Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 16, 1939, Page Two, Image 2

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a1 -————
“ Abolish spring football?
" What are you going to do, says
Jex Oliver, when practically 100
per cent of the other schools have
it. me won toot coacn says lie
wouldn’t feel too badly if the con
ference schools went together and
junked it entirely. But there are
two sides to the issue.
Smiling Tex believes, for in
stance—and he should know—
that northern schools would lose
ground to California powers rather
than gain it if spring football was
tossed in the ash can for keeps.
The southern teams would come
out ahead because they play more
touch football, etc., during the off
season, thereby gaining just that
much more ground.
. Southern California, which was
Rose Bowl and conference champ
last year and figures to be near
the top this fall, got along with
only about 18 official drills this
spring. Those were times when
Headman Howard Jones was
around bossing the practice. Other i
days he was out playing golf or
just wasn’t near the Trojan ath
letic plant.
There’s another argument for
spring football (we’re neither ad
vocating or tearing down just
presenting). Sometimes great ath
letes enter college without any
previous high school training, and
Tex says spring football gives ’em
a chance to show their wares.
Coach Oliver says the greatest
lineman he ever had at Arizona
never played a lick of high school
Anyway, Tex brands it “crim
inal’’ to send an inexperienced kid
out on the same gridiron for fall
practice with the hardened veter
ans. They need the spring drill to
break in. Two Webfoots who never
played prep football are examples.
* * *
Oregon's frosh track team gave
skeptics and even tlieir capable
coach, George Stovel, a great big
surprise by routing Oregon State’s
Orange babes, 80(j to 40(4, in
Corvallis Friday. The frosh took
eleven first places, too. From that
comes one of those sports gigan
Coach Stovel could have loaded
five Ducklings in one sedan last
Friday and driven over to Corval
lis and won that meet the way it
worked out. He would have needed
the right five, but Ray Dickson,
Bill Regncr, Ray Kleinfeldt, Dutch
Schultz, and Martin Luther could
have swung it.
Just add ’em up. Dickson 20
points, Regncr—13, Kleinfeldt
30, Schultz—10, Luther G. The
total would be frosh 39, rooks 02,
but add to that three points
Schultz would have been a cinch
to garner in the broad jump had
he entered it, and you have a
Duckling victory, 62 to 59.
One. of Stovel’H liuls, Ray Dick
son, pulled a Mark Roliinson by
sweeping the four events he was
entered in for 30 points. Every one
of those points came after Dickson
hud suffered an ankle bruise which
would have stop|>ed a less fiery
He hit the leg against the first
hurdle in the 120 highs, but fin
ished that race ahead of the pack,
and then took the pole vault, broad
jump and 220-yard low hurdles in
older, finishing the latter in 22.8
to win in a breeze, Ray's doctor
thought at first the bone was
Chipped, in fact it finally turned
numb, but such a trivial accident
and even some pain when he
broad jumped didn't cheek the
Bend athlete.
* * *
Boyd Brown, the thumbless
Webfool javelin flinger, won him
self first place in the northern di
vision meet at Pullman Saturday
with a toss of over 200 feet but
came away saying "1 was off" . . .
the stalwart Oregon javelin chum-1
pion claims he hasn’t felt "the
light pull" since a couple of weeks1
ago when those tosses went out
afound 230 feet near a national
collegiate record ... so watch out
Irojan Peoples and you other Cal
ifornia javelin tossers . . . Boyd
Brown will be hard to beat in Sat
urday's coast meet, at Seattle it he
starts feeling that pull in his back
when tosses go out . . . that'll!
mean they are good ones . . . call
’em motherless Ducklings Uni
versity of Oregon's frosh baseball
team played the rooks in Corvallio
without Coach John Warren or a
substitute coach ... the Wcbfoot
yearlings went over with one ot
their number in charge and made
a game of it although finding the
(l3lease turn to faye three)
Oregon Baseballers Defeat Idaho Vandal Nine, 11-7
Hobby Hobson’s Club
Remains in First Place
Pitcher Bob Hardy Provides Rescue
Act Late in Game; Mallory, Jasper,
Nicholson Lead Hitting
UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, Moscow, May 15 (Special Lo Emerald)
Tall, left-handed Bob Hardy, ace Webfoot southpaw, came out of
the bull pen in the eighth inning to curb a Vandal uprising as Oregon's
Ducks pounded out an 11-7 win over Forrest Twogood’s University of
Idaho nine here today.
