Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 13, 1939, Men's Edition, Image 1

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They Won Cups
Roy Vernstrom (left) was awarded the Koyl eup and Rita W'rljfht
the Gerlinger eup last night.
‘ Roy Vernstrom Wins
Koyl Cup; Rita Wright
Gerlinger Cup Winner
Awards Made to Outstanding Juniors
At Junior Prom; Both Active in Campus
Affairs During Three Years at Oregon
Rita C. Wright is the outstanding junior woman of the year, and
Roy N. Vernstrom the outstanding junior man.
These selections, announced at the Junior Prom last night, were
made by subcommittees on awards, headed by Dean Hazel P. Schwer
j ing and Dean Virgil D. Earl. Vernstrom is the 25th winner of the
* Koyl cup, awarded annually to a man, and Miss Wright the 21st winner
of the Gerlinger cup, which goes yearly to a woman.
Miss Wright, whose home is in Condon, is a journalism
Co-ops Win
Burt Brown
Barker Cups
Girls' Co-op Club
Gains Permanent
Trophy Posession
The Burt Brown Barker cups for
outstanding scholastic achievement
on the University campus were
yesterday awarded to the girls’
co-op club and Campbell Co-op No.
The girls’ co-op club gained per
manent possession of the women’s
trophy, for this marks the third
consecutive time the organization
has won it. ,
The Canard club won the men’s
cup last year.
Dr. Burt Brown Barker, vice
president of the University began
offering this award for scholastic
excellency several years ago and
it has been a feature of spring
term since.
Susan Campbell Has
'Open House' Today
Susan Campbell hall will throw
open its doors this afternoon to
members of the Orides, Yeomen,
Hendricks hall and the six men’s
dorms, and their mothers in an
open house celebration.
Spring flowers will decorate the
rooms. Special features have been
arranged for the mothers and the
entire dorm will be open for in
Oreganas Wait
For 333 Buyers;
Office Open
Oreganas are still waiting for
333 students at the educational
activities office at McArthur
court, it was announced last
night by Dick Williams, business
manager of the yearbook.
The office will be open from
8 a.m. until noon today, and the
333 are urged to call for their
major wno nas Deen active m cam
pus life throughout her three years
on the campus. She has been a
member of the staff of the Oregon
Daily Emerald, was chosen the
“Little Colonel” of the Military
Ball, was nominated this year for
president of Associated Women
students, and is president of her
chapter of Alpha Phi, national
sorority. Her scholarship has been
well above average in her three
years in the University and, in the
judgment of the committee, she
maintains with high credit the
standard of general efficiency set
by the 20 preceding winners of the
Vernstrom, like Miss Wright, is
' a major in journalism and is head
| of his house, the Delta Tau Delta
i fraternity. His scholarship has
| been consistently close to three
point (B), and he is recognized as
one of the most efficient activity
men on the campus. He is just
completing his third year of activ
ity on the Oregana, the student
yearbook, and was associate editor
under Don Root on this year’s can
i didate for all-American rating.
i Vernstrom is the author of what
many are saying are the cleverest
written descriptions of campus
men, women, and events they have
(Please turn to puge tnree)
Wonderland’ of '39 Junior Weekend
To Be Climaxed by Today’s Events
Fete Tops
'Race Spectacle
Will Show Before
Huge Audience
The stage is dark. The water
curtain is brilliantly lighted. The
audience seating lights go out and
the stage lights on.
There we see Art Holman’s or
chestra dressed as a garden of
wild flowers. Music from the hand
of Deems Taylor starts the biggest
canoe fete spectacle ever held on
the campus of the University of
Oregon. We say the biggest be
cause all but five single general ad
mission seats have been sold. Few
er reserved and more general ad
mission seats were available this
The fete begins at 8:30 tonight
and is the climax event of the
entire weekend.
Rabbit Unrolls Scroll
The white rabbit (played by
Freeman Patton) unrolls his scroll
with an orchestral fanfare. He
“Thus grew the tale of Wonder
Thus slowly one by one
Its quaint events were hammered
And now the tale is done.
