soph swim and get-together last Saturday was a
huge success—at least from the freshman point of view. The frosh,
in traditional manner, won the annual tug-of-war game. Freshman
President Jack Daniels won a 25-cent bet from the sophomore presi
dent, Stan Staiger. And frosh, sophs, and innocent bystanders won a
millrace baptism.
It is understood that party sponsors were a bit disappointed that
the affair didn’t last longer. The morning’s entertainment began with
verbal pleasantries being ex
changed between fun - craving
frosh and sophs. Then, the fresh
men were on one side of the race
and sophomores on the other, each
clutching tightly to a length of
hawser. One mighty pull from the
frosh side of the race and the
sophs went swimming. At this
most of the party participants
plunged into the refreshing waters
of the race. Some were so anxious
that they didn't even bother taking
off their clothes.
While it undoubtedly has noth
ing to do with the frosh victory,
almost twice as many freshmen as
sophomores attended the picnic
and the rope, strangely enough,
seemed longer on the frosh part
of the race bank.
But what really hurt the picnic
sponsors was that very few, if any,
of the sophs stayed for refresh-1
ments after the game. Then, too, j
none of the Order of the ‘O’ men j
put in a noticeable appearance. As
the athletes were to act as chap- \
erons for the affair, it was not i
known whether there were any j
casualties or not. However, men s |
living organizations were to call;
roll at last night's house meeting j
in an effort to determine if any
unfortunate frosh or member of
of the class of '42 or '41 were miss
ing and unaccounted fof.
(Continued from page one)
will also be in order Saturday
night, according to campus social
chairmen, and AWS will handle
the campus sale of gardenias,
which are the traditional flowers
sent to boys for Mortar Board ball.
AWS representatives in each liv
ing organization launched gar
denia sales yesterday.
For Eugene girls and indepen
dents not living in sororities or
halls, tickets and gardenias will
be on sale at the dean of women's
office, Miss Ketchum said. Admis
sion will be $1 per couple, and
flowers will be priced at 35 cents
and 50 cents.
Zeiss Cameras, Agfa Film
For inclosurc with
Order yours today
Valley Printing
Campus 5 and 10
Headquarters for
Graduation Gilts and
Corner 12th at Alder
Phone 2171
Seniors Earn
Mail Degrees
Figures show that many mem
bers of this year’s graduating class
have done part of their University
work by taking correspondence
courses offered by the extension
Every year a large number of
graduating seniors, sometimes as
many as forty or fifty, earn part
of their University credits in this
manner, according to Miss Mo
zelle Hair, head of the University
extension division.
At the present time 23 students
who expect to graduate this
spring are taking or have finished
taking a correspondence course for
credit toward their degree. This
does not include seniors who have
earned credits through correspond
ence courses taken some time in
the past.
Most of these students have tak
en just one correspondence course
but some have earned as many as
fifteen hours of University credit
through these courses.
The University of Oregon per
mits a student to earn as much
as sixty hours to count toward his
degree through taking correspond
ence courses. However, most stu
dents earn much less than this.
Frosh Nine
(Continued Prom Page Tzvo)
eighth accounted for their three
runs. Whitey Austin started the
inning by walking, and then scored
on Dick Whitman's triple. Whit
man scored on Johnny Leovich’s
passed ball. Bill Carney then sin
gled down the third base line and
j scored on Jim Goodhcw's double.
Score: Ft H E
Frosh .000 000 030—3 5 7
Rooks.200 103 01*—-7 8 3
Batteries: Musselman, Dragoo
and Austin. Elliott and Leovich.
'House of Card'
(Continued from page one)
bathtub, with a Carnarder there
in, and above it a sign saying
“Campus Politics Need Cleaning
Up, Too." This “float" put on a
demonstration of navigation which
was little short of miraculous, as
the motor failed from time to time
Unscheduled, according to canoe
fete heads, was the appearance of
a rowboat bearing three trees,
j rowed by a wolf dressed as a bear,
a neat dig at someone best known
I to the perpetrators. Also unsched
uled v/aa the sound furnished by
the rolling stock of the local rail
road line.