The win, Oregon’s third straight of the present road trip, kept
Coach Howard Hobson's crew at the top of the conference standings.
Big Jack Jasper, smiling southpaw Idaho twirler, started on the hill
for the Ducks, pitched seven inn
ings plus, and was credited with
the win. Jasper struck out eight,
but walked seven. He was taken
from the mound in the eighth inn
ing after getting himself in trou
ble, and Hardy came into the ball
game to stop the Vandals the rest
jf the way.
The Vandals contributed seven
errors and the Ducks four to the
exhibition. Six of the Oregon runs
were unearned.
Idaho used three pitchers in an
attempt to quell the Duck bomb
ers. Earl Gregory, the righthander
who blanked the Ducks in Eugene,
started for Idaho but was shelled
from the mound. Jenkins and Knap
Coming to bat in the fifth with
two Ducks on the “pond," Jimmy
Nicholson, Oregon centcrficlder,
smashed a long home run. His
clout was the feature of the Ore
gon attack.
Leading hitters for Oregon were
Elmer Mallory who collected three
hits, and Pitcher Jasper who got
two blows. Roy Ramey, second
baseman, hit twice for Idaho.
Duck Netmen
Loselto Huskies
Washke's Charges
Are Beaten by
4 to 3 Score
.Living up to their advance rat
ing, the University of Washington
Huskies edged out Oregon’s tennis
team, 4 to 3, Saturday under a
blistering sun on the University
courts. The Washington team,
coached by Jack Torney, defeated
tlie Oregon State varsity the day
before, 4 to 3.
Captain Les Werschkul and Leon
ard Ciark, the Webfoots’ No. 1 and
2 men, scored significant wins
over Page and Uavenscroft, the
Huskies' top-notehers. Page was
northwest singles champ last year,
and Uavenscroft and Page were
doubles champs. Werschkul downed
Page, 4-6, 6-4, 6-1, in a bitterly
fought match.
Clark Triumphs
Leonard Clark, lefthander, de
feated Uavenscroft, 6-3, 5-7, 6-3.
The morning heat had a telling ef
Mallory, ss ...
Mullen, 2b
Smith, lb .
Quinn, 3b .
Nicholson, m
Jasper, p .
Walden, c .
White, 1 .
Cox, r .
Hardy, p .
Totals .
Atkins, 3b ...
Atkinson, ss
Metke, 1 .
West, m .
Hilton, lb.
Spicuzza, r
Harney, 2b ...
Price, c .
Gregory, p
“Young .
Jenkins, p
“'Kara .
Knap, p
.5 3 3 0 4 3
0 0
1 1
4 0
0 0
0 0 0
1 12 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 2 0
41 11 9
27 11
0 1
0 0
0 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
10 0
13 0 0
0 0 1
0 1
0 0
6 1
0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 0
0 0 0
35 7
7 27 14
11 9
- 7 7
Oregon 040 032 002
Idaho . 010 014 001
S: Batted for Gregory in 5th.
** Batted for Jenkins in 7th.
*** Batted for Knap in 9th.
Home run, Nicholson: tliree-base
hit, Hilton; two-base hit, Mallory.
Struck out by Jasper 8, Hardy 3,
Gregory 3, Knap 3. Bases on balls
off Hardy 1, Jasper 7, Jenkins 1,
Knap 1. Umpires- Walters and
Jaraltt. Time 2:30.
feet on the players. Clark and
Werschkul beat Page and Ravens
croft at their own game in the
doubles, 6-4 and 9-7. These were
the only wins for Oregon.
Washington’s Leroux won from
Dick Phillippi, 6-3 and 6-1, while
his teammate, Killingsworth, was
defeating Rex Applegate by a very
small margin. “Ap” took the first
set, 4-6; dropped the second, 6-3;
and then it was nip-and-tuck as
Killingsworth took the third, 7-5.
in the other singles match Ore
gon's Dick Williams lost to Coons,
8-6 and 6-2.
Ohio Wesleyan’s first coed never
spoke in class during her under
graduate career. (Modest or
dumb ?)
Busher Smith Tops
Webfoot Batsmen
With the season half over. Busher Smith, Oregon's classy fielding
and hard-hitting first-baseman, tops all Oregon batters with a mark
of .433. He has hit safely 13 times in 30 trips to the plate. Averages
include ail games until present road trip.