So now we show her dream to
Beneath the setting sun.”
Ten floats, representing 20 men’s,
and women’s living organizations,
will pass before Queen Maxine I
and her royal court. One float will
be lucky because it will receive a
prize for the excellence of its con
struction. And don’t be surprised—
and don’t change your brand of
liquor—if you should see some sort
of apparition finding its way down
the race during the lull between
the last float and the judging.
Float Order Listed
The floats will come through the
water curtain in this order:
“Jabberwocky,” Alpha Delta Pi
and Sigma Phi Epsilon.
“Walrus and the Carpenter,”
Hendricks hall and Sigma Nu.
“The Mad Teaparty,” Delta Gam
ma and Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
“The Caterpillar Scene,” Susan
I Campbell hall and Chi Psi.
“The Duchess and the Pig,” Zeta
Tau Alpha and Fiji.
“The House of Cards,” Alpha
Gamma Delta and Theta Chi.
“The Croquet Game,” Chi Omega
and Sigma Chi.
“The Lion and the Unicorn,”
Kappa Alpha Theta and Kappa
“Tweedledum and Tweedledee,”
Kappa Kappa Gamma and ATO.
[ “Humpty Dumpty,” Pi Beta Phi
: and Omega hall.
(Please turn to page three)
Mother Is Best Friend*
UO Males Tell Reporter
“A man's best friend is his moth
er" in the opinion of Oregon males,
an intensive survey revealed last
Good cooking, sense of humor,
and understanding were but a few
of the qualities the "stronger” sex
listed as the things they like best
about their mothers.
A typical man-about-the-campus
appreciates the independence his
mother gives him and the confi
dence she has in his doings—
"She's tops,” he affirmed.
Frosh Speaks Mind
"I don't think fellows take their
mothers for granted as much as
girls do,” a freshman remarked.
“His mother is a man's best
pal,” said another. "She is always
willing to help you with your prob
lems and give you advice when you
need it.”
"My mother is the only person
i in the world who thinks I am the
only person in the world,” con
fessed a rather confused individual.
“Maybe I have an inferiority com
A social science student asks
‘What about stepmothers?”, then
goes on to say that his is always
there to lend a helping hand. Tak
ing a philosophical attitude, he
says the little differences they
sometimes have "just go to make
life interesting, I gtiess.”
Sense of Humor
“I admire my mother’s sense of
humor most of all,” an Emerald
staff worker revealed. “When I’m
feeling low I can always count on
Mom for a little encouragement
and a brighter outlook on life.”
An ex-student-body presidential
candidate observed: “Most of all,
I admire my mother’s understand
ing. It’s beyond me how she can
keep on loving me, but she does,
and it’s kind of nice!”
This Queen and Her Court Rule Campus Wonderland
Queen Maxine I (Maxine Glad) sits here amid her court alter the
crowning ceremony which officially opened Junior Weekend at the
campus luncheon yesterday. From left to right are Princess Helen
[ Gillum, Princess Patsy Taylor, Queen Maxine I, Princess Alyce Rogers,
and Princess Margaret Williams.— (Photograph by George Godfrey,
engraving by Blil Pengra.)
Song Title
Sigma Chi Loses
In Final Round
Of House Singing
The finest group of male singers
on the campus are the boys from
Alpha Tau Omega, according to
the decision of the judges in the
annual men's living organization
song contest.
Finals in the song contest, spon
sored by Phi Mu Alpha, men’s mu
sic honorary, were held at 4 o’clock
yesterday afternoon in the music
The ATOs won out in a close
contest over the groups from the
SAE house and Sigma Chi. These
three won out in the semifinals
held this week.
Each Sings Three
Each house sang three songs.
All three sang the Oregon pledge
song and each house picked one of
their fraternity songs for their
second number. For the third selec
tion each house was to pick one
from a list submitted to them by
the sponsors. This list of possible
choices was, “Drink to Me Only
With Thine Eyes,’’ “Dedication,”
“Sylvia,” and “Carry Me Back to
Old Virginny.” Strangely enough,
all three houses picked “Drink to
Me Only With Thine Eyes.”