Only disappointment of the eve
ning was the failure of the much
heralded law school barge, with its
two-ton “queen," which was sched
uled in the program for the inter
mission spot. No reason wa3 given
for its non-appearance.
The canoe fete, probably the
greatest single piece of effort on
the Junior Weekend program, end
ed the reign of Queen Maxine and
her four princesses and was the
final event on the three-day seked
* uie-.
• -
Graduating Seniors |
Warned to Pay Fee
Before Deadline
Notice to Graduates: All can
didates for degrees this June
should pay the graduation fee j
as soon as possible. May 27 is
the last date on which the regis
trar’s office can guarantee in
clusion in this year’s list. Delay
may postpone graduation until
next year.
Miss Elaine Grindell
To Present Recital
Elaine Grindell, pianist, will pre-1
sent a recital Thursday evening at
8 o’clock on the school of music
radio program over station KOAC.
She will play two selections by
MacDowell — “From a Wandering
Iceberg,” and “Song,” Debussy’s
“Evening in Grenada,” and “Waltz |
in E Minor” by Chopin.
Miss Grindell, a Eugene girl and
a freshman in music, is a student
of George Hopkins, professor of1
564 UO Students Have
Jalopies, Autos, Vehicles
Take a lesson, Mr. Hitler! Your agents who propagandize your "A
Car for Every Nazi" platform should come learn the ropes from Ore
gon lads and lassies.
Observe, Mr. Hitler, while five fun-loving collegians climb into each
of the student-registered cars on the campus . . . and then notice that
not a soul enrolled here is walking!
A car Tor every live suiaenis:
That's the revelation made by Ore
gon's genial campus cop, O. L.
Rhinesmith, yesterday as he took
i breath before doubling vigilance
to handle the traffic problem of
Junior Weekend.
Probably the hardest man to get
lold of on the campus, and hard
est to persuade to divulge informa
tion which might “hurt anyone"
liter you find him, the smiling red
leaded policeman finally agreed to
turn over registration records to
in Emerald reporter.
Today there are 564 student
manned automobiles, jalopies, sta
tion wagons, and what-have-you
buzzing down 13th street every
Jay. Even this amazing figure is
ower than the number checked in
last fall. Mrs. Rhinesmith, secre
tary to Oregon's “cop,” said. Last
fall 615 were listed.
Although the general campus
impression continues to be that
half the cars are California-li
censed, there are in reality, only
10 automobiles registered from the
sunshine state, Mr. Rhinesmith
pointed out.
The University’s one-man police
force slipped out of the office be
fore he could be pinned down to
talk about his duties, but Mrs.
Rhinesmith, hard-working secre
tary to the traffic division, took
aver the speaking honors for her
publicity-shy spouse. She dragged
out files in the tree-shaded office
behind Friendly hall, to show that
Oregonians themselves manage to
travel in style. It is the Oregonian
population at the University that
really travel in style, with 518
cars marked down to their credit.
Six Washington students ride in
stead of walk.
Although there is usually a siz
able percentage of cars from other
states during fall term, the group
of out-of-state cars takes a sharp
downward trend every spring, Mrs.
Rhinesmith explained. “The rea
son is probably that early in the
fall students come west to school
and bring the family car to trans
port belongings, but later in the
year take it home," she said. Be
sides six Washington cars, there
are only two listed in the “other
state" group. There is one Ohio
licensed car, and one from Mon
Profs Speak at
University Men
Appear Before 50
Senior Classes
Many members of the Univer
sity of Oregon faculty and of the
general extension division of the
state system of higher education
have been selected to address ele
mentary and high school graduat
ing classes at their closing exer
cises in more than fifty localities
in the state.
During the next three weeks not
only closing exercises of nearly
2000' elementary schools but also
the high school graduation or com
mencement events in approximate
ly 260 localities in the state will
be held. Some of the high schools’
senior classes provided practically
the whole program of the closing
exercises aside from the baccalau
reate services. Many others contin
ue the custom of inviting a prom
inent citizen of the community or
a member of the faculty of some
college or university to address
the graduating class.
Duck Tracks
(Continued from page two)
Oregon State pitching, namely a
lad named Elliot, too tough . . .it’s
two games against Idaho and
Washington State this week for
the varsity baseball team and then
home . . . the championship may
be settled before the Ducks get
home, too.