Opposing coaches respect Smith as the toughest man of the Oregon
lineup to "get out of there." Buck Bailey, Washington State mentor,
said of Smith: "he hits them anywhere you put them." In fact, if the
smiling, curly-haired Busher doesn't get at least two hits in a game,
Ill addition to nil this, Smith is
fielding 1.000. Ho has made 8ti
putouts and contributed six assists
in the eight games to date.
Million Second
Second in hitting, 27 points be
hind Smith, is Elmer Mallory, the
Junction City flash at shortstop
Mallory has bludgeoned out lb
blows in 37 trips with the willow
for an average of .100.
Others hitting over the .300
mark are Wimpy Quinn .355. Ford
Mullen .353, Bob Hardy .333, and
Whizzer White .313
Players fielding perfectly an)
Smith, Jack Jasper, Jim Uathbun,
M Linn. Tom Vox, and Whizzer
Hamer, rf 1
G. Smith, lb 30
Mallory, ss ;!7
Quinn, .'!b 31
Mullen. 2b 31
Hardy, }> 21
White, It 16
Nicholson, cf 30
Shiiushak, rf jy
Walden, <■ 21
Creighton, p 12
Cox, If K)
lg«c, p ;;
Linn, p .... 2
Hathbuu, c 3
Jasper, p . 1
W. Smith 1
Totals .
« it)
H A ve. <>
1 1.000 0
13 .433 83
15 .406 11
11 .355 10
13 .353 27
5 .313 5
8 .267 13
5 .263 7
0 250 30
2 .107 3
0 .000 8
0 .000 0
0 .000 0
0 .000 5
0 .000 o
0 .000 0
56 .300 216
A K I’ct.
0 0 .000
6 O 1.000
22 7 .825
10 3 .006
28 3 .018
7 1 .023
0 0 1.000
1 l .880
8 2 .050
1 1 .875
0 0 1.000
2 2 .500
2 0 1.000
1 0 1.000
1 0 1.000
0 0 .000
105 .5 .033
Tex Oliver’s
Gridmen Tip
All-Star II
Webfoots Score
27 to 3 Victory
Coach Tex Oliver took the wraps
off his latest football machine Sat
urday, and revealed a deadly pass
ing attack, and a sensational half
back find as his varsity defeated
an all-star team, 27 to 3.
Fought to a standstill through
the first quarter, the Ducks took
to the air to score on the last play
of the quarter. John Berry took a
13-yard pass from Don Mabee and
kicked the extra point to give the
Ducks a 7 to 0 lead.
Jay Scores
Midway in the second quarter
the varsity broke the all-star line
for the first and only time, with
Jackrabbit Jerry Graybeal romp
ing over right tackle for 21 yards
and a touchdown. Reginato missed
the kick, and the half ended that
way, 13 to 0.
Held by the all-star line, the
Webfoots again took to the air,
and it was Berry again who pro
vided the finishing touch. Berry
made a sensational catch of Leon
ard Isberg's bullet pass to score,
and kicked the second of his three
Ted Gebhardt took the kickoff,
and romped 65 yards through the
Webfoot team before he was spilled
on the 17. The Duck line stiffened
there, but three plays later Captain
Russ McGowan dropped back and
booted a field goal for the only
all-star score.
The varsity scored for the last
time late in the final quarter with
Denny Donovan taking a 33-yard
pass from Don Mabee to score, and
again Berry converted.
The greatest single discovery of
the game was Berry, 180-pound
transfer from Compton Junior col
lege, who turned in the outstand
ing all-round performance of the
game. Besides kicking three con
versions and scoring two touch
downs, he showed a slashing run
ning attack and exceptional pass
ing form.
A crowd of 2000 Junior Weekend
fans watched the game which
wound up 30 days of spring prac
tice for the football team.
Coed Tennis
Play Advances
Unless it rains, the following in
tramural tennis matches must be
played off by Wednesday evening
and the scores posted on the play
cards in Gerlinger by Thursday
Interhouse singles matches:
Phyllis Sanders, Theta, vs. Louise
Hodge, Alpha Chi O: Betty Lou
Kurtz, Chi O, vs. Marge Churchill,
Kappa; Beverly Steel, University
Co-op, vs. Marge Isler, Alpha Chi
O; Robin Nelson, Chi Oo, is sched
uled to play the winner of the
Steel-Isler match.