The ATOs, by virtue of the vic
tory, will hold for one year the
song contest cup, donated by the
Bristow Jewelry store. The cup
was won in 1937 by Alpha hall and
in 1938 by Delta Tau Delta.
Sweetheart of ATO
The ATOs sang for their fratern
ity song choice “Sweetheart of
ATO.” The SAEs sang “Violets”
and the Sigma Chis sang “Sweet
heart of Sigma Chi.”
Judges in the contest were:
Louis Artau, assistant professor of
music, Munroe Richardson, gradu
ate assistant in vocal music, and
Glenn Griffith, director of the Eu
gene Junior Gleemen and music
teacher at Eugene high school.*
Junior Weekend Program
8:30 Painting the “O” by the Frosh at Skinner’s Butte.
9:00 Frosh-Soph “Tug o’ War.”
9:45 Mothers’ club meeting in Johnson Hall.
12:30 Lunch in living organizations.
2:00 Football game.
2:00 to 3:00 Dedication of new Browsing Room.
5:30 Mothers' banquet in John Straub Memorial Building.
8:30 Canoe Fete "Alice’in Wonderland.”
11:00 Special services for mothers in all Eugene churches.
1:00 Dinner in all living organizations.
Campus Swings to Rythms
Of Holman at Junior Prom
Junior Prom, annual spring fashion show on the campus, was just
that last night when several hundred couples danced to the smooth
rhythms of Art Holman and his boys. The multi-colored canopy and
wonderland decorations, including the art work on the walls, blended
into a perfect background for the annual prom.
And what gowns were worn! Everything from rainbows to flower
gardens. There were even flower gardens in some of the coeds’ heads!
Fete Ruler
To Enter on
Own Float
Queen Maxine
Will Open Fete
On Race Tonight
Queen Maxine I, ruler of the
canoe fete, the prom, the campus
luncheon, athletic contests, and
the realms that be, will make her
dramatic entrance tonight on her
own private float.
The Queen’s float will part the
beautifully illuminated water cur
tain stratched across the millrace
in a spectacular opening of the
1939 Junior Weekend canoe fete.
Queen Maxine’s aquatic carriage
will carry her gracefully up to the
stage, and everyone will prepare
(Please turn to page three)
Ralph Cathey courted a beauti
ful rainbow in Sue Peil. And there
were several “ladies in red.” Clau
dett Colbert was there in the per
son of one Sally Mitchell. Ed Av
erill’s steady from the DG house
copped the honors of wearing the
"dress of the week,” a cream-col
ored brocade if my eyes didn't de
ceive me with dark velvet bodice.
Eleanor Swift, courted by Bill Ros
son, came in a proverbial football
affair, showing the full back! June
(Please turn to fiaae three)
Tug-o'-War Foes
Will Restrain
Selves Until 9:30
The annual frosh-sophomore
tug-o’-war will be held this
morning at 9:30 instead of at 9
as originally planned, it was an
nounced last night.
Hurried conferences between
Junior Weekend authorities and
officials of the Southern Pacific
railroad brought out the fact
that a through train will be
passing through about 9 o’clock.
Since the "war” will be held
where the tracks and highway
cross the millrace, both frosh
and sophomore class presidents
agreed to restrain themselves
until 9:30.
Fete Floats in Preparation
Discussed by 'Rover’ Scribe
Beauty and individuality are to
reign supreme tonight at the
canoe fete but last night when the
the Emerald’s newly-installed rov
ing reporter chanced to do some
roving down by the millrace, all
that could be seen were 10 flat
bottomed barges that will stand
the weather and paint. Wet paint.
Wanta prove it ?
This reporter went down to get
a few facts on the themes, etc.,
of the floats, and all I could get
was sh-sh-sh-sh- it’s a secret. Well,
what about all this stuff that has
been appearing in the Emerald, I
asked, yhe Theta Chis, Kappa Sigs,
and Sigma Chis would talk, but
everyone had his secret.