Guaranteed Finishing
Rulers for A Weekend
(Courtesy of the Register-Guard)'
Queen Maxine (Maxine Glad) and her royal court are pictured at the annual campus luncheon Friday.
Their brief reign ended Sunday as the University bid farewell to its “gayest weekend” and settled down
to the daily routine. Members of the court (from left to right) are: Alyce Rogers, Margaret Williams,
Queen Maxine, Helen Gillam, and Patsy Taylor.
Misses Aasen,
Chan in Recital
Students Offer
Violin, Piano
Selections i
University students interested in
music took time out from pre-ex
am study to attend the joint re
cital of Emile Chan, a pianist, and
Audrey Aasen, violinist, which was
held Monday evening in the music
The lightness of touch so nec
essary to interpretation of De
bussy's works was skillfully car
ried through by Miss Chan in her
performance of “Danse." In a
similar impressionistic mood was
“The White Peacock" of Charles
Griffes. The Russion nationalism
\ of Moussorgsky was evident in
i Miss Chan's understanding playing
j of "Hopak,” which was also of
fered in a vocal arrangement by
Igor Gorin in his spring concert
The classics received their share
of attention in Miss Aasen's part
of the program, which included a
Mendelssohn violin concerto. The
"A penny saved
is two pence clear,
a pin a day
is a groat a year
—poor Richard’s Almanack
Loaditij doch of the lord Motor Company on Hit UiAicr ICouyo
There’s a rainbow on the River
Rouge by the Ford plant — oil in
a thin coating, washed from metals
and parts by the water used to cool
or clean them.
To most folks that colorful
coating spelled just oil; no more.
To Ford men it spelled “waste.”
They dipped their fingers in it . . .
rubbed them together . . . reflected.
A few days later a strange device
was installed where the stream flows
through a narrow channel into the
mooring slip. It was an oil skimmer.
Each month that skimmer re*
claims thousands of gallon.-) of oil.
Reclaimed, it is used as fuel in the
open-hearth building.
Poor Richard said straws show
how the wind blows. That’s how the
wind blows at the Rouge. Pennies
saved where pennies can be saved
safely are multiplied into millions
by large-scale Ford operations.
At die end of that rainbow on tiro
waters of the Rouge, Ford owners
find extra value,, lower price.
three movements, especially the
andante and the allegro vivace,
were done with fine comprehension
of the varying moods. Corelli's "La
F'olia” give additional proof of
Miss Aasen's versatility.
Other selections from Miss Chan
were Bach’s “Prelude and Fuge
in F Major," Liszt’s "Sposalizio,”
and "Rhapsody in G Minor” by
Brahms. The pianist is a sopho
more from Marshfield, studying
under Aurora Potter Underwood.
Miss Aasen, a senior from Co
quille, is a member of the Univer
sity symphony orchestra and the
Phi Beta trio.
The first graduate school of cin
ematography will be opened at the
University of Southern California
in 1940.
Commencement T alks
Keep BA Profs Busy
Dr. Victor P. Morris, dean of the
school of business administration,
will give several high school comJ
mencement addresses this week. *
Tonight Dr. Morris will speak at
Sisters, Wednesday night at La
Pine, Thursday at Madras, and Fri
day at Redmond. Dr. Morris has a
group of three talks which we wilL
give at the various schools. They
are "How Do You Measure Your-.,
self?” "Opening the Door of Op
portunity,” and "Taking a Look
at Tomorrow.”
Dr. N. H. Cornish, also of the
BA school, will give the commence-,
ment address at Elmira high school,
next Friday, May 26.
of finest quality can be secured from us.
We also have a few special presents in exceptionally
fine taste
You nee.d not leave the
U. of O. behind you.
Pet I lie KMISRALI) bring you uovv,s of your friends ami
alma mater next year.
“Those days at Oregon" may he gone . . . hut you eau
slill retain a lively eontaet with the campus through
the Daily Kmerald. Plan to have it mailed to your
home next year.
Circulation Department
F'hone 33GD — Local 334
Journalism Building, Room 5
University of Oregon Lugene, Oregon