Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 12, 1939, Special Edition, Image 1

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    Junior Weekend
Special Edition—
Twelve Pages
Regal Ruler of Wonderland
I Queen Maxine I (Maxine Glad) . . . will begin her three day reign today at 12:30 when the royal
crown is placed on her head. The charming queen, in addition to presiding over the cereftionies today,
will rule at the Junior prom tonight and the Canoe Fete Saturday.
First Day Sees
1604 Oreganas
Sixteen hundred and four cop
ies of the 1939 "most beautiful"
Oregana were carried away yes
terday by proud and happy own
ers. And there are still 428 which
must be claimed by noon today,
according to DickAVilliams, Ore
gana business manager.
Oregana distribution will be
gin at 8 o’clock today and con
(Please turn to page 10)
'Y' Bungalow to Be
Headquarters for
Independent Moms
Students not a f f i 1 i a. t e d with
houses, dorms, or co-ops have been
invited to use the YWCA bungalow
as headquarters for their mothers
during the weekend, Mrs. John
Stark Evans, executive secretary,
announced yesterday.
Both men and women students,
Orides and Yeomen, and other stu
dents living at home or off the
campus should feel free to use the
bungalow as a place to entertain
their mothers or to rest at any
time, she said.
Freshmen to
Apply New Coat
Of Paint to O'
Guided by dawn's early light,
the frosh will assemble much
used paints and brushes and
wearily give the Skinner’s butte
“O” another coat of paint. Am
bitious frosh painters are to
meet at the “O” at 8:30, Ted
Swartz, chairman, said last
The “O” was painted about a
(Please turn to page 10>
Coronation of Queen
Will Officially Open
3-Day Celebration
Maxine I to Reign Over'Greatest
Of All Weekends’; 11 o’Clock
Classes Are Excused
Action by the student affairs committee late yesterday secured at
release of all 11 o’clock classes this morning as a special Junior Week
end feature, Dean of Personnel Karl W. Onthank announced last night.
“ 'The time has come,’ the walrus said and he was right . . 4
it has come!
Today at high noon the entire student body of the University of
Oregon will see charming Maxine Glad crowned as Queen Alice of
Oregon's Junior Weekend ‘'Wonderland’’ to start the gay three-day;
festival at the traditional campus luncheon.
Alice and her court will rule tonight at the Junior prom at Mc
Arthur court, amid a wonderland I —---•
of flowers, formals, soft lights arul
Art Holman's mysic. At 10:30 the
queen will enter the ball room and
graciously acknowledge her danc
ing subjects. Highlight of the even
ing will be the awarding of the
Koyle and Gerlinger cups to the
outstanding junior man and wo
All “Wonderland” will outdo it
self to entertain Alice and her four
looking-glass princesses, Helen
Gillam, Patsy Taylor, Alyce Rog
Students wishing to attend the
campus luncheon this noon must
buy tickets cither from living
organization chairmen or at the
ticket booth between Commerce
and Oregon anytime between 8
o’clock and noon, it was an
; nounced last night. No students
| will be admitted without tickets,
j Tickets are priced at 25 cents
; for students. Mothers who regis
! ter at Johnson hall between 8
and 13 o'clock will be admitted
' ers, and Margaret Williams.
| Oregon students will combine
| Mother's day with the spring term
' carnival season and will honor
their mothers throughout the en
the weekend at banquets, teas,
and, of course, the canoe fete.
Banquet tables, set up between
Fenton hall and Friendly, will
groan with tasty picnic foods, to be
distributed to the long lines of
hungry merrymakers by members
of Kwama, Phi Theta Upsilon, and
Skull and Dagger. Patsy Taylor is
chairman in charge of the lunch
Today's festivities will climax
the University careers of men who
t Please turn to page 10)
Sigma Chis,
Gain Finals
Song Contest
Set for 3 Today in
Music Building
Final contestants in the inter-*
fraternity singing contest spon
sored by Phi Mu Alpha, men’s mu
sic honorary, will vie this after
noon for the honor of the belt
singing organization on the cam
The Sigma Chi, Alpha Tau Ome
ga, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon fra
ternities were selected by the
judges to enter the final contest
this afternoon in the Music build*
■ ing at 4 o’clock.
Each organization will sing three
songs. The required number is the
Oregon pledge song with the sec
( ond number a fraternity song of
their own choice, The third num
ber is a choice between ’’Drink t®
Me Only With Thine Eyes,” “Dedi
cation,” "Sylvia,” and “Carry Mo
Back to Old Virginny.”
The judges will be Louis Artful*
professor of music, Munroe Rich
ardson, graduate assistant in vocul
music, and Glenn Griffith, director
of the Eugene Junior Gleemen.
Authoress Ida M. Tarbell is con
ducting a special course on biogia
phy writing at Allegheny college.