There are four matches lined up
fur all-campus singles players:
Until Fitch, Hendricks, vs. Robin
Nelson, Chi O; Betty Lou Kurtz,
Chi O. vs. Betty Murray, Chi O;
Jean Foster, Chi O, vs. Genevieve
Treadgold, DG; Margaret Graham,
Hendricks, vs. Bonnie Mangum,
Hilyard Co-op.
In the interhouse doubles there
are two matches to be played:
\ an Lobken-Steel, University Co
op. vs. Nelson-Root, Chi O; Larson
Kinney, Susie, vs. Cross-Stinson,
Pi Phi.
c arter Glass, senator from Vir
ginia, says: “A liberal is a man
who is willing to spend somebody
vise's money."
1 he l nivcrsity of Wisconsin husi
1 he only department of Gaelic in
an\ l nited States college or uni
The Harvard Cr i m son' an
nounced recently that a petition
was being circulated asking that
Granville Hicks, recently-ousted
Harvard Professor, be awarded a
scholarship to the University of
Moscow tor his "outstanding un
American qualities."
Complete Business Course
l imerslty Business College
Edward L. Ryan. B.S., LL.B.
l.O.O.F. Building Eugene
- „i -> m ..
Northern Division Standings
W L Pet.
Oregon .8 3 .727
Oregon State .7 3 .700
Idaho .5 6 .454
Wash. State .3 5 .375
Washington . 2 8 .200
At Idaho 7, Oregon 11.
At Washington State, Oregon
State (score not available).
Duck Golfers
Wallop Staters
Score Is 21 Vi to 5Vi;
Ben Hughes Cards
Sub Par 69
The Webfoot golf team added
another victory to their collection
Saturday when they defeated the
Oregon State varsity on the Cor
vallis country club course. Oregon
carded 21V2 points to the Staters
Benny Hughes, the Duck No. 5
man, was medalist with a sub par
69. Three of the Duck squad made
clean sweeps of their singles
matches and collected three points
apiece at the expense of the Bea
This is the first match this year
between the two teams and the.
Beavers will play in Eugene Sat
urday for a return match.
Frosh Nine
Loses to
Rooks, 7 to 3
Elliot Whiffs 21
Ducklings in First
Gene Elliot, bespectacled rook
southpaw quelled the big bats of
the frosh nine striking out 21 bats
men, and led his teammates to a
7 to 3 victory over the traditional
rivals at Beaverville Saturday af
Bill Musselman and Leland Dra
goo pitched fairly good ball, but
seven frosh errors contributed
heavily to their downfall.
Warren Returns
With Coach John Warren back
at the helm after more than a
week’s absence, the frosh face two
opponents this week. Wednesday
afternoon they will travel to
Woodburn and play a team which
they have previously defeated, 17
to 9. The big game of the week will
be Friday when the rooks will be
met in a return contest.
A belated Duckling rally in the
{Please turn to page three)
Sammies, Betas, Fijis, and
Theta Chis are Winners
In Intramural Softball
Theta Chi’s Wally McKenzie
missed intramural softball hall of
fame last night by one bunt made
by the opponent pitcher, Fred Da
vis of the Yeomen. Final score,
8 to 0.
Ten of the independents went j
down swinging under McKenzie’s;
fast ball. No one got to third in ’
the well-pitched game. Yeomen’s
chucker Davis whiffed eight Theta
Theta Chi got two in the second
on singles by Willie Reynolds and
Merle Hanscom, and then Ken
Phillips knocked them both in on
a hit. In the sixth, three markers
came across when Bob Anderson
banged in Phil Barrett, who scored
himself, and another runner scored
on an error.
Davis’ bunt came in the fourth
frame with no one on, and he died
on the bags. It was a well-placed
hit along the third base line.
Summary: R H E
Theta Chi. 120 023— 8 8 2
Yeomen . 000 000 0 1 3
Batteries: W. McKenzie and W.
Reynolds; F. Davis and H. Kemp.
Umpire, Dickie.
Fijis 5, Sigma Chi 4
Phi Gamma Delta sneaked a
softball win over the Sweethearts
from Sigma Chi last night, 5-4, by
making three tallies in the sixth
inning, and the winning run in
the seventh.
Sigma Chi got off to a good
start with a two-run lead made in
the second inning on a pair of
hits and an error after Fiji's got
one in the first. This lasted until
the sixth when Phi Gams made
their three.