Frosh Take Beating
The freshmen sure do take a
beating on Junior Weekend’s Sat
urday. Beside painting the ‘'O",
suffering at the hands of the soph
omores in the tug-oo’-war they
are the ones who have to do all
the pulling and steering of the
floats downstream tonight in that
1 d—m cold millrace, and if you
don’t think it’s cold just jump in
some time.
At 7:30 last night, about 4f> The
ta Chis came down University
street with their float on their
shoulders. The float with aces,
(Please turn to page three)
Usually It's
Dry Pool-But
Not Yesterday
That poor dry little pool, dry
every day except when Junior
Weekend comes around, did a
rushing business yesterday.
Heads were ducked by the
hundreds by the Order of the
“O” men at the campus lunch
eon yesterday. Jonathan Ziady,
John Henry Nash’s chief assist
ant, was the first to suffer the
fate, via the talking-to-women
But they didn’t stop there, for
■ many Oregon men and Oregon
women who suffered the same
fate, after Mr. Ziady cheerfully
took his beating.
Feature of
Maxine I Starts
Reign; Pledging
Highlights Day
It didn’t take any dinner bell to
let an acre or more people know
it was campus luncheon time yes
terday at noon. If there had been
a bell, whether for dinner or lunch,
it would have been the nearest
thing: possible to an official signal
for the transformation of the cam
pus into Alice’s Wonderland.
With the first serving of cam
pus luncheon, the 1939 Junior
Weekend was under way, to main
tain its "Wonderland” atmosphere
for two and a half days.
The transformation was made
official when Maxine Glad was
crowned Queen Maxine I by Junior
Class President Scott Corbett, in
augurating a rule which held over
,the luncheon, which continued at
the prom last night, and which
will have its climax tonight in the
strikingly original “Alice Tn Won
derland” canoe fete. Holding court
on the platform with the queen
were the four princesses of the
royal family, Patsy Taylor, Mar
garet Williams, Helen Gillam, and
Alyce Rogers.
Weather Man Kind
Favored by ideal weather, very
warm for this time of spring, the
leadoff event attracted the usual
solid mass of lunch-inclined Junior
Weekenders, the green between
Friendly and Fenton being hidden
by the picnickers.
Pledging by Friars, men’s senior
service honorary, and Mortar
Board, the equivalent for senior
women, saw eight men and five
women receive bids into the two
groups. Friars tapped John Dick,
Roy Vernstrom, Scott Corbett,
Lloyd Hoffman, Bud Jermain, El
mer Fansett, Bill Van Dusen, and
Bob Anet< while Mortar Board
pledged Anne Frederiksen, Jean
nette Hafner, Patsy Taylor,
Blanche Brown, and Joan Murphy.
All the usual color characteris
tic of campus luncheons was pres
ent at this one. Asklepiad pledges
wound about the crowd in their
ghostly operating room garments
with their stretcher. Lettermen
were kept busy wearing a trail to
the dunking fountain where tie
and white shoe wearers and boys
talking to girls paid the price for
their violation of the rules.
Moves to Millrace
There was a short program pre
sided over by “White Rabbit”
Freeman Patton, official announc
er for the weekend. The Rabbit,
true to character, appeared in a
greeen satin suit with long flap
ping rabbitty ears. Frosh and soph
class presidents challenged each
other for tomorrow’s tug-of-war.
After the luncheon the crowd
(Please turn to page three)
Silver Queen
Of Mock Fete
“Davy” Silver, errant knight of
the law school, rode down the mill
race on the queen's float yesterday
to the cheers and boos of some
1000 students, mothers and visi
tors gathered for the annual mock
canoe fete.
The queen’s float was beautiful
as it gracefully floated down the
race. The design and materials
were highly praised by all who saw
it. Some even said that it was made
of the best grade of rough lumber
! available in Eugene. Across the
make-believe looking glass from
“Queen Davy” rode a beautiful gill
clad in formal dress of the latest
Others events on the program
included several exhibitions of
clown diving, log rolling, unusual
swimming formations by members
of the Amphibians, women’s swim
ming team.