Don McEachern scored the win
ning run in the seventh as he sin
gled for the second time and went
around on errors. Hal Adams;
threw a steady game for the Fijis,
striking out three and walking
none. Dick Peters for Sigma Chi
fanned and walked an equal num
ber. five.
Fijis.100 003 1—5 9 1
Sigma Chi .. 030 000 1—4 6 5
Batteries: H. Adams and P.
Bladine. D. Peters and C. Phelps.
Umpire. Huston.
Sigma Phi Epsilon won a soft
bait game by forfeit from Sigma
hall last night in what was sup
posed to be a make-up game. Onty
four of the hall men answered the
4 o’clock call.
Kappa Sigs scored a forfeit win
over the Fizzeds in a scheduled 4 1
o’clock game on the south softball
Softball invaded the frosh base
ball field yesterday as two post
poned games were played off.
Beta Tlneta Pi met Phi Kappa Psi
on even terms but then sent them
home suffering a 13-2 defeat. Sig
ma Alpha Mu and Sherry Ross hall
each had one of those hitting
sprees with the Sammies pounding
out a 12-7 win.
Betas 13, Phi Fsis 2
The Phi Kappa Psi ten outhit
the Beta squad but still suffered
defeat with the totals reading,
13-2. Fred Carlson and Herb Ham
er had a difficult time in finding
the range and therefore issued a
series of walks. The hits came at
the opportune time and Beta runs
came streaming across the plate.
The Phi Psis collected five hits off
Matt Pavalunas while the victors
hit Carlson and Hamer for four.
Three walks, two safeties along
with two errors, sent the victors
out to an early four-run lead. Five
more walks on no hits gave the
Betas five more runs in the second
while a hectic third shoved five
more runs across the platter to
give the conquerors a total of 13.
Pavalunas was touched for one hit
in the last of the first while two
more in the second sent one run
home. The only other tally for the
Phi Psi team came in the last of
the fourth when another hit forced
the second run over.
Summary: R H E
Beta Theta Pi . 445 0—13 4 2
Phi Kappa Psi ... 010 1— 2 5 5
Batteries’. Pavalunas and Bow
man; Carlson, Hamer and Collier.
Sammies 12, Sherry 7
The Sammies and Sherry Ross
combined yesterday afternoon to
oang out 19 runs with as many hits
in a free scoring contest. The
Dreek letter organization put on a
fourth inning rally to break a
seven-run tie and cop the contest
by a 12-7 margin. The losers scored
their seven runs in the first two
frames on five hits while SAM
scored in all but the third. Errors
were frequent with the dorm boys
collecting seven while their oppo
nents rang up five.
Three hits banged across as
many runs in the Sammy initial
inning with Sherry Ross retaliat
ing with two runs on as many
hits. Sammy Dan Davis smashed
but a long home run to drive three
bf thp victors' next four runs in
the second but five tallies tied the
score up in a knot when Sherry
Floss batted in their half of that
second. A scoreless third urged i
Dave Silver and he promptly;
1017 Willamette St. Fhone 118
Oregon Takes 1 hird
In Division Meet
Washington Staters Win Easily; Boyd
Brown; Ehle Reber, George Varoff
All Win First Places
Lacking weight men and high jumpers, the University of Oregon
took a strong third in the northern division track meet at Pullman
Saturday with 27 points. Washington State walked off with an easy
first, garnering 60% points, while Oregon State unleashed a surpris
ingly powerful assault against the well-balanced WSC team for a
second place and 34 points.
Oregon’s George Varoff set one of the afternoon's meet records with
a mark of 14 feet 1 inch in the pole vault. The former record was also
set by Varoff at 13 feet 11 Vi
inches. Rod Hansen, Varoff’s team
mate came through for any easy
second by clearing the bar at 13
feet 6 inches.
Brown First
Oregon took another first place
when Boyd Brown, Duck javelin
ace, heaved the spear 209 feet, 9H
inches, 23 feet farther than his
nearest competitor, Nelson of
Washington State.
Ehle Reber, promising sopho
more, garnered a third Oregon
first place by outjumping Mon
tana’s Seyler in the broad jump.
Reber reached 22 feet 10 inches,
while Seyler’s mark was eight |
inches shorter.
The results of the meet were
more or less of a disappointment
to Colonel Bill Hayward who had
hopes of his boys getting 40 points
and a second place.
One of the reason’s for Oregon’s
fairly mediocre showing was the
loss of Jim Buck, star sprinter wrho
has been out of competition most
of the season, who pulled his ail
ing thigh muscle in the trial heat
of the high hurdles.
Bob Diez, dusky sophomore
speedballer who threatens to blos
som into another Mack Robinson,
was the only Webfoot dash man to
win points. He took a third in the
100 and a fourth in the 220.
Kirman Storli, Oregon’s 8S0
champion of last year, was defeat
ed by Bill Dale of WSC, who holds
the Canadian half-mile crown, in
the fast time of 1:52.2.
Garner Wins
Oregon's long distance men ran
into difficulties against Washing
ton State’s stellar runners. Dixie
Garner, Cougar ace, took the mile
event in the fast time of 4:16.4,!
breaking the met record by four
tenths of a second.
Bob Mitchell took a fourth in the
mile for the Ducks and Don Barker
placed fourth in the two-mile
grind. Barker has bettered the win
ning time consistently throughout
the season but had one of his off
days against the Cougar's Garner
rapped out a triple to help drive
five run in which put the game on
ice for the Sammies.
Summary: R H E
Sigma Alpha Mu 340 5—12 12 5
Sherry Ross 250 0— 7 7 7
Battereis: Silver and Herzog;
Manatowa and Pappan.
Frosh Golfers
Tip Rooks, 20-7
Much to everybody’s surprise the
Oregon Duckling golfers defeated
the rooks here Saturday and not
only that, they did it in a very
convincing form by taking 20
points to the rooks' 7.
The frosh carded 13 points in the
morning singles while the rooks
were collecting five, and in the
doubles the frosh netted seven to
the rooks' two
The star performance of the
day was turned in by Don Cawley,
the frosh No. 2 man. Cawley shot
a 31 on the first nine, par 71, and a
37 on the second nine of the
Laurel wood course to be medalist
for the day. Both Cawley and
Stickles, Duckling No. 1 man, col
lected three points from their op
AIi'ii desiring summer |
employment in north- i
west. ' !
1’ill out applications in j
the Men s Lounge, (ier
linger llall. from to «’>
Wednesday. ;
and Wooten who finished neck and
neck in 9:49.4.
Lloyd Dod took a fourth in the
120-yard high hurdles to complete
Oregon's scoring.
Phone 3300 Local 354
First day .2c per word
Subsequent days.lc per word
Three consecutive times 4c per word and a
fourth time FREE with cash pay
Minimum ad ten words.
Ads will be taken over the telephone
>n a charge basis if the advertiser is a
mbscriber to the phone.
Mailed advertisements must have suf
icient remittance enclosed to cover defi
lite number of insertions.
Ads must be in Emerald business of
ice not later than 6 :00 p.m. prior to the
iay of insertion.
Arrangements for monthly rates will
»e made upon application.
• Lost
LOST—Sigma Chi daughter pin,
Saturday nite, May 6. Return to
Betty Jean Caldwell. Phone 3608.
Chemistry” in 8 Commerce. Re
turn to Emerald or Stanley Min
•For Sale
FOR SALE — Eastman Duo 620
camera, with Eveready case, 3
filters, range finder, portrait, at
tachment, lens hood. New $75.
Sell for $50. John Tiffany, Tif
fany-Davis Drug.
FOR SALE: 1937 Chevrolet 4-door
Master sedan. Phone 776-R eve
YOUNG MAN’S Oxford grey suit.
Good condition. Size 36. Reason
able. Phone 548.
• Found
Dr. W. D. Smith found keys in
Condon. Owner must come to
Smith for keys. Keys in leather
• Picture Framing_
Distinctive Picture Framing
Formerly Oriental Art Shop
122 East Broadway
• Film Developing
each roll of films. Free develop
ing—3c each print, 1 DAY SER
VICE. Complete line Barbara
Gould, Dorothy Perkins, Elmo,
Evening in Paris cosmetics.
Penny Wise Drug, 40 E. Brdwy.
• Used Cars
and Chevrolets, 29-31. Coupes,
Roadsters, Sedans. 139 W
Broadway. Phone 1873.
* Flowers
I OR '1HAT CORSAGE that is dif
ferent call Archanibeau’s, phone
458 or 1688-R. Main entrance
Producers’ Public Market.
* Radiator Repair
THIS AD good for 50c on Radia
tor Work. Coak’s Radiator Ser
vice. Ph. 2080, 940 Pearl.
* Radios
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